bentom Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 Hi all, perhaps someone has an idea or did something like this before and can help me. I want to write a little script that translates numbers [0-9] into keys. (Like on Mobile Phone). The idea behind is to have a possibility to use my remote control for internet browsing on my HTPC. To give an example: You send an "2" via remote and an A appears. By repeating the "2" within 1sec it changes to B and so on. I think the best way would be with hot keys. Did somebody here this before? Regards, B
Zibit Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 i've never heard that somebody have made this but yeah hotkeyset is a good choice indeed. Creator Of Xtreme DevelopersPixel Pattern UDFTray GUI UDFMathssend & recive register scriptMouse Control via Webcam
AoRaToS Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 The thing is, how will you Hotkey a button that's on the remote control and not on the keyboard? I've thought of this in the past, do you have an application that captures what's sent from the remote? Try Event Ghost, try setting events for each of the keys or automate that application (make your script monitor it) and get the codes when they are sent in and set the hotkeys that need to be sent s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
AoRaToS Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Actually, after searching a bit... The Event Ghost app is really good, you can probably do what you want to mostly by using it! Use the keyboard macro it has and you'll manage most, then a script shouldn't be that hard to make for the rest! It won't do it all for you though... You can let's say assing: A to number 2 D to number 3 G to number 4 J to number 5 M to number 6 P to number 7 T to number 8 W to number 9 Space to number 0 If you assign more to each it'll probably just send them one after the other once you press the button so that's not good. Then all you need is to make a script that will change the hotkeys depending on how many times you press in amount of time hotkey for letter A should be A you press 2, it saves A to variable and sets hotkey for A to B, if you press again it saves B in the place of A and sets hotkey for A to C it should be possible I was thinking of making an app to send the remote control commands to my pc because the remote control is hooked up to another computer that has IR, apparently the functionality is already there in the form of a plugin which sends the remote control commands over the network to Event Ghost running the receiver plugin, so I used that instead and didn't need to code anything! Really useful! s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
AoRaToS Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 I've made some code, it should be working quite ok for such a little time I spent, I'm bored to bring the TV remote to try it out since i'll have to set it up to send the commands to my pc or put he script on the other which i'm also bored to do... Because I found this interesting and wanted to see it work I wrote the code and will improve it by adding more things like small letters after the capitals and numbers after them, if you're interested in this as you started this topic, download the app I told you and i'll help you set it up the way I've thought of it, it should work... My code is quite simple and there's surely an optimized way using the ascii codes, but my example is just the start...answer here so we can try this out! s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
bentom Posted January 28, 2011 Author Posted January 28, 2011 Thank you very much for your answers. I just started the code. Unfortunatelly I have some problems with it. Attached you find my code. It would be perfect if someone colud help me with the function and timer. I'n not a specialist :-) Hopefully it's not that worde. It would help ti have one example the others of course I can add myself Regards, B expandcollapse popup#include <array.au3> dim $sms[9][5] $SMS[0][0] = 2 $SMS[0][1] = "{SPACE}" $SMS[0][2] = "0" $SMS[1][0] = 5 $SMS[1][1] = "." $SMS[1][2] = "," $SMS[1][3] = "?" $SMS[1][4] = "{!}" $SMS[1][5] = "'" $SMS[2][0] = 5 $SMS[2][1] = "a" $SMS[2][2] = "b" $SMS[2][3] = "c" $SMS[2][4] = "2" $SMS[2][5] = "ä" $SMS[3][0] = 4 $SMS[3][1] = "d" $SMS[3][2] = "e" $SMS[3][3] = "f" $SMS[3][4] = "3" $SMS[4][0] = 4 $SMS[4][1] = "g" $SMS[4][2] = "h" $SMS[4][3] = "i" $SMS[4][4] = "4" $SMS[5][0] = 4 $SMS[5][1] = "j" $SMS[5][2] = "k" $SMS[5][3] = "l" $SMS[5][4] = "5" $SMS[6][0] = 4 $SMS[6][1] = "m" $SMS[6][2] = "n" $SMS[6][3] = "o" $SMS[6][4] = "6" $SMS[7][0] = 5 $SMS[7][1] = "p" $SMS[7][2] = "q" $SMS[7][3] = "r" $SMS[7][4] = "s" $SMS[7][5] = "7" $SMS[8][0] = 4 $SMS[8][1] = "t" $SMS[8][2] = "u" $SMS[8][3] = "v" $SMS[8][4] = "8" $SMS[9][0] = 5 $SMS[9][1] = "w" $SMS[9][2] = "x" $SMS[9][3] = "y" $SMS[9][4] = "z" $SMS[9][5] = "9" dim $begin, $dif, $i $i = 0 HotKeySet("2","two") while 1 WEnd Func two() ConsoleWrite($i & " " & $dif & @LF) $i = $i + 1 HotKeySet("2") if $i = 1 then $begin = TimerInit() Send($SMS[2][$i]) Else $dif = TimerDiff($begin) if $dif < 1000 Then Send($SMS[2][$i]) $begin = TimerInit() Else Send($SMS[2][$i-1]) $i = 0 EndIf EndIf HotKeySet("2","two") endfunc
AoRaToS Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Something like this, it does need allot o improving, it freezes if you leave it to B: Just run the example and press A a few times, if you let it to a or c it's somewhat ok, if you let it to B it stops working (it needs looking into) DON'T LET IT B (hahaha) Try it out: Global $timer HotKeySet("{a}", "SendKeyA") Func SendKeyA() Send("A") $timer = TimerInit() HotKeySet("{a}", "SendKeyB") EndFunc ;==>SendKeyA Func SendKeyB() If TimerDiff($timer) < 800 Then Send("{Backspace}") Send("B") $timer1 = TimerInit() If TimerDiff($timer1) > 1000 Then HotKeySet("{a}", "SendKeyA") Else HotKeySet("{a}", "SendKeyC") EndIf Else HotKeySet("{a}", "SendKeyA") EndIf EndFunc ;==>SendKeyB Func SendKeyC() If TimerDiff($timer) < 1000 Then Send("{Backspace}") Send("C") HotKeySet("{a}", "SendKeyA") EndIf EndFunc ;==>SendKeyC While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
jvanegmond Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Something like this, it does need allot o improving, it freezes if you leave it to B: Just run the example and press A a few times, if you let it to a or c it's somewhat ok, if you let it to B it stops working (it needs looking into) DON'T LET IT B (hahaha) Much too complicated. He wants to bind 0 to ABC. No need for fiddling with HotKeySet and such. Local $timer Local $lastSentKey HotKeySet("0", "SendKey0") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD0}", "SendKey0") While 1 Sleep(500) WEnd Func SendKey0() If TimerDiff($timer) > 800 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case "a" Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send("b") Case "b" Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send("c") Case Else _send("a") EndSwitch EndFunc Func _send($key) $timer = TimerInit() Send($key) $lastSentKey = $key EndFunc
bentom Posted January 28, 2011 Author Posted January 28, 2011 Hi again, thank you so much for the input. Now I tried to do it for all numkeys. The code I have yet is this. I have the problem that i cannot give the proper key to the fuction. Can someone help. Thank you again :-) Regards, B expandcollapse popupLocal $timer Local $lastSentKey dim $sms[10][10] $SMS[0][0] = 2 $SMS[0][1] = "{SPACE}" $SMS[0][2] = "0" $SMS[1][0] = 5 $SMS[1][1] = "." $SMS[1][2] = "," $SMS[1][3] = "?" $SMS[1][4] = "{!}" $SMS[1][5] = "'" $SMS[2][0] = 5 $SMS[2][1] = "a" $SMS[2][2] = "b" $SMS[2][3] = "c" $SMS[2][4] = "2" $SMS[2][5] = "ä" $SMS[3][0] = 4 $SMS[3][1] = "d" $SMS[3][2] = "e" $SMS[3][3] = "f" $SMS[3][4] = "3" $SMS[4][0] = 4 $SMS[4][1] = "g" $SMS[4][2] = "h" $SMS[4][3] = "i" $SMS[4][4] = "4" $SMS[5][0] = 4 $SMS[5][1] = "j" $SMS[5][2] = "k" $SMS[5][3] = "l" $SMS[5][4] = "5" $SMS[6][0] = 4 $SMS[6][1] = "m" $SMS[6][2] = "n" $SMS[6][3] = "o" $SMS[6][4] = "6" $SMS[7][0] = 5 $SMS[7][1] = "p" $SMS[7][2] = "q" $SMS[7][3] = "r" $SMS[7][4] = "s" $SMS[7][5] = "7" $SMS[8][0] = 4 $SMS[8][1] = "t" $SMS[8][2] = "u" $SMS[8][3] = "v" $SMS[8][4] = "8" $SMS[9][0] = 5 $SMS[9][1] = "w" $SMS[9][2] = "x" $SMS[9][3] = "y" $SMS[9][4] = "z" $SMS[9][5] = "9" HotKeySet($i, "SendKey) ;HotKeySet("{NUMPAD0}", "SendKey0") While 1 Sleep(500) WEnd Func SendKey() If TimerDiff($timer) > 800 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case $SMS[$i][1] Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send($SMS[$i][2]) Case $SMS[$i][2] Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send($SMS[$i][3]) Case $SMS[$i][3] Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send($SMS[$i][4]) Case $SMS[$i][4] Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send($SMS[$i][5]) Case Else _send($SMS[$i][1]) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _send($key) $timer = TimerInit() Send($key) $lastSentKey = $key EndFunc
AoRaToS Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 I was just thinking of it a different way that's why i used HotkeySet(), I'll see what I can do to make this work... s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
bentom Posted January 28, 2011 Author Posted January 28, 2011 Thank you very much. Very nice. I tried it about 2 hours now but didn't get it. Regrads, B
AoRaToS Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 I've fixed the code, I'm now trying to find a way to hook it up to events from a remote! s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
AoRaToS Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 (edited) After searching a bit, the functionality is already there, multitap can be done with the application I use, directly, without AutoIt... It would be nice to be done with AutoIt only, but you'll have to somehow get the remote control events... Anyway, the code with Hotkeys: expandcollapse popup;based on original code by Manadar Local $timer Local $lastSentKey HotKeySet("{NumPad1}", "SendKey1") HotKeySet("{NumPad2}", "SendKey2") HotKeySet("{NumPad3}", "SendKey3") HotKeySet("{NumPad4}", "SendKey4") HotKeySet("{NumPad5}", "SendKey5") HotKeySet("{NumPad6}", "SendKey6") HotKeySet("{NumPad7}", "SendKey7") HotKeySet("{NumPad8}", "SendKey8") HotKeySet("{NumPad9}", "SendKey9") HotKeySet("{NumPad0}", "SendKey0") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func SendKey1() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc(".") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc(",")) Case Asc(",") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("@")) Case Asc("@") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc(".")) Case Else _send(Asc(".")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey2() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("A") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("B")) Case Asc("B") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("C")) Case Asc("C") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("a")) Case Asc("a") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("b")) Case Asc("b") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("c")) Case Asc("c") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("2")) Case Asc("2") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("A")) Case Else _send(Asc("A")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey3() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("D") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("E")) Case Asc("E") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("F")) Case Asc("F") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("d")) Case Asc("d") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("e")) Case Asc("e") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("f")) Case Asc("f") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("3")) Case Asc("3") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("D")) Case Else _send(Asc("D")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey4() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("G") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("H")) Case Asc("H") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("I")) Case Asc("I") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("g")) Case Asc("g") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("h")) Case Asc("h") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("i")) Case Asc("i") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("4")) Case Asc("4") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("G")) Case Else _send(Asc("G")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey5() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("J") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("K")) Case Asc("K") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("L")) Case Asc("L") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("j")) Case Asc("j") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("k")) Case Asc("k") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("l")) Case Asc("l") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("5")) Case Asc("5") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("J")) Case Else _send(Asc("J")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey6() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("M") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("N")) Case Asc("N") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("O")) Case Asc("O") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("m")) Case Asc("m") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("n")) Case Asc("n") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("o")) Case Asc("o") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("6")) Case Asc("6") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("M")) Case Else _send(Asc("M")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey7() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("P") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("Q")) Case Asc("Q") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("R")) Case Asc("R") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("S")) Case Asc("S") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("p")) Case Asc("p") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("q")) Case Asc("q") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("r")) Case Asc("r") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("s")) Case Asc("s") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("7")) Case Asc("7") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("P")) Case Else _send(Asc("P")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey8() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("T") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("U")) Case Asc("U") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("V")) Case Asc("V") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("t")) Case Asc("t") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("u")) Case Asc("u") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("v")) Case Asc("v") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("8")) Case Asc("8") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("T")) Case Else _send(Asc("T")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey9() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc("W") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("X")) Case Asc("X") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("Y")) Case Asc("Y") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("Z")) Case Asc("Z") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("w")) Case Asc("w") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("x")) Case Asc("x") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("y")) Case Asc("y") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("z")) Case Asc("z") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("9")) Case Asc("9") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("W")) Case Else _send(Asc("W")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func SendKey0() If TimerDiff($timer) > 1200 Then $lastSentKey = "" EndIf Switch $lastSentKey Case Asc(" ") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc("0")) Case Asc("0") Send("{BACKSPACE}") _send(Asc(" ")) Case Else _send(Asc(" ")) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _send($key) $timer = TimerInit() Send(Chr($key)) $lastSentKey = $key EndFunc try using the NumPad keys, it may not be comfortable on that keypad, but it's upside down on a remote control... Edited January 28, 2011 by AoRaToS s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
jvanegmond Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Seemed convenient to have so I wrote it. Code to handle remote control you can write yourself, since that is probably vendor specific - and I don't have a remote of your vendor, neither do I have an IR receiver of your vendor. Now go buy Wireless mouse/keyboard. 8) expandcollapse popup; definitions of keys to push. They go from 0-9 based on displayed order. Local $sms[10] = [" 0", ".,?!'", "abc2ä", "def3", "ghi4", "jkl5", "mno6", "pqrs7", "tuv8", "wxyz9"] Local $timer Local $lastSentKey ; Set all keys 0 to 9 as the hotkey to the same function For $i = 0 To 9 $key = String($i) ; HotKeySet($key, "HotKeyHandler") ; If you want to use this, then also check out comment in _SendKey HotKeySet("{NUMPAD" & $key & "}", "HotKeyHandler") Next While 1 Sleep(500) WEnd Func HotKeyHandler() ; Get real key that is pressed. For {NUMPAD7} the expected result is 7 $pressedKey = @HotKeyPressed If StringInStr($pressedKey, "NUMPAD") Then $pressedKey = StringMid($pressedKey, 8, 1) EndIf ConsoleWrite("Key pressed: " & $pressedKey & @CRLF) ; Time out on last key sent If TimerDiff($timer) > 800 Then ; Last sent key no longer counts $lastSentKey = "" ; Simple route, just send left most key _SendKey(StringLeft($sms[$pressedKey], 1)) Else ; If the last key sent is in the part for the current key, then pick the next If StringInStr($sms[$pressedKey], $lastSentKey) Then Send("{BACKSPACE}") $n = StringInStr($sms[$pressedKey], $lastSentKey) + 1 _SendKey(StringMid($sms[$pressedKey], $n, 1)) Else ; Otherwise normal route _SendKey(StringLeft($sms[$pressedKey], 1)) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _SendKey($key) #cs ; Commented out code is not necessary until you add regular keys 0-9 to input ; This is untested $unbindHotkey = False If Number($key) <> $key Then $unbindHotkey = True EndIf If $unbindHotkey Then HotKeySet($key) EndIf #ce $lastSentKey = $key Send($key) $timer = TimerInit() #cs If $unbindHotkey Then HotKeySet($key, "HotkeyHandler") EndIf #ce EndFunc
AoRaToS Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 Another interesting thought, would be to have a tooltip that shows the selected key list (etc. "pqrs7") and have the selected character in bold so that you know where you are in the list, shouldn't be hard to code... s!mpL3 LAN Messenger Current version [04/07/2019] s!mpL3 LAN s!mpL3
jvanegmond Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 (edited) Another interesting thought, would be to have a tooltip that shows the selected key list (etc. "pqrs7") and have the selected character in bold so that you know where you are in the list, shouldn't be hard to code... expandcollapse popup; definitions of keys to push. They go from 0-9 based on displayed order. Local $sms[10] = [" 0", ".,?!'", "abc2ä", "def3", "ghi4", "jkl5", "mno6", "pqrs7", "tuv8", "wxyz9"] Local $timer Local $lastSentKey ; Set all keys 0 to 9 as the hotkey to the same function For $i = 0 To 9 $key = String($i) ; HotKeySet($key, "HotKeyHandler") ; If you want to use this, then also check out comment in _SendKey HotKeySet("{NUMPAD" & $key & "}", "HotKeyHandler") Next While 1 Sleep(500) WEnd Func HotKeyHandler() ; Get real key that is pressed. For {NUMPAD7} the expected result is 7 $pressedKey = @HotKeyPressed If StringInStr($pressedKey, "NUMPAD") Then $pressedKey = StringMid($pressedKey, 8, 1) EndIf ConsoleWrite("Key pressed: " & $pressedKey & @CRLF) ; Time out on last key sent If TimerDiff($timer) > 800 Then ; Last sent key no longer counts $lastSentKey = "" ; Simple route, just send left most key _SendKey(StringLeft($sms[$pressedKey], 1), $sms[$pressedKey]) Else ; If the last key sent is in the part for the current key, then pick the next If StringInStr($sms[$pressedKey], $lastSentKey) Then Send("{BACKSPACE}") $n = StringInStr($sms[$pressedKey], $lastSentKey) + 1 _SendKey(StringMid($sms[$pressedKey], $n, 1), $sms[$pressedKey]) Else ; Otherwise normal route _SendKey(StringLeft($sms[$pressedKey], 1), $sms[$pressedKey]) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _SendKey($key, $keyGroup) #cs ; Commented out code is not necessary until you add regular keys 0-9 to input ; This is untested g $unbindHotkey = False If Number($key) = $key Then $unbindHotkey = True EndIf If $unbindHotkey Then HotKeySet($key) EndIf #ce $lastSentKey = $key Send($key) $timer = TimerInit() $n = StringInStr($keyGroup, $key)-1 $show = StringLeft($keyGroup, $n) & "[" & $key & "]" & StringTrimLeft($keyGroup, $n+1) ToolTip($show) #cs If $unbindHotkey Then HotKeySet($key, "HotkeyHandler") EndIf #ce EndFunc Edited February 6, 2011 by Manadar
bentom Posted February 3, 2011 Author Posted February 3, 2011 Thank you so much for help and support. I tried and tested the code you wrote for this and it works almost perfectly :-) Great. I do not really understand all steps but try to get deeper the next days. One thing I found is that the characters are deleted after finishing one Groüp. Menas e.g. if you press 2 then a,b,c,2 appears and then backspace which deletes of course the last character. Is it possible not to do this but repeat again the characters? Regards, B
bentom Posted February 5, 2011 Author Posted February 5, 2011 (edited) Hi again, sorry for asking again. My Remote is hard Coded to the 0-9 keys. There's no possibility to change it to the numpad keys. So I have to use it instead od numkeys. What I did is to change the hotkeyset from numbad to number keys which looks like expandcollapse popup; definitions of keys to push. They go from 0-9 based on displayed order. Local $sms[10] = [" 0", "1.,?!'", "abc2ä", "def3", "ghi4", "jkl5", "mno6", "pqrs7", "tuv8", "wxyz9"] Local $timer Local $lastSentKey ; Set all keys 0 to 9 as the hotkey to the same function For $i = 0 To 9 $key = String($i) HotKeySet($key, "HotKeyHandler") ; If you want to use this, then also check out comment in _SendKey Next While 1 Sleep(500) WEnd Func HotKeyHandler() ; Get real key that is pressed. For {NUMPAD7} the expected result is 7 $pressedKey = @HotKeyPressed If StringInStr($pressedKey, "NUMPAD") Then $pressedKey = StringMid($pressedKey, 8, 1) EndIf ConsoleWrite("Key pressed: " & $pressedKey & @CRLF) ; Time out on last key sent If TimerDiff($timer) > 800 Then ; Last sent key no longer counts $lastSentKey = "" ; Simple route, just send left most key _SendKey(StringLeft($sms[$pressedKey], 1), $sms[$pressedKey]) Else ; If the last key sent is in the part for the current key, then pick the next If StringInStr($sms[$pressedKey], $lastSentKey) Then Send("{BACKSPACE}") $n = StringInStr($sms[$pressedKey], $lastSentKey) + 1 _SendKey(StringMid($sms[$pressedKey], $n, 1), $sms[$pressedKey]) Else ; Otherwise normal route _SendKey(StringLeft($sms[$pressedKey], 1), $sms[$pressedKey]) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _SendKey($key, $keyGroup) $lastSentKey = $key Send($key) $timer = TimerInit() $n = StringInStr($keyGroup, $key)-1 $show = StringLeft($keyGroup, $n) & "[" & $key & "]" & StringTrimLeft($keyGroup, $n+1) ToolTip($show) EndFunc The Problem now is that it does not work lieke the version with numpad keys and I do not find out why. If entering the number then all letters are set as they should but then there's a backspace after the last letter. Moreover sfter starting the script the 0 does not work. Perhaps someone has an idea. Thank you again Regards, B Edit: I read the comment: ; If you want to use this, then also check out comment in _SendKey but this did not change it and I think this is only importnat if using numbad and numbers, is it? Edited February 5, 2011 by bentom
jvanegmond Posted February 5, 2011 Posted February 5, 2011 No, the comments were quite correct. I also commented that this method was untested. Looking back at the code, I see that this code makes no sense: $unbindHotkey = False If Number($key) <> $key Then $unbindHotkey = True EndIf The key should be unbound if it IS the same, not if it isn't. So change the above code to: $unbindHotkey = False If Number($key) = $key Then $unbindHotkey = True EndIf And it works.
bentom Posted February 5, 2011 Author Posted February 5, 2011 Hi, @Manadar: Thank you: This works perfect. Regards, B
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