czardas Posted November 5, 2011 Author Posted November 5, 2011 (edited) UPDATEThis and other functions in Modal.au3 are no longer supported. These functions have been rewritten and renamed. See spoiler for details and refer to the link in the _ArrayModalSpin renamed to _ArrayModulate ==> located in arrayf.au3_ArrayModalSelect renamed to _ArrayLoopSelect ==> located in arrayf.au3_StringModalSpin renamed to _StringModulate ==> located in stringf.au3_StringModalSelect renamed to _StringLoopRepeat ==> located in stringf.au3_bitModalSpin renamed to _BitModulate located in bitwise.au3_DecToNumBase renamed to _DecToBase located in math10.au3_NumBaseToDec renamed to _BaseToDec located in math10.au3_NumBaseToNumBase renamed to _BaseToBase located in math10.au3_bitModalSpin This function is the same as BitRotate, only without the restrictions imposed by 8, 16 or 32 bit rotation sizes. It is how I had originally perceived the BitRotate function would work; and to me represents nothing less than gold dust: since this code has been eluding me for quite some time.; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================ ; Name...........: _bitModalSpin ; Description ...: Performs a bit shifting operation, with rotation on 2-32 bits ; Syntax.........: _bitModalSpin ( $bVal , $iShift , $iLoopSize ) ; Parameters ....: $bVal - The number to operate on ; $iShift - Number of bits to spin to the left (negative numbers spin right) ; $iLoopSize - The number of bits in the loop - counting from the left ; Return values .: Success - Returns the value with the required bits rotated ; Failure - Returns zero and sets @error to: ; |@error = 1 - First parameter is not a valid number or is out of bounds ; |@error = 2 - Second parameter is not a valid integer ; |@error = 3 - Third parameter is not a valid integer or is out of bounds ; Author ........: czardas ; Comments ......; With a loop size of 8, 16 or 32 bits it is faster to use BitRotate. ; ======================================================================================== Func _bitModalSpin($bVal, $iShift, $iLoopSize) If (Not IsInt($bVal)) Or ($bVal < 0 - 2^31) Or ($bVal > 2^31 -1) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If (Not IsInt($iLoopSize)) Or $iLoopSize > 32 Or $iLoopSize < 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not IsInt($iShift) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $iLoopSize < 2 Then Return $bVal $iShift = Mod($iShift, $iLoopSize) If $iShift = 0 Then Return $bVal If $iLoopSize = 32 Then Return BitRotate($bVal, $iShift, "D") ; Spin all 32 bits If $iShift > 0 Then $iShift = $iShift - $iLoopSize EndIf Local $bLeft = BitShift( BitShift($bVal, $iLoopSize), -$iLoopSize) Local $bLoop = BitXOR($bLeft, $bVal) Local $bRight = BitShift($bLoop, -$iShift) Local $bMid = BitShift( BitXOR( BitShift($bRight, $iShift), $bLoop), -$iShift -$iLoopSize) Return BitOR($bLeft, $bMid, $bRight) EndFuncExampleMsgBox(0, "b10101 ==> b11010", "0x15 ==> 0x1A" & @LF & "Return value = " & _bitModalSpin(21, 1, 4))Before I wrote this function, bitwise functions were kinda useful to me, but only on a very superficial level. This function changes everything. Now I can modulate a 12 bit loop, without having to rely on using strings. I really don't understand why BitRotate uses the byte as the smallest unit. This fact has caused me so much heartache previously and doesn't seem to make any sense: since in the real world, cycles of 8, 16 and 32 are pretty rare (one or two exceptions aside). Maybe it's just me being a bit 'au contraire'.The attachment below is the latest version of Modal.au3 which now includes all modal spinning functions for strings, arrays and binary data. The UDF also includes the numeric mode conversion functions seen earlier in this thread.Modal.au3 ==> Depreciated UDF I can't think of anything else to spin. Edited April 24, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted June 22, 2012 Author Posted June 22, 2012 (edited) Tip Snippet No 1Pressing the escape key or to close a GUI only works if the GUI has focus. It does not work when the control with focus has been disabled. The following example demonstrates this. Run the example, click the Disable button and then press the Escape key on your keyboard in that order - nothing happens.#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> _FocusExample_1() Func _FocusExample_1() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Focus Example", 200, 80) Local $hButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Disable",5,5, 70,20) Local $hLabelFocus = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Press escape" & @LF & "key to quit", 10, 30, 70, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hButton GUICtrlSetState($hButton, $GUI_DISABLE) EndSwitch WEnd EndFuncYou can change the focus easily enough just by clicking on another window, but the users of your program may not be aware of this. They could think your program is responsible for what could be interpreted as erratic Windows behaviour..One extra line of code is a small price to pay to prevent this. Simply set focus to a control which has not been disabled. Easy as pie!#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> _FocusExample_2() Func _FocusExample_2() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Focus Example", 200, 80) Local $hButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Disable",5,5, 70,20) Local $hLabelFocus = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Press escape" & @LF & "key to quit", 10, 30, 70, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hButton GUICtrlSetState($hButton, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hLabelFocus, $GUI_FOCUS) EndSwitch WEnd EndFuncNow your program should always exit when you press the Escape key. Edited June 22, 2012 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted June 27, 2012 Author Posted June 27, 2012 (edited) Looking back at some of my earlier code and the comments at the start of this thread make me giggle. Oh boy!Text Rotation & Geometric TransformationOne of my early programs was a text multiline editor called Line Magic. I still use it today for certain repetitive tasks. One of the missing features I had planned was text rotation to make multiline midline selection possible with the mouse. I wasn't sure how to go about it back then. Today I came across this by UEZ, which I think is pretty neat. UEZ's code reminded me and gave me some insight.So here's the multiline text version. It's a bit rough and ready, but does the job.expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <String.au3> ; Test String Dim $string = _ "Monday" & @CRLF & _ "Tuesday" & @CRLF & _ "Wednesday" & @CRLF & _ "Thursday" & @CRLF & _ "Friday" & @CRLF & _ "Saturday" & @CRLF & _ "Sunday" ; Rotation Test For $x = -360 To 360 Step 90 ConsoleWrite("Rotated " & $x & " degrees" & @LF & _ _RotateText($string, $x) & @LF & "=========" & @LF) Next ; Flip Test ConsoleWrite("Flipped" & @LF & _ _FlipText($string) & @LF & "=========" & @LF) ; Mirror Test ConsoleWrite("Mirrored" & @LF & _ _MirrorText($string) & @LF & "=========" & @LF) Func _RotateText($sText, $iDeg = 90, $sDelim = @CRLF) If Not StringLen($string) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) ; Not a valid string If Mod($iDeg, 90) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ;only 90° rotations allowed If $iDeg > 360 Then $iDeg -= Floor($iDeg/360)*360 ElseIf $iDeg < -360 Then $iDeg -= Ceiling($iDeg/360)*360 EndIf Local $iMaxStrLen, $aRectangle, $sRotated = "" $aRectangle = __ArrayCreateRectangle($sText, $sDelim, $iMaxStrLen) Switch $iDeg Case 0, 360, -360 For $i = 1 To $aRectangle[0] $sRotated &= $aRectangle[$i] & $sDelim Next Case 90, -270 For $i = 1 To $iMaxStrLen For $j = $aRectangle[0] To 1 Step -1 $sRotated &= StringMid($aRectangle[$j], $i, 1) Next $sRotated &= $sDelim Next Case 180, -180 For $i = $aRectangle[0] To 1 Step -1 $sRotated &= _StringReverse($aRectangle[$i]) & $sDelim Next Case 270, -90 For $i = $iMaxStrLen To 1 Step -1 For $j = 1 To $aRectangle[0] $sRotated &= StringMid($aRectangle[$j], $i, 1) Next $sRotated &= $sDelim Next EndSwitch Return StringTrimRight($sRotated, 2) EndFunc ;==> _RotateText Func _FlipText($sText, $sDelim = @CRLF) If Not StringLen($string) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) ; Not a valid string Local $iMaxStrLen, $aRectangle, $sFlipped = "" $aRectangle = __ArrayCreateRectangle($sText, $sDelim, $iMaxStrLen) For $i = $aRectangle[0] To 1 Step -1 $sFlipped &= $aRectangle[$i] & $sDelim Next Return StringTrimRight($sFlipped, 2) EndFunc ; ==> _FlipText Func _MirrorText($sText, $sDelim = @CRLF) If Not StringLen($string) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) ; Not a valid string Local $iMaxStrLen, $aRectangle, $sMirrored = "" $aRectangle = __ArrayCreateRectangle($sText, $sDelim, $iMaxStrLen) For $i = 1 To $aRectangle[0] $sMirrored &= _StringReverse($aRectangle[$i]) & $sDelim Next Return StringTrimRight($sMirrored, 2) EndFunc ; ==> _MirrorText Func __ArrayCreateRectangle($sText, $sDelim, ByRef $iMaxStrLen) Local $aRectangle = StringSplit($sText, $sDelim, 1), $aCurrStrLen $aCurrStrLen = $aRectangle $iMaxStrLen = 0 For $i = 1 To $aRectangle[0] $aCurrStrLen[$i] = StringLen($aRectangle[$i]) If $aCurrStrLen[$i] > $iMaxStrLen Then $iMaxStrLen = $aCurrStrLen[$i] Next For $i = 1 To $aRectangle[0] $aRectangle[$i] &= _StringRepeat(" ", $iMaxStrLen - $aCurrStrLen[$i]) Next Return $aRectangle EndFunc ;==> __ArrayCreateRectangleThe retuned text lines are padded out with spaces and always form the shape of a rectangle. Edited June 27, 2012 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted July 16, 2012 Author Posted July 16, 2012 Weight and Distance ConversionsFor most English speaking nations, having a dual system for measurements can often make life complicated and sometimes lead to serious errors. While I recommend that people should generally stick to using SI units, I have said before that old habits die hard. Hopefully this currently unfinished and sparsely documented library will prove useful to those who need to convert from imperial to metric or astronomical units of measurement.expandcollapse popup; Below you will find conversion functions for weight and distance. ; Astronomical data comes from ; Function parameters are case sensitive to avoid conflicts with milligram and megagram etc... ; EXAMPLE 1 ; Calculate the number of 12 inch pizzas in a cubic gigaparsec of space $iArea = 6^2 * 22/7 ; area in inches = pi x (r) squared $iThickness = 1/2 ; estimated thickness of 1/2 inch $iPizzaVolume = $iArea * $iThickness ; Volume of one pizza in cubic inches $iCubicGigaparsec = Distance(1, "Gpc", "in")^3 ; Cubic Gpc in cubic inches $iNumPizzas = $iCubicGigaparsec/$iPizzaVolume ConsoleWrite("One cubic Gpc of space holds approximately " & $iNumPizzas & " twelve inch pizzas" & @LF) ; EXAMPLE 2 ; calculate the weight in solar masses of one cubic gigaparsec of pizzas ; The estimated the mass of one pizza is approximately 1 kg $iSolarMasses = Weight($iNumPizzas, "kg", "MS") ConsoleWrite("One cubic Gpc of pizzas weighs approximately " & $iSolarMasses & " solar masses" & @LF) ; Now you can work out the density ratio between a pizza and a star :) ;===================================================================== #cs STANDARD UNITS OF MEASUREMENT (Abbreviated Names) µg µm Å a0 ag am angst au cg ch cm Da dag dam dg dm dr Eg Em Et fg fm ft ftm fur g Gg Gm Gpc Gt hg hm in kg km kpc kt lb lp ly m mcg mcm ME Mg mg mi MJ MM Mm mm Mpc MS Mt ng NM nm nmi oz pc Pg pg Pm pm Pt qtr Tg th Tm Tt u yd Yg yg Ym ym Zg zg Zm zm WEIGHT DEFINITIONS (function parameters) µg microgram ag attogram cg centigram Da Dalton or Atomic Mass Unit dag decagram dg decigram dr drachm or dram Eg exagram Et exatonne fg femtogram g gram Gg gigagram Gt gigatonne grain grain hg hectogram kg kilogram kt kilotonne lb pound long cwt 100 weight (British) long ton ton (British) mcg microgram ME Earth mass Mg megagram (1 tonne) mg milligram MJ Jupiter mass MM lunar or moon mass MS solar mass Mt megatonne ng nanogram oz ounce Pg petagram pg picogram Pt petatonne qtr quarter short cwt 100 weight (US) short ton ton (US) st stone t metric ton or tonne Tg teragram tonne metric ton Tt teratonne u atomic mass unit or Dalton Yg yottagram yg yoctogram Zg zettagram zg zeptogram DISTANCE DEFINITIONS (function parameters) µm micrometre Å angstrom a0 Bohr radius am attometre angst angstrom au astronomical unit ch chain cm centimetre dam decametre dm decimetre Em exametre fm femtometre ft foot ftm fathom fur furlong Gm gigametre Gpc gigaparsec hm hectometre in inch kpc kiloparsec km kilometre lp Planck length ly light year m metre mcm micrometer mi mile Mm megametre mm millimetre Mpc megaparsec NM nautical mile nm nanometre nmi nautical mile pc parsec Pm petametre pm picometre Tm terametre th thou yd yard Ym yottametre ym yoctometre Zm zettametre zm zeptometre #ce Func Distance($nDistance, $sUnit1, $sUnit2) If Not IsNumber($nDistance) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aUnitTable[39][2] = [ _ ; feet to metres [1/12000, 2.54e-5], _ ; th [1/12, 2.54e-2], _ ; in [1, 0.3048], _ ; ft [3, 0.9144], _ ; yd [6, 1.8288], _ ; ftm [66, 20.1168], _ ; ch [660, 201.168], _ ; fur [5280, 1609.344], _ ; mi [6075, 1851.66], _ ; NM | nmi [5.30249333989501e-35, 1.61619997e-35], _ ; lp [1.73614570512369e-10, 5.291772109217e-11], _ ; a0 [3.28083989501312e-24, 1e-24], _ ; ym [3.28083989501312e-21, 1e-21], _ ; zm [3.28083989501312e-18, 1e-18], _ ; am [3.28083989501312e-15, 1e-15], _ ; fm [3.28083989501312e-12, 1e-12], _ ; pm [3.28083989501312e-10, 1e-10], _ ; angst | Å [3.28083989501312e-9, 1e-9], _ ; nm [3.28083989501312e-6, 1e-6], _ ; mcm | µm [3.28083989501312e-3, 1e-3], _ ; mm [3.28083989501312e-2, 0.01], _ ; cm [3.28083989501312e-1, 0.1], _ ; dm [3.28083989501312, 1], _ ; m [3.28083989501312e+1, 10], _ ; dam [3.28083989501312e+2, 100], _ ; hm [3.28083989501312e+3, 1e+3], _ ; km [3.28083989501312e+6, 1e+6], _ ; Mm [3.28083989501312e+9, 1e+9], _ ; Gm [3.28083989501312e+12, 1e+12], _ ; Tm [3.28083989501312e+15, 1e+15], _ ; Pm [3.28083989501312e+18, 1e+18], _ ; Em [3.28083989501312e+21, 1e+21], _ ; Zm [3.28083989501312e+24, 1e+24], _ ; Ym [4.90806662401575e+11, 1.495978707e+11], _ ; au [3.10391419704094e+16, 9.4607304725808e+15], _ ; ly [1.01236141124252e+17, 3.08567758146719e+16], _ ; pc [1.01236141124252e+20, 3.08567758146719e+19], _ ; kpc [1.01236141124252e+23, 3.08567758146719e+22], _ ; Mpc [1.01236141124252e+26, 3.08567758146719e+25]] ; Gpc $iIndex1 = __GetUnitIndex($sUnit1,"distance") If @error Then Return SetError (2, 0, "") ; UDF version return value $iIndex2 = __GetUnitIndex($sUnit2,"distance") If @error Then Return SetError (3, 0, "") ; UDF version return value If $iIndex1 < 9 Then ; Imperial system $nDistance *= $aUnitTable[$iIndex1][0] ; Convert to feet $nDistance /= $aUnitTable[$iIndex2][0] ; Convert to new unit Else ; Metric or astronomic system $nDistance *= $aUnitTable[$iIndex1][1] ; Convert to metres $nDistance /= $aUnitTable[$iIndex2][1] ; Convert to new unit EndIf Return $nDistance EndFunc Func Weight($nWeight, $sUnit1, $sUnit2) If Not IsNumber($nWeight) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aUnitTable[36][2] = [ _ ; Pounds to grams [1/7000, 0.06479891], _ ; grain [1/256, 1.7718451953125], _ ; dr [1/16, 28.349523125], _ ; oz [1, 453.59237], _ ; lb [14, 6350.29318], _ ; st [28, 12700.58636], _ ; qtr [100, 45359.237], _ ; short cwt [112, 50802.34544], _ ; long cwt [2000, 907184.74], _ ; short ton [2240, 1016046.9088], _ ; long ton [3.66086167130633e-27, 1.66053892173e-24], _ ; Da | u [2.20462262184878e-27, 1e-24], _ ; yg [2.20462262184878e-24, 1e-21], _ ; zg [2.20462262184878e-21, 1e-18], _ ; ag [2.20462262184878e-18, 1e-15], _ ; fg [2.20462262184878e-15, 1e-12], _ ; pg [2.20462262184878e-12, 1e-9], _ ; ng [2.20462262184878e-9, 1e-6], _ ; mcg | µg [2.20462262184878e-6, 1e-3], _ ; mg [2.20462262184878e-5, 0.01], _ ; cg [2.20462262184878e-4, 0.1], _ ; dg [2.20462262184878e-3, 1], _ ; g [2.20462262184878e-2, 10], _ ; dag [2.20462262184878e-1, 100], _ ; hg [2.20462262184878, 1e+3], _ ; kg [2.20462262184878e+3, 1e+6], _ ; t | Mg | tonne [2.20462262184878e+9, 1e+9], _ ; kt | Gg [2.20462262184878e+12, 1e+12], _ ; Mt | Tg [2.20462262184878e+15, 1e+15], _ ; Gt | Pg [2.20462262184878e+18, 1e+18], _ ; Tt | Eg [2.20462262184878e+21, 1e+21], _ ; Pt | Zg [2.20462262184878e+24, 1e+24], _ ; Et | Yg [1.61947789308317e+23, 7.345828156862e+25], _ ; MM [1.31664472222053e+25, 5.9722e+27], _ ; ME [4.1854941488654e+27, 1.89850821060499e+30], _ ; MJ [4.38367162128411e+30, 1.9884e+33]] ; MS $iIndex1 = __GetUnitIndex($sUnit1,"weight") If @error Then Return SetError (2, 0, "") ; UDF version return value $iIndex2 = __GetUnitIndex($sUnit2,"weight") If @error Then Return SetError (3, 0, "") ; UDF version return value If $iIndex1 < 10 Then ; Avoirdupois or pound unit system $nWeight *= $aUnitTable[$iIndex1][0] ; Convert to pounds $nWeight /= $aUnitTable[$iIndex2][0] ; Convert to new unit Else ; Metric or astronomic system $nWeight *= $aUnitTable[$iIndex1][1] ; Convert to grams $nWeight /= $aUnitTable[$iIndex2][1] ; Convert to new unit EndIf Return $nWeight EndFunc Func __GetUnitIndex($sUnit, $sMesurement) $sUnit = StringStripWS($sUnit, 7) Switch $sMesurement Case "weight" Local $aAbbr[46] = ["grain", "dr","oz","lb","st","qtr","short cwt","long cwt","short ton","long ton","Da", _ "yg","zg","ag","fg","pg","ng","mcg","mg","cg","dg","g","dag","hg","kg","t","kt","Mt","Gt","Tt","Pt","Et", _ "MM","ME","MJ","MS","Mg","Gg","Tg","Pg","Eg","Zg","Yg","u","µg","tonne"] For $i = 0 To 45 If $sUnit == $aAbbr[$i] Then Switch $i Case 0 To 35 Return $i Case 36 To 42 Return $i - 11 Case 43 Return 10 Case 44 Return 17 Case 45 Return 25 EndSwitch EndIf Next Return SetError (1) Case "distance" Local $aAbbr[42] = ["th","in","ft","yd","ftm","ch","fur","mi","NM","lp","a0","ym","zm","am","fm", _ "pm","angst","nm","mcm","mm","cm","dm","m","dam","hm","km","Mm","Gm","Tm","Pm","Em","Zm","Ym", _ "au","ly","pc","kpc","Mpc","Gpc","nmi","Å","µm"] For $i = 0 To 41 If StringStripWS($sUnit, 7) == $aAbbr[$i] Then Switch $i Case 0 To 38 Return $i Case 49 Return 8 Case 40 Return 16 Case 41 Return 18 EndSwitch EndIf Next Return SetError (1) EndSwitch EndFunc operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted July 26, 2012 Author Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) Roman NumeralsSeveral of the functions I have posted recently are part of a larger project. Roman numerals are sometimes a useful alternative to Arabic numerals, although they are generally only used in technical documents to number the pages of an appendix.Mat has also created some functions which include a Roman numerals system. There is a slight difference here. The conversion to Roman numerals is limited to numbers in the range from 1 to 3999. Information was taken from wiki.For $j = 1 To 3999 ConsoleWrite(_RomanNumerals($j) & @CRLF) Next Func _RomanNumerals($iInt) If Not IsInt($iInt) Or $iInt > 3999 Or $iInt < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aNumeral[10][4] = _ [["","","",""], _ ["M","C","X","I"], _ ["MM","CC","XX","II"], _ ["MMM","CCC","XXX","III"], _ ["","CD","XL","IV"], _ ["","D","L","V"], _ ["","DC","LX","VI"], _ ["","DCC","LXX","VII"], _ ["","DCCC","LXXX","VIII"], _ ["","CM","XC","IX"]] Local $iOffset = StringLen($iInt) -4, $sRoman = "", $aDecimal = StringSplit($iInt, "", 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aDecimal) -1 $sRoman &= $aNumeral[$aDecimal[$i]][$i -$iOffset] Next Return $sRoman EndFuncI didn't write the reverse function because I don't intend to use it. Perhaps someone else might like to do that. Edited January 6, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted August 13, 2012 Author Posted August 13, 2012 Tip Snippet No 2After getting all mixed up regarding this subject previously in Help and Support and missing the target completely, I came up with a very simple idea to solve the problem of error checking within nested functions once and for all. Without proper access to a compiuter, I didn't get the opportunity to test this out until today. The problem is simple, as is the solution. After exiting a function, any error that has been thrown can not be checked when the function is nested; at least not without some kind of customised error handling. So if you nest UDF functions, it is possible to use a method similar to the one demonstrated below when the fail point can easily determind.Global $g_KickBack_ = 0 ; This is our error count _FuncNestTest() Func _FuncNestTest() Local $ret = "accepted" _CheckError(_CheckError(_CheckError(_CheckError(_CheckError($ret))))) ; Here five UDF functions are nested, could be anything. MsgBox(0, "Hard Error", "Failure occured at nested function number : " & 5 - $g_KickBack_ + 1) ; Function Calls - errors + 1 (base count) EndFunc Func _CheckError($vParam) If $g_KickBack_ > 0 Then $g_KickBack_ += 1 ; Tracking the fail point Return SetError(1, 0, "la di da di da") EndIf ; General error testing ... Can be anything If $vParam <> "accepted" Then $g_KickBack_ += 1 ; Tracking the fail point Return SetError(2, 0, "la di da di da") EndIf ; Invoke failure on the 2nd run - simulated function Return StringTrimLeft($vParam, 1) EndFunc Xandy 1 operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted November 23, 2012 Author Posted November 23, 2012 (edited) Shuffle the elements within a Multidimensional ArrayI was trying to be clever using a recursive function for this, but it got too confusing. So I have created a small monster instead. This function will shuffle a multidimensional array of up to 11 dimensions. When I say shuffle - I mean any element can end up anywhere in any dimension.expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> ; For _ArrayDisplay #region ; Example Global $aGrid[4][4] = [[0,1,2,3],[4,"",5,6],[7,8,0,9],["a","b","c",""]] _ArrayDisplay($aGrid) For $i = 0 To 9 _ArrayShuffleMultiDim($aGrid) _ArrayDisplay($aGrid) Next #endregion Func _ArrayShuffleMultiDim(ByRef $aArray) If IsArray($aArray) = 0 Then Return SetError (1) Local $iDim = UBound($aArray, 0) ; Get No dimensions If $iDim > 11 Then Return SetError (2) Local $a[$iDim +1], $aiBound[12] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] For $i = 1 To $iDim ; For each dimensionn $aiBound[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i) -1 ; Get dimension size Next For $i = 0 To $aiBound[1] For $j = 0 To $aiBound[2] For $k = 0 To $aiBound[3] For $l = 0 To $aiBound[4] For $m = 0 To $aiBound[5] For $n = 0 To $aiBound[6] For $o = 0 To $aiBound[7] For $p = 0 To $aiBound[8] For $q = 0 To $aiBound[9] For $r = 0 To $aiBound[10] For $s = 0 To $aiBound[11] For $z = 1 To $iDim ; Get random values for each dimension. $a[$z] = Random(0, $aiBound[$z], 1) Next __Swap($aArray, $iDim, $a, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s) Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc Func __Swap(ByRef $aArray, $iDim, $a, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s) Local $vTemp Switch $iDim Case 1 $vTemp = $aArray[$i] $aArray[$i] = $aArray[$a[1]] $aArray[$a[1]] = $vTemp Case 2 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j] $aArray[$i][$j] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]] = $vTemp Case 3 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k] $aArray[$i][$j][$k] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]] = $vTemp Case 4 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]] = $vTemp Case 5 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] = $vTemp Case 6 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]] = $vTemp Case 7 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]] = $vTemp Case 8 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]] = $vTemp Case 9 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]] = $vTemp Case 10 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]] = $vTemp Case 11 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r][$s] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r][$s] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]][$a[11]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]][$a[11]] = $vTemp EndSwitch EndFuncOther than setting up a game of battleships, I can't think of many uses for shuffling a multidimensional array. If anyone can suggest any potential uses for this I would love to hear your ideas. Edited November 26, 2012 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted November 26, 2012 Author Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) Walk Through a 3D ArrayWe can walk through a 3 dimensional array by displaying a sequence of 2 dimensional grids. Getting one's bearings with a 3D array walk through can be slightly confusing. The grids could be arranged in a horizontal stack, or vertically like books on a shelf. I have chosen the standard x, y and z axes to represent 3D orientation and grid sequence.The orientation parameter $sOrientation is formed by two of the letters. For example the letters 'yx' represent a standard 2D grid with axes y and x in sequence. Any combination of two axis letters can be used as a second parameter, allowing you to view the array from six different persectives.This script was designed for testing, and helped me to discover a bug in, the array shuffle algorithm above.expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> ; Example of 3D array walk through: Global $aArray[4][3][3] = _ [[["A","B","C"],["D","E","F"],["G","H","I"]], _ ; First table is the default orientation [["J","K","L"],["M","N","O"],["P","Q","R"]], _ [["S","T","U"],["V","W","X"],["Y","Z","0"]], _ [["1","2","3"],["4","5","6"],["7","8","9"]]] MsgBox(0, "Message", "First we walk through the array") _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray) MsgBox(0, "Message", "Now the array will be shuffled") _ArrayShuffleMultiDim($aArray) _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray) Func _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, $sOrientation = "yx") If UBound($aArray, 0) <> 3 Then Return SetError(1) ; Not a 3D array Local $aiBound[4] For $i = 1 To 3 ; Get the size of each dimension $aiBound[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i) Next Switch $sOrientation Case "yx" ; Default orientation Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[2]][$aiBound[3]] For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 $aDisplay[$x][$z] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $y +1) Next Case "zx" ; Horizontal Stack Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[1]][$aiBound[3]] For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 $aDisplay[$y][$z] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $x +1) Next Case "zy" ; Vertical Alignment Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[1]][$aiBound[2]] For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 $aDisplay[$y][$x] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $z +1) Next Case "xy" ; Default rotated 90 degees Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[3]][$aiBound[2]] For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 $aDisplay[$z][$x] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $y +1) Next Case "xz" ; Horizontal Stack rotated 90 degees Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[3]][$aiBound[1]] For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 $aDisplay[$z][$y] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $x +1) Next Case "yz" ; Vertical Alignment rotated 90 degees Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[2]][$aiBound[1]] For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 $aDisplay[$x][$y] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $z +1) Next Case Else Return SetError(2) ; Incorrect second parameter EndSwitch EndFunc ;==> _Array3DWalkThrough #region ; Functions related to the example Func _ArrayShuffleMultiDim(ByRef $aArray) If IsArray($aArray) = 0 Then Return SetError (1) Local $iDim = UBound($aArray, 0) ; Get No dimensions If $iDim > 11 Then Return SetError (2) Local $a[$iDim +1], $aiBound[12] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] For $i = 1 To $iDim ; For each dimensionn $aiBound[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i) -1 ; Get dimension size Next For $i = 0 To $aiBound[1] For $j = 0 To $aiBound[2] For $k = 0 To $aiBound[3] For $l = 0 To $aiBound[4] For $m = 0 To $aiBound[5] For $n = 0 To $aiBound[6] For $o = 0 To $aiBound[7] For $p = 0 To $aiBound[8] For $q = 0 To $aiBound[9] For $r = 0 To $aiBound[10] For $s = 0 To $aiBound[11] For $z = 1 To $iDim ; Get random values for each dimension. $a[$z] = Random(0, $aiBound[$z], 1) Next __Swap($aArray, $iDim, $a, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s) Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next EndFunc ;==> _ArrayShuffleMultiDim Func __Swap(ByRef $aArray, $iDim, $a, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s) Local $vTemp Switch $iDim Case 1 $vTemp = $aArray[$i] $aArray[$i] = $aArray[$a[1]] $aArray[$a[1]] = $vTemp Case 2 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j] $aArray[$i][$j] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]] = $vTemp Case 3 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k] $aArray[$i][$j][$k] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]] = $vTemp Case 4 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]] = $vTemp Case 5 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] = $vTemp Case 6 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]] = $vTemp Case 7 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]] = $vTemp Case 8 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]] = $vTemp Case 9 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]] = $vTemp Case 10 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]] = $vTemp Case 11 $vTemp = $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r][$s] $aArray[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m][$n][$o][$p][$q][$r][$s] = $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]][$a[11]] $aArray[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]][$a[10]][$a[11]] = $vTemp EndSwitch EndFunc ;==> __Swap #endregionAnd a second example which demonstrates all six perspectives.using the second parameterexpandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> Global $aArray[4][3][2] = _ [[["000","001"],["010","011"],["020","021"]], _ [["100","101"],["110","111"],["120","121"]], _ [["200","201"],["210","211"],["220","221"]], _ [["300","301"],["310","311"],["320","321"]]] _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray) _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, "zx") _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, "zy") _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, "xy") _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, "xz") _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, "yz") Func _Array3DWalkThrough($aArray, $sOrientation = "yx") If UBound($aArray, 0) <> 3 Then Return SetError(1) ; Not a 3D array Local $aiBound[4] For $i = 1 To 3 ; Get the size of each dimension $aiBound[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i) Next Switch $sOrientation Case "yx" ; Default orientation Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[2]][$aiBound[3]] For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 $aDisplay[$x][$z] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $y +1) Next Case "zx" ; Horizontal Stack Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[1]][$aiBound[3]] For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 $aDisplay[$y][$z] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $x +1) Next Case "zy" ; Vertical Alignment Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[1]][$aiBound[2]] For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 $aDisplay[$y][$x] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $z +1) Next Case "xy" ; Default rotated 90 degees Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[3]][$aiBound[2]] For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 $aDisplay[$z][$x] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $y +1) Next Case "xz" ; Horizontal Stack rotated 90 degees Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[3]][$aiBound[1]] For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 $aDisplay[$z][$y] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $x +1) Next Case "yz" ; Vertical Alignment rotated 90 degees Local $aDisplay[$aiBound[2]][$aiBound[1]] For $z = 0 To $aiBound[3] -1 For $x = 0 To $aiBound[2] -1 For $y = 0 To $aiBound[1] -1 $aDisplay[$x][$y] = $aArray[$y][$x][$z] Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aDisplay, "Grid " & $z +1) Next Case Else Return SetError(2) ; Incorrect second parameter EndSwitch EndFunc ;==> _Array3DWalkThrough Edited November 28, 2012 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted December 21, 2012 Author Posted December 21, 2012 (edited) _ConvertToANSIRemoves all characters not appearing in the default extended ASCII character set on your local machine. Results will depend on the code page used by your system. It is said that a function ought to always return the same results with the same input. If only it were true. >_<Instead of deleting characters, you can include a second parameter as a replacement string.Func _ConvertToANSI($sText, $sSub = "") If Not IsString($sText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $sAscEx = "" ; Extended AscII For $i = 128 To 255 $sAscEx &= Chr($i) Next Return StringRegExpReplace($sText, "[^" & $sAscEx & "\x00-\x7F]", $sSub) EndFuncCopy this line which containing Chinese characters - 例如,在中國 to the clipboard, and run the example below.Test() Func Test() Local $string = ClipGet() MsgBox(0, "Before", $string) $string = _ConvertToANS($string) If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, "After", $string) Else MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "Failed to convert.") EndIf EndFunc ; ==> Test Edited March 30, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted January 7, 2013 Author Posted January 7, 2013 (edited) Unicode Compatible Title CaseThis topic has come up quite a lot lately and the following code is really an experiment. Problems associated with proper case are not all possible to resolve. Differentiating between words and acronyms, or identifying common exceptions such as Scottish names beginning Mac or Mc, is very hard. MC is also a Roman numeral. The function does not attempt any of these things. Instead it avoids altering anything which may already be correct. It will not touch abbreviations such as BBC or website URLs and it also caters for various types of hyphenation and apostrophies. You have the option to ignore small word exceptions which are not capitalized in standard British English.After you have run the example try using the function on the actual code itself. Mainly the comments will be capitalized and the code will remain mainly untouched and still run, because pre-existing capitals are presumed to be correct. I wrote all the comments in lower case on purpose so you could try this.Rules and GuidelinesCapitalizesThe first word - if it isn't on the ignore listThe last word - if isn't on the ignore listAll other words with (optional) exceptions - listed below:a, an, and, as, at, but, by, for, from, in, into, nor,of, on, onto, or, per, so, the, to, up, via, with, yetIgnore ListIgnores strings containing capitalsIgnores strings containing numbersIgnores strings containing underscoreIgnores URLs and file paths without spacesIgnores alpha characters preceeded by a hyphenIgnores alpha characters preceeded by an apostropheexpandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <String.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $sExample = _ "the great rock 'n roll swindle" & @LF & _ "old McDonnald had a farm" & @LF & _ "download AutoIt from" & @LF & _ "download win-1252 from" & @LF & _ "from the 14th to the 21st century" & @LF & _ "BBC iTunes II III IV" & @LF & _ "la época de los árabes" & @LF & _ "on (and on) and on" & @LF & _ "on top of old smokey" & @LF & _ "she's got x-ray vision" & @LF & _ "one,two,three,four" & @LF & _ "werner von bruin" & @LF & _ "paco de lucía y camarón de la isla" ConsoleWrite(_TitleCase($sExample, Default, Default, True) & @LF) EndFunc ;==> Example() Func _TitleCase($sText, $bAP_Exceptions = True, $bIgnoreCaps = True, $bInternational = False, $bIgnoreURL = True) If Not StringLen($sText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sText) ; nothing to parse If $bAP_Exceptions = Default Then $bAP_Exceptions = True If $bIgnoreCaps = Default Then $bIgnoreCaps = True If $bInternational = Default Then $bInternational = False If $bIgnoreURL = Default Then $bIgnoreURL = True Local $sWSLeft = "", $sWSRight = "", $sCurrChar For $i = 1 To StringLen($sText) $sCurrChar = StringMid($sText, $i, 1) If StringRegExp($sCurrChar, "\s") Then $sWSLeft &= $sCurrChar ; get leading WS Else ExitLoop EndIf Next For $i = StringLen($sText) To 1 Step -1 $sCurrChar = StringMid($sText, $i, 1) If StringRegExp($sCurrChar, "\s") Then $sWSRight = $sCurrChar & $sWSRight ; get trailing WS Else ExitLoop EndIf Next $sText = StringStripWS($sText, 3) ; remove leading and trailing WS Local $sNewStr = "", $sRegExp = "[0-9]|_", $bExceptions = False If $bIgnoreURL Then $sRegExp &= "|\\|/|(\.\w)" If $bIgnoreCaps Then $sRegExp &= "|[A-Z]" Else $sText = StringLower($sText) EndIf If StringRegExp($sText, $sRegExp) Then ; exceptions may be case sensitive, or include abbreviations $bExceptions = True Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sText, "\A\S+|(\s+\S+)|\s+\z", 3), _ ; find any WS characters followed by any none WS characters $aSubs = _GetMultiSubs($sText, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, $sText) ; no suitable delimiter available For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) -1 $aArray[$i] = StringStripWS($aArray[$i], 1) If Not StringInStr($sNewStr, $aSubs[0] & $aArray[$i], 1) Then $sNewStr &= $aSubs[0] & $aArray[$i] ; get unique exceptions Next $aArray = StringSplit($sNewStr, $aSubs[0], 3) ; overwrite the original array with an array of unique matches $aArray[0] = UBound($aArray) -1 ; get the number of unique matches _ArraySortByLen($aArray, 1, 1) ; reverse order the elements by length. If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, $sText) ; failure to arrange by element length Local $aIgnore[UBound($aArray) -1], $iCount = 0 ; don't touch - web stuff, or words containing underscore, capitals or numbers For $i = 1 To $aArray[0] If StringRegExp($aArray[$i], $sRegExp) Then $aIgnore[$iCount] = $aArray[$i] ; string to replace $iCount += 1 EndIf Next $aArray = 0 ; no longer needed ReDim $aIgnore[$iCount] $aSubs = _GetMultiSubs($sText, $iCount) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; insufficient substitutes strings available For $i = 0 To $iCount -1 $aSubs[$i] = " " & $aSubs[$i] & " " ; add padding to the replacements $sText = StringReplace($sText, $aIgnore[$i], $aSubs[$i], 0, 1) ; replace all the exceptions Next EndIf Local $CapsNext = 1, $sHyphens = ChrW(8211) & ChrW(8212) & ChrW(173) & "-'" ; en dash, em dash, soft hyphen, hyphen and apostrophe $sNewStr = "" For $i = 1 To StringLen($sText) ; modified code from JCHD $sCurrChar = StringMid($sText, $i, 1) If StringIsAlpha($sCurrChar) Then If $CapsNext Then $sCurrChar = StringUpper($sCurrChar) $CapsNext = 0 EndIf ElseIf StringInStr($sHyphens, $sCurrChar) Then ; changes to the original - hyphenation and apostrophe $CapsNext = 0 Else $CapsNext = 1 EndIf $sNewStr &= $sCurrChar Next If $bAP_Exceptions Then Local $aConj[24] = _ ["A","An","And","As","At","But","By","For", _ "From","In","Into","Nor","Of","On","Onto","Or", _ "Per","So","The","To","Up","Via","With","Yet"] For $i = 0 To 23 $sNewStr = StringReplace($sNewStr, " " & $aConj[$i] & " ", " " & StringLower($aConj[$i]) & " ") $sNewStr = StringReplace($sNewStr, "(" & $aConj[$i] & " ", "(" & StringLower($aConj[$i]) & " ") $sNewStr = StringReplace($sNewStr, " " & $aConj[$i] & ")", " " & StringLower($aConj[$i]) & ")") Next EndIf If $bInternational Then Local $aPartName[20] = _ [" Af "," Av "," Da "," De "," Del "," Der "," Di ", _ " E "," En "," Et "," Het "," La "," Las "," Lo ", _ " Los "," Und "," Van De "," Van Der "," Von "," Y "] For $i = 0 To 19 $sNewStr = StringReplace($sNewStr, $aPartName[$i], StringLower($aPartName[$i])) Next EndIf If $bExceptions Then For $i = $iCount -1 To 0 Step -1 ; put all the exceptions back in the new string $sNewStr = StringReplace($sNewStr, $aSubs[$i], $aIgnore[$i]) Next EndIf $sNewStr = $sWSLeft & $sNewStr & $sWSRight Return $sNewStr EndFunc ;==> _TitleCase() Func _GetMultiSubs($sTest, $iSubs) If Not IsString($sTest) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Invalid Input String. If Not IsInt($iSubs) Or $iSubs < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; Invalid number of substitute strings ; NOTE: The returned order of substitutes may be important. ; Extra padding may be needed to avoid substitutes coming into contact with other control characters. Local $aSubs[$iSubs], $aAscII[31], $iCount = 0, $sChar ; Using Control Characters only. ; First try one character For $i = 1 To 31 $sChar = Chr($i) If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sChar, 1) Then $aSubs[$iCount] = $sChar $iCount +=1 If $iCount = $iSubs Then Return $aSubs EndIf $aAscII[$i - 1] = $sChar ; Needed for the next stage. Next ; That failed - so we try two characters. Local $aDoubleChar = _ArrayCombinations($aAscII, 2, "") For $i = 1 To $aDoubleChar[0] $sChar = $aDoubleChar[$i] If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sChar, 1) Then $aSubs[$iCount] = $sChar $iCount +=1 If $iCount = $iSubs Then Return $aSubs EndIf Next ; That failed - so we try the reverse patterns. ReDim $aDoubleChar[931] $aDoubleChar[0] = 930 For $i = 466 To $aDoubleChar[0] $sChar = _StringReverse($aDoubleChar[$i -465]) If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sChar, 1) Then $aSubs[$iCount] = $sChar $iCount +=1 If $iCount = $iSubs Then Return $aSubs EndIf $aDoubleChar[$i] = $sChar ; Needed for the next stage. Next ; That failed - so we try three characters. For $i = 1 To $aDoubleChar[0] For $j = 0 To 30 $sChar = $aDoubleChar[$i] & $aAscII[$j] If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sChar, 1) Then $aSubs[$iCount] = $sChar $iCount +=1 If $iCount = $iSubs Then Return $aSubs EndIf Next Next ; That failed - so we try four characters. For $i = 1 To $aDoubleChar[0] For $j = 1 To $aDoubleChar[0] $sChar = $aDoubleChar[$i] & $aDoubleChar[$j] If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sChar, 1) Then $aSubs[$iCount] = $sChar $iCount +=1 If $iCount = $iSubs Then Return $aSubs EndIf Next Next ; That failed - so we try five characters. For $i = 1 To $aDoubleChar[0] For $j = 1 To $aDoubleChar[0] For $k = 0 To 30 $sChar = $aDoubleChar[$i] & $aDoubleChar[$j] & $aAscII[$k] If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sChar, 1) Then $aSubs[$iCount] = $sChar $iCount +=1 If $iCount = $iSubs Then Return $aSubs EndIf Next Next Next Return SetError (2, 0, "") ; Not enough substitutions available EndFunc ; _GetMultiSubs() Func _ArraySortByLen(ByRef $aArray, $iDescending =0, $iStart =0, $iEnd =0) If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray, 0) > 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Not a 1D array If Not IsInt($iStart) Or Not IsInt($iEnd) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) ; Parameters need to be integers. Local $iBound = UBound($aArray) Local $aElementLen[$iBound][2] $iBound -=1 For $i = 0 To $iBound $aElementLen[$i][0] = StringLen($aArray[$i]) ; Get the length of the element $aElementLen[$i][1] = $aArray[$i] ; The element to sort Next _ArraySort($aElementLen, $iDescending, $iStart, $iEnd) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) ; See _ArraySort() for error codes 2 to 4. For $i = 0 To $iBound $aArray[$i] = $aElementLen[$i][1] Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==> _ArraySortByLen()See also: EditCode Updated Edited January 10, 2013 by czardas tcurran 1 operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted January 9, 2013 Author Posted January 9, 2013 (edited) Changes to the above codeAdded (optional) common British English (Associated Press) lower case exceptions.Added (optional) minimal support for international names which may sometimes appear in English Titles.EditNew parameter options added: ==> Documentation still needs updating. You can try out the different parameters to see what difference they make ($bAP_Exceptions = Associated Press lower case exceptions). I do not intend to add any extra functionality to this. It is what it is. Edited January 10, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 1, 2013 Author Posted March 1, 2013 (edited) Above posts still need a few cobwebs removing. XORSplit and ORSplitRandomly split an integer into two bitwise exclusive (or non-exclusive) integers which can be bitwise-OR'ed together to produce the original value.expandcollapse popup_Examples() Func _Examples() Local $iInteger = 123456789 Local $aExample1 = XORSplit($iInteger) ; Returns a two element array - see comments below. ; Check the results are correct: ConsoleWrite("XORSplit (" & $iInteger & ")" & @LF) ConsoleWrite("BitOR(" & $aExample1[0] & ", " & $aExample1[1] & ") = " & _ BitOR($aExample1[0], $aExample1[1]) & @LF & @LF) ; Values can be Bitwise-OR'ed together. Local $aExample2 = ORSplit($iInteger) ; Returns a two element array - see comments below. ; Check the results are correct: ConsoleWrite("ORSplit (" & $iInteger & ")" & @LF) ConsoleWrite("BitOR(" & $aExample2[0] & ", " & $aExample2[1] & ") = " & _ BitOR($aExample2[0], $aExample2[1]) & @LF & @LF) ; Values can be Bitwise-OR'ed together. EndFunc Func XORSplit($i32Bit) ; Splits an integer into two randomly selected bitwise exclusive integers. If Not IsInt($i32Bit) Or $i32Bit >= 2^32 Or $i32Bit < 0x80000000 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aXOR[2] $aXOR[0] = 0 ; Randomly select which bits to reproduce in the first return value. => $aXOR[0] Local $iBitPos For $i = 0 To 31 $iBitPos = 2^$i If BitAND($i32Bit, $iBitPos) = $iBitPos And Random(0, 1, 1) Then $aXOR[0] = BitOR($aXOR[0], $iBitPos) Next ; Check the sign bit. If BitAND($i32Bit, 0x80000000) = 0x80000000 And Random(0, 1, 1) Then $aXOR[0] = BitOR($aXOR[0], 0x80000000) ; Exclude the bits set to one (in the first return value) from the original input. $aXOR[1] = BitXOR($i32Bit, $aXOR[0]) Return $aXOR ; Array values can be Bitwise-OR'ed together to reproduce the original input. EndFunc ;==> XORSplit Func ORSplit($i32Bit) ; Splits an integer into two randomly selected bitwise non-exclusive integers. If Not IsInt($i32Bit) Or $i32Bit >= 2^32 Or $i32Bit < 0x80000000 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aOR[2] $aOR[0] = 0 $aOR[1] = 0 ; Randomly select which bits to reproduce in either one or both return values. Local $iBitPos, $iSwitch = Random(1,3,1) For $i = 0 To 31 $iBitPos = 2^$i If BitAND($i32Bit, $iBitPos) = $iBitPos Then For $n = 1 To 2 If BitAND($iSwitch, $n) = $n Then $aOR[$n -1] = BitOR($aOR[$n -1], $iBitPos) Next $iSwitch = Random(1,3,1) ; Set the switch for the next run. EndIf Next ; Check the sign bit. If BitAND($i32Bit, 0x80000000) = 0x80000000 Then For $n = 1 To 2 If BitAND($iSwitch, $n) = $n Then $aOR[$n -1] = BitOR($aOR[$n -1], 0x80000000) Next EndIf Return $aOR ; Array values can be Bitwise-OR'ed together to reproduce the original input. EndFunc ;==> ORSplit Edited March 1, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 2, 2013 Author Posted March 2, 2013 (edited) Ideally ORSplit should be able to return up to 255 values to be consistant with other bitwise functions in AutoIt. With XORSplit however, 255 return values would be impossible, since there are only 32 available bit positions. Needs more thought! Anyway, let me know if you think of any uses for these functions. I have only thought of one concrete scenario, but I bet there will be possibilities I haven't considered. Edited March 3, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 20, 2013 Author Posted March 20, 2013 (edited) Loch Ness Monster Case and Camel CaseSome sightings of Loch Ness Monster Case have been reported in the wild, although none have been substantiated. Also note that Camel Case isn't normally found outside its native enviroment. ^^expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> MsgBox(0, LochNessMonsterCase("message from nessie"), LochNessMonsterCase("hello from the loch ness monster!")) Func LochNessMonsterCase($sText) If StringRegExp($sText, "(?i)[[:alpha:]]") = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sText) ; Contains no alpha characters. Local $aWords = StringRegExp($sText, "(?i)[[:alpha:]']+", 3) $aWords = _ArrayUnique($aWords) _ArraySortByLen($aWords, 0, 1) Local $iLen, $iMidPoint, $sCurrChar, $sTempStr, $iApostrophe For $i = 1 To $aWords[0] $iApostrophe = StringInStr($aWords[$i], "'") If $iApostrophe Then $aWords[$i] = StringReplace($aWords[$i], "'", "", 1) $iLen = StringLen($aWords[$i]) $iMidPoint = Ceiling($iLen/2) If Mod($iLen , 2) = 0 Then $iMidPoint += 1 $sTempStr = "" For $j = 1 To $iLen $sCurrChar = StringMid($aWords[$i], $j, 1) If $j = $iMidPoint Or $j = $iMidPoint -1 Then $sCurrChar = StringUpper($sCurrChar) Else $sCurrChar = StringLower($sCurrChar) EndIf $sTempStr &= $sCurrChar Next If $iApostrophe Then $sTempStr = StringLeft($sTempStr, $iApostrophe -1) & "'" & StringRight($sTempStr, $iLen -$iApostrophe +1) $sText = StringReplace($sText, $sTempStr, $sTempStr) Next Return $sText EndFunc ;==> LochNessMonsterCase Func _ArraySortByLen(ByRef $aArray, $iDescending =0, $iStart =0, $iEnd =0) If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray, 0) > 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Not a 1D array If Not IsInt($iStart) Or Not IsInt($iEnd) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) ; Parameters need to be integers. Local $iBound = UBound($aArray) Local $aElementLen[$iBound][2] $iBound -=1 For $i = 0 To $iBound $aElementLen[$i][0] = StringLen($aArray[$i]) ; Get the length of the element $aElementLen[$i][1] = $aArray[$i] ; The element to sort Next _ArraySort($aElementLen, $iDescending, $iStart, $iEnd) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) ; See _ArraySort() for error codes 2 to 4. For $i = 0 To $iBound $aArray[$i] = $aElementLen[$i][1] Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==> _ArraySortByLenexpandcollapse popupMsgBox(0, "Camel Case", CamelCase(" _ testing _ camel _ case" & @TAB & " ThIs caMeL hAs 3 hUMPS ")) Func CamelCase($sText, $CapsNext = 1, $bRecursion = False) If StringLen($sText) = 0 Then Return SetError(1) If Not $bRecursion Then $sText = StringLower($sText) Local $sNewStr = "", $sCurrChar For $i = 1 To StringLen($sText) $sCurrChar = StringMid($sText, $i, 1) If StringRegExp($sCurrChar, "\w") Then If Not $bRecursion Then If StringIsAlpha($sCurrChar) Then If $CapsNext Then $sCurrChar = StringUpper($sCurrChar) $CapsNext = 0 EndIf Else $CapsNext = 1 EndIf Else If StringIsAlpha($sCurrChar) And Not $CapsNext Then $sCurrChar = StringLower($sCurrChar) $CapsNext = 1 EndIf EndIf ElseIf $bRecursion Then $CapsNext = 0 Else $CapsNext = 1 EndIf $sNewStr &= $sCurrChar Next If Not $bRecursion Then While StringRegExp($sNewStr, "(\w)( +)(\w)") $sNewStr = StringRegExpReplace($sNewStr, "(\w)( +)(\w)", "\1\3") WEnd $sNewStr = CamelCase($sNewStr, 0, True) EndIf Return $sNewStr EndFunc ;==> CamelCase Edited March 24, 2013 by czardas tcurran 1 operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 23, 2013 Author Posted March 23, 2013 (edited) IT apPEars lOCh nESs moNSter cASe dOEs eXIst: OH MY GOd. HOw embaRRasing. I couLDn't undeRStand tHIs AT fIRst. I remEMber somEThing aBOut tHEre bEIng A lOCh nESs moNSter cASe, BUt I couLDn't remEMber THe rULes. I cOUld oNLy fINd THe ONe lINk.NOw aLSo wORks wITh wORds contAIning A siNGle aposTRophe.Camel Case does what I believe it ought to do. The conversion to Camel Case is intended to opperate on word characters only (alphanumeric chars and underscore). Spaces are stripped between all word characters, and any other characters trigger a new instance of Camel Case. Non-word characters (with the exception of space) may therefore be used to separate multiple conversions. Note: You should only pass one parameter to this function. Edited March 24, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 25, 2013 Author Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) _StringIsNumberThe functions StringIsInt() and StringIsFloat() only cover two types of numeric notation. In my opinion StringIsFloat() ought to return 1 for scientific notation, but it doesn't. Likewise StringIsInt() returns 0 for (within bounds integers using) hexadecimal notation. There is no general test to see whether a string contains some form of number recognised by the AutoIt interpreter.#region - Examples MsgBox(0, "Integer", "_StringIsNumber(900)" & @LF & " Returns ==> " & _ _StringIsNumber("900")) MsgBox(0, "Float", "_StringIsNumber(0.7)" & @LF & " Returns ==> " & _ _StringIsNumber("0.7")) MsgBox(0, "32Bit Integer", "_StringIsNumber(+0xF)" & @LF & " Returns ==> " & _ _StringIsNumber("+0xF")) MsgBox(0, "Exponential", "_StringIsNumber(-0.8e-200)" & @LF & " Returns ==> " & _ _StringIsNumber("-0.8e-200")) MsgBox(0, "Vulgar Fraction", "_StringIsNumber(7/12, True)" & @LF & " Returns ==> " & _ _StringIsNumber("7/12", True)) MsgBox(0, "Random String", "_StringIsNumber(Random String)" & @LF & " Returns ==> " & _ _StringIsNumber("Random String")) #endregion Func _StringIsNumber($sString, $bVulgarFrac = False) Local $bReturn = False If StringIsInt($sString) Or StringIsFloat($sString) Then $bReturn = True ; string is integer or float ElseIf StringRegExp($sString, "(?i)(\A[\+\-]?0x[A-F\d]+\z)") Then $bReturn = True ; string is hexadecimal integer ElseIf StringRegExp($sString, "(?i)(\A[\+\-]?\d*\.?\d+e[\+\-]?\d+\z)") Then $bReturn = True ; exponential (or scientific notation) ElseIf $bVulgarFrac And StringRegExp($sString, "(\A[\+\-]?\d+/\d+\z)") Then $bReturn = True ; string is a vulgar fraction EndIf Return $bReturn EndFuncTo the interpreter, vulgar fractions such as -3/4 constitute an expression which evaluates to a number (-0.75). _StringIsNumber() will only recognise vulgar fractions if you override the default value for the second parameter - see the example above. Edited March 25, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 25, 2013 Author Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) _ArraySortByNumberAn example of use for the above function - sorting a one dimensional array (ascending) first by number, followed by strings in alphabetical order.expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> Local $aTest[16] = ["55","3ABC","-12e+020",6.4,"399","0x0F","2.1e-115","-3","2,0xopo","1/3","C2","False","12b","0x80000000","E0","0"] _ArrayDisplay($aTest, "Before Sorting") _ArraySortByNumber($aTest, True) _ArrayDisplay($aTest, "After Sorting") Func _ArraySortByNumber(ByRef $aArray, $bVulgarFrac = False) If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray, 0) > 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iBound = UBound($aArray) Local $aTemp[$iBound][2], $iCount = 0 For $i = 0 To $iBound -1 $aTemp[$i][0] = $aArray[$i] If _StringIsNumber($aArray[$i], $bVulgarFrac) Then $aTemp[$i][1] = Execute($aArray[$i]) $iCount += 1 Else $aTemp[$i][1] = "z" & $aArray[$i] EndIf Next _ArraySort($aTemp, 0, 0, 0, 1) For $i = 0 To $iBound -1 $aArray[$i] = $aTemp[$i][0] Next EndFunc Func _StringIsNumber($sString, $bVulgarFrac = False) Local $bReturn = False If StringIsInt($sString) Or StringIsFloat($sString) Then $bReturn = True ; string is integer or float ElseIf StringRegExp($sString, "(?i)(\A[\+\-]?0x[A-F\d]+\z)") Then $bReturn = True ; string is hexadecimal integer ElseIf StringRegExp($sString, "(?i)(\A[\+\-]?\d*\.?\d+e[\+\-]?\d+\z)") Then $bReturn = True ; exponential (or scientific notation) ElseIf $bVulgarFrac And StringRegExp($sString, "(\A[\+\-]?\d+/\d+\z)") Then $bReturn = True ; string is a vulgar fraction EndIf Return $bReturn EndFuncEditFixed a leak in _StringIsNumber(). It's better now. Edited March 25, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 29, 2013 Author Posted March 29, 2013 (edited) _StripPunctuationRemove (or replace) all punctuation from any language (limited to UCS-2). Credit and appreciation, to JCHD and trancexx, for spending time helping me to understand more about unicode.expandcollapse popupFunc _StripPunctuation($sText, $sReplaceWith = "") If Not IsString($sText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; invalid first parameter If Not IsString($sReplaceWith) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; invalid second parameter $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "[" & _ "\x{0021}\x{0022}\x{0023}\x{0025}\x{0026}\x{0027}\x{0028}\x{0029}\x{002A}\x{002C}\x{002D}\x{002E}\x{002F}\x{003A}\x{003B}" & _ "\x{003F}\x{0040}\x{005B}\x{005C}\x{005D}\x{005F}\x{007B}\x{007D}\x{00A1}\x{00A7}\x{00AB}\x{00B6}\x{00B7}\x{00BB}\x{00BF}" & _ "\x{037E}\x{0387}\x{055A}\x{055B}\x{055C}\x{055D}\x{055E}\x{055F}\x{0589}\x{058A}\x{05BE}\x{05C0}\x{05C3}\x{05C6}\x{05F3}" & _ "\x{05F4}\x{0609}\x{060A}\x{060C}\x{060D}\x{061B}\x{061E}\x{061F}\x{066A}\x{066B}\x{066C}\x{066D}\x{06D4}\x{0700}\x{0701}" & _ "\x{0702}\x{0703}\x{0704}\x{0705}\x{0706}\x{0707}\x{0708}\x{0709}\x{070A}\x{070B}\x{070C}\x{070D}\x{07F7}\x{07F8}\x{07F9}" & _ "\x{0830}\x{0831}\x{0832}\x{0833}\x{0834}\x{0835}\x{0836}\x{0837}\x{0838}\x{0839}\x{083A}\x{083B}\x{083C}\x{083D}\x{083E}" & _ "\x{085E}\x{0964}\x{0965}\x{0970}\x{0AF0}\x{0DF4}\x{0E4F}\x{0E5A}\x{0E5B}\x{0F04}\x{0F05}\x{0F06}\x{0F07}\x{0F08}\x{0F09}" & _ "\x{0F0A}\x{0F0B}\x{0F0C}\x{0F0D}\x{0F0E}\x{0F0F}\x{0F10}\x{0F11}\x{0F12}\x{0F14}\x{0F3A}\x{0F3B}\x{0F3C}\x{0F3D}\x{0F85}" & _ "\x{0FD0}\x{0FD1}\x{0FD2}\x{0FD3}\x{0FD4}\x{0FD9}\x{0FDA}\x{104A}\x{104B}\x{104C}\x{104D}\x{104E}\x{104F}\x{10FB}\x{1360}" & _ "\x{1361}\x{1362}\x{1363}\x{1364}\x{1365}\x{1366}\x{1367}\x{1368}\x{1400}\x{166D}\x{166E}\x{169B}\x{169C}\x{16EB}\x{16EC}" & _ "\x{16ED}\x{1735}\x{1736}\x{17D4}\x{17D5}\x{17D6}\x{17D8}\x{17D9}\x{17DA}\x{1800}\x{1801}\x{1802}\x{1803}\x{1804}\x{1805}" & _ "\x{1806}\x{1807}\x{1808}\x{1809}\x{180A}\x{1944}\x{1945}\x{1A1E}\x{1A1F}\x{1AA0}\x{1AA1}\x{1AA2}\x{1AA3}\x{1AA4}\x{1AA5}" & _ "\x{1AA6}\x{1AA8}\x{1AA9}\x{1AAA}\x{1AAB}\x{1AAC}\x{1AAD}\x{1B5A}\x{1B5B}\x{1B5C}\x{1B5D}\x{1B5E}\x{1B5F}\x{1B60}\x{1BFC}" & _ "\x{1BFD}\x{1BFE}\x{1BFF}\x{1C3B}\x{1C3C}\x{1C3D}\x{1C3E}\x{1C3F}\x{1C7E}\x{1C7F}\x{1CC0}\x{1CC1}\x{1CC2}\x{1CC3}\x{1CC4}" & _ "\x{1CC5}\x{1CC6}\x{1CC7}\x{1CD3}\x{2010}\x{2011}\x{2012}\x{2013}\x{2014}\x{2015}\x{2016}\x{2017}\x{2018}\x{2019}\x{201A}" & _ "\x{201B}\x{201C}\x{201D}\x{201E}\x{201F}\x{2020}\x{2021}\x{2022}\x{2023}\x{2024}\x{2025}\x{2026}\x{2027}\x{2030}\x{2031}" & _ "\x{2032}\x{2033}\x{2034}\x{2035}\x{2036}\x{2037}\x{2038}\x{2039}\x{203A}\x{203B}\x{203C}\x{203D}\x{203E}\x{203F}\x{2040}" & _ "\x{2041}\x{2042}\x{2043}\x{2045}\x{2046}\x{2047}\x{2048}\x{2049}\x{204A}\x{204B}\x{204C}\x{204D}\x{204E}\x{204F}\x{2050}" & _ "\x{2051}\x{2053}\x{2054}\x{2055}\x{2056}\x{2057}\x{2058}\x{2059}\x{205A}\x{205B}\x{205C}\x{205D}\x{205E}\x{207D}\x{207E}" & _ "\x{208D}\x{208E}\x{2329}\x{232A}\x{2768}\x{2769}\x{276A}\x{276B}\x{276C}\x{276D}\x{276E}\x{276F}\x{2770}\x{2771}\x{2772}" & _ "\x{2773}\x{2774}\x{2775}\x{27C5}\x{27C6}\x{27E6}\x{27E7}\x{27E8}\x{27E9}\x{27EA}\x{27EB}\x{27EC}\x{27ED}\x{27EE}\x{27EF}" & _ "\x{2983}\x{2984}\x{2985}\x{2986}\x{2987}\x{2988}\x{2989}\x{298A}\x{298B}\x{298C}\x{298D}\x{298E}\x{298F}\x{2990}\x{2991}" & _ "\x{2992}\x{2993}\x{2994}\x{2995}\x{2996}\x{2997}\x{2998}\x{29D8}\x{29D9}\x{29DA}\x{29DB}\x{29FC}\x{29FD}\x{2CF9}\x{2CFA}" & _ "\x{2CFB}\x{2CFC}\x{2CFE}\x{2CFF}\x{2D70}\x{2E00}\x{2E01}\x{2E02}\x{2E03}\x{2E04}\x{2E05}\x{2E06}\x{2E07}\x{2E08}\x{2E09}" & _ "\x{2E0A}\x{2E0B}\x{2E0C}\x{2E0D}\x{2E0E}\x{2E0F}\x{2E10}\x{2E11}\x{2E12}\x{2E13}\x{2E14}\x{2E15}\x{2E16}\x{2E17}\x{2E18}" & _ "\x{2E19}\x{2E1A}\x{2E1B}\x{2E1C}\x{2E1D}\x{2E1E}\x{2E1F}\x{2E20}\x{2E21}\x{2E22}\x{2E23}\x{2E24}\x{2E25}\x{2E26}\x{2E27}" & _ "\x{2E28}\x{2E29}\x{2E2A}\x{2E2B}\x{2E2C}\x{2E2D}\x{2E2E}\x{2E30}\x{2E31}\x{2E32}\x{2E33}\x{2E34}\x{2E35}\x{2E36}\x{2E37}" & _ "\x{2E38}\x{2E39}\x{2E3A}\x{2E3B}\x{3001}\x{3002}\x{3003}\x{3008}\x{3009}\x{300A}\x{300B}\x{300C}\x{300D}\x{300E}\x{300F}" & _ "\x{3010}\x{3011}\x{3014}\x{3015}\x{3016}\x{3017}\x{3018}\x{3019}\x{301A}\x{301B}\x{301C}\x{301D}\x{301E}\x{301F}\x{3030}" & _ "\x{303D}\x{30A0}\x{30FB}\x{A4FE}\x{A4FF}\x{A60D}\x{A60E}\x{A60F}\x{A673}\x{A67E}\x{A6F2}\x{A6F3}\x{A6F4}\x{A6F5}\x{A6F6}" & _ "\x{A6F7}\x{A874}\x{A875}\x{A876}\x{A877}\x{A8CE}\x{A8CF}\x{A8F8}\x{A8F9}\x{A8FA}\x{A92E}\x{A92F}\x{A95F}\x{A9C1}\x{A9C2}" & _ "\x{A9C3}\x{A9C4}\x{A9C5}\x{A9C6}\x{A9C7}\x{A9C8}\x{A9C9}\x{A9CA}\x{A9CB}\x{A9CC}\x{A9CD}\x{A9DE}\x{A9DF}\x{AA5C}\x{AA5D}" & _ "\x{AA5E}\x{AA5F}\x{AADE}\x{AADF}\x{AAF0}\x{AAF1}\x{ABEB}\x{FD3E}\x{FD3F}\x{FE10}\x{FE11}\x{FE12}\x{FE13}\x{FE14}\x{FE15}" & _ "\x{FE16}\x{FE17}\x{FE18}\x{FE19}\x{FE30}\x{FE31}\x{FE32}\x{FE33}\x{FE34}\x{FE35}\x{FE36}\x{FE37}\x{FE38}\x{FE39}\x{FE3A}" & _ "\x{FE3B}\x{FE3C}\x{FE3D}\x{FE3E}\x{FE3F}\x{FE40}\x{FE41}\x{FE42}\x{FE43}\x{FE44}\x{FE45}\x{FE46}\x{FE47}\x{FE48}\x{FE49}" & _ "\x{FE4A}\x{FE4B}\x{FE4C}\x{FE4D}\x{FE4E}\x{FE4F}\x{FE50}\x{FE51}\x{FE52}\x{FE54}\x{FE55}\x{FE56}\x{FE57}\x{FE58}\x{FE59}" & _ "\x{FE5A}\x{FE5B}\x{FE5C}\x{FE5D}\x{FE5E}\x{FE5F}\x{FE60}\x{FE61}\x{FE63}\x{FE68}\x{FE6A}\x{FE6B}\x{FF01}\x{FF02}\x{FF03}" & _ "\x{FF05}\x{FF06}\x{FF07}\x{FF08}\x{FF09}\x{FF0A}\x{FF0C}\x{FF0D}\x{FF0E}\x{FF0F}\x{FF1A}\x{FF1B}\x{FF1F}\x{FF20}\x{FF3B}" & _ "\x{FF3C}\x{FF3D}\x{FF3F}\x{FF5B}\x{FF5D}\x{FF5F}\x{FF60}\x{FF61}\x{FF62}\x{FF63}\x{FF64}\x{FF65}]", $sReplaceWith) Return $sText EndFunc ;==> _StripPunctuation Edited April 21, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
czardas Posted March 30, 2013 Author Posted March 30, 2013 (edited) Updates And ImprovementsThis post is reserved for logging updates or any changes to code in previous posts. For me this represents a period of reflection. I made some half-hearted attempts to solve some problems, and this needs redressing.Post #49 (30/03/2013)Implemented a much more aggressive approach - see post #49 for details.The above function was renamed. (30/03/2013) Edited April 21, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop
jchd Posted March 30, 2013 Posted March 30, 2013 Looking at the code, I believe it has the same issue that is exposed in Also looking further, I find a lot of discrepancies with what was categorized as "any Punctuation" by the 5.1 Unicode standard.Here's a brief comparison, my version as comments. I've shifted values here and there to align equal values.expandcollapse popupFunc _StripPunctuation($sText, $sReplaceWith = "") If Not IsString($sText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sText) ; invalid first parameter If Not (IsString($sReplaceWith) Or IsNumber($sReplaceWith)) Then Return SetError(2, 0, $sText) ; invalid second parameter $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "[" & _ ;\x{0021}\x{0022}\x{0023}\x{0025}\x{0026}\x{0027}\x{0028}\x{0029}\x{002A}\x{002C}\x{002D}\x{002E}\x{002F}\x{003A}\x{003B} "\x{0021}\x{0022}\x{0023}\x{0025}\x{0026}\x{0027}\x{0028}\x{0029}\x{002A}\x{002C}\x{002D}\x{002E}\x{002F}\x{003A}\x{003B}" & _ ;\x{003F}\x{0040}\x{005B}\x{005C}\x{005D}\x{005F}\x{007B}\x{007D}\x{00A1} \x{00AB} \x{00B7}\x{00BB}\x{00BF} "\x{003F}\x{0040}\x{005B}\x{005C}\x{005D}\x{005F}\x{007B}\x{007D}\x{00A1}\x{00A7}\x{00AB}\x{00B6}\x{00B7}\x{00BB}\x{00BF}" & _ ;\x{037E}\x{0387}\x{055A}\x{055B}\x{055C}\x{055D}\x{055E}\x{055F}\x{0589}\x{058A}\x{05BE}\x{05C0}\x{05C3}\x{05C6}\x{05F3} "\x{037E}\x{0387}\x{055A}\x{055B}\x{055C}\x{055D}\x{055E}\x{055F}\x{0589}\x{058A}\x{05BE}\x{05C0}\x{05C3}\x{05C6}\x{05F3}" & _ ;\x{05F4}\x{0609}\x{060A}\x{060C}\x{060D}\x{061B}\x{061E}\x{061F}\x{066A}\x{066B}\x{066C}\x{066D}\x{06D4}\x{0700}\x{0701} "\x{05F4}\x{0609}\x{060A}\x{060C}\x{060D}\x{061B}\x{061E}\x{061F}\x{066A}\x{066B}\x{066C}\x{066D}\x{06D4}\x{0700}\x{0701}" & _ ;\x{0702}\x{0703}\x{0704}\x{0705}\x{0706}\x{0707}\x{0708}\x{0709}\x{070A}\x{070B}\x{070C}\x{070D}\x{07F7}\x{07F8}\x{07F9} "\x{0702}\x{0703}\x{0704}\x{0705}\x{0706}\x{0707}\x{0708}\x{0709}\x{070A}\x{070B}\x{070C}\x{070D}\x{07F7}\x{07F8}\x{07F9}" & _ ; "\x{0830}\x{0831}\x{0832}\x{0833}\x{0834}\x{0835}\x{0836}\x{0837}\x{0838}\x{0839}\x{083A}\x{083B}\x{083C}\x{083D}\x{083E}" & _ ; \x{0964}\x{0965}\x{0970} \x{0DF4}\x{0E4F}\x{0E5A}\x{0E5B}\x{0F04}\x{0F05}\x{0F06}\x{0F07}\x{0F08}\x{0F09} "\x{085E}\x{0964}\x{0965}\x{0970}\x{0AF0}\x{0DF4}\x{0E4F}\x{0E5A}\x{0E5B}\x{0F04}\x{0F05}\x{0F06}\x{0F07}\x{0F08}\x{0F09}" & _ ;\x{0F0A}\x{0F0B}\x{0F0C}\x{0F0D}\x{0F0E}\x{0F0F}\x{0F10}\x{0F11}\x{0F12} \x{0F3A}\x{0F3B}\x{0F3C}\x{0F3D}\x{0F85} "\x{0F0A}\x{0F0B}\x{0F0C}\x{0F0D}\x{0F0E}\x{0F0F}\x{0F10}\x{0F11}\x{0F12}\x{0F14}\x{0F3A}\x{0F3B}\x{0F3C}\x{0F3D}\x{0F85}" & _ ;\x{0FD0}\x{0FD1}\x{0FD2}\x{0FD3}\x{0FD4} \x{104A}\x{104B}\x{104C}\x{104D}\x{104E}\x{104F}\x{10FB} "\x{0FD0}\x{0FD1}\x{0FD2}\x{0FD3}\x{0FD4}\x{0FD9}\x{0FDA}\x{104A}\x{104B}\x{104C}\x{104D}\x{104E}\x{104F}\x{10FB}\x{1360}" & _ ;\x{1361}\x{1362}\x{1363}\x{1364}\x{1365}\x{1366}\x{1367}\x{1368} \x{166D}\x{166E}\x{169B}\x{169C}\x{16EB}\x{16EC} "\x{1361}\x{1362}\x{1363}\x{1364}\x{1365}\x{1366}\x{1367}\x{1368}\x{1400}\x{166D}\x{166E}\x{169B}\x{169C}\x{16EB}\x{16EC}" & _ ;\x{16ED}\x{1735}\x{1736}\x{17D4}\x{17D5}\x{17D6}\x{17D8}\x{17D9}\x{17DA}\x{1800}\x{1801}\x{1802}\x{1803}\x{1804}\x{1805} "\x{16ED}\x{1735}\x{1736}\x{17D4}\x{17D5}\x{17D6}\x{17D8}\x{17D9}\x{17DA}\x{1800}\x{1801}\x{1802}\x{1803}\x{1804}\x{1805}" & _ ;\x{1806}\x{1807}\x{1808}\x{1809}\x{180A}\x{1944}\x{1945}\x{19DE}\x{19DF}\x{1A1E}\x{1A1F}\x{1B5A}\x{1B5B}\x{1B5C}\x{1B5D} "\x{1806}\x{1807}\x{1808}\x{1809}\x{180A}\x{1944}\x{1945} \x{1A1E}\x{1A1F} ; "\x{1AA0}\x{1AA1}\x{1AA2}\x{1AA3}\x{1AA4}\x{1AA5}\x{1AA6}\x{1AA8}\x{1AA9}\x{1AAA}\x{1AAB}\x{1AAC}\x{1AAD}\x{1B5A}\x{1B5B}" & _ ; \x{1B5E}\x{1B5F}\x{1B60} \x{1C3B}\x{1C3C}\x{1C3D}\x{1C3E}\x{1C3F}\x{1C7E} "\x{1B5C}\x{1B5D}\x{1B5E}\x{1B5F}\x{1B60}\x{1BFC}\x{1BFD}\x{1BFE}\x{1BFF}\x{1C3B}\x{1C3C}\x{1C3D}\x{1C3E}\x{1C3F}\x{1C7E}" & _ ;\x{1C7F} \x{2010}\x{2011}\x{2012}\x{2013}\x{2014} "\x{1C7F}\x{1CC0}\x{1CC1}\x{1CC2}\x{1CC3}\x{1CC4}\x{1CC5}\x{1CC6}\x{1CC7}\x{1CD3}\x{2010}\x{2011}\x{2012}\x{2013}\x{2014}" & _ ;\x{2015}\x{2016}\x{2017}\x{2018}\x{2019}\x{201A}\x{201B}\x{201C}\x{201D}\x{201E}\x{201F}\x{2020}\x{2021}\x{2022}\x{2023} "\x{2015}\x{2016}\x{2017}\x{2018}\x{2019}\x{201A}\x{201B}\x{201C}\x{201D}\x{201E}\x{201F}\x{2020}\x{2021}\x{2022}\x{2023}" & _ ;\x{2024}\x{2025}\x{2026}\x{2027}\x{2030}\x{2031}\x{2032}\x{2033}\x{2034}\x{2035}\x{2036}\x{2037}\x{2038}\x{2039}\x{203A} "\x{2024}\x{2025}\x{2026}\x{2027}\x{2030}\x{2031}\x{2032}\x{2033}\x{2034}\x{2035}\x{2036}\x{2037}\x{2038}\x{2039}\x{203A}" & _ ;\x{203B}\x{203C}\x{203D}\x{203E}\x{203F}\x{2040}\x{2041}\x{2042}\x{2043}\x{2045}\x{2046}\x{2047}\x{2048}\x{2049}\x{204A} "\x{203B}\x{203C}\x{203D}\x{203E}\x{203F}\x{2040}\x{2041}\x{2042}\x{2043}\x{2045}\x{2046}\x{2047}\x{2048}\x{2049}\x{204A}" & _ ;\x{204B}\x{204C}\x{204D}\x{204E}\x{204F}\x{2050}\x{2051}\x{2053}\x{2054}\x{2055}\x{2056}\x{2057}\x{2058}\x{2059}\x{205A} "\x{204B}\x{204C}\x{204D}\x{204E}\x{204F}\x{2050}\x{2051}\x{2053}\x{2054}\x{2055}\x{2056}\x{2057}\x{2058}\x{2059}\x{205A}" & _ ;\x{205B}\x{205C}\x{205D}\x{205E}\x{207D}\x{207E}\x{208D}\x{208E}\x{2329}\x{232A}\x{2768}\x{2769}\x{276A}\x{276B}\x{276C} "\x{205B}\x{205C}\x{205D}\x{205E}\x{207D}\x{207E}\x{208D}\x{208E}\x{2329}\x{232A}\x{2768}\x{2769}\x{276A}\x{276B}\x{276C}" & _ ;\x{276D}\x{276E}\x{276F}\x{2770}\x{2771}\x{2772}\x{2773}\x{2774}\x{2775}\x{27C5}\x{27C6}\x{27E6}\x{27E7}\x{27E8}\x{27E9} "\x{276D}\x{276E}\x{276F}\x{2770}\x{2771}\x{2772}\x{2773}\x{2774}\x{2775}\x{27C5}\x{27C6}\x{27E6}\x{27E7}\x{27E8}\x{27E9}" & _ ;\x{27EA}\x{27EB}\x{27EC}\x{27ED}\x{27EE}\x{27EF}\x{2983}\x{2984}\x{2985}\x{2986}\x{2987}\x{2988}\x{2989}\x{298A}\x{298B} "\x{27EA}\x{27EB}\x{27EC}\x{27ED}\x{27EE}\x{27EF}\x{2983}\x{2984}\x{2985}\x{2986}\x{2987}\x{2988}\x{2989}\x{298A}\x{298B}" & _ ;\x{298C}\x{298D}\x{298E}\x{298F}\x{2990}\x{2991}\x{2992}\x{2993}\x{2994}\x{2995}\x{2996}\x{2997}\x{2998}\x{29D8}\x{29D9} "\x{298C}\x{298D}\x{298E}\x{298F}\x{2990}\x{2991}\x{2992}\x{2993}\x{2994}\x{2995}\x{2996}\x{2997}\x{2998}\x{29D8}\x{29D9}" & _ ;\x{29DA}\x{29DB}\x{29FC}\x{29FD}\x{2CF9}\x{2CFA}\x{2CFB}\x{2CFC}\x{2CFE}\x{2CFF} \x{2E00}\x{2E01}\x{2E02}\x{2E03} "\x{29DA}\x{29DB}\x{29FC}\x{29FD}\x{2CF9}\x{2CFA}\x{2CFB}\x{2CFC}\x{2CFE}\x{2CFF}\x{2D70}\x{2E00}\x{2E01}\x{2E02}\x{2E03}" & _ ;\x{2E04}\x{2E05}\x{2E06}\x{2E07}\x{2E08}\x{2E09}\x{2E0A}\x{2E0B}\x{2E0C}\x{2E0D}\x{2E0E}\x{2E0F}\x{2E10}\x{2E11}\x{2E12} "\x{2E04}\x{2E05}\x{2E06}\x{2E07}\x{2E08}\x{2E09}\x{2E0A}\x{2E0B}\x{2E0C}\x{2E0D}\x{2E0E}\x{2E0F}\x{2E10}\x{2E11}\x{2E12}" & _ ;\x{2E13}\x{2E14}\x{2E15}\x{2E16}\x{2E17}\x{2E18}\x{2E19}\x{2E1A}\x{2E1B}\x{2E1C}\x{2E1D}\x{2E1E}\x{2E1F}\x{2E20}\x{2E21} "\x{2E13}\x{2E14}\x{2E15}\x{2E16}\x{2E17}\x{2E18}\x{2E19}\x{2E1A}\x{2E1B}\x{2E1C}\x{2E1D}\x{2E1E}\x{2E1F}\x{2E20}\x{2E21}" & _ ;\x{2E22}\x{2E23}\x{2E24}\x{2E25}\x{2E26}\x{2E27}\x{2E28}\x{2E29}\x{2E2A}\x{2E2B}\x{2E2C}\x{2E2D}\x{2E2E}\x{2E30} "\x{2E22}\x{2E23}\x{2E24}\x{2E25}\x{2E26}\x{2E27}\x{2E28}\x{2E29}\x{2E2A}\x{2E2B}\x{2E2C}\x{2E2D}\x{2E2E}\x{2E30}\x{2E31}" & _ ; \x{3001}\x{3002}\x{3003}\x{3008}\x{3009} "\x{2E32}\x{2E33}\x{2E34}\x{2E35}\x{2E36}\x{2E37}\x{2E38}\x{2E39}\x{2E3A}\x{2E3B}\x{3001}\x{3002}\x{3003}\x{3008}\x{3009}" & _ ;\x{300A}\x{300B}\x{300C}\x{300D}\x{300E}\x{300F}\x{3010}\x{3011}\x{3014}\x{3015}\x{3016}\x{3017}\x{3018}\x{3019}\x{301A} "\x{300A}\x{300B}\x{300C}\x{300D}\x{300E}\x{300F}\x{3010}\x{3011}\x{3014}\x{3015}\x{3016}\x{3017}\x{3018}\x{3019}\x{301A}" & _ ;\x{301B}\x{301C}\x{301D}\x{301E}\x{301F}\x{3030}\x{303D}\x{30A0}\x{30FB} \x{A60D}\x{A60E}\x{A60F}\x{A673} "\x{301B}\x{301C}\x{301D}\x{301E}\x{301F}\x{3030}\x{303D}\x{30A0}\x{30FB}\x{A4FE}\x{A4FF}\x{A60D}\x{A60E}\x{A60F}\x{A673}" & _ ;\x{A67E} \x{A874}\x{A875}\x{A876}\x{A877}\x{A8CE}\x{A8CF} "\x{A67E}\x{A6F2}\x{A6F3}\x{A6F4}\x{A6F5}\x{A6F6}\x{A6F7}\x{A874}\x{A875}\x{A876}\x{A877}\x{A8CE}\x{A8CF}\x{A8F8}\x{A8F9}" & _ ; \x{A92E}\x{A92F}\x{A95F} "\x{A8FA}\x{A92E}\x{A92F}\x{A95F}\x{A9C1}\x{A9C2}\x{A9C3}\x{A9C4}\x{A9C5}\x{A9C6}\x{A9C7}\x{A9C8}\x{A9C9}\x{A9CA}\x{A9CB}" & _ ; \x{AA5C}\x{AA5D}\x{AA5E}\x{AA5F} \x{FD3E}\x{FD3F} "\x{A9CC}\x{A9CD}\x{A9DE}\x{A9DF}\x{AA5C}\x{AA5D}\x{AA5E}\x{AA5F}\x{AADE}\x{AADF}\x{AAF0}\x{AAF1}\x{ABEB}\x{FD3E}\x{FD3F}" & _ ;\x{FE10}\x{FE11}\x{FE12}\x{FE13}\x{FE14}\x{FE15}\x{FE16}\x{FE17}\x{FE18}\x{FE19}\x{FE30}\x{FE31}\x{FE32}\x{FE33}\x{FE34} "\x{FE10}\x{FE11}\x{FE12}\x{FE13}\x{FE14}\x{FE15}\x{FE16}\x{FE17}\x{FE18}\x{FE19}\x{FE30}\x{FE31}\x{FE32}\x{FE33}\x{FE34}" & _ ;\x{FE35}\x{FE36}\x{FE37}\x{FE38}\x{FE39}\x{FE3A}\x{FE3B}\x{FE3C}\x{FE3D}\x{FE3E}\x{FE3F}\x{FE40}\x{FE41}\x{FE42}\x{FE43} "\x{FE35}\x{FE36}\x{FE37}\x{FE38}\x{FE39}\x{FE3A}\x{FE3B}\x{FE3C}\x{FE3D}\x{FE3E}\x{FE3F}\x{FE40}\x{FE41}\x{FE42}\x{FE43}" & _ ;\x{FE44}\x{FE45}\x{FE46}\x{FE47}\x{FE48}\x{FE49}\x{FE4A}\x{FE4B}\x{FE4C}\x{FE4D}\x{FE4E}\x{FE4F}\x{FE50}\x{FE51}\x{FE52} "\x{FE44}\x{FE45}\x{FE46}\x{FE47}\x{FE48}\x{FE49}\x{FE4A}\x{FE4B}\x{FE4C}\x{FE4D}\x{FE4E}\x{FE4F}\x{FE50}\x{FE51}\x{FE52}" & _ ;\x{FE54}\x{FE55}\x{FE56}\x{FE57}\x{FE58}\x{FE59}\x{FE5A}\x{FE5B}\x{FE5C}\x{FE5D}\x{FE5E}\x{FE5F}\x{FE60}\x{FE61}\x{FE63} "\x{FE54}\x{FE55}\x{FE56}\x{FE57}\x{FE58}\x{FE59}\x{FE5A}\x{FE5B}\x{FE5C}\x{FE5D}\x{FE5E}\x{FE5F}\x{FE60}\x{FE61}\x{FE63}" & _ ;\x{FE68}\x{FE6A}\x{FE6B}\x{FF01}\x{FF02}\x{FF03}\x{FF05}\x{FF06}\x{FF07}\x{FF08}\x{FF09}\x{FF0A}\x{FF0C}\x{FF0D}\x{FF0E} "\x{FE68}\x{FE6A}\x{FE6B}\x{FF01}\x{FF02}\x{FF03}\x{FF05}\x{FF06}\x{FF07}\x{FF08}\x{FF09}\x{FF0A}\x{FF0C}\x{FF0D}\x{FF0E}" & _ ;\x{FF0F}\x{FF1A}\x{FF1B}\x{FF1F}\x{FF20}\x{FF3B}\x{FF3C}\x{FF3D}\x{FF3F}\x{FF5B}\x{FF5D}\x{FF5F}\x{FF60}\x{FF61}\x{FF62} "\x{FF0F}\x{FF1A}\x{FF1B}\x{FF1F}\x{FF20}\x{FF3B}\x{FF3C}\x{FF3D}\x{FF3F}\x{FF5B}\x{FF5D}\x{FF5F}\x{FF60}\x{FF61}\x{FF62}]" & _ ;\x{FF63}\x{FF64}\x{FF65} "\x{FF63}\x{FF64}\x{FF65}", $sReplaceWith) Return $sText EndFunc ;==> _StripPunctuation This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)
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