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I was wondering if someone can help me.

Running Windows XP SP3 and get @error=9.

What I am doing wrong here?


#include <Misc.au3>

Local $fTest

$fTest = _ClipPutFile(@TempDir & "\listsoftware.txt")

If Not $fTest Then

MsgBox(0,"_ClipPutFile() call Failed","@error = " & @error)


MsgBox(0,"_ClipPutFile()","Content of Clipboard:" & @CRLF & ClipGet())




I was wondering if someone can help me.

Running Windows XP SP3 and get @error=9.

What I am doing wrong here?


#include <Misc.au3>

Local $fTest

$fTest = _ClipPutFile(@TempDir & "\listsoftware.txt")

If Not $fTest Then

MsgBox(0,"_ClipPutFile() call Failed","@error = " & @error)


MsgBox(0,"_ClipPutFile()","Content of Clipboard:" & @CRLF & ClipGet())


According to another thread, error 9 is GlobalFree Failed. I dont know the answer, but hopefully it can help someone else fix your problem.

[font="Comic Sans MS"]My code does not have bugs! It just develops random features.[/font]My Projects[list][*]Live Streaming (Not my project, but my edited version)[right]AutoIt Wrappers![/right][/list]Pure randomness[list][*]Small Minds.......................................................................................................[size="1"]Simple progress bar that changes direction at either sides.[/size][*]ChristmasIt AutoIt Christmas Theme..........................................................[size="1"]I WAS BOOOORED![/size][*]DriveToy..............................................................................................................[size="1"]Simple joke script. Trick your friends into thinking their computer drive is haywire![/size][/list]In Development[list][*]Your Background Task Organiser[*]AInstall Second Generation[/list]BEFORE POSTING ON THE FORUMS, TRY THIS:


Here a workaround / another variant:

#Include <Clipboard.au3>
$txt = FileRead(@TempDir & "\listsoftware.txt")
_ClipBoard_SetData($txt, $CF_TEXT)
MsgBox(0,"_ClipPutFile()","Content of Clipboard:" & @CRLF & _ClipBoard_GetData())



Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

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