CodyBarrett Posted December 9, 2010 Posted December 9, 2010 (edited) this is my implementation of the board game, yea it needs alot of work, like these:---Vertical placement of ships---AI search of nearby ships after a Hit---"you sunk my battleship" messagesexpandcollapse popupOpt ('GUIONEVENTMODE',1) #include <GUICONSTANTSEX.AU3> #include <WINDOWSCONSTANTS.au3> #include <STATICCONSTANTS.au3> #include <BUTTONCONSTANTS.au3> #include <ARRAY.au3> Global $l_size = 40 Dim $Player_gui_parent = 0 Dim $Player_gui_grid_ships[11][11] Dim $Player_gui_grid_explosives[11][11] Dim $AI_grid_ships[11][11] Dim $Player_Ships_Location[15] Dim $Player_HitsTaken Dim $Player_HitsTaken_Label Dim $AI_HitsTaken Dim $AI_HitsTaken_Label Dim $AI_WinCount = 0 Dim $Player_WinCount = 0 Dim $CurrentShip_to_be_Set = 5 Dim $CurrentTurn = 0 Dim $Player_HitsTaken = 0 Dim $AI_HitsTaken = 0 Dim $startup = 0 Dim $Alignment = 1 Dim $AI_last_hit_on_Player = 0&':'&0 Start () While 1 If $Player_HitsTaken = 15 Or $AI_HitsTaken = 15 Then Dim $startup = 0 If $AI_HitsTaken = 15 Then $Player_WinCount += 1 If MsgBox (4,'Game Over!', 'Player Wins!' & @CRLF & _ 'Score:' & @CRLF & _ @TAB & 'AI:' & $AI_WinCount & @CRLF & _ @TAB & 'Player:' & $Player_WinCount & @CRLF & _ 'Play Again?','',WinGetHandle ('[active]')) = 6 Then GUIDelete ($Player_gui_parent) Start () Else QUIT () EndIf ElseIf $Player_HitsTaken = 15 Then $AI_WinCount += 1 If MsgBox (4,'Game Over!', 'AI Wins!' & @CRLF & _ 'Score:' & @CRLF & _ @TAB & 'AI:' & $AI_WinCount & @CRLF & _ @TAB & 'Player:' & $Player_WinCount & @CRLF & _ 'Play Again?','',WinGetHandle ('[active]')) = 6 Then GUIDelete ($Player_gui_parent) Start () Else QUIT () EndIf EndIf Else If GUICtrlRead ($AI_HitsTaken_Label) <> 'AI has ' & 15-$AI_HitsTaken & ' Hits Left Before They Loze!' Then GUICtrlSetData ($AI_HitsTaken_Label,'AI has ' & 15-$AI_HitsTaken & ' Hits Left Before They Loze!') If GUICtrlRead ($Player_HitsTaken_Label) <> 'You have ' & 15-$Player_HitsTaken & ' Hits Left Before You Loze!' Then GUICtrlSetData ($Player_HitsTaken_Label,'You have ' & 15-$Player_HitsTaken & ' Hits Left Before You Loze!') EndIf Sleep (100) WEnd Func Start () Local $y, $x, $AI_Alignment If $startup = 1 Then Return $startup = 1 $CurrentShip_to_be_Set = 5 $CurrentTurn = 0 $Player_HitsTaken = 0 $AI_HitsTaken = 0 $Player_gui_parent = GUICreate ('BATTLESHIPS',(($l_size*10)*2)+30,($l_size*10)+(6*$l_size)+10) GUISetFont (10,999,'','Tahoma',$Player_gui_parent) GUICtrlSetDefBkColor (0xABCDEF,$Player_gui_parent) GUISetBkColor (0xABCDEF) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Carrier :',10,($l_size*10)+$l_size,$l_size*5,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('BattleShip :',10,($l_size*10)+(2*$l_size),$l_size*5,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Submarine :',10,($l_size*10)+(3*$l_size),$l_size*5,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Destroyer :',10,($l_size*10)+(4*$l_size),$l_size*5,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('PatrolBoat :',10,($l_size*10)+(5*$l_size),$l_size*5,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',10+($l_size*5),($l_size*10)+$l_size,$l_size*5,$l_size, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',10+($l_size*5),($l_size*10)+(2*$l_size),$l_size*4,$l_size, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',10+($l_size*5),($l_size*10)+(3*$l_size),$l_size*3,$l_size, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',10+($l_size*5),($l_size*10)+(4*$l_size),$l_size*2,$l_size, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',10+($l_size*5),($l_size*10)+(5*$l_size),$l_size*1,$l_size, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlCreateRadio ('Horizontal Positioning',20+($l_size*10),($l_size*10)+(1*$l_size),$l_size*5,$l_size) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1,'ChangeAlignment') GUICtrlCreateRadio ('Vertical Positioning',20+($l_size*10),($l_size*10)+(2*$l_size),$l_size*5,$l_size) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1,'ChangeAlignment') $AI_HitsTaken_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',20+($l_size*10),($l_size*10)+(4*$l_size),$l_size*10,$l_size) $Player_HitsTaken_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel( '',20+($l_size*10),($l_size*10)+(5*$l_size),$l_size*10,$l_size) GUISetOnEvent (-3,'QUIT',$Player_gui_parent) GUISetState () MsgBox (0,'BATTLESHIPS','Hello.' & @CRLF & 'Before We Can Start, You Must Position Your Ships On Your Left Grid.','',WinGetHandle ('[active]')) $Player_gui_grid_ships[0][0] = GUICreate ('Player:Ships',$l_size*10,$l_size*10,10,10,$WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_EX_MDICHILD,$Player_gui_parent) For $y = 1 To 10 For $x = 1 To 10 $AI_grid_ships[$y][$x] = 0 $Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',(($x-1)*$l_size),(($y-1)*$l_size),$l_size,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER,$WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],0xABCDEF) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],'PositionShip') GUICtrlSetCursor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],0) Next Next GUISetState () While $CurrentShip_to_be_Set >= 1 Sleep (100) WEnd $Player_gui_grid_explosives[0][0] = GUICreate ('Player:Explosives',$l_size*10,$l_size*10,($l_size*10)+20,10,$WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_EX_MDICHILD,$Player_gui_parent) For $y = 1 To 10 For $x = 1 To 10 $Player_gui_grid_explosives[$y][$x] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($y&':'&$x,($x-1) * $l_size,($y - 1) * $l_size,$l_size,$l_size,BitOR ($SS_CENTERIMAGE,$SS_CENTER,$WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($Player_gui_grid_explosives[$y][$x],0xABCDEF) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($Player_gui_grid_explosives[$y][$x],'Attack') GUICtrlSetCursor ($Player_gui_grid_explosives[$y][$x],3) Next Next GUISetState () For $N = 5 To 1 Step -1 While 1 $error = 0 $x = Random(1,10,1) $y = Random (1,10,1) $AI_Alignment = Random (0,1,1) If $AI_grid_ships[$y][$x] = 0 Then If $AI_Alignment = 0 Then ;VERTICAL If ($y-1)+$N <= 10 Then For $U = 0 To $N-1 If $AI_grid_ships[$y+$U][$x] = 1 Then $error = 1 Next If $error <> 1 Then For $U = 0 To $N-1 $AI_grid_ships[$y+$U][$x] = 1 Next ExitLoop EndIf EndIf ElseIf $AI_Alignment = 1 Then ;HORIZONTAL If ($x-1)+$N <= 10 Then For $U = 0 To $N-1 If $AI_grid_ships[$y][$x+$U] = 1 Then $error = 1 Next If $error <> 1 Then For $U = 0 To $N-1 $AI_grid_ships[$y][$x+$U] = 1 Next ExitLoop EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd Next EndFunc Func ChangeAlignment () If $Alignment = 0 Then ;if vertical then make horizontal $Alignment = 1 Return ElseIf $Alignment = 1 Then ;if horizontal then make vertical $Alignment = 0 Return EndIf EndFunc Func CheckVertical ($y,$x,$length) Local $Count If ($y-1)+$length <= 10 Then For $Count = 1 To $length If GUICtrlRead ($Player_gui_grid_ships[($y-1)+$Count][$x]) == ' ' Then Return -1 Next Return 1 EndIf EndFunc Func CheckHorizontal ($y,$x,$length) Local $Count If ($x-1)+$length <= 10 Then For $Count = 1 To $length If GUICtrlRead ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][($x-1)+$Count]) == ' ' Then Return -1 Next Return 1 EndIf EndFunc Func Attack () Local $y, $x, $Count For $y = 1 To 10 For $x = 1 To 10 If @GUI_CtrlId = $Player_gui_grid_explosives[$y][$x] Then If GUICtrlRead ($Player_gui_grid_explosives[$y][$x]) <> ' ' Then If $AI_grid_ships[$y][$x] = 1 Then GUICtrlSetOnEvent (@GUI_CtrlId,'') GUICtrlSetBkColor (@GUI_CtrlId,0xFF0000) $AI_HitsTaken += 1 Else GUICtrlSetBkColor (@GUI_CtrlId,0xFFFFFF) EndIf GUICtrlSetOnEvent (@GUI_CtrlId,'') GUICtrlSetData (@GUI_CtrlId, ' ') GUICtrlSetCursor (@GUI_CtrlId,7) AI_Attack () EndIf EndIf Next Next EndFunc Func AI_Attack () Local $x, $y, $status = 0 While $status = 0 $x = Random (1,10,1) $y = Random (1,10,1) If GUICtrlRead ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x]) <> ' ' Then If GUICtrlRead ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x]) <> '' Then GUICtrlSetBkColor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],0xFF0000) $Player_HitsTaken += 1 $AI_last_hit_on_Player = $y&':'&$x Return Else GUICtrlSetBkColor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],0xFFFFFF) Return EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func PositionShip () Local $y, $x, $Count For $y = 1 To 10 For $x = 1 To 10 If @GUI_CtrlId = $Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x] Then If $CurrentShip_to_be_Set < 1 Then For $y = 1 To 10 For $x = 1 To 10 GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( $Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],'') GUICtrlSetCursor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x],2) Next Next Return Else If $Alignment = 0 Then ;VERTICAL PLACEMENT If CheckVertical ($y,$x,$CurrentShip_to_be_Set) <> -1 Then If $y <= (10-($CurrentShip_to_be_Set-1)) Then For $Count = 0 To $CurrentShip_to_be_Set-1 GUICtrlSetData ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y+$Count][$x],$CurrentShip_to_be_Set) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y+$Count][$x],0x0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( $Player_gui_grid_ships[$y+$Count][$x],'') Next $CurrentShip_to_be_Set = ($CurrentShip_to_be_Set - 1) Return EndIf EndIf ElseIf $Alignment = 1 Then ;HORIZONTAL PLACEMENT If CheckHorizontal ($y,$x,$CurrentShip_to_be_Set) <> -1 Then If $x <= (10-($CurrentShip_to_be_Set-1)) Then For $Count = 0 To $CurrentShip_to_be_Set-1 GUICtrlSetData ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x+$Count],$CurrentShip_to_be_Set) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x+$Count],0x0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( $Player_gui_grid_ships[$y][$x+$Count],'') Next $CurrentShip_to_be_Set = ($CurrentShip_to_be_Set - 1) Return EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next Next EndFunc Func QUIT () Exit EndFuncwhat else could be improved? what do you guys think? Edited December 14, 2010 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
czardas Posted December 9, 2010 Posted December 9, 2010 (edited) That's quite good. I have a few suggestions though. All the ships are arranged horizontally, and it's too easy to win.EditOops, ignore what I just said. I didn't notice you had already said that. It has no memory of the fields it has already fired upon.I was thinking of making a version of this myself previouisly. It's a great game. Edited December 9, 2010 by czardas operator64Â Â ArrayWorkshop
CodyBarrett Posted December 9, 2010 Author Posted December 9, 2010 i believe (unless i just made a mental note and forgot to do it) that i added this if the label reads 5-1 then its a ship, and if its ' ' its a miss, and if its '' then its blank. i believe i check if its a blank string or a number for every attack so it picks a spot that hasn't gotten a miss already. Is that what you were talking about? [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
czardas Posted December 9, 2010 Posted December 9, 2010 I normally notice a counter-strike by the enemy, but sometimes nothing happens. I therefore concluded that it was hitting the same target twice. operator64Â Â ArrayWorkshop
JohnOne Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 Great stuff, I love little games like these. I did notice a small bug that a patrolboat can not be placed anywhere in the far right vertical of the grid. AutoIt Absolute Beginners  Require a serial  Pause Script  Video Tutorials by Morthawt  ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
CodyBarrett Posted December 10, 2010 Author Posted December 10, 2010 oooooh alrighty, i'll look into that: ---i'll record the position for every enemy strike ---fix the max positioning for horizontal movement something i haven't noticed. thanks guys! [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
czardas Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 (edited) Here's some code that Manadar wrote. It randomly arranges ships in a grid. Be careful not to place too many ships in the grid or it may lock up. expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> Local $grid[10][10] ; _PlaceShip in $grid with a ship length of 5 _PlaceShip($grid, 5, 'A') ; Aircraft carrier _PlaceShips($grid, 2, 4, 'B') ; battleship _PlaceShips($grid, 4, 3, 'D') ; destroyer _PlaceShip($grid, 3, 'S') ; submarine _PlaceShips($grid, 4, 2, 'P') ; patrol boat _ArrayDisplay($grid) ; Places a number of ships with set length on the grid Func _PlaceShips(ByRef $grid, $number, $length, $identification) For $i = 1 To $number _PlaceShip($grid, $length, $identification) Next EndFunc Func _PlaceShip(ByRef $grid, $length, $identification) $length = $length - 1 ; Don't know why this is needed, but it was making everything 1 too long. This is a simple fix $maxX = UBound($grid, 1)-1 $maxY = UBound($grid, 2)-1 While True ; Find any random start position to place the ship $startX = Random(0, $maxX, 1) $startY = Random(0, $maxY, 1) $endX = $startX $endY = $startY $valid = False ; Check if that random position is taken or not If Not _IsPositionTaken($grid, $startX, $startY) Then ; If the position is not taken, we create a random direction and start checking in that direction if those spots are taken $direction = Random(0, 1, 1) Switch $direction Case 0 ; Horizontal $isEmpty = _CheckHorizontal($grid, $startX, $startY, $length) If $isEmpty Then $endX = $startX + $length ExitLoop EndIf Case 1 ; Vertical $isEmpty = _CheckVertical($grid, $startX, $startY, $length) $endY = $startY + $length If $isEmpty Then ExitLoop EndIf EndSwitch EndIf WEnd ; Now we place the boat, cause we know where it goes ; The variation in X or Y could be 1 (creating a line) For $x = $startX To $endX For $y = $startY To $endY $grid[$x][$y] = $identification Next Next EndFunc Func _CheckHorizontal(ByRef $grid, $startX, $startY, $length) For $x = $startX To $startX + $length If _IsPositionTaken($grid, $x, $startY) Then Return False EndIf Next Return True EndFunc Func _CheckVertical(ByRef $grid, $startX, $startY, $length) For $y = $startY To $startY + $length If _IsPositionTaken($grid, $startX, $y) Then Return False EndIf Next Return True EndFunc Func _IsPositionTaken($grid, $x, $y) If $x > UBound($grid, 1)-1 Then Return True EndIf If $y > UBound($grid, 2)-1 Then Return True EndIf Return $grid[$x][$y] <> "" EndFunc I hope it comes in useful. Edited December 10, 2010 by czardas operator64Â Â ArrayWorkshop
CodyBarrett Posted December 13, 2010 Author Posted December 13, 2010 NEW VERSION UPDATED AT THE TOP!i fixed a few things, like how it wouldn't let you position a ship on the rightmost part of the grid. now you can, and i've added vertical placements also! [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
JoHanatCent Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Very nice so far. You have it available so why not: A running score PC vs Me? Display the final scores in the final message. Dont delete the Gui immediately after a win. Only after the final message. I like to stare at the final outcome.
pierrotm777 Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Wonderfull job, Just one thing , i should like to see the ships not as a black square but a picture of the ship see by top !
CodyBarrett Posted December 14, 2010 Author Posted December 14, 2010 Very nice so far.You have it available so why not:A running score PC vs Me?Display the final scores in the final message.Dont delete the Gui immediately after a win. Only after the final message. I like to stare at the final outcome.DONE... updated at the top.Wonderfull job,Just one thing , i should like to see the ships not as a black square but a picture of the ship see by top !i'll work on that.. might take a while. i'm horrible with graphics. [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
kaotkbliss Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Pretty fun Do you remember the original Battleship? You had holes in the top to place the pegs when a ship was destroyed so you could keep track of how many enemy boats were killed... How about something like that so you know when an enemy boat is sunk? 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
czardas Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 There are various designs. I like the idea of firing off rounds - say three or five shots each. That would be a cool option. operator64Â Â ArrayWorkshop
Darknight1366 Posted February 24, 2011 Posted February 24, 2011 how to play it? Visit HugeSoft(TM) To Get Any Coding Help or Anything
CodyBarrett Posted February 24, 2011 Author Posted February 24, 2011 how to play it?#1 - it should prompt you with a MSGBOX.#2 - you must position your ships on the left grid.#3 - HORIZONTAL positioning / VERTICAL positioning are available Via the radio buttons below the grids.#4 - click on the left grid to place your ships.#5 - once all ships are placed the Computer will randomly place It's ships on the right grid.#6 - OPEN FIRE! destroy all the Computers Ships by clicking on the right grid. [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
4Eyes Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 CodyBarret, That's pretty cool. I did a BattleShips games in Visual Pinball a few years ago but didn't release it as it had AI errors. I see your AI is a little dumb. I found it quite difficult to implement an intelligent attack on the player based on established hits. It's relatively easy to think thru, but did my head in completely at the time. I was working on 3-4 big projects and just got burned out. Mine had a teal green background with really rough shapes for the ships etc. I'll attach a graphic that I used at the time. Edit... I've attached a pic of the game in action. As the engine has changed somewhat some of the graphical elements are out of whack. To put you in the picture, VP was developed years ago to 'recreate' classic pinball tables. It was mod'ed to allow initially one of a row of graphics to be displayed then later one of a grid of graphics. This opened it to my uncreative talents to create a few games that were not pinball related. My Video Poker came up very well with help from a graphically adept colleague. Sorry I digress. It may not be obvious from the attached graphics but the game automatically created a layout for the player which could be rejected and an alternate generated. BTW, I played only one game but the representation of the various ships that you pick to put on the grid seem to bear little or no resemblance to the size of the ship actually placed on the grid. Good work. Keep it up. Regards, 4EyesBSSegments3WithGrid.bmp
CodyBarrett Posted March 3, 2011 Author Posted March 3, 2011 yeah, i had difficulty with the x3 size ship (sub) and (destroyer) i believe. i could get two different x3 size ships but couldn't differentiate between sub or destroyer, they were both x3 size. [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
CodyBarrett Posted March 7, 2011 Author Posted March 7, 2011 I'm sure i could make a lot more improvements on it, i just don't have time. [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
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