GPinzone Posted November 17, 2010 Share Posted November 17, 2010 (edited) Primera makes CD/DVD/Bluray disc duplicators. I own one, but I'm not happy with the software I'm forced to use. Unfortunately, most other software products can't recognize or control the robot. (IMGBurn does but it will not send the disc to the printer and it doesn't handle certain error conditions to my satisfaction.)This AutoIt script requires the Primera API which contains a few DLLs that AutoIt interfaces with. I create a number of AutoIt functions that match the ones in the API, plus a few new ones to help streamline the process. There's no GUI as I designed this to be for the command line. The program gives the commands to load, burn, print, and unload a disc. It implements IMGBurn through a command line interface to do the burning, but you can use any disc burning program you like. (Do NOT turn on support for Primera duplicators in IMGBurn if using this script.) Refer to the Primera API documentation for more info.I did not provide functions for every possible API feature. However, I included everything you would need for normal disc processing.This is my largest AutoIt script for me and it was the first time I attempted calls to DLL files.UPDATED CODE IN POST #3Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Edited January 18, 2012 by GPinzone Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PsaltyDS Posted November 17, 2010 Share Posted November 17, 2010 Nice intro to DLLs! Very cool that Primera supports a usable API, too. Might have to look into the Pimera as they appear to have more of an open mind. I have a Rimage burner/printer at work, but that company is openly hostile to anyone wanting to program for it. You will pay (dearly) for their software or get stuffed. I dared to ask one of their tech support reps about drivers for Linux once and he reacted like I had asked him for bomb grade plutonium. This will be our last Rimage. Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GPinzone Posted November 18, 2010 Author Share Posted November 18, 2010 (edited) Updated code: expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ListboxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <Misc.au3> If _Singleton("Primera", 1) = 0 Then ; We know the script is already running. Let the user know. MsgBox(0, "Error: Multiple Copies", "This script is already running. Using multiple copies of this script at the same time is unsupported!") Exit EndIf Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Global Const $aisEntities[246][2] = [[34, 'quot'],[38, 'amp'],[39, 'apos'],[60, 'lt'],[62, 'gt'],[160, 'nbsp'],[161, 'iexcl'],[162, 'cent'],[163, 'pound'],[164, 'curren'],[165, 'yen'],[166, 'brvbar'],[167, 'sect'],[168, 'uml'],[169, 'copy'],[170, 'ordf'],[171, 'laquo'],[172, 'not'],[173, 'shy'],[174, 'reg'],[175, 'macr'],[176, 'deg'],[177, 'plusmn'],[180, 'acute'],[181, 'micro'],[182, 'para'],[183, 'middot'],[184, 'cedil'],[186, 'ordm'],[187, 'raquo'],[191, 'iquest'],[192, 'Agrave'],[193, 'Aacute'],[194, 'Acirc'],[195, 'Atilde'],[196, 'Auml'],[197, 'Aring'],[198, 'AElig'],[199, 'Ccedil'],[200, 'Egrave'],[201, 'Eacute'],[202, 'Ecirc'],[203, 'Euml'],[204, 'Igrave'],[205, 'Iacute'],[206, 'Icirc'],[207, 'Iuml'],[208, 'ETH'],[209, 'Ntilde'],[210, 'Ograve'],[211, 'Oacute'],[212, 'Ocirc'],[213, 'Otilde'],[214, 'Ouml'],[215, 'times'],[216, 'Oslash'],[217, 'Ugrave'],[218, 'Uacute'],[219, 'Ucirc'],[220, 'Uuml'],[221, 'Yacute'],[222, 'THORN'],[223, 'szlig'],[224, 'agrave'],[225, 'aacute'],[226, 'acirc'],[227, 'atilde'],[228, 'auml'],[229, 'aring'],[230, 'aelig'],[231, 'ccedil'],[232, 'egrave'],[233, 'eacute'],[234, 'ecirc'],[235, 'euml'],[236, 'igrave'],[237, 'iacute'],[238, 'icirc'],[239, 'iuml'],[240, 'eth'],[241, 'ntilde'],[242, 'ograve'],[243, 'oacute'],[244, 'ocirc'],[245, 'otilde'],[246, 'ouml'],[247, 'divide'],[248, 'oslash'],[249, 'ugrave'],[250, 'uacute'],[251, 'ucirc'],[252, 'uuml'],[253, 'yacute'],[254, 'thorn'],[255, 'yuml'],[338, 'OElig'],[339, 'oelig'],[352, 'Scaron'],[353, 'scaron'],[376, 'Yuml'],[402, 'fnof'],[710, 'circ'],[732, 'tilde'],[913, 'Alpha'],[914, 'Beta'],[915, 'Gamma'],[916, 'Delta'],[917, 'Epsilon'],[918, 'Zeta'],[919, 'Eta'],[920, 'Theta'],[921, 'Iota'],[922, 'Kappa'],[923, 'Lambda'],[924, 'Mu'],[925, 'Nu'],[926, 'Xi'],[927, 'Omicron'],[928, 'Pi'],[929, 'Rho'],[931, 'Sigma'],[932, 'Tau'],[933, 'Upsilon'],[934, 'Phi'],[935, 'Chi'],[936, 'Psi'],[937, 'Omega'],[945, 'alpha'],[946, 'beta'],[947, 'gamma'],[948, 'delta'],[949, 'epsilon'],[950, 'zeta'],[951, 'eta'],[952, 'theta'],[953, 'iota'],[954, 'kappa'],[955, 'lambda'],[956, 'mu'],[957, 'nu'],[958, 'xi'],[959, 'omicron'],[960, 'pi'],[961, 'rho'],[962, 'sigmaf'],[963, 'sigma'],[964, 'tau'],[965, 'upsilon'],[966, 'phi'],[967, 'chi'],[968, 'psi'],[969, 'omega'],[977, 'thetasym'],[978, 'upsih'],[982, 'piv'],[8194, 'ensp'],[8195, 'emsp'],[8201, 'thinsp'],[8204, 'zwnj'],[8205, 'zwj'],[8206, 'lrm'],[8207, 'rlm'],[8211, 'ndash'],[8212, 'mdash'],[8216, 'lsquo'],[8217, 'rsquo'],[8218, 'sbquo'],[8220, 'ldquo'],[8221, 'rdquo'],[8222, 'bdquo'],[8224, 'dagger'],[8225, 'Dagger'],[8226, 'bull'],[8230, 'hellip'],[8240, 'permil'],[8242, 'prime'],[8243, 'Prime'],[8249, 'lsaquo'],[8250, 'rsaquo'],[8254, 'oline'],[8260, 'frasl'],[8364, 'euro'],[8465, 'image'],[8472, 'weierp'],[8476, 'real'],[8482, 'trade'],[8501, 'alefsym'],[8592, 'larr'],[8593, 'uarr'],[8594, 'rarr'],[8595, 'darr'],[8596, 'harr'],[8629, 'crarr'],[8656, 'lArr'],[8657, 'uArr'],[8658, 'rArr'],[8659, 'dArr'],[8660, 'hArr'],[8704, 'forall'],[8706, 'part'],[8707, 'exist'],[8709, 'empty'],[8711, 'nabla'],[8712, 'isin'],[8713, 'notin'],[8715, 'ni'],[8719, 'prod'],[8721, 'sum'],[8722, 'minus'],[8727, 'lowast'],[8730, 'radic'],[8733, 'prop'],[8734, 'infin'],[8736, 'ang'],[8743, 'and'],[8744, 'or'],[8745, 'cap'],[8746, 'cup'],[8747, 'int'],[8764, 'sim'],[8773, 'cong'],[8776, 'asymp'],[8800, 'ne'],[8801, 'equiv'],[8804, 'le'],[8805, 'ge'],[8834, 'sub'],[8835, 'sup'],[8836, 'nsub'],[8838, 'sube'],[8839, 'supe'],[8853, 'oplus'],[8855, 'otimes'],[8869, 'perp'],[8901, 'sdot'],[8968, 'lceil'],[8969, 'rceil'],[8970, 'lfloor'],[8971, 'rfloor'],[9001, 'lang'],[9002, 'rang'],[9674, 'loz'],[9824, 'spades'],[9827, 'clubs'],[9829, 'hearts'],[9830, 'diams']] Global $hPTROBOTDLL = DllOpen("U:\Macros\PTRobot.dll") Global $RobotType Global $RobotAddress Global $NumRobots Global $DriveAddress[10] Global $NumDrives Global $NumPrinters Global $NumBins Global $SystemState Global $SystemError Global $NumDiscsProcessed = 0 Global $DriveLetter[10] Global $NumSets = 1 Global $NoDocDisc = False Global $Form_Status = GUICreate("IMGBurn AutoIt Script", 614, 163, 193, 124, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_THICKFRAME)) Global $Label_Status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 16, 104, 580, 50, BitOR($SS_NOPREFIX, $SS_SUNKEN, $WS_BORDER)) Global $Label_Status_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status:", 16, 80, 37, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_NumSets_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Number of Sets:", 424, 8, 107, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_NumSets = GUICtrlCreateLabel($NumSets, 568, 8, 26, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Set_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Set:", 424, 32, 60, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Set = GUICtrlCreateLabel("1", 568, 32, 26, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 16, 24, 392, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Job_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Job:", 16, 8, 24, 17) Global $Label_DiscsProcessed_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of discs processed:", 424, 80, 135, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_DiscsProcessed = GUICtrlCreateLabel($NumDiscsProcessed, 568, 80, 26, 17) Global $Label_Disc_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Disc:", 424, 56, 28, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Disc = GUICtrlCreateLabel("1", 456, 56, 28, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global $Label_NumDiscss_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("of", 488, 56, 21, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global $Label_NumDiscs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 512, 56, 39, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global Const $MAX_NUMSETS = 50 Global Const $LOCATION_AUTO = 0 Global Const $LOCATION_RIGHT = 1 Global Const $LOCATION_LEFT = 2 Global Const $LOCATION_PRINTER = 100 Global Const $LOCATION_REJECT = 200 Global Const $CLEARDRIVE_NO = 0 Global Const $CLEARDRIVE_YES = 1 Global Const $DRIVE_OPEN = 0 Global Const $DRIVE_CLOSE = 1 ; SET OUTPUT BINS HERE Global Const $CD_BIN_INPUT = $LOCATION_LEFT Global Const $DVD_BIN_INPUT = $LOCATION_RIGHT Global Const $BIN_OUTPUT = $LOCATION_REJECT Global Const $PQ_LOW = 0 Global Const $PQ_MED = 1 Global Const $PQ_BETTER = 2 Global Const $PQ_HIGH = 3 Global Const $PQ_BEST = 4 Global Const $PTACT_ALIGNPRINTER = 0x00000001 Global Const $PTACT_IGNOREINKLOW = 0x00000002 Global Const $PTACT_DISABLEPWRBUTTON = 0x00000004 Global Const $PTACT_REINIT_DRIVES = 0x00000008 Global Const $PTACT_IDENTIFY = 0x00000010 Global Const $PTACT_CANCELCMD = 0x00000020 Global Const $PTACT_ENABLEPWRBUTTON = 0x00000040 Global Const $PTACT_RESETSYSTEM = 0x00000080 Global Const $PTACT_CHECKDISCS = 0x00000100 ; Check number of discs in bins Global Const $PTACT_CLEANCARTRIDGES = 0x00000200 ; Clean the cartridges Global Const $PTACT_CALIBRATE_ONE_DISC = 0x00000400 ; SE, II, Pro: Calibrate for one disc (user must put one disc in each bin). Global Const $PTACT_CHANGE_CARTRIDGE = 0x00000800 ; SE, II, Pro: Start the cartridge change procedure Global Const $PTACT_END_CARTRIDGE_CHANGE = 0x00001000 ; SE: End the cartridge change (can close lid also) Global Const $PTACT_SHIP_POSITION = 0x00002000 ; SE, II, Pro: Move the picker to the shipping position Global Const $PTACT_RESET_LEFT_INK_LEVELS = 0x00004000 ; II: Clears the ink spits for the LEFT cartridge Global Const $PTACT_RESET_RIGHT_INK_LEVELS = 0x00008000 ; II: Clears the ink spits for the RIGHT cartridge Global Const $PTACT_ALLOW_NO_CARTRIDGES = 0x00010000 ; SE, II, Pro: Allows unit to operate non-printing robotics without a cartridge Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_OFF = 0x00020000 Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_ON = 0x00040000 Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_FLASH = 0x00080000 Global Const $PTACT_UNHOOK_PICKER = 0x00100000 Global Const $PTACT_AUTOPRINTER_MODE = 0x00200000 ; DP4100: can perform a faster multiple copy print-only job by calling PTRobot_SetPrintCopies() prior to calling the print function (e.g. PTRobot_PrintFile()). Global Const $PTACT_FAN_ON = 0x00400000 ; DP4100: turn on system fan Global Const $PTACT_FAN_OFF = 0x00800000 ; DP4100: turn off system fan Global Const $SYSERR_PTR_TRAY = 1 Global Const $SYSERR_CART_CODE = 2 Global Const $SYSERR_INPUT_EMPTY = 3 Global Const $SYSERR_PTR_COMM = 4 Global Const $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY = 5 Global Const $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY = 6 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY = 7 Global Const $SYSERR_PICK = 8 Global Const $SYSERR_ARM_MOVE = 9 Global Const $SYSERR_CART_MOVE = 10 Global Const $SYSERR_INTERNAL_SW = 12 Global Const $SYSERR_NO_ROBODRIVES = 13 Global Const $SYSERR_OFFLINE = 14 Global Const $SYSERR_COVER_OPEN = 15 Global Const $SYSERR_PRINTER_PICK = 16 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLE_PICK = 17 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_PRINTER = 18 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RECORDER = 19 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_RECORDER = 20 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN1 = 28 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN2 = 29 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER = 33 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_REJECT = 34 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_UNKNOWN = 35 Global Const $SYSERR_ALIGNNEEDED = 36 Global Const $SYSERR_COLOR_INVALID = 37 Global Const $SYSERR_BLACK_INVALID = 38 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_INVALID = 39 Global Const $SYSERR_NOCARTS = 40 Global Const $SYSERR_K_IN_CMY = 41 Global Const $SYSERR_CMY_IN_K = 42 Global Const $SYSERR_SWAPPED = 43 Global Const $SYSERR_PIGONPRO = 44 Global Const $SYSERR_ALIGNFAILED = 45 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER_FATAL = 46 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RIGHTBIN = 47 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_LEFTBIN = 48 Global Const $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY_FINAL = 49 Global Const $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY_FINAL = 50 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY_FINAL = 51 Global Const $SYSERR_WAITING_FOR_PRINTER = 52 Global Const $SYSERR_NO_DISC_IN_PRINTER = 53 Global Const $SYSERR_BUSY = 54 Global Const $SYSERR_PURGE = 55 Global Const $SYSERR_DOCK_SENSOR = 56 Global Const $SYSERR_ALREADY_PRINTED = 57 Global Const $SYSERR_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE = 58 Global Const $SYSSTATE_IDLE = 0 Global Const $SYSSTATE_BUSY = 1 Global Const $SYSSTATE_ERROR = 2 Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER = 0 ; Disc Publisher I Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERII = 1 ; Disc Publisher II Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERPRO = 2 ; Disc Publisher PRO Global Const $ROBOT_COMPOSERMAX = 3 ; ComposerMAX Global Const $ROBOT_RACKMOUNT_DPII = 4 ; Disc Publisher XR Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_XRP = 5 ; Disc Publisher XRP Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_SE = 6 ; Disc Publisher SE Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERPRO_XI = 7 ; Disc Publisher Xi Series Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_4100 = 8 ; Disc Publisher 4100 Series Global Const $PTROBOT_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 520 Global Const $CUSTOM_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 901 Global Const $CUSTOM_FILE_FORMAT_WRONG = 902 Global Const $CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER = 903 Func processJobs($Title, $Queue) Local $TimeStamp, $DupeTime, $DiscSet Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) ; Store the time the process begins $TimeStamp = TimerInit() ; Exit script if ImgBurn is already running If ProcessExists("ImgBurn.exe") Then MsgBox(0, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "ImgBurn is already running.") Exit EndIf ; Configure GUI GUICtrlSetData($Label_Title, $Title) GUICtrlSetData($Label_NumSets, $NumSets) GUICtrlSetData($Label_NumDiscs, $QueueSize) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form_Status) ; Disable Screen Saver disableScreenSaver() PTRobot_Initialize() PTRobot_EnumRobots() PTRobot_EnumDrives() PTRobot_GetRobotInfo() ; Repeat process for each set of discs For $DiscSet = 1 To $NumSets ; Process the Queue PTRobot_ProcessQueue($Queue) ; Update GUI GUICtrlSetData($Label_Set, $DiscSet) Next PTRobot_Destroy() ; Enable Screen Saver enableScreenSaver() ; Calculate how long the process took $DupeTime = CalcDupeTime(TimerDiff($TimeStamp)) sendEmail($Title, $Queue, $NumSets, $DupeTime) EndFunc ;==>processJobs Func getNumSets() Local $nNumSets ; Check command line If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] < 1 Or $CmdLine[1] > $MAX_NUMSETS Then MsgBox(0, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "Number of jobs must be between 1 and " & $MAX_NUMSETS & ".") Exit Else $nNumSets = $CmdLine[1] EndIf Else ; Return -1 if no command line argument given $nNumSets = -1 EndIf Return $nNumSets EndFunc ;==>getNumSets Func PTRobot_ProcessQueue($Queue) Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $Disc, $SourceBin Local $MissingFiles, $WrongFileFormat Local $result Local Const $LABEL_COL = 0 ; Array column used for disc labels. Local Const $IMAGE_COL = 1 ; Array column used for disc image files. ; Verify files exist. For $Disc = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 If Not $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] = "" Then If Not FileExists($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) Then $MissingFiles = $MissingFiles & $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] & @CRLF ElseIf Not _ValidateImageFile($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) Then $WrongFileFormat = $WrongFileFormat & $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] & @CRLF EndIf EndIf If Not FileExists($Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL]) Then $MissingFiles = $MissingFiles & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & @CRLF EndIf Next If Not $MissingFiles = "" Then MsgBox(48, "Queue Error", "Files not found:" & @CRLF & $MissingFiles) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_FILE_NOT_FOUND) EndIf If Not $WrongFileFormat = "" Then MsgBox(48, "Queue Error", "File format incorrect:" & @CRLF & $WrongFileFormat) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_FILE_FORMAT_WRONG) EndIf PTRobot_Wait() For $Disc = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 If StringInStr($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL], "DVD", 1) Or StringInStr($Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL], "DVD", 1) Then $SourceBin = $DVD_BIN_INPUT Else $SourceBin = $CD_BIN_INPUT EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Label_Disc, $Disc + 1) ; Update GUI WriteStatus("Loading drive..." & @CRLF) If $NumDiscsProcessed < $NumDrives Then ; First disc load in drive should check for disc in burner. PTRobot_LoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_YES) ; Load first disc from source bin. Else PTRobot_LoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_NO) ; Load subsequent disc from source bin. EndIf PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Starting disc writer..." & @CRLF) $result = PTRobot_BurnImage(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL]) ; Burn image file to disc. ; If disc was aborted, skip to next disc. If $result = 1 Then WriteStatus("Skipping " & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & "..." & @CRLF) $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) ContinueLoop EndIf PTRobot_Wait() If $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] = "" Or $NumPrinters < 1 Then WriteStatus("Unloading drive..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. Else ; Check if burn was ignored. If $result = 2 Then $result = MsgBox(36, "Print...", "Print disc?" & @CRLF) ; No If $result = 7 Then PTRobot_UnLoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. PTRobot_Wait() $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf WriteStatus("Loading printer..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives)) ; Send disc to printer. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Printing label..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_PrintFile($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) ; Print label. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Unloading printer..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter($BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. EndIf $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) PTRobot_Wait() Next EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_ProcessQueue Func PTRobot_BurnImage($num, $Filename) Local $ErrorLevel Local $result = 0 While 1 ; Infinte loop for "Retry" on failure. $ErrorLevel = RunWait('"C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "' & $Filename & '" /DEST ' & $DriveLetter[$num] & ': /COPIES 1 /VERIFY NO /SPEED AUTO /TESTMODE NO /DELETEIMAGE NO /EJECT YES /WAITFORMEDIA /START /CLOSE /NOSAVESETTINGS') If $ErrorLevel Then PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $DRIVE_OPEN) WriteStatusError("Error: Disc write failed! - Exit Code: " & $ErrorLevel & @CRLF) WriteStatusError("Error: " & $Filename & " not successfully written!" & @CRLF) $result = MsgBox(50, "Burn Error", "Disc write failed!" & @CRLF & "Exit Code: " & $ErrorLevel) ; Abort If $result = 3 Then WriteStatus("Rejecting disc..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($num, $LOCATION_REJECT) ; Send to reject pile. $result = MsgBox(36, "Burn Error", "Close program?" & @CRLF) PTRobot_Wait() ; Yes If $result = 6 Then PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($ErrorLevel) ; No Else $result = 1 ; Return value for aborted error. ExitLoop EndIf ; Retry ElseIf $result = 4 Then PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $DRIVE_CLOSE) ; Ignore ElseIf $result = 5 Then $result = 2 ; Return value for ignored error. ExitLoop EndIf ; Success Else WriteStatus("File: " & $Filename & " successfully written." & @CRLF) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $result EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_BurnImage Func PTRobot_Wait() Local $ErrorMsg Sleep(1000) While Not PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() If $SystemError Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($SystemError) ElseIf Not $SystemState Then ExitLoop Else Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd Sleep(1000) While Not PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() If $SystemError Then If $SystemError = $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) ElseIf $SystemError = $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) ElseIf $SystemError = $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both ink cartridges are LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) Else PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($SystemError) EndIf ElseIf Not $SystemState Then ExitLoop Else Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Wait Func PTRobot_GetErrorString() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dwErrorNum Local $wszErrorString Local $dwMaxLength Local $dwLanguage $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetErrorString", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwErrorNum, "wstr", $wszErrorString, "dword", $dwMaxLength, "dword", $dwLanguage) $dwErrorNum = $result[2] $wszErrorString = $result[3] $dwMaxLength = $result[4] $dwLanguage = $result[5] MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ "System Number Error: " & $dwErrorNum & @CRLF & _ "Error String: " & $wszErrorString & @CRLF & _ "Max Length: " & $dwMaxLength & @CRLF & _ "Language: " & $dwLanguage) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetErrorString Func PTRobot_Initialize() Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_Initialize") If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Initialize Func PTRobot_Destroy() Local $result Local $err = @error PTRobot_Wait() DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_SystemAction", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_OFF) PTRobot_Wait() $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_Destroy") If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Destroy Func PTRobot_EnumRobots() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $hRobots = DllStructCreate("hwnd[10]") Local $dwNumRobots = DllStructCreate("dword") DllStructSetData($dwNumRobots, 1, 10) ; Set input to be the size of the array $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_EnumRobots", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hRobots), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dwNumRobots)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf ; Set Global Variables $RobotAddress = DllStructGetData($hRobots, 1, 1) $NumRobots = DllStructGetData($dwNumRobots, 1) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_EnumRobots Func PTRobot_EnumDrives() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $hDrives = DllStructCreate("hwnd[10]") Local $dwNumDrives = DllStructCreate("dword") DllStructSetData($dwNumDrives, 1, 10) ; Set input to be the size of the array $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_EnumDrives", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hDrives), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dwNumDrives)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf ; Set Global Variables $NumDrives = DllStructGetData($dwNumDrives, 1) ReDim $DriveAddress[$NumDrives] ReDim $DriveLetter[$NumDrives] For $i = 0 To $NumDrives - 1 $DriveAddress[$i] = DllStructGetData($hDrives, 1, $i + 1) $DriveLetter[$i] = Chr(Dec(StringRight($DriveAddress[$i], 2))) ;MsgBox(0, "Debug", "Drive " & $i & ": " & $DriveLetter[$i]) If Not StringRegExp($DriveLetter[$i], "^[A-Z]$") Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_EnumDrives Func PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dRobotStatus = DllStructCreate("dword dwSystemState;dword dwSystemError;dword dwCurrColorSpits;dword dwCurrBlackSpits;dword dwFullColorSpits;dword dwFullBlackSpits") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetRobotStatus", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dRobotStatus)) ;MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "System State: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemState") & @CRLF & _ ; "System Error: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemError") & @CRLF & _ ; "CurrColorSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwCurrColorSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "CurrBlackSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwCurrBlackSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "FullColorSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwFullColorSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "FullBlackSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwFullBlackSpits")); ; Set Global Variables $SystemState = DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemState") $SystemError = DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemError") Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetRobotStatus Func PTRobot_GetRobotInfo() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dRobotInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hRobot;char tszRobotDesc[100];dword dwRobotType;dword dwNumDrives;dword dwNumPrinters;dword dwNumBins;dword dwDriveColumns;dword dwDriveRows;char tszRobotFirmware[20];dword dwOptions;dword dwAction;hwnd hDrives[10];dword dwDriveBusType") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetRobotInfo", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dRobotInfo)) ;MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "hRobot") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Type: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotDesc") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drives: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumDrives") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Printers: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumPrinters") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Bins: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumBins") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drive Columns: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveColumns") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drive Rows: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveRows") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot FW Version: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotFirmware") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Options: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwOptions") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Actions: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwAction") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Bus Type: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveBusType")) $RobotType = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotDesc") $NumDrives = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumDrives") $NumPrinters = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumPrinters") $NumBins = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumBins") Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetRobotInfo Func PTRobot_GetDriveInfo($num) Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dDrvInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hDrive;char tszDriveName[132];char tszFirmwareVer[40];char tszSerialNum[40];hwnd hRobot;dword dwDriveColumn;dword dwDriveRow") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetDriveInfo", "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dDrvInfo)) ;MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "hDrive") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Name: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszDriveName") & @CRLF & _ ; "Firmware Version: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszFirmwareVer") & @CRLF & _ ; "Serial Number: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszSerialNum") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "hRobot") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Column: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "dwDriveColumn") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Row: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "dwDriveRow")) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetDriveInfo Func PTRobot_LoadDrive($num, $dwFromLocation, $dwFirstDiscLoad) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwFromLocation, "dword", $dwFirstDiscLoad) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadDrive Func PTRobot_LoadPrinter($dwFromLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadPrinter", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwFromLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadPrinter Func PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive($num) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num]) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive Func PTRobot_PrintFile($strFilename) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_PrintFile", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "str", $strFilename, "dword", 0) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_PrintFile Func PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter($dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter Func PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($num, $dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_UnLoadDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_UnLoadDrive Func PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations($dwFromLocation, $dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwFromLocation, "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations Func PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $dwOpen) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive", "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwOpen) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive Func PTRobot_SystemAction($dwAction) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_SystemAction", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwAction) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_SystemAction Func PTRobot_KillSystemError($dwResetPrinter) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_KillSystemError", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwResetPrinter) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_KillSystemError Func PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo() ; WARNING: This function has not been thoroughly tested. Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dPTManufactureInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hRobot;char tszSerialNum[11];char tszManufactureDate[12];dword dwFiller[20]") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dPTManufactureInfo)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf MsgBox(0, "", "Serial Number: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "tszSerialNum") & @CRLF & _ "Manufacture Date: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "tszManufactureDate") & @CRLF & _ "Filler: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "dwFiller", 1)) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo Func PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dPrinterSettings = DllStructCreate("dword dwPrintQuality;dword dwInnerDiam;dword dwOuterMargin") Local $PrintQuality $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dPrinterSettings)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf Switch DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwPrintQuality") Case $PQ_LOW $PrintQuality = "Low" Case $PQ_MED $PrintQuality = "Medium" Case $PQ_BETTER $PrintQuality = "Better" ; Default Case $PQ_HIGH $PrintQuality = "High" Case $PQ_BEST $PrintQuality = "Best" Case Else ; This shouldn't happen. $PrintQuality = "UNKNOWN" EndSwitch MsgBox(0, "", "Print Quality: " & $PrintQuality & @CRLF & _ "Inner Diameter: " & DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwInnerDiam") & @CRLF & _ "Outer Margin: " & DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwOuterMargin")) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings Func PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($ErrorNum) Local $ErrorMsg Switch $ErrorNum Case $SYSERR_PTR_TRAY $ErrorMsg = "Tray movement error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CART_CODE $ErrorMsg = "There was a problem finding the ink cartridges. Open the cover and press the left button. Make sure the color cartridge is installed on the left and the black is on the right. Then close the cover." Case $SYSERR_INPUT_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "The input bin is empty. Open the cover and add more discs. Then close the cover and push the left button on the unit." Case $SYSERR_PTR_COMM $ErrorMsg = "There was an internal printer communications error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is LOW on ink. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is LOW on ink. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both ink cartridges are LOW on ink. To replace the cartridges, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridges and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_PICK $ErrorMsg = "The disc was not picked. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_ARM_MOVE $ErrorMsg = "There was an arm movement error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CART_MOVE $ErrorMsg = "Arm picker error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_INTERNAL_SW $ErrorMsg = "There was an internal software error. Please re-start the software." Case $SYSERR_NO_ROBODRIVES $ErrorMsg = "No external recorder drives were found. Re-power the computer and unit, and then re-start the software." Case $SYSERR_OFFLINE $ErrorMsg = "The unit is offline. Please ensure the unit is connected and powered on. You may need to shut down and restart the software." Case $SYSERR_COVER_OPEN $ErrorMsg = "The unit’s cover is open. Please close the cover." Case $SYSERR_PRINTER_PICK $ErrorMsg = "The disc was not picked from the printer. Press the left button to retry." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLE_PICK $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were picked up and moved. Please manually remove any extra discs that were moved, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the printer. Please manually remove any extra discs from the printer, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RECORDER $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the recorder. Please manually remove any extra discs from the recorder, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_RECORDER $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the recorder. Please manually place the disc into the recorder tray. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN1 $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the right bin. Please manually place the disc into the right bin. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN2 $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the left bin. Please manually place the disc into the left bin. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the printer. Please manually place the disc into the printer tray. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_REJECT $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving to the reject area. Please remove the dropped disc. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_UNKNOWN $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped. Please remove the dropped disc. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_ALIGNNEEDED $ErrorMsg = "The printer cartridges need to be aligned." Case $SYSERR_COLOR_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "The color cartridge is invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_BLACK_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "The black cartridge is invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "Both cartridges are invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_NOCARTS $ErrorMsg = "No cartridges are installed. Open the cover and press the left button. Install the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_K_IN_CMY $ErrorMsg = "The black cartridge is installed in the color position. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_CMY_IN_K $ErrorMsg = "The color cartridge is installed in the black position. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_SWAPPED $ErrorMsg = "The black and color cartridges are swapped. Open the cover and press the left button. Swap the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_PIGONPRO $ErrorMsg = "This printer is not compatible with a pigment-based black cartridge. Open the cover and press the left button. Install a dye-based black cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_ALIGNFAILED $ErrorMsg = "The alignment print failed." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER_FATAL $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving to/from the printer. Please open the cover and manually remove and discard the disc. Then place a new disc in the recorder, close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RIGHTBIN $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the right bin. Please manually move any extra discs to the left bin, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_LEFTBIN $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the left bin. Please manually move any extra discs to the right bin, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both cartridges are Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_WAITING_FOR_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "The system timed out waiting for the printer to finish. The disc may not have been printed on." Case $SYSERR_NO_DISC_IN_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "No disc was found in the printer." Case $SYSERR_BUSY $ErrorMsg = "System Busy." Case $SYSERR_PURGE $ErrorMsg = "Purge." Case $SYSERR_DOCK_SENSOR $ErrorMsg = "Dock Sensor." Case $SYSERR_ALREADY_PRINTED $ErrorMsg = "Already printed." Case $SYSERR_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE $ErrorMsg = "Unknown hardware." Case $PTROBOT_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED $ErrorMsg = "This feature is not implemented." Case $CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER $ErrorMsg = "Could not find valid drive letter for burner." Case Else $ErrorMsg = "UNKNOWN ERROR! " & $ErrorNum EndSwitch WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) MsgBox(0, "Error", $ErrorMsg) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox Func _ValidateImageFile($sFilename) Local Const $sSTDHeader = "4D5600FF0C001200" Local Const $sPNGHeader = "89504E470D0A1A0A" Local Const $sJPGHeader = "FFD8FFE000104A46" Local Const $sGIF87Header = "474946383961" Local Const $sGIF89Header = "474946383761" Local Const $sBMPHeader = "424D" Local $sFileType, $bReturn = False Local $hFileHandle = FileOpen($sFilename, 16) ; Open file read only Local $bFileContents = FileRead($hFileHandle, 8) ; Read first 8 bytes Local $sFileExt = StringLower(StringRight($sFilename, 4)) ; Determine file extension If StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sJPGHeader)) = $sJPGHeader And $sFileExt = ".jpg" Then $sFileType = "JPEG" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sSTDHeader)) = $sSTDHeader And $sFileExt = ".std" Then $sFileType = "SureThing Label" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sPNGHeader)) = $sPNGHeader And $sFileExt = ".png" Then $sFileType = "PNG" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sBMPHeader)) = $sBMPHeader And $sFileExt = ".bmp" Then $sFileType = "BMP" $bReturn = True ;ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sGIF87Header)) = $sGIF87Header And $sFileExt = ".gif" Then ; $sFileType = "GIF87" ; $bReturn = True ;ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sGIF89Header)) = $sGIF89Header And $sFileExt = ".gif" Then ; $sFileType = "GIF89" ; $bReturn = True Else $sFileType = "Unknown" EndIf ;MsgBox(0, "", $sFileType) Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>_ValidateImageFile Func _NoHaltMsgBox($code = 0, $Title = "", $text = "", $timeout = 0) Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "MsgBox(' & $code & ', ''' & $Title & ''', ''' & $text & ''',' & $timeout & ')"') EndFunc ;==>_NoHaltMsgBox Func OpenPrompt($message, $Queue) Local $answer ; Get number of sets from the command-line $answer = getNumSets() ; If copies were specified on command line, then end function without prompting If $answer > 0 Then $NumSets = $answer Return $Queue EndIf Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $Form_Duplicator_GUI = GUICreate("IMGBurn AutoIt Script", 404, 260, 192, 124) Local $Button_Start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 72, 210, 87, 33) Local $NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateInput($NumSets, 220, 170, 49, 21, $ES_CENTER) Local $Updown_NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($NumCopies) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, $MAX_NUMSETS, 1) Local $Button_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 232, 210, 91, 33) Local $Label_NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateLabel("How many copies?", 116, 170, 94, 17, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Local $Label_Message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This script will run the disc burning software for the job" & @LF & $message & @LF & "Run?", 2, 8, 400, 57, BitOR($SS_NOPREFIX, $SS_CENTER)) Local $List_Queue = GUICtrlCreateList("", 2, 60, 400, 100, BitOR($LBS_MULTIPLESEL, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 200) ; Limit horizontal scrolling Local $DiscTitle For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $DiscTitle[0]) ;_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel($List_Queue, $i) ; Preselect entry GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LB_SETSEL, True, $i) ; Preselect entry Next GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LB_SETTOPINDEX, 0, 0) ; Send scrollbar to top of list GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $NewQueue While 1 $answer = GUIGetMsg() $NewQueue = $Queue ; Set/Reset NewQueue to Queue Switch $answer Case $Button_Start If GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) < 1 Or GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) > $MAX_NUMSETS Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Number of copies must be between 1 and " & $MAX_NUMSETS & ".") Else For $i = $QueueSize - 1 To 0 Step -1 ; Process array in reverse to keep index aligned If _GUICtrlListBox_GetSel($List_Queue, $i) == False Then _ArrayDelete($NewQueue, $i) EndIf Next If UBound($NewQueue, 1) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No discs selected.") Else ExitLoop ; Success! EndIf EndIf Case $Button_Cancel MsgBox(0, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "OK. Bye!") Exit Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd $NumSets = GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Return $NewQueue EndFunc ;==>OpenPrompt Func CalcDupeTime($iTimestampDiff) Local $iSeconds = Int($iTimestampDiff / 1000) Local $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs $iHours = Int($iSeconds / 3600) $iSeconds = Mod($iSeconds, 3600) $iMins = Int($iSeconds / 60) $iSecs = Mod($iSeconds, 60) If StringLen($iHours) = 1 Then $iHours = "0" & $iHours If StringLen($iMins) = 1 Then $iMins = "0" & $iMins If StringLen($iSecs) = 1 Then $iSecs = "0" & $iSecs Return $iHours & ":" & $iMins & ":" & $iSecs EndFunc ;==>CalcDupeTime Func sendEmail($Title, $Queue, $NumSets, $DupeTime) Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $s_SmtpServer = "" Local $s_FromName = "IMGBurn Disc Duplicator" Local $s_FromAddress = "" Local $s_ToAddress = "" Local $s_Subject = "[DUPLICATOR] - " & $Title & " - " & $NumSets & " set(s) in " & $DupeTime ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;Local $as_Body[$QueueSize + 1] ;$as_Body[0] = "The job took " & $DupeTime & " to complete." & @CRLF Local $s_Body = "<body><p style=""font-family:Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"">The job took " & $DupeTime & " to complete.</p><p></p>" $s_Body &= "<p style=""font-family:Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"">" Local $DiscTitle ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 ; $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) ; $as_Body[$i+1] = $DiscTitle[0] & @TAB ; We add a TAB at the end to stop Outlook from concatenating lines >= 40 chars ;Next For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) _HtmlEntities_Encode($DiscTitle[0]) $s_Body &= $DiscTitle[0] & "<br>" Next $s_Body &= "</p></body>" ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;Local $Response = _INetSmtpMail($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body, 1, -1) ;Local $err = @error ; ;If $Response = 1 Then ; MsgBox(0, "Success!", "Mail sent") ;Else ; MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & $err) ;EndIf Local $oMyRet[2] Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") Local $Response = _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $s_Body) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error sending message", "Error code:" & @error & " Description:" & $Response) EndIf EndFunc ;==>sendEmail Func toggleScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 0) Else RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>toggleScreenSaver Func disableScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>disableScreenSaver Func enableScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) = 0 Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>enableScreenSaver Func WriteStatus($LogMessage) ConsoleWrite($LogMessage) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status, $LogMessage) EndFunc ;==>WriteStatus Func WriteStatusError($LogMessage) ConsoleWriteError($LogMessage) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status, $LogMessage) EndFunc ;==>WriteStatusError Func _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject = "", $as_Body = "", $s_AttachFiles = "", $s_CcAddress = "", $s_BccAddress = "", $s_Importance = "Normal", $s_Username = "", $s_Password = "", $IPPort = 25, $ssl = 0) Local $objEmail = ObjCreate("CDO.Message") $objEmail.From = '"' & $s_FromName & '" <' & $s_FromAddress & '>' $objEmail.To = $s_ToAddress Local $i_Error = 0 Local $i_Error_desciption = "" If $s_CcAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Cc = $s_CcAddress If $s_BccAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Bcc = $s_BccAddress $objEmail.Subject = $s_Subject If StringInStr($as_Body, "<") And StringInStr($as_Body, ">") Then $objEmail.HTMLBody = $as_Body Else $objEmail.Textbody = $as_Body & @CRLF EndIf If $s_AttachFiles <> "" Then Local $S_Files2Attach = StringSplit($s_AttachFiles, ";") For $x = 1 To $S_Files2Attach[0] $S_Files2Attach[$x] = _PathFull($S_Files2Attach[$x]) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug : $S_Files2Attach[$x] = ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @LF) ;### Debug Console If FileExists($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Then ConsoleWrite('+> File attachment added: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF) $objEmail.AddAttachment($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Else ConsoleWrite('!> File not found to attach: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next EndIf $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_SmtpServer If Number($IPPort) = 0 Then $IPPort = 25 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $IPPort ;Authenticated SMTP If $s_Username <> "" Then $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_Username $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_Password EndIf If $ssl Then $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = True EndIf ;Update settings $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Update ; Set Email Importance Switch $s_Importance Case "High" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "High" Case "Normal" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Normal" Case "Low" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Low" EndSwitch $objEmail.Fields.Update ; Sent the Message $objEmail.Send If @error Then SetError(2) Return $oMyRet[1] EndIf $objEmail = "" EndFunc ;==>_INetSmtpMailCom ; ; ; Com Error Handler Func MyErrFunc() Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) $oMyRet[0] = $HexNumber $oMyRet[1] = StringStripWS($oMyError.description, 3) ConsoleWrite("### COM Error ! Number: " & $HexNumber & " ScriptLine: " & $oMyError.scriptline & " Description:" & $oMyRet[1] & @LF) SetError(1); something to check for when this function returns Return EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc Func _HtmlEntities_Encode(ByRef $sTxt) For $i = 0 To 245 $sTxt = StringReplace($sTxt, ChrW($aisEntities[$i][0]), '&' & $aisEntities[$i][1] & ';', 0, 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_HtmlEntities_Encode Func _HtmlEntities_Decode(ByRef $sTxt) For $i = 0 To 245 $sTxt = StringReplace($sTxt, '&' & $aisEntities[$i][1] & ';', ChrW($aisEntities[$i][0]), 0, 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_HtmlEntities_Decode Lots of small improvements. It now autodetects the burner's drive letter. Added a queue in an array: first column is the labels and second column is the disc image files (e.g., .ISO). It's much more interactive when problems occur. Leaving the label file blank in the queue array will skip the printing process. More error checking done. If your duplicator doesn't have a printer, it will never attempt to print even if you specify labels. Added some more functions. EDIT: Added console messages and error output. DOUBLE EDIT: Eject disc on abort before asking if you want to close the program. TRIPLE EDIT: Added validation of label files since the DLLs will crash if an invalid image file is passed. It's a very rudimentary check. Edited August 12, 2014 by GPinzone Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duncanchaos Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 I am very interested in this code. I have never referenced a dll file. Is there any special way that the dll files must be registered? do the dll files need to be in the same directory as the autoit file? I have tried to use the code in this string and am getting an array errors. I suspect the dll call is not getting done. Thanks for the hard work. I look forward to coding for my Primera Bravo II. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GPinzone Posted January 18, 2012 Author Share Posted January 18, 2012 (edited) I updated the above code once more with some minor tweaks:Fixed speed of IMGBurn to 6X since the throughput of the USB connection isn't going to allow much more than that for writing anyway. Feel free to try other speeds (or none at all).Open drive tray on error.Close drive tray on retry (after error).EDIT:Set speed to AUTO which invokes AWS. Check out the IMGBurn form for more info on AWS.Settings chosen by default in IMG burn could accidentally be set during commad-line run. I added switches to trun off test writing, deleting image, and ejecting the disc. Edited January 20, 2012 by GPinzone Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GPinzone Posted August 12, 2014 Author Share Posted August 12, 2014 After all this time, I realized there was some erroneous code included. I updated the 3rd post with the correct code. Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GPinzone Posted May 21, 2018 Author Share Posted May 21, 2018 Final update. I've move on to using PTBurn instead of rolling my own using PTRobot. expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ListboxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <File.au3> If _Singleton("Primera", 1) = 0 Then ; We know the script is already running. Let the user know. MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error: Multiple Copies", "This script is already running. Using multiple copies of this script at the same time is unsupported!") Exit EndIf Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Global Const $aisEntities[246][2] = [[38, 'amp'], [34, 'quot'], [39, '#39'], [60, 'lt'], [62, 'gt'], [160, 'nbsp'], [161, 'iexcl'], [162, 'cent'], [163, 'pound'], [164, 'curren'], [165, 'yen'], [166, 'brvbar'], [167, 'sect'], [168, 'uml'], [169, 'copy'], [170, 'ordf'], [171, 'laquo'], [172, 'not'], [173, 'shy'], [174, 'reg'], [175, 'macr'], [176, 'deg'], [177, 'plusmn'], [180, 'acute'], [181, 'micro'], [182, 'para'], [183, 'middot'], [184, 'cedil'], [186, 'ordm'], [187, 'raquo'], [191, 'iquest'], [192, 'Agrave'], [193, 'Aacute'], [194, 'Acirc'], [195, 'Atilde'], [196, 'Auml'], [197, 'Aring'], [198, 'AElig'], [199, 'Ccedil'], [200, 'Egrave'], [201, 'Eacute'], [202, 'Ecirc'], [203, 'Euml'], [204, 'Igrave'], [205, 'Iacute'], [206, 'Icirc'], [207, 'Iuml'], [208, 'ETH'], [209, 'Ntilde'], [210, 'Ograve'], [211, 'Oacute'], [212, 'Ocirc'], [213, 'Otilde'], [214, 'Ouml'], [215, 'times'], [216, 'Oslash'], [217, 'Ugrave'], [218, 'Uacute'], [219, 'Ucirc'], [220, 'Uuml'], [221, 'Yacute'], [222, 'THORN'], [223, 'szlig'], [224, 'agrave'], [225, 'aacute'], [226, 'acirc'], [227, 'atilde'], [228, 'auml'], [229, 'aring'], [230, 'aelig'], [231, 'ccedil'], [232, 'egrave'], [233, 'eacute'], [234, 'ecirc'], [235, 'euml'], [236, 'igrave'], [237, 'iacute'], [238, 'icirc'], [239, 'iuml'], [240, 'eth'], [241, 'ntilde'], [242, 'ograve'], [243, 'oacute'], [244, 'ocirc'], [245, 'otilde'], [246, 'ouml'], [247, 'divide'], [248, 'oslash'], [249, 'ugrave'], [250, 'uacute'], [251, 'ucirc'], [252, 'uuml'], [253, 'yacute'], [254, 'thorn'], [255, 'yuml'], [338, 'OElig'], [339, 'oelig'], [352, 'Scaron'], [353, 'scaron'], [376, 'Yuml'], [402, 'fnof'], [710, 'circ'], [732, 'tilde'], [913, 'Alpha'], [914, 'Beta'], [915, 'Gamma'], [916, 'Delta'], [917, 'Epsilon'], [918, 'Zeta'], [919, 'Eta'], [920, 'Theta'], [921, 'Iota'], [922, 'Kappa'], [923, 'Lambda'], [924, 'Mu'], [925, 'Nu'], [926, 'Xi'], [927, 'Omicron'], [928, 'Pi'], [929, 'Rho'], [931, 'Sigma'], [932, 'Tau'], [933, 'Upsilon'], [934, 'Phi'], [935, 'Chi'], [936, 'Psi'], [937, 'Omega'], [945, 'alpha'], [946, 'beta'], [947, 'gamma'], [948, 'delta'], [949, 'epsilon'], [950, 'zeta'], [951, 'eta'], [952, 'theta'], [953, 'iota'], [954, 'kappa'], [955, 'lambda'], [956, 'mu'], [957, 'nu'], [958, 'xi'], [959, 'omicron'], [960, 'pi'], [961, 'rho'], [962, 'sigmaf'], [963, 'sigma'], [964, 'tau'], [965, 'upsilon'], [966, 'phi'], [967, 'chi'], [968, 'psi'], [969, 'omega'], [977, 'thetasym'], [978, 'upsih'], [982, 'piv'], [8194, 'ensp'], [8195, 'emsp'], [8201, 'thinsp'], [8204, 'zwnj'], [8205, 'zwj'], [8206, 'lrm'], [8207, 'rlm'], [8211, 'ndash'], [8212, 'mdash'], [8216, 'lsquo'], [8217, 'rsquo'], [8218, 'sbquo'], [8220, 'ldquo'], [8221, 'rdquo'], [8222, 'bdquo'], [8224, 'dagger'], [8225, 'Dagger'], [8226, 'bull'], [8230, 'hellip'], [8240, 'permil'], [8242, 'prime'], [8243, 'Prime'], [8249, 'lsaquo'], [8250, 'rsaquo'], [8254, 'oline'], [8260, 'frasl'], [8364, 'euro'], [8465, 'image'], [8472, 'weierp'], [8476, 'real'], [8482, 'trade'], [8501, 'alefsym'], [8592, 'larr'], [8593, 'uarr'], [8594, 'rarr'], [8595, 'darr'], [8596, 'harr'], [8629, 'crarr'], [8656, 'lArr'], [8657, 'uArr'], [8658, 'rArr'], [8659, 'dArr'], [8660, 'hArr'], [8704, 'forall'], [8706, 'part'], [8707, 'exist'], [8709, 'empty'], [8711, 'nabla'], [8712, 'isin'], [8713, 'notin'], [8715, 'ni'], [8719, 'prod'], [8721, 'sum'], [8722, 'minus'], [8727, 'lowast'], [8730, 'radic'], [8733, 'prop'], [8734, 'infin'], [8736, 'ang'], [8743, 'and'], [8744, 'or'], [8745, 'cap'], [8746, 'cup'], [8747, 'int'], [8764, 'sim'], [8773, 'cong'], [8776, 'asymp'], [8800, 'ne'], [8801, 'equiv'], [8804, 'le'], [8805, 'ge'], [8834, 'sub'], [8835, 'sup'], [8836, 'nsub'], [8838, 'sube'], [8839, 'supe'], [8853, 'oplus'], [8855, 'otimes'], [8869, 'perp'], [8901, 'sdot'], [8968, 'lceil'], [8969, 'rceil'], [8970, 'lfloor'], [8971, 'rfloor'], [9001, 'lang'], [9002, 'rang'], [9674, 'loz'], [9824, 'spades'], [9827, 'clubs'], [9829, 'hearts'], [9830, 'diams']] Global $hPTROBOTDLL = DllOpen("U:\Macros\DLLs\PTRobot.dll") Global $MacroLibPath = "U:\Macros\" Global $LastUsedDriveNumFile = $MacroLibPath & "DriveNum.txt" Global $RobotType Global $RobotAddress Global $NumRobots Global $DriveAddress[10] Global $NumDrives Global $NumPrinters Global $NumBins Global $SystemState Global $SystemError Global $NumDiscsProcessed = 0 Global $DriveLetter[10] Global $NumSets = 1 Global $NoDocDisc = False Global $LastUsedDriveNum = 0 Global $Form_Status = GUICreate("IMGBurn AutoIt Script", 614, 163, 193, 124, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_THICKFRAME)) Global $Label_Status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 16, 104, 580, 50, BitOR($SS_NOPREFIX, $SS_SUNKEN, $WS_BORDER)) Global $Label_Status_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status:", 16, 80, 37, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_NumSets_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Number of Sets:", 424, 8, 107, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_NumSets = GUICtrlCreateLabel($NumSets, 568, 8, 26, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Set_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Set:", 424, 32, 60, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Set = GUICtrlCreateLabel("1", 568, 32, 26, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 16, 24, 392, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Job_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Job:", 16, 8, 24, 17) Global $Label_DiscsProcessed_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of discs processed:", 424, 80, 135, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_DiscsProcessed = GUICtrlCreateLabel($NumDiscsProcessed, 568, 80, 26, 17) Global $Label_Disc_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Disc:", 424, 56, 28, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Disc = GUICtrlCreateLabel("1", 456, 56, 28, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global $Label_NumDiscss_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("of", 488, 56, 21, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global $Label_NumDiscs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 512, 56, 39, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global Const $MAX_NUMSETS = 50 Global Const $LOCATION_AUTO = 0 Global Const $LOCATION_RIGHT = 1 Global Const $LOCATION_LEFT = 2 Global Const $LOCATION_PRINTER = 100 Global Const $LOCATION_REJECT = 200 Global Const $CLEARDRIVE_NO = 0 Global Const $CLEARDRIVE_YES = 1 Global Const $DRIVE_OPEN = 0 Global Const $DRIVE_CLOSE = 1 ; SET OUTPUT BINS HERE Global Const $DVD_DL_BIN_INPUT = $LOCATION_LEFT Global Const $DVD_BIN_INPUT = $LOCATION_RIGHT Global Const $BIN_OUTPUT = $LOCATION_REJECT Global Const $PQ_LOW = 0 Global Const $PQ_MED = 1 Global Const $PQ_BETTER = 2 Global Const $PQ_HIGH = 3 Global Const $PQ_BEST = 4 Global Const $PTACT_ALIGNPRINTER = 0x00000001 Global Const $PTACT_IGNOREINKLOW = 0x00000002 Global Const $PTACT_DISABLEPWRBUTTON = 0x00000004 Global Const $PTACT_REINIT_DRIVES = 0x00000008 Global Const $PTACT_IDENTIFY = 0x00000010 Global Const $PTACT_CANCELCMD = 0x00000020 Global Const $PTACT_ENABLEPWRBUTTON = 0x00000040 Global Const $PTACT_RESETSYSTEM = 0x00000080 Global Const $PTACT_CHECKDISCS = 0x00000100 ; Check number of discs in bins Global Const $PTACT_CLEANCARTRIDGES = 0x00000200 ; Clean the cartridges Global Const $PTACT_CALIBRATE_ONE_DISC = 0x00000400 ; SE, II, Pro: Calibrate for one disc (user must put one disc in each bin). Global Const $PTACT_CHANGE_CARTRIDGE = 0x00000800 ; SE, II, Pro: Start the cartridge change procedure Global Const $PTACT_END_CARTRIDGE_CHANGE = 0x00001000 ; SE: End the cartridge change (can close lid also) Global Const $PTACT_SHIP_POSITION = 0x00002000 ; SE, II, Pro: Move the picker to the shipping position Global Const $PTACT_RESET_LEFT_INK_LEVELS = 0x00004000 ; II: Clears the ink spits for the LEFT cartridge Global Const $PTACT_RESET_RIGHT_INK_LEVELS = 0x00008000 ; II: Clears the ink spits for the RIGHT cartridge Global Const $PTACT_ALLOW_NO_CARTRIDGES = 0x00010000 ; SE, II, Pro: Allows unit to operate non-printing robotics without a cartridge Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_OFF = 0x00020000 Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_ON = 0x00040000 Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_FLASH = 0x00080000 Global Const $PTACT_UNHOOK_PICKER = 0x00100000 Global Const $PTACT_AUTOPRINTER_MODE = 0x00200000 ; DP4100: can perform a faster multiple copy print-only job by calling PTRobot_SetPrintCopies() prior to calling the print function (e.g. PTRobot_PrintFile()). Global Const $PTACT_FAN_ON = 0x00400000 ; DP4100: turn on system fan Global Const $PTACT_FAN_OFF = 0x00800000 ; DP4100: turn off system fan Global Const $SYSERR_PTR_TRAY = 1 Global Const $SYSERR_CART_CODE = 2 Global Const $SYSERR_INPUT_EMPTY = 3 Global Const $SYSERR_PTR_COMM = 4 Global Const $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY = 5 Global Const $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY = 6 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY = 7 Global Const $SYSERR_PICK = 8 Global Const $SYSERR_ARM_MOVE = 9 Global Const $SYSERR_CART_MOVE = 10 Global Const $SYSERR_INTERNAL_SW = 12 Global Const $SYSERR_NO_ROBODRIVES = 13 Global Const $SYSERR_OFFLINE = 14 Global Const $SYSERR_COVER_OPEN = 15 Global Const $SYSERR_PRINTER_PICK = 16 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLE_PICK = 17 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_PRINTER = 18 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RECORDER = 19 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_RECORDER = 20 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN1 = 28 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN2 = 29 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER = 33 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_REJECT = 34 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_UNKNOWN = 35 Global Const $SYSERR_ALIGNNEEDED = 36 Global Const $SYSERR_COLOR_INVALID = 37 Global Const $SYSERR_BLACK_INVALID = 38 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_INVALID = 39 Global Const $SYSERR_NOCARTS = 40 Global Const $SYSERR_K_IN_CMY = 41 Global Const $SYSERR_CMY_IN_K = 42 Global Const $SYSERR_SWAPPED = 43 Global Const $SYSERR_PIGONPRO = 44 Global Const $SYSERR_ALIGNFAILED = 45 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER_FATAL = 46 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RIGHTBIN = 47 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_LEFTBIN = 48 Global Const $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY_FINAL = 49 Global Const $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY_FINAL = 50 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY_FINAL = 51 Global Const $SYSERR_WAITING_FOR_PRINTER = 52 Global Const $SYSERR_NO_DISC_IN_PRINTER = 53 Global Const $SYSERR_BUSY = 54 Global Const $SYSERR_PURGE = 55 Global Const $SYSERR_DOCK_SENSOR = 56 Global Const $SYSERR_ALREADY_PRINTED = 57 Global Const $SYSERR_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE = 58 Global Const $SYSSTATE_IDLE = 0 Global Const $SYSSTATE_BUSY = 1 Global Const $SYSSTATE_ERROR = 2 Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER = 0 ; Disc Publisher I Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERII = 1 ; Disc Publisher II Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERPRO = 2 ; Disc Publisher PRO Global Const $ROBOT_COMPOSERMAX = 3 ; ComposerMAX Global Const $ROBOT_RACKMOUNT_DPII = 4 ; Disc Publisher XR Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_XRP = 5 ; Disc Publisher XRP Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_SE = 6 ; Disc Publisher SE Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERPRO_XI = 7 ; Disc Publisher Xi Series Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_4100 = 8 ; Disc Publisher 4100 Series Global Const $PTROBOT_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 520 Global Const $CUSTOM_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 901 Global Const $CUSTOM_FILE_FORMAT_WRONG = 902 Global Const $CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER = 903 Func processJobs($Title, $Queue) Local $TimeStamp, $DupeTime, $DiscSet Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) ; Store the time the process begins $TimeStamp = TimerInit() ; Exit script if ImgBurn is already running If ProcessExists("ImgBurn.exe") Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONWARNING, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "ImgBurn is already running.") Exit EndIf ; Configure GUI GUICtrlSetData($Label_Title, $Title) GUICtrlSetData($Label_NumSets, $NumSets) GUICtrlSetData($Label_NumDiscs, $QueueSize) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form_Status) ; Disable Screen Saver disableScreenSaver() PTRobot_Initialize() PTRobot_EnumRobots() PTRobot_EnumDrives() PTRobot_GetRobotInfo() ; Get the last drive used GetLastUsedDriveNum() ; Repeat process for each set of discs For $DiscSet = 1 To $NumSets ; Update GUI GUICtrlSetData($Label_Set, $DiscSet) ; Process the Queue PTRobot_ProcessQueue($Queue) Next PTRobot_Destroy() ; Store the last drive used StoreDriveNum() ; Enable Screen Saver enableScreenSaver() ; Calculate how long the process took $DupeTime = CalcDupeTime(TimerDiff($TimeStamp)) sendEmail($Title, $Queue, $NumSets, $DupeTime) EndFunc ;==>processJobs Func getNumSets() Local $nNumSets ; Check command line If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] < 1 Or $CmdLine[1] > $MAX_NUMSETS Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "Number of jobs must be between 1 and " & $MAX_NUMSETS & ".") Exit Else $nNumSets = $CmdLine[1] EndIf Else ; Return -1 if no command line argument given $nNumSets = -1 EndIf Return $nNumSets EndFunc ;==>getNumSets Func PTRobot_ProcessQueue($Queue) Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $Disc, $SourceBin Local $MissingFiles, $WrongFileFormat Local $result Local Const $LABEL_COL = 0 ; Array column used for disc labels. Local Const $IMAGE_COL = 1 ; Array column used for disc image files. Local $DriveNumber ; Verify files exist. For $Disc = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 If Not $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] = "" Then If Not FileExists($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) Then $MissingFiles = $MissingFiles & $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] & @CRLF ElseIf Not _ValidateImageFile($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) Then $WrongFileFormat = $WrongFileFormat & $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] & @CRLF EndIf EndIf If Not FileExists($Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL]) Then $MissingFiles = $MissingFiles & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & @CRLF EndIf Next If Not $MissingFiles = "" Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Queue Error", "Files not found:" & @CRLF & $MissingFiles) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_FILE_NOT_FOUND) EndIf If Not $WrongFileFormat = "" Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Queue Error", "File format incorrect:" & @CRLF & $WrongFileFormat) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_FILE_FORMAT_WRONG) EndIf PTRobot_Wait() For $Disc = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 If StringInStr($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL], "DVD DL", 1) Or StringInStr($Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL], "DVD DL", 1) Then $SourceBin = $DVD_DL_BIN_INPUT Else $SourceBin = $DVD_BIN_INPUT EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Label_Disc, $Disc + 1) ; Update GUI $DriveNumber = Mod($NumDiscsProcessed + $LastUsedDriveNum, $NumDrives) ; Switch drives after each iteration ;TEMP PATCH BECAUSE OF TOP DRIVE PROBLEM ;$DriveNumber = 1 ; Update last used drive number $LastUsedDriveNum = $DriveNumber WriteStatus("Loading drive..." & @CRLF) If $NumDiscsProcessed < $NumDrives Then ; First disc load in drive should check for disc in burner. PTRobot_LoadDrive($DriveNumber, $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_YES) ; Load first disc from source bin. Else PTRobot_LoadDrive($DriveNumber, $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_NO) ; Load subsequent disc from source bin. EndIf WriteStatus("Starting disc writer..." & @CRLF) Do PTRobot_Wait() $result = PTRobot_BurnImage($DriveNumber, $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL]) ; Burn image file to disc. ; If Retry, unload disc, load a new one and try again. If $result = 2 Then WriteStatus("Sending disc to reject bin..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_Wait() PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($DriveNumber, $LOCATION_REJECT) ; Send to reject pile. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Replacing blank disc..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_LoadDrive($DriveNumber, $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_NO) ; Replace disc from source bin. PTRobot_Wait() PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($DriveNumber, $DRIVE_CLOSE) WriteStatus("Retrying " & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & "..." & @CRLF) EndIf Until $result <> 2 ; If Abort, unload disc and exit program. If $result = 1 Then WriteStatus("Sending disc to reject bin..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_Wait() PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($DriveNumber, $LOCATION_REJECT) ; Send to reject pile. PTRobot_Wait() PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result) ; If Ignore, unload disc and move to the next one. ElseIf $result = 3 Then WriteStatus("Sending disc to reject bin..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_Wait() PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($DriveNumber, $LOCATION_REJECT) ; Send to reject pile. ; Success ($result = 0) Else WriteStatus("File: " & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & " successfully written." & @CRLF) PTRobot_Wait() If $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] = "" Or $NumPrinters < 1 Then WriteStatus("Send to output bin..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($DriveNumber, $BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. PTRobot_Wait() Else WriteStatus("Loading printer..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive($DriveNumber) ; Send disc to printer. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Printing label..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_PrintFile($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) ; Print label. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Send to output bin..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter($BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. EndIf EndIf $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) PTRobot_Wait() Next EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_ProcessQueue Func PTRobot_BurnImage($num, $Filename) Local $ErrorLevel Local $result = 0 $ErrorLevel = RunWait('"C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "' & $Filename & '" /DEST ' & $DriveLetter[$num] & ': /COPIES 1 /VERIFY NO /SPEED AUTO /TESTMODE NO /DELETEIMAGE NO /EJECT YES /WAITFORMEDIA /START /CLOSE /NOSAVESETTINGS') If $ErrorLevel Then WriteStatusError("Error: Disc write failed! - Exit Code: " & $ErrorLevel & @CRLF) WriteStatusError("Error: " & $Filename & " not successfully written!" & @CRLF) $result = MsgBox($MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE + $MB_ICONERROR, "Burn Error", "Disc write failed!" & @CRLF & "Exit Code: " & $ErrorLevel) ; Abort If $result = $IDABORT Then $result = 1 ; Return value for aborted error. ; Retry ElseIf $result = $IDRETRY Then $result = 2 ; Return value for retry error. ; Ignore ElseIf $result = $IDIGNORE Then $result = 3 ; Return value for ignored error. EndIf ; Success EndIf PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $DRIVE_OPEN) Return $result EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_BurnImage Func PTRobot_Wait() Local $ErrorMsg Sleep(1000) While Not PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() If $SystemError Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($SystemError) ElseIf Not $SystemState Then ExitLoop Else Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd Sleep(1000) While Not PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() If $SystemError Then If $SystemError = $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) ElseIf $SystemError = $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) ElseIf $SystemError = $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both ink cartridges are LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) Else PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($SystemError) EndIf ElseIf Not $SystemState Then ExitLoop Else Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Wait Func PTRobot_GetErrorString() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dwErrorNum Local $wszErrorString Local $dwMaxLength Local $dwLanguage $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetErrorString", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwErrorNum, "wstr", $wszErrorString, "dword", $dwMaxLength, "dword", $dwLanguage) $dwErrorNum = $result[2] $wszErrorString = $result[3] $dwMaxLength = $result[4] $dwLanguage = $result[5] MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONWARNING + $MB_ICONERROR, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ "System Number Error: " & $dwErrorNum & @CRLF & _ "Error String: " & $wszErrorString & @CRLF & _ "Max Length: " & $dwMaxLength & @CRLF & _ "Language: " & $dwLanguage) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetErrorString Func PTRobot_Initialize() Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_Initialize") If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Initialize Func PTRobot_Destroy() Local $result Local $err = @error PTRobot_Wait() DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_SystemAction", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_OFF) PTRobot_Wait() $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_Destroy") If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Destroy Func PTRobot_EnumRobots() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $hRobots = DllStructCreate("hwnd[10]") Local $dwNumRobots = DllStructCreate("dword") DllStructSetData($dwNumRobots, 1, 10) ; Set input to be the size of the array $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_EnumRobots", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hRobots), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dwNumRobots)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf ; Set Global Variables $RobotAddress = DllStructGetData($hRobots, 1, 1) $NumRobots = DllStructGetData($dwNumRobots, 1) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_EnumRobots Func PTRobot_EnumDrives() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $hDrives = DllStructCreate("hwnd[10]") Local $dwNumDrives = DllStructCreate("dword") DllStructSetData($dwNumDrives, 1, 10) ; Set input to be the size of the array $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_EnumDrives", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hDrives), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dwNumDrives)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf ; Set Global Variables $NumDrives = DllStructGetData($dwNumDrives, 1) ReDim $DriveAddress[$NumDrives] ReDim $DriveLetter[$NumDrives] For $i = 0 To $NumDrives - 1 $DriveAddress[$i] = DllStructGetData($hDrives, 1, $i + 1) $DriveLetter[$i] = Chr(Dec(StringRight($DriveAddress[$i], 2))) ;MsgBox($MB_OK, "Debug", "Drive " & $i & ": " & $DriveLetter[$i]) If Not StringRegExp($DriveLetter[$i], "^[A-Z]$") Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_EnumDrives Func PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dRobotStatus = DllStructCreate("dword dwSystemState;dword dwSystemError;dword dwCurrColorSpits;dword dwCurrBlackSpits;dword dwFullColorSpits;dword dwFullBlackSpits") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetRobotStatus", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dRobotStatus)) ;MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "System State: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemState") & @CRLF & _ ; "System Error: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemError") & @CRLF & _ ; "CurrColorSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwCurrColorSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "CurrBlackSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwCurrBlackSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "FullColorSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwFullColorSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "FullBlackSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwFullBlackSpits")); ; Set Global Variables $SystemState = DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemState") $SystemError = DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemError") Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetRobotStatus Func PTRobot_GetRobotInfo() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dRobotInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hRobot;char tszRobotDesc[100];dword dwRobotType;dword dwNumDrives;dword dwNumPrinters;dword dwNumBins;dword dwDriveColumns;dword dwDriveRows;char tszRobotFirmware[20];dword dwOptions;dword dwAction;hwnd hDrives[10];dword dwDriveBusType") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetRobotInfo", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dRobotInfo)) ;MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "hRobot") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Type: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotDesc") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drives: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumDrives") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Printers: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumPrinters") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Bins: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumBins") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drive Columns: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveColumns") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drive Rows: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveRows") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot FW Version: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotFirmware") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Options: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwOptions") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Actions: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwAction") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Bus Type: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveBusType")) $RobotType = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotDesc") $NumDrives = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumDrives") $NumPrinters = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumPrinters") $NumBins = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumBins") Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetRobotInfo Func PTRobot_GetDriveInfo($num) Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dDrvInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hDrive;char tszDriveName[132];char tszFirmwareVer[40];char tszSerialNum[40];hwnd hRobot;dword dwDriveColumn;dword dwDriveRow") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetDriveInfo", "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dDrvInfo)) ;MsgBox($MB_OK, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "hDrive") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Name: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszDriveName") & @CRLF & _ ; "Firmware Version: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszFirmwareVer") & @CRLF & _ ; "Serial Number: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszSerialNum") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "hRobot") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Column: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "dwDriveColumn") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Row: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "dwDriveRow")) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetDriveInfo Func PTRobot_LoadDrive($num, $dwFromLocation, $dwFirstDiscLoad) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwFromLocation, "dword", $dwFirstDiscLoad) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadDrive Func PTRobot_LoadPrinter($dwFromLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadPrinter", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwFromLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadPrinter Func PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive($num) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num]) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive Func PTRobot_PrintFile($strFilename) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_PrintFile", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "str", $strFilename, "dword", 0) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_PrintFile Func PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter($dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter Func PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($num, $dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_UnLoadDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_UnLoadDrive Func PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations($dwFromLocation, $dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwFromLocation, "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations Func PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $dwOpen) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive", "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwOpen) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive Func PTRobot_SystemAction($dwAction) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_SystemAction", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwAction) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_SystemAction Func PTRobot_KillSystemError($dwResetPrinter) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_KillSystemError", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwResetPrinter) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_KillSystemError Func PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo() ; WARNING: This function has not been thoroughly tested. Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dPTManufactureInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hRobot;char tszSerialNum[11];char tszManufactureDate[12];dword dwFiller[20]") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dPTManufactureInfo)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "Serial Number: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "tszSerialNum") & @CRLF & _ "Manufacture Date: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "tszManufactureDate") & @CRLF & _ "Filler: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "dwFiller", 1)) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo Func PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dPrinterSettings = DllStructCreate("dword dwPrintQuality;dword dwInnerDiam;dword dwOuterMargin") Local $PrintQuality $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dPrinterSettings)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf Switch DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwPrintQuality") Case $PQ_LOW $PrintQuality = "Low" Case $PQ_MED $PrintQuality = "Medium" Case $PQ_BETTER $PrintQuality = "Better" ; Default Case $PQ_HIGH $PrintQuality = "High" Case $PQ_BEST $PrintQuality = "Best" Case Else ; This shouldn't happen. $PrintQuality = "UNKNOWN" EndSwitch MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "Print Quality: " & $PrintQuality & @CRLF & _ "Inner Diameter: " & DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwInnerDiam") & @CRLF & _ "Outer Margin: " & DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwOuterMargin")) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings Func PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($ErrorNum) Local $ErrorMsg Switch $ErrorNum Case $SYSERR_PTR_TRAY $ErrorMsg = "Tray movement error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CART_CODE $ErrorMsg = "There was a problem finding the ink cartridges. Open the cover and press the left button. Make sure the color cartridge is installed on the left and the black is on the right. Then close the cover." Case $SYSERR_INPUT_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "The input bin is empty. Open the cover and add more discs. Then close the cover and push the left button on the unit." Case $SYSERR_PTR_COMM $ErrorMsg = "There was an internal printer communications error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is LOW on ink. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is LOW on ink. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both ink cartridges are LOW on ink. To replace the cartridges, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridges and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_PICK $ErrorMsg = "The disc was not picked. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_ARM_MOVE $ErrorMsg = "There was an arm movement error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CART_MOVE $ErrorMsg = "Arm picker error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_INTERNAL_SW $ErrorMsg = "There was an internal software error. Please re-start the software." Case $SYSERR_NO_ROBODRIVES $ErrorMsg = "No external recorder drives were found. Re-power the computer and unit, and then re-start the software." Case $SYSERR_OFFLINE $ErrorMsg = "The unit is offline. Please ensure the unit is connected and powered on. You may need to shut down and restart the software." Case $SYSERR_COVER_OPEN $ErrorMsg = "The unit’s cover is open. Please close the cover." Case $SYSERR_PRINTER_PICK $ErrorMsg = "The disc was not picked from the printer. Press the left button to retry." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLE_PICK $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were picked up and moved. Please manually remove any extra discs that were moved, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the printer. Please manually remove any extra discs from the printer, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RECORDER $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the recorder. Please manually remove any extra discs from the recorder, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_RECORDER $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the recorder. Please manually place the disc into the recorder tray. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN1 $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the right bin. Please manually place the disc into the right bin. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN2 $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the left bin. Please manually place the disc into the left bin. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the printer. Please manually place the disc into the printer tray. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_REJECT $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving to the reject area. Please remove the dropped disc. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_UNKNOWN $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped. Please remove the dropped disc. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_ALIGNNEEDED $ErrorMsg = "The printer cartridges need to be aligned." Case $SYSERR_COLOR_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "The color cartridge is invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_BLACK_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "The black cartridge is invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "Both cartridges are invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_NOCARTS $ErrorMsg = "No cartridges are installed. Open the cover and press the left button. Install the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_K_IN_CMY $ErrorMsg = "The black cartridge is installed in the color position. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_CMY_IN_K $ErrorMsg = "The color cartridge is installed in the black position. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_SWAPPED $ErrorMsg = "The black and color cartridges are swapped. Open the cover and press the left button. Swap the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_PIGONPRO $ErrorMsg = "This printer is not compatible with a pigment-based black cartridge. Open the cover and press the left button. Install a dye-based black cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_ALIGNFAILED $ErrorMsg = "The alignment print failed." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER_FATAL $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving to/from the printer. Please open the cover and manually remove and discard the disc. Then place a new disc in the recorder, close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RIGHTBIN $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the right bin. Please manually move any extra discs to the left bin, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_LEFTBIN $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the left bin. Please manually move any extra discs to the right bin, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both cartridges are Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_WAITING_FOR_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "The system timed out waiting for the printer to finish. The disc may not have been printed on." Case $SYSERR_NO_DISC_IN_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "No disc was found in the printer." Case $SYSERR_BUSY $ErrorMsg = "System Busy." Case $SYSERR_PURGE $ErrorMsg = "Purge." Case $SYSERR_DOCK_SENSOR $ErrorMsg = "Dock Sensor." Case $SYSERR_ALREADY_PRINTED $ErrorMsg = "Already printed." Case $SYSERR_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE $ErrorMsg = "Unknown hardware." Case $PTROBOT_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED $ErrorMsg = "This feature is not implemented." Case $CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER $ErrorMsg = "Could not find valid drive letter for burner." Case Else $ErrorMsg = "UNKNOWN ERROR! " & $ErrorNum EndSwitch WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error", $ErrorMsg) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox Func _ValidateImageFile($sFilename) Local Const $sSTDHeader = "4D5600FF0C001200" Local Const $sPNGHeader = "89504E470D0A1A0A" Local Const $sJPGHeader = "FFD8FFE000104A46" Local Const $sGIF87Header = "474946383961" Local Const $sGIF89Header = "474946383761" Local Const $sBMPHeader = "424D" Local $sFileType, $bReturn = False Local $hFileHandle = FileOpen($sFilename, 16) ; Open file read only Local $bFileContents = FileRead($hFileHandle, 8) ; Read first 8 bytes Local $sFileExt = StringLower(StringRight($sFilename, 4)) ; Determine file extension If StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sJPGHeader)) = $sJPGHeader And $sFileExt = ".jpg" Then $sFileType = "JPEG" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sSTDHeader)) = $sSTDHeader And $sFileExt = ".std" Then $sFileType = "SureThing Label" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sPNGHeader)) = $sPNGHeader And $sFileExt = ".png" Then $sFileType = "PNG" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sBMPHeader)) = $sBMPHeader And $sFileExt = ".bmp" Then $sFileType = "BMP" $bReturn = True ;ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sGIF87Header)) = $sGIF87Header And $sFileExt = ".gif" Then ; $sFileType = "GIF87" ; $bReturn = True ;ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sGIF89Header)) = $sGIF89Header And $sFileExt = ".gif" Then ; $sFileType = "GIF89" ; $bReturn = True Else $sFileType = "Unknown" EndIf ;MsgBox($MB_OK, "", $sFileType) Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>_ValidateImageFile Func _NoHaltMsgBox($code = 0, $Title = "", $text = "", $timeout = 0) Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "MsgBox(' & $code & ', ''' & $Title & ''', ''' & $text & ''',' & $timeout & ')"') EndFunc ;==>_NoHaltMsgBox Func OpenPrompt($message, $Queue) Local $answer ; Get number of sets from the command-line $answer = getNumSets() ; If copies were specified on command line, then end function without prompting If $answer > 0 Then $NumSets = $answer Return $Queue EndIf Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $Form_Duplicator_GUI = GUICreate("IMGBurn AutoIt Script", 404, 260, 192, 124) Local $Button_Start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 72, 210, 87, 33) Local $NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateInput($NumSets, 220, 170, 49, 21, $ES_CENTER) Local $Updown_NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($NumCopies) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, $MAX_NUMSETS, 1) Local $Button_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 232, 210, 91, 33) Local $Label_NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateLabel("How many copies?", 116, 170, 94, 17, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Local $Label_Message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This script will run the disc burning software for the job" & @LF & $message & @LF & "Run?", 2, 8, 400, 57, BitOR($SS_NOPREFIX, $SS_CENTER)) Local $List_Queue = GUICtrlCreateList("", 2, 60, 400, 100, BitOR($LBS_MULTIPLESEL, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 200) ; Limit horizontal scrolling Local $DiscTitle For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $DiscTitle[0]) ;_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel($List_Queue, $i) ; Preselect entry GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LB_SETSEL, True, $i) ; Preselect entry Next GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LB_SETTOPINDEX, 0, 0) ; Send scrollbar to top of list GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $NewQueue While 1 $answer = GUIGetMsg() $NewQueue = $Queue ; Set/Reset NewQueue to Queue Switch $answer Case $Button_Start If GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) < 1 Or GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) > $MAX_NUMSETS Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "Number of copies must be between 1 and " & $MAX_NUMSETS & ".") Else For $i = $QueueSize - 1 To 0 Step -1 ; Process array in reverse to keep index aligned If _GUICtrlListBox_GetSel($List_Queue, $i) == False Then _ArrayDelete($NewQueue, $i) EndIf Next If UBound($NewQueue, 1) = 0 Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "No discs selected.") Else ExitLoop ; Success! EndIf EndIf Case $Button_Cancel MsgBox($MB_OK, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "OK. Bye!") Exit Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd $NumSets = GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Return $NewQueue EndFunc ;==>OpenPrompt Func CalcDupeTime($iTimestampDiff) Local $iSeconds = Int($iTimestampDiff / 1000) Local $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs $iHours = Int($iSeconds / 3600) $iSeconds = Mod($iSeconds, 3600) $iMins = Int($iSeconds / 60) $iSecs = Mod($iSeconds, 60) If StringLen($iHours) = 1 Then $iHours = "0" & $iHours If StringLen($iMins) = 1 Then $iMins = "0" & $iMins If StringLen($iSecs) = 1 Then $iSecs = "0" & $iSecs Return $iHours & ":" & $iMins & ":" & $iSecs EndFunc ;==>CalcDupeTime Func sendEmail($Title, $Queue, $NumSets, $DupeTime) Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $s_SmtpServer = "" Local $s_FromName = "IMGBurn Disc Duplicator" Local $s_FromAddress = "" Local $s_ToAddress = "" Local $s_Subject = "[DUPLICATOR] - " & $Title & " - " & $NumSets & " set(s) in " & $DupeTime ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;Local $as_Body[$QueueSize + 1] ;$as_Body[0] = "The job took " & $DupeTime & " to complete." & @CRLF Local $s_Body = "<body><p style=""font-family:Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"">The job took " & $DupeTime & " to complete.</p><p></p>" $s_Body &= "<p style=""font-family:Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"">" Local $DiscTitle ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 ; $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) ; $as_Body[$i+1] = $DiscTitle[0] & @TAB ; We add a TAB at the end to stop Outlook from concatenating lines >= 40 chars ;Next For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) _HtmlEntities_Encode($DiscTitle[0]) $s_Body &= $DiscTitle[0] & "<br>" Next $s_Body &= "</p></body>" ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;Local $Response = _INetSmtpMail($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body, 1, -1) ;Local $err = @error ; ;If $Response = 1 Then ; MsgBox($MB_OK, "Success!", "Mail sent") ;Else ; MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & $err) ;EndIf Local $oMyRet[2] Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") Local $Response = _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $s_Body) If @error Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error sending message", "Error code:" & @error & " Description:" & $Response) EndIf EndFunc ;==>sendEmail Func toggleScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 0) Else RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>toggleScreenSaver Func disableScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>disableScreenSaver Func enableScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) = 0 Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>enableScreenSaver Func WriteStatus($LogMessage) ConsoleWrite($LogMessage) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status, $LogMessage) EndFunc ;==>WriteStatus Func WriteStatusError($LogMessage) ConsoleWriteError($LogMessage) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status, $LogMessage) EndFunc ;==>WriteStatusError Func _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject = "", $as_Body = "", $s_AttachFiles = "", $s_CcAddress = "", $s_BccAddress = "", $s_Importance = "Normal", $s_Username = "", $s_Password = "", $IPPort = 25, $ssl = 0) Local $objEmail = ObjCreate("CDO.Message") $objEmail.From = '"' & $s_FromName & '" <' & $s_FromAddress & '>' $objEmail.To = $s_ToAddress Local $i_Error = 0 Local $i_Error_desciption = "" Local $oMyRet[2] If $s_CcAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Cc = $s_CcAddress If $s_BccAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Bcc = $s_BccAddress $objEmail.Subject = $s_Subject If StringInStr($as_Body, "<") And StringInStr($as_Body, ">") Then $objEmail.HTMLBody = $as_Body Else $objEmail.Textbody = $as_Body & @CRLF EndIf If $s_AttachFiles <> "" Then Local $S_Files2Attach = StringSplit($s_AttachFiles, ";") For $x = 1 To $S_Files2Attach[0] $S_Files2Attach[$x] = _PathFull($S_Files2Attach[$x]) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug : $S_Files2Attach[$x] = ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @LF) ;### Debug Console If FileExists($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Then ConsoleWrite('+> File attachment added: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF) $objEmail.AddAttachment($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Else ConsoleWrite('!> File not found to attach: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next EndIf $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_SmtpServer If Number($IPPort) = 0 Then $IPPort = 25 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $IPPort ;Authenticated SMTP If $s_Username <> "" Then $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_Username $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_Password EndIf If $ssl Then $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = True EndIf ;Update settings $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Update ; Set Email Importance Switch $s_Importance Case "High" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "High" Case "Normal" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Normal" Case "Low" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Low" EndSwitch $objEmail.Fields.Update ; Sent the Message $objEmail.Send If @error Then SetError(2) Return $oMyRet[1] EndIf $objEmail = "" EndFunc ;==>_INetSmtpMailCom ; ; ; Com Error Handler Func MyErrFunc() Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") Local $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) Local $oMyRet[2] $oMyRet[0] = $HexNumber $oMyRet[1] = StringStripWS($oMyError.description, 3) ConsoleWrite("### COM Error ! Number: " & $HexNumber & " ScriptLine: " & $oMyError.scriptline & " Description:" & $oMyRet[1] & @LF) SetError(1) ; something to check for when this function returns Return EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc Func _HtmlEntities_Encode(ByRef $sTxt) For $i = 0 To 245 $sTxt = StringReplace($sTxt, ChrW($aisEntities[$i][0]), '&' & $aisEntities[$i][1] & ';', 0, 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_HtmlEntities_Encode Func _HtmlEntities_Decode(ByRef $sTxt) For $i = 0 To 245 $sTxt = StringReplace($sTxt, '&' & $aisEntities[$i][1] & ';', ChrW($aisEntities[$i][0]), 0, 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_HtmlEntities_Decode Func StoreDriveNum() ; Open the file for writing (append to the end of a file) and store the handle to a variable. Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($LastUsedDriveNumFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred whilst writing " & $LastUsedDriveNumFile & ".") Return False EndIf FileWrite($hFileOpen, $LastUsedDriveNum) ; Close the handle returned by FileOpen. FileClose($hFileOpen) Return True EndFunc ;==>StoreDriveNum Func GetLastUsedDriveNum() ; Open the file for reading and store the handle to a variable. Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($LastUsedDriveNumFile, $FO_READ) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the file " & $LastUsedDriveNumFile & ".") Return False EndIf ; Read the contents of the file using the handle returned by FileOpen. Local $iFileRead = Number(FileRead($hFileOpen)) ; Close the handle returned by FileOpen. FileClose($hFileOpen) ; Validate the file contents If $iFileRead >= 0 And $iFileRead < $NumDrives Then ; Set LastUsedDriveNum. $LastUsedDriveNum = $iFileRead Else MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR + $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Contents of " & $LastUsedDriveNumFile & " are invalid.") ; Set LastUsedDriveNum to default. $LastUsedDriveNum = 0 Return False EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>GetLastUsedDriveNum  Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enoch23 Posted April 13, 2019 Share Posted April 13, 2019 Hey there, thank you for sharing the script! I was looking into AutoIt for controlling my Primera SE. Finding your script, I was hoping to get it working for my Project. Being new to AutoIt, I am having a bit of trouble getting your script started "as it is". What changes do I have to make, other than specifying the location on the DLLs? Greetings, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
argumentum Posted April 13, 2019 Share Posted April 13, 2019 16 minutes ago, Enoch23 said: I am having a bit of trouble getting your script started "as it is". What changes do I have to make You'll have to get "ImgBurn.exe" in place. If that is your trouble. What is your trouble ? Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enoch23 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 I first tried the script in post #3. When executing from the SciTE editor nothing happened. I was wondering if there is some other way this script is to be executed? Â So, I tried the script in the last post (now post #7). When executing from the SciTE editor I get the following output: >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Primera.au3" /UserParams +>13:17:49 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.19.102.1901.0 SciTE v. Keyboard:00000407 OS:WIN_7/Service Pack 1 CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0409) CodePage:0 +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 input:C:\Users\User\Desktop\Primera.au3 "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Primera.au3"(1199,26) : warning: $oMyRet: possibly used before declaration. Return $oMyRet[1] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Primera.au3"(1208,42) : warning: $HexNumber possibly not declared/created yet $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Primera.au3"(1158,64) : error: _PathFull(): undefined function. $S_Files2Attach[$x] = _PathFull($S_Files2Attach[$x]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Users\User\Desktop\Primera.au3 - 1 error(s), 2 warning(s) !>13:17:49 AU3Check ended. Press F4 to jump to next error.rc:2 +>13:17:49 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 2 Time: 1.854 The first and last error are from the Function _INetSmtpMailCom. I'm guessing I have to configure something for that? ImgBurn is installed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
argumentum Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 9 hours ago, Enoch23 said: error: _PathFull(): undefined function. That is not so had to fix expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ListboxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <File.au3> If _Singleton("Primera", 1) = 0 Then ; We know the script is already running. Let the user know. MsgBox(0, "Error: Multiple Copies", "This script is already running. Using multiple copies of this script at the same time is unsupported!") Exit EndIf Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Global $oMyRet, $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") Global Const $aisEntities[246][2] = [[34, 'quot'],[38, 'amp'],[39, 'apos'],[60, 'lt'],[62, 'gt'],[160, 'nbsp'],[161, 'iexcl'],[162, 'cent'],[163, 'pound'],[164, 'curren'],[165, 'yen'],[166, 'brvbar'],[167, 'sect'],[168, 'uml'],[169, 'copy'],[170, 'ordf'],[171, 'laquo'],[172, 'not'],[173, 'shy'],[174, 'reg'],[175, 'macr'],[176, 'deg'],[177, 'plusmn'],[180, 'acute'],[181, 'micro'],[182, 'para'],[183, 'middot'],[184, 'cedil'],[186, 'ordm'],[187, 'raquo'],[191, 'iquest'],[192, 'Agrave'],[193, 'Aacute'],[194, 'Acirc'],[195, 'Atilde'],[196, 'Auml'],[197, 'Aring'],[198, 'AElig'],[199, 'Ccedil'],[200, 'Egrave'],[201, 'Eacute'],[202, 'Ecirc'],[203, 'Euml'],[204, 'Igrave'],[205, 'Iacute'],[206, 'Icirc'],[207, 'Iuml'],[208, 'ETH'],[209, 'Ntilde'],[210, 'Ograve'],[211, 'Oacute'],[212, 'Ocirc'],[213, 'Otilde'],[214, 'Ouml'],[215, 'times'],[216, 'Oslash'],[217, 'Ugrave'],[218, 'Uacute'],[219, 'Ucirc'],[220, 'Uuml'],[221, 'Yacute'],[222, 'THORN'],[223, 'szlig'],[224, 'agrave'],[225, 'aacute'],[226, 'acirc'],[227, 'atilde'],[228, 'auml'],[229, 'aring'],[230, 'aelig'],[231, 'ccedil'],[232, 'egrave'],[233, 'eacute'],[234, 'ecirc'],[235, 'euml'],[236, 'igrave'],[237, 'iacute'],[238, 'icirc'],[239, 'iuml'],[240, 'eth'],[241, 'ntilde'],[242, 'ograve'],[243, 'oacute'],[244, 'ocirc'],[245, 'otilde'],[246, 'ouml'],[247, 'divide'],[248, 'oslash'],[249, 'ugrave'],[250, 'uacute'],[251, 'ucirc'],[252, 'uuml'],[253, 'yacute'],[254, 'thorn'],[255, 'yuml'],[338, 'OElig'],[339, 'oelig'],[352, 'Scaron'],[353, 'scaron'],[376, 'Yuml'],[402, 'fnof'],[710, 'circ'],[732, 'tilde'],[913, 'Alpha'],[914, 'Beta'],[915, 'Gamma'],[916, 'Delta'],[917, 'Epsilon'],[918, 'Zeta'],[919, 'Eta'],[920, 'Theta'],[921, 'Iota'],[922, 'Kappa'],[923, 'Lambda'],[924, 'Mu'],[925, 'Nu'],[926, 'Xi'],[927, 'Omicron'],[928, 'Pi'],[929, 'Rho'],[931, 'Sigma'],[932, 'Tau'],[933, 'Upsilon'],[934, 'Phi'],[935, 'Chi'],[936, 'Psi'],[937, 'Omega'],[945, 'alpha'],[946, 'beta'],[947, 'gamma'],[948, 'delta'],[949, 'epsilon'],[950, 'zeta'],[951, 'eta'],[952, 'theta'],[953, 'iota'],[954, 'kappa'],[955, 'lambda'],[956, 'mu'],[957, 'nu'],[958, 'xi'],[959, 'omicron'],[960, 'pi'],[961, 'rho'],[962, 'sigmaf'],[963, 'sigma'],[964, 'tau'],[965, 'upsilon'],[966, 'phi'],[967, 'chi'],[968, 'psi'],[969, 'omega'],[977, 'thetasym'],[978, 'upsih'],[982, 'piv'],[8194, 'ensp'],[8195, 'emsp'],[8201, 'thinsp'],[8204, 'zwnj'],[8205, 'zwj'],[8206, 'lrm'],[8207, 'rlm'],[8211, 'ndash'],[8212, 'mdash'],[8216, 'lsquo'],[8217, 'rsquo'],[8218, 'sbquo'],[8220, 'ldquo'],[8221, 'rdquo'],[8222, 'bdquo'],[8224, 'dagger'],[8225, 'Dagger'],[8226, 'bull'],[8230, 'hellip'],[8240, 'permil'],[8242, 'prime'],[8243, 'Prime'],[8249, 'lsaquo'],[8250, 'rsaquo'],[8254, 'oline'],[8260, 'frasl'],[8364, 'euro'],[8465, 'image'],[8472, 'weierp'],[8476, 'real'],[8482, 'trade'],[8501, 'alefsym'],[8592, 'larr'],[8593, 'uarr'],[8594, 'rarr'],[8595, 'darr'],[8596, 'harr'],[8629, 'crarr'],[8656, 'lArr'],[8657, 'uArr'],[8658, 'rArr'],[8659, 'dArr'],[8660, 'hArr'],[8704, 'forall'],[8706, 'part'],[8707, 'exist'],[8709, 'empty'],[8711, 'nabla'],[8712, 'isin'],[8713, 'notin'],[8715, 'ni'],[8719, 'prod'],[8721, 'sum'],[8722, 'minus'],[8727, 'lowast'],[8730, 'radic'],[8733, 'prop'],[8734, 'infin'],[8736, 'ang'],[8743, 'and'],[8744, 'or'],[8745, 'cap'],[8746, 'cup'],[8747, 'int'],[8764, 'sim'],[8773, 'cong'],[8776, 'asymp'],[8800, 'ne'],[8801, 'equiv'],[8804, 'le'],[8805, 'ge'],[8834, 'sub'],[8835, 'sup'],[8836, 'nsub'],[8838, 'sube'],[8839, 'supe'],[8853, 'oplus'],[8855, 'otimes'],[8869, 'perp'],[8901, 'sdot'],[8968, 'lceil'],[8969, 'rceil'],[8970, 'lfloor'],[8971, 'rfloor'],[9001, 'lang'],[9002, 'rang'],[9674, 'loz'],[9824, 'spades'],[9827, 'clubs'],[9829, 'hearts'],[9830, 'diams']] Global $hPTROBOTDLL = DllOpen("U:\Macros\PTRobot.dll") Global $RobotType Global $RobotAddress Global $NumRobots Global $DriveAddress[10] Global $NumDrives Global $NumPrinters Global $NumBins Global $SystemState Global $SystemError Global $NumDiscsProcessed = 0 Global $DriveLetter[10] Global $NumSets = 1 Global $NoDocDisc = False Global $Form_Status = GUICreate("IMGBurn AutoIt Script", 614, 163, 193, 124, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_THICKFRAME)) Global $Label_Status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 16, 104, 580, 50, BitOR($SS_NOPREFIX, $SS_SUNKEN, $WS_BORDER)) Global $Label_Status_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status:", 16, 80, 37, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_NumSets_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Number of Sets:", 424, 8, 107, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_NumSets = GUICtrlCreateLabel($NumSets, 568, 8, 26, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Set_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Set:", 424, 32, 60, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Set = GUICtrlCreateLabel("1", 568, 32, 26, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 16, 24, 392, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Job_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Job:", 16, 8, 24, 17) Global $Label_DiscsProcessed_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of discs processed:", 424, 80, 135, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_DiscsProcessed = GUICtrlCreateLabel($NumDiscsProcessed, 568, 80, 26, 17) Global $Label_Disc_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Disc:", 424, 56, 28, 17, $SS_NOPREFIX) Global $Label_Disc = GUICtrlCreateLabel("1", 456, 56, 28, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global $Label_NumDiscss_Title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("of", 488, 56, 21, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global $Label_NumDiscs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 512, 56, 39, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_NOPREFIX)) Global Const $MAX_NUMSETS = 50 Global Const $LOCATION_AUTO = 0 Global Const $LOCATION_RIGHT = 1 Global Const $LOCATION_LEFT = 2 Global Const $LOCATION_PRINTER = 100 Global Const $LOCATION_REJECT = 200 Global Const $CLEARDRIVE_NO = 0 Global Const $CLEARDRIVE_YES = 1 Global Const $DRIVE_OPEN = 0 Global Const $DRIVE_CLOSE = 1 ; SET OUTPUT BINS HERE Global Const $CD_BIN_INPUT = $LOCATION_LEFT Global Const $DVD_BIN_INPUT = $LOCATION_RIGHT Global Const $BIN_OUTPUT = $LOCATION_REJECT Global Const $PQ_LOW = 0 Global Const $PQ_MED = 1 Global Const $PQ_BETTER = 2 Global Const $PQ_HIGH = 3 Global Const $PQ_BEST = 4 Global Const $PTACT_ALIGNPRINTER = 0x00000001 Global Const $PTACT_IGNOREINKLOW = 0x00000002 Global Const $PTACT_DISABLEPWRBUTTON = 0x00000004 Global Const $PTACT_REINIT_DRIVES = 0x00000008 Global Const $PTACT_IDENTIFY = 0x00000010 Global Const $PTACT_CANCELCMD = 0x00000020 Global Const $PTACT_ENABLEPWRBUTTON = 0x00000040 Global Const $PTACT_RESETSYSTEM = 0x00000080 Global Const $PTACT_CHECKDISCS = 0x00000100 ; Check number of discs in bins Global Const $PTACT_CLEANCARTRIDGES = 0x00000200 ; Clean the cartridges Global Const $PTACT_CALIBRATE_ONE_DISC = 0x00000400 ; SE, II, Pro: Calibrate for one disc (user must put one disc in each bin). Global Const $PTACT_CHANGE_CARTRIDGE = 0x00000800 ; SE, II, Pro: Start the cartridge change procedure Global Const $PTACT_END_CARTRIDGE_CHANGE = 0x00001000 ; SE: End the cartridge change (can close lid also) Global Const $PTACT_SHIP_POSITION = 0x00002000 ; SE, II, Pro: Move the picker to the shipping position Global Const $PTACT_RESET_LEFT_INK_LEVELS = 0x00004000 ; II: Clears the ink spits for the LEFT cartridge Global Const $PTACT_RESET_RIGHT_INK_LEVELS = 0x00008000 ; II: Clears the ink spits for the RIGHT cartridge Global Const $PTACT_ALLOW_NO_CARTRIDGES = 0x00010000 ; SE, II, Pro: Allows unit to operate non-printing robotics without a cartridge Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_OFF = 0x00020000 Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_ON = 0x00040000 Global Const $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_FLASH = 0x00080000 Global Const $PTACT_UNHOOK_PICKER = 0x00100000 Global Const $PTACT_AUTOPRINTER_MODE = 0x00200000 ; DP4100: can perform a faster multiple copy print-only job by calling PTRobot_SetPrintCopies() prior to calling the print function (e.g. PTRobot_PrintFile()). Global Const $PTACT_FAN_ON = 0x00400000 ; DP4100: turn on system fan Global Const $PTACT_FAN_OFF = 0x00800000 ; DP4100: turn off system fan Global Const $SYSERR_PTR_TRAY = 1 Global Const $SYSERR_CART_CODE = 2 Global Const $SYSERR_INPUT_EMPTY = 3 Global Const $SYSERR_PTR_COMM = 4 Global Const $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY = 5 Global Const $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY = 6 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY = 7 Global Const $SYSERR_PICK = 8 Global Const $SYSERR_ARM_MOVE = 9 Global Const $SYSERR_CART_MOVE = 10 Global Const $SYSERR_INTERNAL_SW = 12 Global Const $SYSERR_NO_ROBODRIVES = 13 Global Const $SYSERR_OFFLINE = 14 Global Const $SYSERR_COVER_OPEN = 15 Global Const $SYSERR_PRINTER_PICK = 16 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLE_PICK = 17 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_PRINTER = 18 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RECORDER = 19 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_RECORDER = 20 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN1 = 28 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN2 = 29 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER = 33 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_REJECT = 34 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_UNKNOWN = 35 Global Const $SYSERR_ALIGNNEEDED = 36 Global Const $SYSERR_COLOR_INVALID = 37 Global Const $SYSERR_BLACK_INVALID = 38 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_INVALID = 39 Global Const $SYSERR_NOCARTS = 40 Global Const $SYSERR_K_IN_CMY = 41 Global Const $SYSERR_CMY_IN_K = 42 Global Const $SYSERR_SWAPPED = 43 Global Const $SYSERR_PIGONPRO = 44 Global Const $SYSERR_ALIGNFAILED = 45 Global Const $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER_FATAL = 46 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RIGHTBIN = 47 Global Const $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_LEFTBIN = 48 Global Const $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY_FINAL = 49 Global Const $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY_FINAL = 50 Global Const $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY_FINAL = 51 Global Const $SYSERR_WAITING_FOR_PRINTER = 52 Global Const $SYSERR_NO_DISC_IN_PRINTER = 53 Global Const $SYSERR_BUSY = 54 Global Const $SYSERR_PURGE = 55 Global Const $SYSERR_DOCK_SENSOR = 56 Global Const $SYSERR_ALREADY_PRINTED = 57 Global Const $SYSERR_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE = 58 Global Const $SYSSTATE_IDLE = 0 Global Const $SYSSTATE_BUSY = 1 Global Const $SYSSTATE_ERROR = 2 Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER = 0 ; Disc Publisher I Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERII = 1 ; Disc Publisher II Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERPRO = 2 ; Disc Publisher PRO Global Const $ROBOT_COMPOSERMAX = 3 ; ComposerMAX Global Const $ROBOT_RACKMOUNT_DPII = 4 ; Disc Publisher XR Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_XRP = 5 ; Disc Publisher XRP Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_SE = 6 ; Disc Publisher SE Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHERPRO_XI = 7 ; Disc Publisher Xi Series Global Const $ROBOT_DISCPUBLISHER_4100 = 8 ; Disc Publisher 4100 Series Global Const $PTROBOT_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 520 Global Const $CUSTOM_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 901 Global Const $CUSTOM_FILE_FORMAT_WRONG = 902 Global Const $CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER = 903 Func processJobs($Title, $Queue) Local $TimeStamp, $DupeTime, $DiscSet Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) ; Store the time the process begins $TimeStamp = TimerInit() ; Exit script if ImgBurn is already running If ProcessExists("ImgBurn.exe") Then MsgBox(0, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "ImgBurn is already running.") Exit EndIf ; Configure GUI GUICtrlSetData($Label_Title, $Title) GUICtrlSetData($Label_NumSets, $NumSets) GUICtrlSetData($Label_NumDiscs, $QueueSize) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form_Status) ; Disable Screen Saver disableScreenSaver() PTRobot_Initialize() PTRobot_EnumRobots() PTRobot_EnumDrives() PTRobot_GetRobotInfo() ; Repeat process for each set of discs For $DiscSet = 1 To $NumSets ; Process the Queue PTRobot_ProcessQueue($Queue) ; Update GUI GUICtrlSetData($Label_Set, $DiscSet) Next PTRobot_Destroy() ; Enable Screen Saver enableScreenSaver() ; Calculate how long the process took $DupeTime = CalcDupeTime(TimerDiff($TimeStamp)) sendEmail($Title, $Queue, $NumSets, $DupeTime) EndFunc ;==>processJobs Func getNumSets() Local $nNumSets ; Check command line If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] < 1 Or $CmdLine[1] > $MAX_NUMSETS Then MsgBox(0, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "Number of jobs must be between 1 and " & $MAX_NUMSETS & ".") Exit Else $nNumSets = $CmdLine[1] EndIf Else ; Return -1 if no command line argument given $nNumSets = -1 EndIf Return $nNumSets EndFunc ;==>getNumSets Func PTRobot_ProcessQueue($Queue) Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $Disc, $SourceBin Local $MissingFiles, $WrongFileFormat Local $result Local Const $LABEL_COL = 0 ; Array column used for disc labels. Local Const $IMAGE_COL = 1 ; Array column used for disc image files. ; Verify files exist. For $Disc = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 If Not $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] = "" Then If Not FileExists($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) Then $MissingFiles = $MissingFiles & $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] & @CRLF ElseIf Not _ValidateImageFile($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) Then $WrongFileFormat = $WrongFileFormat & $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] & @CRLF EndIf EndIf If Not FileExists($Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL]) Then $MissingFiles = $MissingFiles & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & @CRLF EndIf Next If Not $MissingFiles = "" Then MsgBox(48, "Queue Error", "Files not found:" & @CRLF & $MissingFiles) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_FILE_NOT_FOUND) EndIf If Not $WrongFileFormat = "" Then MsgBox(48, "Queue Error", "File format incorrect:" & @CRLF & $WrongFileFormat) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_FILE_FORMAT_WRONG) EndIf PTRobot_Wait() For $Disc = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 If StringInStr($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL], "DVD", 1) Or StringInStr($Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL], "DVD", 1) Then $SourceBin = $DVD_BIN_INPUT Else $SourceBin = $CD_BIN_INPUT EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Label_Disc, $Disc + 1) ; Update GUI WriteStatus("Loading drive..." & @CRLF) If $NumDiscsProcessed < $NumDrives Then ; First disc load in drive should check for disc in burner. PTRobot_LoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_YES) ; Load first disc from source bin. Else PTRobot_LoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $SourceBin, $CLEARDRIVE_NO) ; Load subsequent disc from source bin. EndIf PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Starting disc writer..." & @CRLF) $result = PTRobot_BurnImage(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL]) ; Burn image file to disc. ; If disc was aborted, skip to next disc. If $result = 1 Then WriteStatus("Skipping " & $Queue[$Disc][$IMAGE_COL] & "..." & @CRLF) $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) ContinueLoop EndIf PTRobot_Wait() If $Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL] = "" Or $NumPrinters < 1 Then WriteStatus("Unloading drive..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. Else ; Check if burn was ignored. If $result = 2 Then $result = MsgBox(36, "Print...", "Print disc?" & @CRLF) ; No If $result = 7 Then PTRobot_UnLoadDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives), $BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. PTRobot_Wait() $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf WriteStatus("Loading printer..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive(Mod($NumDiscsProcessed, $NumDrives)) ; Send disc to printer. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Printing label..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_PrintFile($Queue[$Disc][$LABEL_COL]) ; Print label. PTRobot_Wait() WriteStatus("Unloading printer..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter($BIN_OUTPUT) ; Unload disc to output bin. EndIf $NumDiscsProcessed = $NumDiscsProcessed + 1 ; Increment global counter. GUICtrlSetData($Label_DiscsProcessed, $NumDiscsProcessed) PTRobot_Wait() Next EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_ProcessQueue Func PTRobot_BurnImage($num, $Filename) Local $ErrorLevel Local $result = 0 While 1 ; Infinte loop for "Retry" on failure. $ErrorLevel = RunWait('"C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "' & $Filename & '" /DEST ' & $DriveLetter[$num] & ': /COPIES 1 /VERIFY NO /SPEED AUTO /TESTMODE NO /DELETEIMAGE NO /EJECT YES /WAITFORMEDIA /START /CLOSE /NOSAVESETTINGS') If $ErrorLevel Then PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $DRIVE_OPEN) WriteStatusError("Error: Disc write failed! - Exit Code: " & $ErrorLevel & @CRLF) WriteStatusError("Error: " & $Filename & " not successfully written!" & @CRLF) $result = MsgBox(50, "Burn Error", "Disc write failed!" & @CRLF & "Exit Code: " & $ErrorLevel) ; Abort If $result = 3 Then WriteStatus("Rejecting disc..." & @CRLF) PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($num, $LOCATION_REJECT) ; Send to reject pile. $result = MsgBox(36, "Burn Error", "Close program?" & @CRLF) PTRobot_Wait() ; Yes If $result = 6 Then PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($ErrorLevel) ; No Else $result = 1 ; Return value for aborted error. ExitLoop EndIf ; Retry ElseIf $result = 4 Then PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $DRIVE_CLOSE) ; Ignore ElseIf $result = 5 Then $result = 2 ; Return value for ignored error. ExitLoop EndIf ; Success Else WriteStatus("File: " & $Filename & " successfully written." & @CRLF) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $result EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_BurnImage Func PTRobot_Wait() Local $ErrorMsg Sleep(1000) While Not PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() If $SystemError Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($SystemError) ElseIf Not $SystemState Then ExitLoop Else Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd Sleep(1000) While Not PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() If $SystemError Then If $SystemError = $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) ElseIf $SystemError = $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) ElseIf $SystemError = $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY Then $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both ink cartridges are LOW on ink." WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) PTRobot_KillSystemError(0) Sleep(1000) Else PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($SystemError) EndIf ElseIf Not $SystemState Then ExitLoop Else Sleep(1000) EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Wait Func PTRobot_GetErrorString() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dwErrorNum Local $wszErrorString Local $dwMaxLength Local $dwLanguage $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetErrorString", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwErrorNum, "wstr", $wszErrorString, "dword", $dwMaxLength, "dword", $dwLanguage) $dwErrorNum = $result[2] $wszErrorString = $result[3] $dwMaxLength = $result[4] $dwLanguage = $result[5] MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ "System Number Error: " & $dwErrorNum & @CRLF & _ "Error String: " & $wszErrorString & @CRLF & _ "Max Length: " & $dwMaxLength & @CRLF & _ "Language: " & $dwLanguage) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetErrorString Func PTRobot_Initialize() Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_Initialize") If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Initialize Func PTRobot_Destroy() Local $result Local $err = @error PTRobot_Wait() DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_SystemAction", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $PTACT_XI_LIGHT_OFF) PTRobot_Wait() $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_Destroy") If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_Destroy Func PTRobot_EnumRobots() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $hRobots = DllStructCreate("hwnd[10]") Local $dwNumRobots = DllStructCreate("dword") DllStructSetData($dwNumRobots, 1, 10) ; Set input to be the size of the array $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_EnumRobots", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hRobots), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dwNumRobots)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf ; Set Global Variables $RobotAddress = DllStructGetData($hRobots, 1, 1) $NumRobots = DllStructGetData($dwNumRobots, 1) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_EnumRobots Func PTRobot_EnumDrives() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $hDrives = DllStructCreate("hwnd[10]") Local $dwNumDrives = DllStructCreate("dword") DllStructSetData($dwNumDrives, 1, 10) ; Set input to be the size of the array $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_EnumDrives", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hDrives), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dwNumDrives)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf ; Set Global Variables $NumDrives = DllStructGetData($dwNumDrives, 1) ReDim $DriveAddress[$NumDrives] ReDim $DriveLetter[$NumDrives] For $i = 0 To $NumDrives - 1 $DriveAddress[$i] = DllStructGetData($hDrives, 1, $i + 1) $DriveLetter[$i] = Chr(Dec(StringRight($DriveAddress[$i], 2))) ;MsgBox(0, "Debug", "Drive " & $i & ": " & $DriveLetter[$i]) If Not StringRegExp($DriveLetter[$i], "^[A-Z]$") Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_EnumDrives Func PTRobot_GetRobotStatus() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dRobotStatus = DllStructCreate("dword dwSystemState;dword dwSystemError;dword dwCurrColorSpits;dword dwCurrBlackSpits;dword dwFullColorSpits;dword dwFullBlackSpits") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetRobotStatus", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dRobotStatus)) ;MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "System State: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemState") & @CRLF & _ ; "System Error: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemError") & @CRLF & _ ; "CurrColorSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwCurrColorSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "CurrBlackSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwCurrBlackSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "FullColorSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwFullColorSpits") & @CRLF & _ ; "FullBlackSpits: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwFullBlackSpits")); ; Set Global Variables $SystemState = DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemState") $SystemError = DllStructGetData($dRobotStatus, "dwSystemError") Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetRobotStatus Func PTRobot_GetRobotInfo() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dRobotInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hRobot;char tszRobotDesc[100];dword dwRobotType;dword dwNumDrives;dword dwNumPrinters;dword dwNumBins;dword dwDriveColumns;dword dwDriveRows;char tszRobotFirmware[20];dword dwOptions;dword dwAction;hwnd hDrives[10];dword dwDriveBusType") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetRobotInfo", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dRobotInfo)) ;MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "hRobot") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Type: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotDesc") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drives: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumDrives") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Printers: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumPrinters") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Bins: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumBins") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drive Columns: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveColumns") & @CRLF & _ ; "Number of Drive Rows: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveRows") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot FW Version: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotFirmware") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Options: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwOptions") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot Actions: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwAction") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Bus Type: " & DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwDriveBusType")) $RobotType = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "tszRobotDesc") $NumDrives = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumDrives") $NumPrinters = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumPrinters") $NumBins = DllStructGetData($dRobotInfo, "dwNumBins") Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetRobotInfo Func PTRobot_GetDriveInfo($num) Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dDrvInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hDrive;char tszDriveName[132];char tszFirmwareVer[40];char tszSerialNum[40];hwnd hRobot;dword dwDriveColumn;dword dwDriveRow") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetDriveInfo", "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dDrvInfo)) ;MsgBox(0, "", "Status: " & $result[0] & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "hDrive") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Name: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszDriveName") & @CRLF & _ ; "Firmware Version: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszFirmwareVer") & @CRLF & _ ; "Serial Number: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "tszSerialNum") & @CRLF & _ ; "Robot: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "hRobot") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Column: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "dwDriveColumn") & @CRLF & _ ; "Drive Row: " & DllStructGetData($dDrvInfo, "dwDriveRow")) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetDriveInfo Func PTRobot_LoadDrive($num, $dwFromLocation, $dwFirstDiscLoad) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwFromLocation, "dword", $dwFirstDiscLoad) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadDrive Func PTRobot_LoadPrinter($dwFromLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadPrinter", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwFromLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadPrinter Func PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive($num) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num]) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_LoadPrinterFromDrive Func PTRobot_PrintFile($strFilename) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_PrintFile", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "str", $strFilename, "dword", 0) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_PrintFile Func PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter($dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_UnLoadPrinter Func PTRobot_UnLoadDrive($num, $dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_UnLoadDrive", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_UnLoadDrive Func PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations($dwFromLocation, $dwToLocation) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwFromLocation, "dword", $dwToLocation) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_MoveDiscBetweenLocations Func PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive($num, $dwOpen) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive", "hwnd", $DriveAddress[$num], "dword", $dwOpen) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_OpenCloseDrive Func PTRobot_SystemAction($dwAction) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_SystemAction", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwAction) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_SystemAction Func PTRobot_KillSystemError($dwResetPrinter) Local $result Local $err = @error $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_KillSystemError", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "dword", $dwResetPrinter) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_KillSystemError Func PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo() ; WARNING: This function has not been thoroughly tested. Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dPTManufactureInfo = DllStructCreate("hwnd hRobot;char tszSerialNum[11];char tszManufactureDate[12];dword dwFiller[20]") $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dPTManufactureInfo)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf MsgBox(0, "", "Serial Number: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "tszSerialNum") & @CRLF & _ "Manufacture Date: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "tszManufactureDate") & @CRLF & _ "Filler: " & DllStructGetData($dPTManufactureInfo, "dwFiller", 1)) Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetManufactureInfo Func PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings() Local $result Local $err = @error Local $dPrinterSettings = DllStructCreate("dword dwPrintQuality;dword dwInnerDiam;dword dwOuterMargin") Local $PrintQuality $result = DllCall($hPTROBOTDLL, "int", "PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings", "hwnd", $RobotAddress, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($dPrinterSettings)) If $result[0] Then PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($result[0]) PTRobot_Destroy() Exit ($result[0]) EndIf Switch DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwPrintQuality") Case $PQ_LOW $PrintQuality = "Low" Case $PQ_MED $PrintQuality = "Medium" Case $PQ_BETTER $PrintQuality = "Better" ; Default Case $PQ_HIGH $PrintQuality = "High" Case $PQ_BEST $PrintQuality = "Best" Case Else ; This shouldn't happen. $PrintQuality = "UNKNOWN" EndSwitch MsgBox(0, "", "Print Quality: " & $PrintQuality & @CRLF & _ "Inner Diameter: " & DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwInnerDiam") & @CRLF & _ "Outer Margin: " & DllStructGetData($dPrinterSettings, "dwOuterMargin")) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_GetPrinterSettings Func PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox($ErrorNum) Local $ErrorMsg Switch $ErrorNum Case $SYSERR_PTR_TRAY $ErrorMsg = "Tray movement error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CART_CODE $ErrorMsg = "There was a problem finding the ink cartridges. Open the cover and press the left button. Make sure the color cartridge is installed on the left and the black is on the right. Then close the cover." Case $SYSERR_INPUT_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "The input bin is empty. Open the cover and add more discs. Then close the cover and push the left button on the unit." Case $SYSERR_PTR_COMM $ErrorMsg = "There was an internal printer communications error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is LOW on ink. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is LOW on ink. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both ink cartridges are LOW on ink. To replace the cartridges, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridges and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_PICK $ErrorMsg = "The disc was not picked. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_ARM_MOVE $ErrorMsg = "There was an arm movement error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_CART_MOVE $ErrorMsg = "Arm picker error. Press the left button on the unit to try again." Case $SYSERR_INTERNAL_SW $ErrorMsg = "There was an internal software error. Please re-start the software." Case $SYSERR_NO_ROBODRIVES $ErrorMsg = "No external recorder drives were found. Re-power the computer and unit, and then re-start the software." Case $SYSERR_OFFLINE $ErrorMsg = "The unit is offline. Please ensure the unit is connected and powered on. You may need to shut down and restart the software." Case $SYSERR_COVER_OPEN $ErrorMsg = "The unit’s cover is open. Please close the cover." Case $SYSERR_PRINTER_PICK $ErrorMsg = "The disc was not picked from the printer. Press the left button to retry." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLE_PICK $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were picked up and moved. Please manually remove any extra discs that were moved, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the printer. Please manually remove any extra discs from the printer, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RECORDER $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the recorder. Please manually remove any extra discs from the recorder, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_RECORDER $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the recorder. Please manually place the disc into the recorder tray. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN1 $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the right bin. Please manually place the disc into the right bin. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_BIN2 $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the left bin. Please manually place the disc into the left bin. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving into the printer. Please manually place the disc into the printer tray. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_REJECT $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving to the reject area. Please remove the dropped disc. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_UNKNOWN $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped. Please remove the dropped disc. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_ALIGNNEEDED $ErrorMsg = "The printer cartridges need to be aligned." Case $SYSERR_COLOR_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "The color cartridge is invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_BLACK_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "The black cartridge is invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_INVALID $ErrorMsg = "Both cartridges are invalid. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_NOCARTS $ErrorMsg = "No cartridges are installed. Open the cover and press the left button. Install the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_K_IN_CMY $ErrorMsg = "The black cartridge is installed in the color position. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_CMY_IN_K $ErrorMsg = "The color cartridge is installed in the black position. Open the cover and press the left button. Change the cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_SWAPPED $ErrorMsg = "The black and color cartridges are swapped. Open the cover and press the left button. Swap the cartridges and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_PIGONPRO $ErrorMsg = "This printer is not compatible with a pigment-based black cartridge. Open the cover and press the left button. Install a dye-based black cartridge and close the cover." Case $SYSERR_ALIGNFAILED $ErrorMsg = "The alignment print failed." Case $SYSERR_DROPPED_DISC_PRINTER_FATAL $ErrorMsg = "The disc was dropped while moving to/from the printer. Please open the cover and manually remove and discard the disc. Then place a new disc in the recorder, close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_RIGHTBIN $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the right bin. Please manually move any extra discs to the left bin, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_MULTIPLEDISCS_IN_LEFTBIN $ErrorMsg = "Multiple discs were placed in the left bin. Please manually move any extra discs to the right bin, keeping a single disc in place. Then close the cover and press the left button." Case $SYSERR_CLR_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The color cartridge is Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BLK_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: The black cartridge is Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_BOTH_EMPTY_FINAL $ErrorMsg = "WARNING: Both cartridges are Empty. To replace the cartridge, open the cover on the unit and press the left button. Then install the new cartridge and close the cover. To ignore the warning, press the left button." Case $SYSERR_WAITING_FOR_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "The system timed out waiting for the printer to finish. The disc may not have been printed on." Case $SYSERR_NO_DISC_IN_PRINTER $ErrorMsg = "No disc was found in the printer." Case $SYSERR_BUSY $ErrorMsg = "System Busy." Case $SYSERR_PURGE $ErrorMsg = "Purge." Case $SYSERR_DOCK_SENSOR $ErrorMsg = "Dock Sensor." Case $SYSERR_ALREADY_PRINTED $ErrorMsg = "Already printed." Case $SYSERR_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE $ErrorMsg = "Unknown hardware." Case $PTROBOT_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED $ErrorMsg = "This feature is not implemented." Case $CUSTOM_INVALID_DRIVE_LETTER $ErrorMsg = "Could not find valid drive letter for burner." Case Else $ErrorMsg = "UNKNOWN ERROR! " & $ErrorNum EndSwitch WriteStatusError("Error: " & $ErrorMsg & @CRLF) MsgBox(0, "Error", $ErrorMsg) EndFunc ;==>PTRobot_ErrorMsgBox Func _ValidateImageFile($sFilename) Local Const $sSTDHeader = "4D5600FF0C001200" Local Const $sPNGHeader = "89504E470D0A1A0A" Local Const $sJPGHeader = "FFD8FFE000104A46" Local Const $sGIF87Header = "474946383961" Local Const $sGIF89Header = "474946383761" Local Const $sBMPHeader = "424D" Local $sFileType, $bReturn = False Local $hFileHandle = FileOpen($sFilename, 16) ; Open file read only Local $bFileContents = FileRead($hFileHandle, 8) ; Read first 8 bytes Local $sFileExt = StringLower(StringRight($sFilename, 4)) ; Determine file extension If StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sJPGHeader)) = $sJPGHeader And $sFileExt = ".jpg" Then $sFileType = "JPEG" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sSTDHeader)) = $sSTDHeader And $sFileExt = ".std" Then $sFileType = "SureThing Label" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sPNGHeader)) = $sPNGHeader And $sFileExt = ".png" Then $sFileType = "PNG" $bReturn = True ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sBMPHeader)) = $sBMPHeader And $sFileExt = ".bmp" Then $sFileType = "BMP" $bReturn = True ;ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sGIF87Header)) = $sGIF87Header And $sFileExt = ".gif" Then ; $sFileType = "GIF87" ; $bReturn = True ;ElseIf StringMid($bFileContents, 3, StringLen($sGIF89Header)) = $sGIF89Header And $sFileExt = ".gif" Then ; $sFileType = "GIF89" ; $bReturn = True Else $sFileType = "Unknown" EndIf ;MsgBox(0, "", $sFileType) Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>_ValidateImageFile Func _NoHaltMsgBox($code = 0, $Title = "", $text = "", $timeout = 0) Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "MsgBox(' & $code & ', ''' & $Title & ''', ''' & $text & ''',' & $timeout & ')"') EndFunc ;==>_NoHaltMsgBox Func OpenPrompt($message, $Queue) Local $answer ; Get number of sets from the command-line $answer = getNumSets() ; If copies were specified on command line, then end function without prompting If $answer > 0 Then $NumSets = $answer Return $Queue EndIf Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $Form_Duplicator_GUI = GUICreate("IMGBurn AutoIt Script", 404, 260, 192, 124) Local $Button_Start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 72, 210, 87, 33) Local $NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateInput($NumSets, 220, 170, 49, 21, $ES_CENTER) Local $Updown_NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($NumCopies) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, $MAX_NUMSETS, 1) Local $Button_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 232, 210, 91, 33) Local $Label_NumCopies = GUICtrlCreateLabel("How many copies?", 116, 170, 94, 17, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Local $Label_Message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This script will run the disc burning software for the job" & @LF & $message & @LF & "Run?", 2, 8, 400, 57, BitOR($SS_NOPREFIX, $SS_CENTER)) Local $List_Queue = GUICtrlCreateList("", 2, 60, 400, 100, BitOR($LBS_MULTIPLESEL, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 200) ; Limit horizontal scrolling Local $DiscTitle For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $DiscTitle[0]) ;_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel($List_Queue, $i) ; Preselect entry GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LB_SETSEL, True, $i) ; Preselect entry Next GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LB_SETTOPINDEX, 0, 0) ; Send scrollbar to top of list GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $NewQueue While 1 $answer = GUIGetMsg() $NewQueue = $Queue ; Set/Reset NewQueue to Queue Switch $answer Case $Button_Start If GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) < 1 Or GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) > $MAX_NUMSETS Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Number of copies must be between 1 and " & $MAX_NUMSETS & ".") Else For $i = $QueueSize - 1 To 0 Step -1 ; Process array in reverse to keep index aligned If _GUICtrlListBox_GetSel($List_Queue, $i) == False Then _ArrayDelete($NewQueue, $i) EndIf Next If UBound($NewQueue, 1) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No discs selected.") Else ExitLoop ; Success! EndIf EndIf Case $Button_Cancel MsgBox(0, "IMGBurn AutoIt Script", "OK. Bye!") Exit Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd $NumSets = GUICtrlRead($NumCopies) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Return $NewQueue EndFunc ;==>OpenPrompt Func CalcDupeTime($iTimestampDiff) Local $iSeconds = Int($iTimestampDiff / 1000) Local $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs $iHours = Int($iSeconds / 3600) $iSeconds = Mod($iSeconds, 3600) $iMins = Int($iSeconds / 60) $iSecs = Mod($iSeconds, 60) If StringLen($iHours) = 1 Then $iHours = "0" & $iHours If StringLen($iMins) = 1 Then $iMins = "0" & $iMins If StringLen($iSecs) = 1 Then $iSecs = "0" & $iSecs Return $iHours & ":" & $iMins & ":" & $iSecs EndFunc ;==>CalcDupeTime Func sendEmail($Title, $Queue, $NumSets, $DupeTime) Local $QueueSize = UBound($Queue, 1) Local $s_SmtpServer = "" Local $s_FromName = "IMGBurn Disc Duplicator" Local $s_FromAddress = "" Local $s_ToAddress = "" Local $s_Subject = "[DUPLICATOR] - " & $Title & " - " & $NumSets & " set(s) in " & $DupeTime ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;Local $as_Body[$QueueSize + 1] ;$as_Body[0] = "The job took " & $DupeTime & " to complete." & @CRLF Local $s_Body = "<body><p style=""font-family:Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"">The job took " & $DupeTime & " to complete.</p><p></p>" $s_Body &= "<p style=""font-family:Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"">" Local $DiscTitle ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 ; $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) ; $as_Body[$i+1] = $DiscTitle[0] & @TAB ; We add a TAB at the end to stop Outlook from concatenating lines >= 40 chars ;Next For $i = 0 To $QueueSize - 1 $DiscTitle = StringRegExp($Queue[$i][0], '\\([^\\]*)\.std$', 1) _HtmlEntities_Encode($DiscTitle[0]) $s_Body &= $DiscTitle[0] & "<br>" Next $s_Body &= "</p></body>" ; Old _INetSmtpMail code ;Local $Response = _INetSmtpMail($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body, 1, -1) ;Local $err = @error ; ;If $Response = 1 Then ; MsgBox(0, "Success!", "Mail sent") ;Else ; MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & $err) ;EndIf Local $oMyRet[2] Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") Local $Response = _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $s_Body) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error sending message", "Error code:" & @error & " Description:" & $Response) EndIf EndFunc ;==>sendEmail Func toggleScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 0) Else RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>toggleScreenSaver Func disableScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>disableScreenSaver Func enableScreenSaver() Local $key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" Local $value = "ScreenSaveActive" If Number(RegRead($key, $value)) = 0 Then RegWrite($key, $value, "REG_SZ", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>enableScreenSaver Func WriteStatus($LogMessage) ConsoleWrite($LogMessage) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status, $LogMessage) EndFunc ;==>WriteStatus Func WriteStatusError($LogMessage) ConsoleWriteError($LogMessage) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Status, $LogMessage) EndFunc ;==>WriteStatusError Func _INetSmtpMailCom($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject = "", $as_Body = "", $s_AttachFiles = "", $s_CcAddress = "", $s_BccAddress = "", $s_Importance = "Normal", $s_Username = "", $s_Password = "", $IPPort = 25, $ssl = 0) Local $objEmail = ObjCreate("CDO.Message") $objEmail.From = '"' & $s_FromName & '" <' & $s_FromAddress & '>' $objEmail.To = $s_ToAddress Local $i_Error = 0 Local $i_Error_desciption = "" If $s_CcAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Cc = $s_CcAddress If $s_BccAddress <> "" Then $objEmail.Bcc = $s_BccAddress $objEmail.Subject = $s_Subject If StringInStr($as_Body, "<") And StringInStr($as_Body, ">") Then $objEmail.HTMLBody = $as_Body Else $objEmail.Textbody = $as_Body & @CRLF EndIf If $s_AttachFiles <> "" Then Local $S_Files2Attach = StringSplit($s_AttachFiles, ";") For $x = 1 To $S_Files2Attach[0] $S_Files2Attach[$x] = _PathFull($S_Files2Attach[$x]) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug : $S_Files2Attach[$x] = ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @LF) ;### Debug Console If FileExists($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Then ConsoleWrite('+> File attachment added: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF) $objEmail.AddAttachment($S_Files2Attach[$x]) Else ConsoleWrite('!> File not found to attach: ' & $S_Files2Attach[$x] & @LF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next EndIf $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_SmtpServer If Number($IPPort) = 0 Then $IPPort = 25 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $IPPort ;Authenticated SMTP If $s_Username <> "" Then $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1 $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_Username $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = $s_Password EndIf If $ssl Then $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = True EndIf ;Update settings $objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Update ; Set Email Importance Switch $s_Importance Case "High" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "High" Case "Normal" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Normal" Case "Low" $objEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Importance") = "Low" EndSwitch $objEmail.Fields.Update ; Sent the Message $objEmail.Send If @error Then SetError(2) Return $oMyRet[1] EndIf $objEmail = "" EndFunc ;==>_INetSmtpMailCom ; ; ; Com Error Handler Func MyErrFunc($oMyError) Local $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) $oMyRet[0] = $HexNumber $oMyRet[1] = StringStripWS($oMyError.description, 3) ConsoleWrite("### COM Error ! Number: " & $HexNumber & " ScriptLine: " & $oMyError.scriptline & " Description:" & $oMyRet[1] & @LF) SetError(1); something to check for when this function returns Return EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc Func _HtmlEntities_Encode(ByRef $sTxt) For $i = 0 To 245 $sTxt = StringReplace($sTxt, ChrW($aisEntities[$i][0]), '&' & $aisEntities[$i][1] & ';', 0, 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_HtmlEntities_Encode Func _HtmlEntities_Decode(ByRef $sTxt) For $i = 0 To 245 $sTxt = StringReplace($sTxt, '&' & $aisEntities[$i][1] & ';', ChrW($aisEntities[$i][0]), 0, 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_HtmlEntities_Decode ..but I do not have this Primera device, so, ..good luck. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enoch23 Posted April 16, 2019 Share Posted April 16, 2019 Wow, thank you! No errors! However, I still believe I am missing something. Do I have to call the function processJobs manually somehow? It seems like that is the one that starts everything. Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
argumentum Posted April 16, 2019 Share Posted April 16, 2019 @Enoch23, I can no longer aid you due to the simple fact, that what I did to avoid the error, was beyond simple. Do get acquainted with AutoIt. Try example scripts, etc. It takes time. Be patient with .. everything really. Shooting from the heap takes experience. Kindly post the next questions in the help and support forum. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enoch23 Posted April 19, 2019 Share Posted April 19, 2019 Hello. I am new to AutoIt. I don't expect people to do the work for me. However, I would find it helpful to be pointed in the right direction as to what to read up, etc. Being new to something, I don't have all the terminology down, which makes it difficult to even do a simple search for my answers. That being said: I am trying to get the script posted from GPinzone to work for me. I have a Primera device, the DLL's, and Imgburn. I understand the script to the extent of what the functions do and the DLL calls. What I don't understand about the code, is how you get it to run. Sounds kinda stupid, to be honest, but I just don't get it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jos Posted April 19, 2019 Developers Share Posted April 19, 2019 Why are you posting this here instead continuing in the place this belongs and where you already posted? It makes no sense so merged back into that thread. Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page  - Beta files    Read before posting   How to post scriptsource   Forum etiquette Forum Rules  Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GPinzone Posted April 26, 2019 Author Share Posted April 26, 2019 On 4/19/2019 at 3:21 PM, Enoch23 said: Hello. I am new to AutoIt. I don't expect people to do the work for me. However, I would find it helpful to be pointed in the right direction as to what to read up, etc. Being new to something, I don't have all the terminology down, which makes it difficult to even do a simple search for my answers. That being said: I am trying to get the script posted from GPinzone to work for me. I have a Primera device, the DLL's, and Imgburn. I understand the script to the extent of what the functions do and the DLL calls. What I don't understand about the code, is how you get it to run. Sounds kinda stupid, to be honest, but I just don't get it. Primera released a set of DLLs so you could manipulate the robot through C. I wrote the script to provide wrappers for the DLLs so you can write your own code in AutoIt instead. The DLLs provide very fine-grained control of the duplicator. This is no function in the DLL for "Burn a disc, label it, and eject it. That's why I also wrote the "processJobs" function. Create another .au3 file like this: ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.0 ; Language: English ; Platform: XP Professional ; Author: Gerard Pinzone ( ; ; Script Function: ; Runs multiple jobs for PrimoDVD. ; #include "C:\Macros\Disc Duplicator Function Libraries.au3" ; Title of job Local $Title = "CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD (2 discs)" ; Set up array of labels and images Local $Queue [32][2] = [["C:\Disc Labels\Misc\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD1.std", "C:\Disc Images\Misc\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso"], _ ["C:\Disc Labels\Misc\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD2.std", "C:\Disc Images\Misc\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD\CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso"]] Local $i ; Trim the Queue array down to actual size For $i = 0 To UBound( $Queue, 1) - 1 If $Queue[$i][0] = "" Then ReDim $Queue[$i][2] ExitLoop EndIf Next ; Display selection prompt $Queue = OpenPrompt($Title, $Queue) ; Run main function processJobs($Title, $Queue) Obviously, the paths will be different for you. When you run that, it will burn those ISO files and print the labels as shown. Is that what you're trying to accomplish or something else? Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enoch23 Posted April 27, 2019 Share Posted April 27, 2019 Great! Thank you! Now I understand. My plan was to rip a large DVD collection using MakeMKV, using the programs command line interface. A couple of questions: what do I set the PTACT_ALLOW_NO_CARTRIDGES to, so that the use without a cartridge is allowed? At the moment I get the corresponding error. Or, maybe, I misunderstand the way this is supposed to work. 🙄 whats with the DriveNum.txt file? Is this created automatically? At the moment I am getting an error that it can't be found. (I guess, cause it's not there )  In the future I would also like to be able to burn and print, so I figured it would be a good idea, to get your script working for me "as is", and take it from there for my batch ripping.  Thanks again for the help so far! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GPinzone Posted May 1, 2019 Author Share Posted May 1, 2019 The PTACT_ALLOW_NO_CARTRIDGESÂ is a constant to be used with the PTRobot_SystemAction command. I haven't tried it, but I assume all you'd have to do is run these commands: PTRobot_Wait() PTRobot_SystemAction( PTACT_ALLOW_NO_CARTRIDGES ) PTRobot_Wait() to enable that mode. Gerard J. Pinzonegpinzone AT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enoch23 Posted May 13, 2019 Share Posted May 13, 2019 (edited) It works! Thank you! I have now successfully ripped some of my DVDs. I still need to work on some of error catching/reporting and clean up my code a bit. Then I plan to post it. Edited May 13, 2019 by Enoch23 molped and GPinzone 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
molped Posted November 4, 2019 Share Posted November 4, 2019 Hi, I own a Primera robot and has for a long time been looking for a solution for using it for ripping DVD's. While googling the problem I found this thread and just want to ask you about the status of the project.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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