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UDF - get a list of USB-attached drives


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I have a need to get a list of USB-attached drives on my system. I couldn't find any AutoIt functions to do this, and I don't know how to do any system calls or anything fancy, so I ended up writing a script to interface with DISKPART.EXE, a command-line tool for managing disks. This script obviously won't work on a system that does not have access to DISKPART.EXE

This function returns an [x][2] array, where [x][0]=drive number and [x][1]=drive size. The length of the array is in [0][0]

Notice that I return drive numbers, not letters. Letters are too ambigious - a physical drive can have multiple letters (partitions), no letter (if windows doesn't recognise the file system, or if it's letter has been removed), or a letter can represent multiple physical drives (spanned or stripped volumes).

Also note that drive numbers are 0-based.


Func DriveGetUsbList()

dim $i, $temp

;Step 1 - Get all valid drive numbers

Dim $DriveListNum[100][2], $DriveListNext=1, $DriveListText

;$DriveListNum is a table of valid drive numbers and their sizes, $DriveListNext is an index to the next free entry

;$DriveListText is a temporary variable used for parsing text in and out

$DriveListText=StringSplit(RunGetOutput(@ComSpec & " /c echo list disk | diskpart"), @CRLF)

For $i = 1 to $DriveListText[0]

if StringInStr($DriveListText[$i], "Disk ") Then

$Temp = StringMid($DriveListText[$i],8,3)

if $Temp<>"###" Then

$DriveListNum[$DriveListNext][0] = Int($Temp)

$DriveListNum[$DriveListNext][1] = StringMid($DriveListText[$i],25,7)

$DriveListNext = $DriveListNext + 1


If $DriveListNext > Ubound($DriveListNum) Then Redim $DriveListNum[ubound($DriveListNum)+20][2]



$DriveListNum[0][0]=$DriveListNext ;Element [0][0] contains the list size (1-based)

;Step 2 - figure out which are attached via USB

Dim $TempFile, $hndFile_Temp, $DriveUsbCur

;Step 2.1 - build a script for DiskPart

$TempFile = _TempFile()

$hndFile_Temp = FileOpen($TempFile, 2)

for $i = 1 to $DriveListNext - 1

FileWriteLine($hndFile_Temp, "Select Disk " & $DriveListNum[$i][0])

FileWriteLine($hndFile_Temp, "Detail Disk")



;Step 2.2 - execute the script for DiskPart

$DriveListText=StringSplit(RunGetOutput(@ComSpec & " /c echo list disk | diskpart < " & $TempFile), @CRLF)

;Step 2.3 - parse the results, build a list of USB drives

Dim $DriveListUsb[$DriveListNext-1][2]


For $i = 1 to $DriveListText[0]

if StringRight($DriveListText[$i], 26) = ' is now the selected disk.' Then

$DriveUsbCur = StringSection($DriveListText[$i], 2, " ")


if $DriveListText[$i] = 'Type : USB' Then

$DriveListUsb[$DriveListNext][0] = $DriveUsbCur

$DriveListUsb[$DriveListNext][1] = TableLookUp($DriveListNum, $DriveUsbCur)

$DriveListNext = $DriveListNext + 1




;Step 3 - Return the results table

If $DriveListUsb[0][0] > 0 Then

Redim $DriveListUsb[$DriveListUsb[0][0]+1][2]

Return $DriveListUsb


Return 0



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pardon me for asking. but wtf is:



Oops, forgot to include that. It's another function I wrote that will run a command (intended for console-mode commands) that will return the output in a string.

Here's the code:


Func RunGetOutput($CommandLine)

Dim $Tempfile, $Return

;Find a temp file. Could use _TempFile() instead, if file.au3 is included


$TempFile = @TempDir & '\' & Int(Random(65536)) & '.txt'

Until not FileExists($TempFile)

;Run the inputted command, redirect output to our tempfile

RunWait($CommandLine & " > " & $TempFile, '', @SW_HIDE)

;Read the temp file into a string, delete the temp file, return the string

$Return = FileRead($TempFile, FileGetSize($TempFile))


Return $Return


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Where are StringSection and TableLookUp defined?


StringSection is like StringSplit(), except that instead of returning the entire array, it just returns the section that you want. Here's the code:


Func StringSection($Input, $Number, $Seperator="|")

;Returns a substring of $Input, between $Number and $Number+1 occurance of $Seperator


If $Number>0 And $Number<=StringInCount($Input, $Seperator)+1 Then

If $Number=1 Then


$End=StringInStr($Input, $Seperator, 0, 1)


$Begin=StringInStr($Input, $Seperator, 0, $Number-1)

$End=StringInStr($Input, $Seperator, 0, $Number)

If @error Then $End=StringLen($Input)+1


Return StringMid($Input, $Begin+1, $End-$Begin-1)


Return ""



TableLookUp looks at an array[x][2] and returns the value of [x][1] such that [x][0] matches the given key.

This is the predecessor to my table library:


Here's the old code:


Func TableLookUp($Table, $Key)

;$Table is an array of [x][1]. Function finds a record such that $Key=$Table[x][0] and returns $Table[x][1]

If UBound($Table, 0)<2 Then Return ""

For $i=0 to UBound($Table, 1)-1

If $Table[$i][0]=$Key Then Return $Table[$i][1]


Return ""


I'm glad you think my code is clean. This is probably one of the first things I wrote with AutoIt, and looking at it now I see plenty of room for improvement :(
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OK, I totally re-wrote the routine. Now it returns a table containing a list of all drives, keyed by drive number, and containing a CSV field with all the drive details. Again, this relies on shelling out to run DISKPART, so it is dependant on that.

Function _DriveGetList() takes no input, and if successful, returns a table containing the drive info, keyed by drive number


Func _DriveGetList()

Dim $EOF

Dim $DriveNum, $DriveDetails, $Detail

Dim $ReadLine, $RetVal

Dim $OutputFileName, $hndFile_Output

Dim $InputFileName, $hndFile_Input

Dim $tblDriveList

Dim $i, $DriveNums

;Find names for temporary output files


$OutputFileName = @TempDir & '\' & Int(Random(65536)) & '.txt'

Until not FileExists($OutputFileName)


$InputFileName = @TempDir & '\' & Int(Random(65536)) & '.txt'

Until not FileExists($InputFileName)

;Write drive list to output file

$RetVal=RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c echo list disk | diskpart>' & $OutputFileName,'',@SW_HIDE)

If $RetVal Then Return ''

;Read output, parse to find drive list



$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)

$EOF = @error

While Not $EOF

While (StringMid($ReadLine, 3, 5) <> 'Disk ' Or StringMid($ReadLine, 8, 3)='###') And Not $EOF

$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)

$EOF = @error


If Not $EOF Then

$DriveNum=StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 8, 3), 3)

$DriveDetails=StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 13, 10), 3)

$DriveDetails=$DriveDetails & ',' & StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 25, 7), 3)

$DriveDetails=$DriveDetails & ',' & StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 34, 7), 3)

$DriveDetails=$DriveDetails & ',' & StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 43, 3), 3)

$DriveDetails=$DriveDetails & ',' & StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 43, 3), 3)

_TableSetValue($tblDriveList, $DriveNum, $DriveDetails)

$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)




;Build a script to get extended drive info


$hndFile_Input = FileOpen($InputFileName,2)

For $i = 1 To $DriveNums[0]

FileWriteLine($hndFile_Input, 'select disk ' & $DriveNums[$i])

FileWriteLine($hndFile_Input, 'detail disk')



;Run script, save output

$RetVal=RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c echo list disk | diskpart /s ' & $InputFileName & '>' & $OutputFileName,'',@SW_HIDE)


If $RetVal Then Return ''

;Parse output, look for extended info



$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)

$EOF = @error

While Not $EOF

$Detail = StringLeft($ReadLine, 9)

;look for a new drive number

If StringInStr($ReadLine, ' is now the selected disk.') Then

;if switching drives, then need to write details from the last drive to the table

If $DriveNum>=0 Then

_TableSetValue($tblDriveList, $DriveNum, $DriveDetails)


;Get a new drive number, get details for that drive

$DriveNum = StringStripWS(StringMid($ReadLine, 6, 2), 3)

$DriveDetails = _TableGetValue($tblDriveList, $DriveNum)

;skip a line

$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)

$EOF = @error

;next line should be the drive name

If Not $EOF Then

$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)

$EOF = @error

$DriveDetails = $DriveDetails & ',' & $ReadLine



;look for details about the current drive

If _StringInSet($Detail,'Disk ID: ,Type : ,Bus : ,Target : ,LUN ID : ') Then

$DriveDetails = $DriveDetails & ',' & StringMid($ReadLine, 10)


$ReadLine = FileReadLine($hndFile_Output)

$EOF = @error


;Write remaining details to the table

If $DriveNum>=0 Then

_TableSetValue($tblDriveList, $DriveNum, $DriveDetails)




Return $tblDriveList


Func _DriveGetListUSB($tblDrives)

Dim $tblDrives, $DriveNums, $DriveDetails, $i

If Not _TableIsValid($tblDrives) Then $tblDrives = _DriveGetList()

$DriveNums = _TableGetKeys($tblDrives)

Dim $UsbList[$DriveNums[0]+1]


For $i = 1 to $DriveNums[0]

$DriveDetails = StringSplit(_TableGetValue($tblDrives,$DriveNums[$i]), ',')

If UBound($DriveDetails)>=7 Then

If $DriveDetails[8]='USB' Then


$UsbList[0] = $UsbList[0] + 1




Redim $UsbList[$UsbList[0]]

$UsbList[0] = $UsbList[0] - 1

Return $UsbList


Function _DriveGetListUSB will return an array containing the numbers of USB drives. It will take a table returned by _DriveGetList(), or will generate a fresh one.


Func _DriveGetListUSB($tblDrives = -1)

Dim $tblDrives, $DriveNums, $DriveDetails, $i

If Not _TableIsValid($tblDrives) Then $tblDrives = _DriveGetList()

$DriveNums = _TableGetKeys($tblDrives)

Dim $UsbList[$DriveNums[0]+1]


For $i = 1 to $DriveNums[0]

$DriveDetails = StringSplit(_TableGetValue($tblDrives,$DriveNums[$i]), ',')

If UBound($DriveDetails)>=7 Then

If $DriveDetails[8]='USB' Then


$UsbList[0] = $UsbList[0] + 1




Redim $UsbList[$UsbList[0]]

$UsbList[0] = $UsbList[0] - 1

Return $UsbList


Both of these functions require my tables UDF and my _StringInSet() function.
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i dont suppose youd be willing top make a zip of all of your udf's and pst em? some look very useful...

perty plz :(


Right now they're mostly works in progress. As I complete a function I post it here for some peer review. Maybe once I have a good collection of functions that form a logical module I'll post it up here. But if you like my work, just do a search for my name and UDF in the title.
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  • 1 year later...

could you also retrieve a drive letter or perhaps a list of drive letters?or can an optical drive be called by the drive number? as i do here:

CDTray("F:", "close")

Edit: Also, I am asuming that Func _DriveGetList() is not dependent upon Func _DriveGetListUSB and visa versa is that correct?

Edited by jzn2
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