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Fill a treeview with a drive folder structure


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Figured that someone would have code for this already but didn't find it in my searches.

I'm trying to build a Windows Explorer-esk treeview control that would allow the user to define what folders they want my app to monitor.

I don't neseccarily need the whole tree structure of a drive, I'd like to have the user be able to add and remove items from the list.

If however someone has code to do the whole folder sturct of a drvie, that would work as well as I can define the checkbox option.


Sean Shrum :: http://www.shrum.net

All my published AU3-based apps and utilities

'Make it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot'


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Here is "five minutes code" (about 20 actually :( ), it's works but I'm not like it, because it SLOW (not try to give it big folder!). Probably I will try to make this better tomorrow, if time allow... Anyway it can give you point.

$rootdir = "C:\your_root_dir\"
$a = _FileSearch($rootdir & "*.*",1)

$root = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(5, 5, 200, 300)
Dim $ctrl[$a[0]][3]
For $i = 0 to $a[0] - 1
    $temp = StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($a[$i+1], StringLen($rootdir)), "\")
    If $temp[0] = 1 Then 
        $ctrl[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($temp[1], $root)
        $ctrl[$i][1] = $temp[1]
        $ctrl[$i][2] = 1
        $parent = $root
        For $j = 1 To $temp[0]
            For $k = $i-1 To 0 Step -1
                If ($temp[$j] = $ctrl[$k][1]) and ($j = $ctrl[$k][2]) Then 
                    $parent = $ctrl[$k][0]
        $j = $j - 1
        $ctrl[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($temp[$j], $parent)
        $ctrl[$i][1] = $temp[$j]
        $ctrl[$i][2] = $j
While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
If $nMsg = -3 Then Exit

;;;;;;;;;;; Larry's _FileSearch;;;;;;;;;;;;

Func _FileSearch($szMask,$nOption)
    $szRoot = ""
    $hFile = 0
    $szBuffer = ""
    $szReturn = ""
    $szPathList = "*"
    Dim $aNULL[1]

    If Not StringInStr($szMask,"\") Then
         $szRoot = @SCRIPTDIR & "\"
         While StringInStr($szMask,"\")
              $szRoot = $szRoot & StringLeft($szMask,StringInStr($szMask,"\"))
              $szMask = StringTrimLeft($szMask,StringInStr($szMask,"\"))
    If $nOption = 0 Then
         _FileSearchUtil($szRoot, $szMask, $szReturn)
         While 1
              $hFile = FileFindFirstFile($szRoot & "*.*")
              If $hFile >= 0 Then
                   $szBuffer = FileFindNextFile($hFile)
                   While Not @ERROR
                        If $szBuffer <> "." And $szBuffer <> ".." And _
                             StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($szRoot & $szBuffer),"D") Then _
                             $szPathList = $szPathList & $szRoot & $szBuffer & "*"
                        $szBuffer = FileFindNextFile($hFile)
              _FileSearchUtil($szRoot, $szMask, $szReturn)
              If $szPathList == "*" Then ExitLoop
              $szPathList = StringTrimLeft($szPathList,1)
              $szRoot = StringLeft($szPathList,StringInStr($szPathList,"*")-1) & "\"
              $szPathList = StringTrimLeft($szPathList,StringInStr($szPathList,"*")-1)
    If $szReturn = "" Then
         $aNULL[0] = 0
         Return $aNULL
         Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($szReturn,1),"*")

Func _FileSearchUtil(ByRef $ROOT, ByRef $MASK, ByRef $RETURN)
    $hFile = FileFindFirstFile($ROOT & $MASK)
    If $hFile >= 0 Then
         $szBuffer = FileFindNextFile($hFile)
         While Not @ERROR
              If $szBuffer <> "." And $szBuffer <> ".." Then _
                   $RETURN = $RETURN & $ROOT & $szBuffer & "*"
              $szBuffer = FileFindNextFile($hFile)

BTW, if I recall right, Holger works now on explorer tree control. So when done it will be much better anyway :(

Edited by Lazycat
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It gives me an error at line 6.. Array variable subscript badly formatted.:

You just not changed $rootdir to something real.

Might be nice if _FileSearch supported type filtering...would make folder only searches faster (I assume).

Yes, it's support filters, but this is not give many gain in speed, because slow algoritm for parsing lines. Following code is much faster:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
$rootdir = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\"
$hTree = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(5, 5, 300, 200)
_LoadTree($rootdir, "*.*", $hTree)


While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $nMsg = -3 Then Exit

Func _LoadTree($sRoot, $sMask, $hParent)
    Local $aFile[1], $nCnt = 1, $newParent
    Local $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sRoot & $sMask)
    If $hSearch >= 0 Then
       $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
       While not @error
            ReDim $aFile[$nCnt]
            $aFile[$nCnt-1] = $sFile
            $nCnt = $nCnt + 1
            $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1
        If $aFile[$i] == "." or $aFile[$i] == ".." Then ContinueLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sRoot & "\" & $aFile[$i]), "D") Then
            $newParent = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($aFile[$i], $hParent)
           _LoadTree($sRoot & $aFile[$i] & "\", $sMask, $newParent)
        GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($aFile[$i], $hParent)

But it use simple recursion, so if your folders are 384 levels deep :( (Autoit recursion limit) you will have troubles :( Also with many files you can easily reach GUI controls limit. So this is only temporary and limited solution.

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This works nicely...but if you just want folders, move GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem into the for...next loop like this:

For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1
        If $aFile[$i] == "." or $aFile[$i] == ".." Then ContinueLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sRoot & "\" & $aFile[$i]), "D") Then
            $newParent = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($aFile[$i], $hParent)
           _LoadTree($sRoot & $aFile[$i] & "\", $sMask, $newParent)
           GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($aFile[$i], $hParent)

All I know is now I get all the folders listed...before (when files were included) I got up to 'C's in my folder list. I'm hitting the recursion limit like you specified or the control limit.

Thanks for the code.

Sean Shrum :: http://www.shrum.net

All my published AU3-based apps and utilities

'Make it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot'


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First or second sample? If first - forget this code, it's stupid and full of bugs. I'm always curse out myself - not code nothing at late evening :(


second version works, my fault - AGAIN! :(

EDIT: Tried on a whole harddrive, it only create items for the first 5 out of 15 folders, including subfolders : looked trough the tree, and it haven't created them under something else.. simply not there..!

Edited by Wb-FreeKill
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EDIT: Tried on a whole harddrive, it only create items for the first 5 out of 15 folders, including subfolders  looked trough the tree, and it haven't created them under something else.. simply not there..!

"Maximum number of GUI controls per window: 4096". Because each tree item is actually control, you just reached it limit...

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  • 1 month later...

Why not use a FileSelectFolder dialog, retireve the desired folder name and then stuff that into your list box? You'd still end up with a list of folders.

Figured that someone would have code for this already but didn't find it in my searches.

I'm trying to build a Windows Explorer-esk treeview control that would allow the user to define what folders they want my app to monitor.

I don't neseccarily need the whole tree structure of a drive, I'd like to have the user be able to add and remove items from the list.

If however someone has code to do the whole folder sturct of a drvie, that would work as well as I can define the checkbox option.



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