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Posted (edited)

Please use autoit code tags to post your code, this is awful...

You can put the chatnames in an array, remove the exitloop, and add a for.

Something like this I guess :

#include "Skype.au3"
Local $aMyChat[2] = ["#abc.def/$febc24a082b613eb", "#abc.def/$..."]
Local $aChat = _Skype_ChatGetActive(), $oChat = 0, $sChatName = ""
For $iChat = 0 To UBound($aChat) - 1
    $oChat = $aChat[$iChat]
    $sChatName = _Skype_ChatGetName($oChat)
    For $iMyChat = 0 To UBound($aMyChat) - 1
        If $sChatName <> $aMyChat[$iMyChat] Then ContinueLoop
        _Skype_ChatSendMessage($oChat, "test")

Br, FireFox.

looks like _Skype_ChatGetActive() doesn't exist anymore. I'm trying to make this snipper work. ChatGetAll/Active didn't work. Could you help me?

edit: actually I can't have nothing to work... This code give me an error

#include "..\Skype.au3"


(yes the file is in the right folder)

The error looks like this


Edited by bling8d
  • 1 month later...

Great work Firefox! I only have one problem, sometimes it doesn't receive the OnEventMessageStatus.

_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsSent)
_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsReceived)
_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsUnknown)
_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsRead)

This should get all messages but it takes a while because it sees messages from new conversations and during call sessions it also misses some messages.

Do you have an idea to fix this?





Actually I haven't any clue on your issue. I suspect the problem to be on the Skype side.

To counter this you can build your own functions to get and compare the latest messages in an interval of time.

Br, FireFox.

  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

It is really a great udf and most of functions work for me. Can you please help me to solve this: How can I get all messages from a certain contact for some period of time (for example, get yesterday's and today's messages from contact A)

Great thanx in advance!

  • 2 weeks later...

First off - Thanks FF for the udf! It has helped me tremendously.

I am making a script to remote control some features of Skype. so that my "regular" conference attendees can switch cameras and microphones as needed.

I have found that on 2 machines (one is my testing rig), after a driver update or reinstall (for a Logitech cam), the VideoIn reads the name with what i think is a uid affixed to the name.    ie. "Logitech c920 pro_1234567890abcdef1234567890....." you get the point. its a 32 character hex string.  i have tried this with 2 cameras and same results.  everytime i uninstall and reinstall the damn number changes but never goes away.

I realize this most likely a Logitech driver issue, but the drop down box on the Skype options page displays the proper name.

When i first run my script i collect the device names from the drop down boxes to set the VideoIn later.  this does not work with the string.

I am not sure were the string is coming from or i would eliminate it my self.  I have poured over the registry for both Logitech, cams, and the string itself.  I have also looked over the drivers and can't find anything.  Logitech will not help me.

Here's the question...

Is there a specific place were the VideoIn is read from that would point me in the right direction ?

My work around, so far,  is to detect this difference in naming and change Cameras using the index# of the ComboBox.  This is much slower and inelegant.



Hi FireFox, When running Skype in AutoIt.au3 I got the following message:

Skype in AutoIt.au3"(582,38) : error: $aSB_WindowInfo: undeclared global variable.
 For $x = 0 To UBound($aSB_WindowInfo)


  • 6 months later...

Am I in the right place for the most recent version of Skype UDF?

This thread start 2010, updated 2013 - is the current version  IS there another page/thread?  Found Skype4Com but that seems dead...  There is also this recent post:

Skype COM from Airwolf's Skype4COM project...

What are the current AU3 Skype integration options?


Why is the snake in the sky?

  • 1 year later...



  can any one paste complete code , where i can launch and call to a group ID from the contact list ?  any reply will be appreciated.




  • 3 months later...

Hello. First time AutoIt-er here. I want make a simple script that does the following. Please let me know if its possible, and if so, where to start.

1) Accepts any Skype call automatically (software, not web version of Skype)

2) Starts a timer for 5 minutes (and writes a count down timer to a text file)

3) Ends any calls longer than 5 minutes (and writes "call has ended" to a text file)

If you can help me get started with this, that would be great.

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