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Hi, Welcome to the autoit forum :)

Please ask your questions here so it can be useful to anyone ;)

Br, FireFox.


The thing is i need to be able to send a message to multiple chats that i have in a list on skype
Not sure how im able to pull that off ive seen your code here  below

But thats directed to one certain group...

#include "Skype.au3" Global $aChat = _Skype_ChatGetActive(),
$oChat For $iChat = 0 To UBound($aChat) -1  $oChat = $aChat[$iChat]
If _Skype_ChatGetName($oChat) = "#abc.def/$febc24a082b613eb"
Then ExitLoop ;we've found the chat name
Next _Skype_ChatSendMessage($oChat, "test") ;send test to the chat


Please use autoit code tags to post your code, this is awful...

You can put the chatnames in an array, remove the exitloop, and add a for.

Something like this I guess :

#include "Skype.au3"
Local $aMyChat[2] = ["#abc.def/$febc24a082b613eb", "#abc.def/$..."]
Local $aChat = _Skype_ChatGetActive(), $oChat = 0, $sChatName = ""
For $iChat = 0 To UBound($aChat) - 1
    $oChat = $aChat[$iChat]
    $sChatName = _Skype_ChatGetName($oChat)
    For $iMyChat = 0 To UBound($aMyChat) - 1
        If $sChatName <> $aMyChat[$iMyChat] Then ContinueLoop
        _Skype_ChatSendMessage($oChat, "test")

Br, FireFox.

Posted (edited)

If not working examples, you need check enable API in registry!

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Phone DisableApi = 0


HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesPhone DisableApi = 0

and restart skype.

Edited by Inververs


Yeah im sure you can still  enable API but im talking about future after 2013

As the Desktop Api Skype has been given us over past years will deprecate so i have feeling this UDF and many other programs 

that depend on the Skype desktop api will not be working anymore thats what i worry about 

and looking in a way to still make use of automation on the Skype  URI just not sure how at the moment

If anyone knows how feel free to say so , thanks...


For some reason _Skype_UserSendMessage($SkypeUser, $Subject) and _Skype_ProfileSetMoodText($Text) are having trouble being submitted since about one week.

I noticed that my status would hardly get updated. And messages were delayed by hours.

When I change the status by hand or type the message into the skype client the message gets delivered instantly.

This worked perfectly fine before. I don't know if I updated Skype or something.

Can you make any sense of this?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Recently, after I updated skype, I got a message popped up saying that autoit.exe will not work with skype api from next year, and gave a hyperlink:


I've got two questions for the autoit community:

1) Will the skype functions still work if we install an older skype version and don't update skype?


[probably not, but I'm just asking/hoping...]

2) will we have another autoit option/solution to automate skype?

Any suggestion much appreciated.

Edited by autog

I've got two questions for the autoit community:

1) Will the skype functions still work if we install an older skype version and don't update skype?

Theoretically yes.

2) will we have another autoit option/solution to automate skype?

Don't know.
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've tried #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n on my Windows 7 64bit but still it doesn't seem to work...

I have two computers sending automated messages to a skype group conversation.

1) Automated python script sending messages to a group conversation from my account

2) Automated python script sending messages to a group conversation from another account

I'm trying to make it so if Account1 sends or receives a message to/in the group conversation it uses microsoft sam to say "Update", I am also trying to find a way if a message is sent to a group conversation with the text "NA PLAY" it would use microsoft sam to "POP NA"

  • 1 month later...

Thank you FireFox for this very usefull UDF

I am testing it with WIN 8 skype - works perfectly

Only one thing I cant do - is add a friend


I am trying this code, as it was in previous examples,


Func _Skype_UserAdd($sUserHandle, $sPendingMessage = "Hi !") ;by FireFox
If _Skype_UserGetBuddyStatus($sUserHandle) <> $cBudFriend Then
__Skype_SendCommand("SET USER " & $sUserHandle & " BUDDYSTATUS " & $cBudPendingAuthorization & " " & $sPendingMessage, "", False)
EndFunc ;==>_Skype_UserAdd

But I get an error Incorrect number of parameters in function call.:
__Skype_SendCommand("SET USER " & $sUserHandle & " BUDDYSTATUS " & $cBudPendingAuthorization & " " & $sPendingMessage, "", False)

What I am doing wrong?

Thanx in advance!!!!


Yes! You are right! Thanx a lot, works as a charm!


Func _Skype_UserAdd($sUserHandle, $sPendingMessage = "Hi !") ;by FireFox
If _Skype_UserGetBuddyStatus($sUserHandle) <> $cBudFriend Then
__Skype_SendCommand("SET USER " & $sUserHandle & " BUDDYSTATUS " & $cBudPendingAuthorization )
EndFunc ;==>_Skype_UserAdd
Posted (edited)

i need to know how you autoaccept contacts with this UDF, i found the event to set a function for when a request is received but i do not know how to get the username from the received request

Edited by lionfaggot
Posted (edited)


Something like this should work :

#include "Skype.au3"

Func OnEventUserAuthRequestReceived($oUser)
    Local $sUHandle = $oUser.Handle
    ConsoleWrite("User handle: " & $sUHandle & @Lf)
    _Skype_UserSetAuthorized($oUser, True)
Br, FireFox. Edited by FireFox


Something like this should work :

#include "Skype.au3"

Func OnEventUserAuthRequestReceived($oUser)
    Local $sUHandle = $oUser.Handle
    ConsoleWrite("User handle: " & $sUHandle & @Lf)
    _Skype_UserSetAuthorized($oUser, True)
Br, FireFox.


that did a whole lot of nothing, guess its time to give up on broken weird APIs

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