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Didn't work. It remains always the first webcam.

Maybe I must do a autoit script to control the skype client and make the manual change of webcam. It's a pity it can't be done from skype4com.


Yes I do.

I was thinking of sending webcam video through the net, maybe on a server to see them in a web page or creating an app on android, then I thought of skype and that's simpler.

Now I would like to record the camera sent to phone with skype. Any ideas?


I'v been tinkering around with the Skype UDF and got a script that auto replies to chat when a user enters a special command. Example: >> !time . I feel it could help other people with the, "Skype_OnEvent" functions.

This was pieced together and taken from an old example. Amazing work btw, FireFox for making this udf. Was also wondering if there was a better way to respond to a chat directly from a message. Right now i'm using, "$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage". Thanks!

Example code below:

;Made by TJWho...
;You or a friend can message you with the following commands
;!slap [Person]
;!8ball [question]
;all the dice commands do the same thing
;!DICE 20
;!RANDOM 1-100
;!RAND 3d3

;#include <Skype.au3>
;Depending on where your skype.au3 is at.
#include "Skype.au3"

_Skype_Start() ;in case not running

#Region Variables
Global $oChat, $blChat = False
Global $oCall, $blCall = False, $blCallHold = False
Global $sCurrUserHandle = _Skype_ProfileGetHandle()
Global $sDealUserHandle
#EndRegion Variables

#Region Skype_OnEvent

_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsSent)
_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsReceived)

#EndRegion Skype_OnEvent

;Taken from a 8ball.ini file
#region 8ball.ini
local $a8ball[29]
$a8ball[0] = "Maybe..."
$a8ball[1] = "As I see It, Yes"
$a8ball[2] = "It is certain"
$a8ball[3] = "It is decidedly so"
$a8ball[4] = "Most likely"
$a8ball[5] = "Outlook good"
$a8ball[6] = "Signs point to Yes"
$a8ball[7] = "Without a doubt"
$a8ball[8] = "YES"
$a8ball[9] = "Yes, definitely"
$a8ball[10] = "You may rely on it"
$a8ball[11] = "Ask again later"
$a8ball[12] = "Better not tell you now"
$a8ball[13] = "Cannot predict now"
$a8ball[14] = "Concentrate and ask again"
$a8ball[15] = "Don't count on it"
$a8ball[16] = "My reply is No"
$a8ball[17] = "My sources say No"
$a8ball[18] = "Outlook not so good"
$a8ball[19] = "Reply Hazy, Try again"
$a8ball[20] = "Very doubtful"
$a8ball[21] = "Not only no, but HELL No!"
$a8ball[22] = "Not only yes, but HELL Yes!"
$a8ball[23] = "You will regret it!"
$a8ball[24] = "Signs point to No"
$a8ball[25] = "Go away... I don't want you back!"
$a8ball[26] = "Well I love you, come back!"
$a8ball[27] = "What? Are you taking me as an 8 ball?"
$a8ball[28] = "Outlook is disturbing"
#endregion 8ball.ini

;// Sleep
While 1

;// Where the event gets called too
Func _ChatMessage($oMsg)
If $oSkype.Convert.ChatMessageTypeToText($oMsg.Type) = "unknown" Then
if $oSkype.Convert.ChatMessageTypeToText($oMsg.Type) = 'Said' then
EndFunc ;==>_ChatMessage

;// The DecodeMsg event handler decodes messages in a chat and converts leave reasons to text for messages of type "Left":
Func DecodeMsg($oMsg)
$sText = $oMsg.FromHandle & " " & $oSkype.Convert.ChatMessageTypeToText($oMsg.Type) & ":"
If StringLen($oMsg.Body) Then
$sText = $sText & " " & $oMsg.Body
Dim $oUser
For $oUser In $oMsg.Users
$sText = $sText & " " & $oUser.Handle
If $oMsg.Type = $cMessageType_Left Then
$sText = $sText & " " & $oSkype.Convert.ChatLeaveReasonToText($oMsg.LeaveReason)
ConsoleWrite($sText & @LF)

Func _AttachmentStatus($TAttachmentStatus)
;the Skype UDF will automatically attach to skype when this one will be available

;// $oMsg.Chat.SendMessage responds with a message
Func AutoChat($oMsg)
local $sTemp = StringSplit($oMsg.Body," ")
switch $sTemp[1]
case '!time'
$time = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY)&" "&_DateToMonth(@MON)&" "&@MDAY&" "&@YEAR&" -- "&@HOUR&":"&@MIN&":"&@SEC
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>'&$time)
;Tuesday November 27 2012 -- 21:49:50 -05:00
case '!help'
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>'&help_list())
case '!roll','!DICE','!RANDOM','!RAND'
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>'&DICE($oMsg.body))
if $sTemp[0] = 1 then return 0
Switch $sTemp[1]
case '!slap'
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>'&$oMsg.FromHandle & ' slaps '&$sTemp[2]&' around a bit with a large trout')
case '!8ball'
$i = Random (0, UBound($a8ball) -1)
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>'&$a8ball[$i])

Func DICE($d='')
;ConsoleWrite("BEFORE: "&$d & @LF)
local $regname = '(?x)(?i)!((roll)|(DICE)|(RANDOM)|(RAND))'
$d = StringRegExpReplace($d,$regname,"")
;ConsoleWrite("AFTER: "&$d & @LF)
if $d = '' then return Random(1,100,1)
local $tempd,$templ
local $Wrong = 'Invalid Syntax!'

$regexp = "(?x)(?i)(([1-9]d[1-9])|([0-9]{0,4}-[0-9]{0,4})|([0-9]{0,4}))"
if Not StringRegExp($d,$regexp) Then return $Wrong

$tempd = StringSplit($d,"d")
if $tempd[0] = 1 Then
$templ = StringSplit($d,"-")
if $templ[0] = 1 Then return Random(1,int($d),1)
return Random($templ[1],$templ[2],1)
local $n = int($tempd[1])
if $n > 1000 then Return "Its too BIG!!!"
local $str = ''
While True
if $n = 0 then ExitLoop
$str &= '.'&Random(1,$tempd[2],1)
$n -=1
return StringRight($str,StringLen($str)-1)
return $Wrong

Func help_list()
local $str = "Current list of commands:" & _
Return $str

Func _Error($iError, $sError)
ConsoleWrite("iERROR: "&$iError&"sERROR: "& $sError & @LF)

Func _Exit()
EndFunc ;==>_Exit
Posted (edited)


If it's not possible to do it manually with Skype, you won't be able to do it with Skype4COM. However, you can always try to find a workaround somewhere.


Thank you ! :)

If you already know how to use the Skype4COM api with objects, only few functions will be useful for you because I have only converted objects to functions like AutoIt does, without handling non object errors.

So, If you want to convert your script with a minimum of "visible" class objects, this would be (not tested) :

#include "Skype.au3"

;Made by TJWho...
;You or a friend can message you with the following commands
;!slap [Person]
;!8ball [question]
;all the dice commands do the same thing
;!DICE 20
;!RANDOM 1-100
;!RAND 3d3

;#include <Skype.au3>
;Depending on where your skype.au3 is at.
#include "Skype.au3"

_Skype_Start() ;in case not running

#region Variables
Global $oChat, $blChat = False
Global $oCall, $blCall = False, $blCallHold = False
Global $sCurrUserHandle = _Skype_ProfileGetHandle()
Global $sDealUserHandle
#endregion Variables

#region Skype_OnEvent

_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsSent)
_Skype_OnEventMessageStatus("_ChatMessage", $cCmsReceived)

#endregion Skype_OnEvent

;Taken from a 8ball.ini file
#region 8ball.ini
Local $a8ball[29]
$a8ball[0] = "Maybe..."
$a8ball[1] = "As I see It, Yes"
$a8ball[2] = "It is certain"
$a8ball[3] = "It is decidedly so"
$a8ball[4] = "Most likely"
$a8ball[5] = "Outlook good"
$a8ball[6] = "Signs point to Yes"
$a8ball[7] = "Without a doubt"
$a8ball[8] = "YES"
$a8ball[9] = "Yes, definitely"
$a8ball[10] = "You may rely on it"
$a8ball[11] = "Ask again later"
$a8ball[12] = "Better not tell you now"
$a8ball[13] = "Cannot predict now"
$a8ball[14] = "Concentrate and ask again"
$a8ball[15] = "Don't count on it"
$a8ball[16] = "My reply is No"
$a8ball[17] = "My sources say No"
$a8ball[18] = "Outlook not so good"
$a8ball[19] = "Reply Hazy, Try again"
$a8ball[20] = "Very doubtful"
$a8ball[21] = "Not only no, but HELL No!"
$a8ball[22] = "Not only yes, but HELL Yes!"
$a8ball[23] = "You will regret it!"
$a8ball[24] = "Signs point to No"
$a8ball[25] = "Go away... I don't want you back!"
$a8ball[26] = "Well I love you, come back!"
$a8ball[27] = "What? Are you taking me as an 8 ball?"
$a8ball[28] = "Outlook is disturbing"
#endregion 8ball.ini

;// Sleep
While 1
Sleep(10) ;min 10 ;)

;// Where the event gets called too
Func _ChatMessage($oMsg)
$sMsgType = _Skype_ChatMessageGetType($oMsg)

If _Skype_ConvertChatMessageType($sMsgType, True) = "Unknown" Then ;or not converted: $cCmeUnknown
ElseIf _Skype_ConvertChatMessageType($sMsgType, True) = "Said" Then ;or not converted: $cCmeSaid
EndFunc ;==>_ChatMessage

;// The DecodeMsg event handler decodes messages in a chat and converts leave reasons to text for messages of type "Left":
Func DecodeMsg($oMsg)
$sText = _Skype_ChatMessageGetFromHandle($oMsg) & " " & _Skype_ConvertChatMessageType(_Skype_ChatMessageGetType($oMsg), True) & ":"

$sMsgBody = _Skype_ChatMessageGetBody($oMsg)
If StringLen($sMsgBody) Then
$sText &= " " & $sMsgBody

If $oMsg.Type = $cMessageType_Left Then
$sText = $sText & " " & $oSkype.Convert.ChatLeaveReasonToText($oMsg.LeaveReason)

ConsoleWrite($sText & @LF)
EndFunc ;==>DecodeMsg

Func _AttachmentStatus($TAttachmentStatus)
;the Skype UDF will automatically attach to skype when this one will be available
EndFunc ;==>_AttachmentStatus

;// $oMsg.Chat.SendMessage responds with a message
Func AutoChat($oMsg)
$sMsgBody = _Skype_ChatMessageGetBody($oMsg)

Local $sTemp = StringSplit($sMsgBody, " ")
Switch $sTemp[1]
Case '!time'
$time = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY) & " " & _DateToMonth(@MON) & " " & @MDAY & " " & @YEAR & " -- " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>' & $time)
;Tuesday November 27 2012 -- 21:49:50 -05:00
Case '!help'
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>' & help_list())
Case '!roll', '!DICE', '!RANDOM', '!RAND'
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>' & DICE($sMsgBody))
If $sTemp[0] = 1 Then Return 0
Switch $sTemp[1]
Case '!slap'
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>' & _Skype_ChatMessageGetFromHandle($oMsg) & ' slaps ' & $sTemp[2] & ' around a bit with a large trout')
Case '!8ball'
$i = Random(0, UBound($a8ball) - 1)
$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage('/me >>' & $a8ball[$i])
EndFunc ;==>AutoChat

Func DICE($d = '')
;ConsoleWrite("BEFORE: "&$d & @LF)
Local $regname = '(?x)(?i)!((roll)|(DICE)|(RANDOM)|(RAND))'
$d = StringRegExpReplace($d, $regname, "")
;ConsoleWrite("AFTER: "&$d & @LF)
If $d = '' Then Return Random(1, 100, 1)
Local $tempd, $templ
Local $Wrong = 'Invalid Syntax!'

$regexp = "(?x)(?i)(([1-9]d[1-9])|([0-9]{0,4}-[0-9]{0,4})|([0-9]{0,4}))"
If Not StringRegExp($d, $regexp) Then Return $Wrong

$tempd = StringSplit($d, "d")
If $tempd[0] = 1 Then
$templ = StringSplit($d, "-")
If $templ[0] = 1 Then Return Random(1, Int($d), 1)
Return Random($templ[1], $templ[2], 1)
Local $n = Int($tempd[1])
If $n > 1000 Then Return "Its too BIG!!!"
Local $str = ''
While True
If $n = 0 Then ExitLoop
$str &= '.' & Random(1, $tempd[2], 1)
$n -= 1
Return StringRight($str, StringLen($str) - 1)
Return $Wrong
EndFunc ;==>DICE

Func help_list()
Local $str = "Current list of commands:" & _
Return $str
EndFunc ;==>help_list

Func _Error($iError, $sError)
ConsoleWrite("iERROR: " & $iError & "sERROR: " & $sError & @LF)
EndFunc ;==>_Error

Func _Exit()
EndFunc ;==>_Exit

Was also wondering if there was a better way to respond to a chat directly from a message. Right now i'm using, "$oMsg.Chat.SendMessage".

Good question, I have not found any example so I don't know, but it should exist. For the moment you must have the chat object which is not the case in your example.

Br, FireFox.

Edited by FireFox
Posted (edited)

so, i wanted to call someone then instantly hang up. as i understand it, _Skype_CallCreate("user") returns the call object? so i set it as a variable then used it in the finsih function, it calls but never finishes, heres the code:


$user = "lolpork"

Global $oCall = _Skype_CallCreate($user)



any ideas why it wont end the call? do i need some special object that i dont have?

Edited by lionfaggot

Lets see,

One way to do this is use the _Skype_CallGetStatus function. Look for the word ";TCallStatus" in the Skype UDF. That will give you all the different call status that you can look for. Here is an example if you want them to pick up first and then it will drop the call.

#include "Skype.au3"
local $user = "lolpork"
$oCall = _Skype_CallCreate($user)
While 1
  ;Wait for them to answer then drop the call
  if _Skype_CallGetStatus($oCall) = $cClsInProgress then ExitLoop

Hope this is what you looking for.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi FireFox.

First of all. GREAT UDF. This will be a killer if i just understand how the heck everything is suposed to work :P

here the deal.

I want to create a script that add uers to the contact list. I have a list of skype-names and Ive managed to be able to check if the current user is in the contact list. heres my code


$data = _Skype_SearchForUsers("skypename")
;~ _arraydisplay($data)
consolewrite(_Skype_UserGetAuthorized($data[0]) & @CRLF)
if _Skype_UserGetAuthorized($data[0]) = "False" Then
ConsoleWrite($data[0].TBuddyStatus.budPendingAuthorization & @CRLF)

Now if the function returns false, i would like to att the user to the list. or at least send a request to that person (a custom message woyld be awsome). But i cannot find a fuction for that so i seached the net and found that the API uses somthing called "TBuddyStatus.budPendingAuthorization". But i cant get it to work. The code runs, but nothing is happening.

Any help would be appritiated.



First of all. GREAT UDF. This will be a killer if i just understand how the heck everything is suposed to work :P

I'm glad you like it :)

Here you go :

#include "Skype.au3"


;or directly

I have not found how to set a custom add message, but I think that the first message sent is the custom message so try it.

For the rest, keep your code.

Br, FireFox.


I have now tried forever and i cant get it to work.

I used _Skype_OpenAddAFriend("echo123") and the only thing that happend was that skype searched for users with that name. But didnt add them to my list

I the tried to manually add the skypename of a user that i have deleted from my list

_Skype_OpenAddAFriend("my.skype.name") and nothing happend. I tried the secound pice of code aswell. Same thing. Nothing happend.

Posted (edited)

oh.., the syntax was a suggestion and you're right it's not as simple as I thought.

Here you go :

#include "Skype.au3"


Func _Skype_UserAdd($sUserHandle, $sPendingMessage = "Hi !") ;by FireFox
If _Skype_UserGetBuddyStatus($sUserHandle) <> $cBudFriend Then
__Skype_SendCommand("SET USER " & $sUserHandle & " BUDDYSTATUS " & $cBudPendingAuthorization & " " & $sPendingMessage, "", False)
EndFunc ;==>_Skype_UserAdd

P.S: Don't try to add yourself as I saw "my.skype.name" in your last post.

Br, FireFox.

Edited by FireFox

oh.., the syntax was a suggestion and you're right it's not as simple as I thought.

Here you go :

#include "Skype.au3"


Func _Skype_UserAdd($sUserHandle, $sPendingMessage = "Hi !") ;by FireFox
If _Skype_UserGetBuddyStatus($sUserHandle) <> $cBudFriend Then
__Skype_SendCommand("SET USER " & $sUserHandle & " BUDDYSTATUS " & $cBudPendingAuthorization & " " & $sPendingMessage, "", False)
EndFunc ;==>_Skype_UserAdd

P.S: Don't try to add yourself as I saw "my.skype.name" in your last post.

Br, FireFox.

Alright i tried it on one of my friends (witch i had deeted befor) and it works. Great stuff! :D

However the program never finishes. I just keep running like its waiting for somthing to happen or an never ending loop.

The plan is to create a script that will add all contacts in out company to your skype.NBut if this little code never finshes, then i cant do more then one :)

Posted (edited)

Huh, this is an autoit/Skype4COM issue.

The only workaround is to replace the default Exit statement (when you don't have one it's at the end of the script) by :


Br, FireFox.

Edited by FireFox
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi everyone,

How do I send skype message using this UDF? I added the Libraries to my code, trying to run, but nothing happends.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include "lib\Skype.au3"
$sUserHandle = "Wisenlucky"
Edited by Wisenlucky

I added the Libraries to my code

:mellow: Those librairies have nothing to deal with the Skype UDF. You have not even included the UDF itself you want to use.

I let you correct your mistake by yourself. As I see you are a novice in programming languages, start some tutorials.

Br, FireFox.

Posted (edited)

I let you correct your mistake by yourself.

Thanks a lot. I don't imagine how I would live further without your permission.

Those librairies have nothing to deal with the Skype UDF. You have not even included the UDF itself you want to use.

Actually I did. Just made mistake posting not all the included UDF's. I included all the other UDF's as in your example script, as i wasn't sure - maybe Skype.au3 UDF uses some of them. This is the code (corrected the code above also)

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include "lib\Skype.au3"


$sUserHandle = "Wisenlucky"

...start some tutorials.

I read your tutorials before posting. It didn't help. For example as I understand I need to create chat first , then send the message using these functions.


_Skype_ChatMessage($iChatId, $sMessage)

Nowhere in the manual I can find what's $sUserHandle and what's $iChatId.

Logic tells me $sUserHandle is the username or skype nickname. Neither of them works in the code above.

Second problem - nowhere in tutorial I can find how to get parameter ChatId.

Can any one give any advice regarding these parameters?

Edited by Wisenlucky

Actually I did. Just made mistake posting not all the included UDF's. I included all the other UDF's as in your example script, as i wasn't sure

Ok my apologizes then.

There is indeed a bug in the UDF for the function _Skype_ChatCreate, but you can handle a chat using the object instead of the ID.

Here is how : (download the fixed version first to test with the ChatId)

#include "Skype.au3"

Local $iChatId, $oChat

;userhandle: account name of the user.

;using chat id:
$iChatId = _Skype_ChatCreate("userhandle")

_Skype_ChatMessage($iChatId, "test")

;using chat object:
$oChat = _Skype_ChatCreateWith("userhandle")

_Skype_ChatSendMessage($oChat, "test2")

Nowhere in the manual I can find what's $sUserHandle and what's $iChatId.

Logic tells me $sUserHandle is the username or skype nickname. Neither of them works in the code above.

Second problem - nowhere in tutorial I can find how to get parameter ChatId.

Read carefully what the function returns, if it's an object or an ID.

Br, FireFox.

Posted (edited)

Read carefully what the function returns, if it's an object or an ID.

Uh. Now I think I got it! :sweating:

Works perfectly now. Thanks a lot for your UDF, help and such a quick bugfix! :thumbsup:

Edited by Wisenlucky

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