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realtime informational updates

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I guess that's a bad title but...

I'm trying to get this portion of my script off the ground. There are two branches I support and I would like the end user to click either location and have the address automatically update. I've tried using checkboxes and using a while statement, the only problem I'm running into is it won't run the rest of the script at all. My latest attempt.. is here

guictrlcreatelabel("Branch Location", 10, 60)
guictrlcreateradio("xxxxxx", 10, 80, 60, -1)
guictrlcreateradio("yyyyyy", 10, 100, 60, -1) 
guictrlcreatetab(80, 80, 170, 40)
guictrlcreatelabel($bell, 88, 87, 157, 27)
guictrlsetstate(13, $gui_hide)
guictrlcreatelabel($oly, 88, 87, 157, 27)
guictrlsetstate(14, $gui_hide)

while 1
    if guictrlgetstate(10) = $gui_checked then
        guictrlsetstate(13, $gui_show)
    elseif guictrlgetstate(11) = $gui_checked then
        guictrlsetstate(13, $gui_show)
    $msg = guigetmsg()
        if $msg = $gui_event_close then exitloop

what am i doing wrong? I know it's polling the gui and checking those controls, but it's not showing the text like I would like it to. anyone have any experience with this?

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if GUICtrlRead(10) = $gui_checked then
      guictrlsetstate(13, $gui_show)
   elseif GUICtrlRead(11) = $gui_checked then
       guictrlsetstate(14, $gui_show)

Edited by gafrost

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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