jaberwacky Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) Hi. Have you ever tried to manually maintain a list of function names for your various projects? What I mean is when you start an AutoIt project you might have tried to maintain a running list of all of the functions that are in your project. This is fine when your project is small. When the project grows out of control then you may be like me and you simply stop maintaining that list. So I am hacking together a simple script to automate that process.Instructions:1) Paste this into your user options file (Scite -> Options -> Open User Options File): # 37 FunctionNameLister command.37.$(au3)="$(SciteDefaultHome)\FunctionNameLister\FunctionNameLister.exe" "$(FilePath)" command.name.37.$(au3)=FunctionNameLister command.shortcut.37.$(au3)=Ctrl+Shift+Alt+f command.save.before.37.$(au3)=1 command.is.filter.37.$(au3)=1 Note: the number 37 may be changed to a number which suits you. 2) Create a folder named FunctionNameLister in the "...AutoIt3SciTE" directory.3) Place the FunctionNameLister.exe into the folder that was created in step 2. FunctionNameLister.zip downloads:26 4) Browse to an AutoIt source. Paste the following two lines wherever you would like for your list of function names to appear in your source: #region ; Functions #endregion ; Functions Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + f.Updates:[06/27/2014] -- A: Fixed a fairly obvious bug. B: Implemented features as requested by mLipok and added more error checking. [06/23/2014] -- OK. A version which seems to work well and consistently. [08/09/2013] -- Fixed bugs. Actually works now. [01/19/2013] -- Fairly major refactoring. [04-01-2012] -- Code cleanup. [12-10-2011] -- Cleaned up the code considerably. [01-29-2011] -- Minor bug fixes and source code improvements. Modified the tag ever so slightly. Sort ordering now works correctly. [01-26-2011] -- The most exciting update yet! Fixed an issue with the list when Tidy was used that caused the first function to be printed twice. Now you can simply insert the tag were you want the list to appear and then press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + f. No more browsing to your source through a file dialog! Yes, I did lean on Xenobiologist's OrganizeIncludes.au3 fairly heavily. There are still some issues though so just erase the list leaving the tag in place when ever you run this script. [01-10-2011] -- Now pastes the function list wherever you want the list to appear! I finally got around to updating this script as I had promised many moons ago. To use this just put this tag wherever you want to list to show up: ";**** Begin Function Name List". You can customize the tag too. This needs a bit of work and it's a big mess but it's usable. [10-16-2010] Now pastes the function list to the bottom of your au3. Also copies the list to your clipboard. Here is just the main code for those interested. The zip file contains the required exe. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 6 -w 7 -d -q #Region ; Functions ; alert ; backup_original_copy ; create_function_list_string ; erase_function_list ; file_stream_read_line ; get_source_path ; main ; write_function_list_to_string #EndRegion ; Functions #include-once #include "SciTE Director.au3" #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> ; These tags are required to be in the au3 source in order for FunctionNameLister to work properly. ; They may be changed by editing the settings.ini file. Const $tag_begin = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "Tags", "TagBegin", "#Region ; Functions") Const $tag_end = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "Tags", "TagEnd", "#EndRegion ; Functions") ; Constants for FileStream functionality. Const $file_stream_eof = -1 Const $file_stream_other_error = 1 main() Switch @error Case 0 alert("FunctionNameLister was successful.") Case 1 alert("You must provide a path to an au3 source.", True) Case 2 alert("Could not make a back up of the original file.", True) Case 3 alert("Could not find the required tags.", True) EndSwitch Func main() Local Const $source_path = get_source_path() If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndIf Switch backup_original_copy($source_path) Case True Local Const $autoit_source = erase_function_list($source_path) ; find the function names and write them to an array -- thanks Yashied Local Const $func_list = StringRegExp(StringRegExpReplace($autoit_source, "(?ims)#c[^#]+#c", ''), "(?ims)^\s*func\s*([^(]*)", 3) Local Const $func_string = create_function_list_string($func_list, True) Local Const $file_overwrite = FileOpen($source_path, $FO_OVERWRITE) Switch $file_overwrite <> -1 Case True Local Const $new_au3 = write_function_list_to_string($func_string, $autoit_source) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) EndIf FileWrite($file_overwrite, $new_au3) FileClose($file_overwrite) scite_close($source_path) scite_open($source_path) EndSwitch Case False Return SetError(2, 0, False) EndSwitch Return True EndFunc Func get_source_path() Local $source_path Select Case UBound($cmdline) <= 1 $source_path = FileOpenDialog("Browse to an au3 source.", '', "AU3 (*.au3)" ) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndIf Case Else $source_path = $cmdline[1] EndSelect Return $source_path EndFunc Func backup_original_copy(Const $source_path) Local $drive, $dir, $name, $ext _PathSplit($source_path, $drive, $dir, $name, $ext) Local Const $backup_path = _PathMake($drive, $dir, $name, ".BAK") Return FileCopy($source_path, $backup_path, 1) ? True : SetError(1, 0, False) EndFunc Func write_function_list_to_string(Const $func_string, Const $autoit_source) Local Const $tag_position = StringInStr($autoit_source, $tag_begin) If Not $tag_position Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndIf Local Const $tag_length = StringLen($tag_begin) Local Const $insert_string = ((StringInStr($func_string, $tag_end) > 0) ? $func_string : ($func_string & $tag_end)) Return _StringInsert($autoit_source, $insert_string & @CRLF, ($tag_position + $tag_length + 1)) EndFunc Func create_function_list_string($func_array, Const $sort) If Not IsArray($func_array) Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) If $sort Then _ArraySort($func_array, 0) Local $func_string = '' For $function In $func_array $func_string &= "; " & $function & @CRLF Next Return $func_string EndFunc Func erase_function_list(Const $source_path) Local $line = '' Local $autoit_source = '' Local $within_func_list = False Do $line = file_stream_read_line($source_path) Switch @error Case 0 Switch $line Case $tag_begin $within_func_list = True $autoit_source &= $tag_begin & @CRLF ContinueLoop Case $tag_end Switch $within_func_list Case True $within_func_list = False ContinueLoop EndSwitch EndSwitch Case $file_stream_eof, $file_stream_other_error ExitLoop EndSwitch Switch $within_func_list Case False $autoit_source &= $line & @CRLF Case True Select Case StringLeft($line, 1) <> ';' $within_func_list = False EndSelect EndSwitch Until False Return $autoit_source EndFunc Func file_stream_read_line(Const $path) Local Const $file_stream_close = -2 Local Const $file_stream_ready = -3 Local Const $file_stream_open_error = -1 Local Static $file_open = FileOpen($path, $FO_READ) Switch $path Case $file_stream_close FileClose($file_open) $file_open = $file_stream_ready Return True EndSwitch Select Case $file_open = $file_stream_open_error $file_open = $file_stream_ready Return SetError(2, 1, False) Case $file_open = $file_stream_ready $file_open = FileOpen($path, $FO_READ) Switch $file_open Case $file_stream_open_error $file_open = $file_stream_ready Return SetError(2, 2, False) EndSwitch ContinueCase Case $file_open >= 0 Local Const $file_line = FileReadLine($file_open) Switch @error Case 0 Return $file_line Case $file_stream_eof FileClose($file_open) $file_open = $file_stream_ready Return SetError($file_stream_eof, 0, False) Case $file_stream_other_error FileClose($file_open) $file_open = $file_stream_ready Return SetError($file_stream_other_error, 0, False) EndSwitch EndSelect EndFunc Func alert(Const $message, Const $error = False) Switch @Compiled Case True Switch $error Case False MsgBox($MB_OK, "FunctionNameLister", $message) Case True MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, "FunctionNameLister", $message) EndSwitch Case False Switch $error Case False ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "> " & $message & @CRLF & @CRLF) Case True ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "! " & $message & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndSwitch EndSwitch EndFunc Edited June 28, 2014 by jaberwacky tarretarretarre, mLipok and obiwanceleri 2 1 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
water Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Or you could use tidy to generate a cross reference listing of variables and functions used in the script. Insert #Tidy_Parameters=/gd /gds and press Ctrl-T in SciTE to see what I mean. My UDFs and Tutorials: Spoiler UDFs: Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki Standard UDFs: Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki Word - Wiki Tutorials: ADO - Wiki WebDriver - Wiki
Yashied Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 This can be done in a single line by using regular expressions.#Include <Array.au3> $sPath = FileOpenDialog('Select File', '', 'AutoIt v3 Script (*.au3)', 3) If $sPath Then $aList = StringRegExp(StringRegExpReplace(FileRead($sPath), '(?ims)#c[^#]+#c', ''), '(?ims)^\s*Func\s*([^(]*)', 3) _ArrayDisplay($aList) EndIf My UDFs: iKey | FTP Uploader | Battery Checker | Boot Manager | Font Viewer | UDF Keyword Manager | Run Dialog Replacement | USBProtect | 3D Axis | Calculator | Sleep | iSwitcher | TM | NetHelper | File Types Manager | Control Viewer | SynFolders | DLL Helper Animated Tray Icons UDF Library | Hotkeys UDF Library | Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library | Caret Shape UDF Library | Context Help UDF Library | Most Recently Used List UDF Library | Icons UDF Library | FTP UDF Library | Script Communications UDF Library | Color Chooser UDF Library | Color Picker Control UDF Library | IPHelper (Vista/7) UDF Library | WinAPI Extended UDF Library | WinAPIVhd UDF Library | Icon Chooser UDF Library | Copy UDF Library | Restart UDF Library | Event Log UDF Library | NotifyBox UDF Library | Pop-up Windows UDF Library | TVExplorer UDF Library | GuiHotKey UDF Library | GuiSysLink UDF Library | Package UDF Library | Skin UDF Library | AITray UDF Library | RDC UDF Library Appropriate path | Button text color | Gaussian random numbers | Header's styles (Vista/7) | ICON resource enumeration | Menu & INI | Tabbed string size | Tab's skin | Pop-up circular menu | Progress Bar without animation (Vista/7) | Registry export | Registry path jumping | Unique hardware ID | Windows alignment More...
jaberwacky Posted October 13, 2010 Author Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) Or you could use tidy to generate a cross reference listing of variables and functions used in the script. Insert #Tidy_Parameters=/gd /gds and press Ctrl-T in SciTE to see what I mean. Water, that gave me this: expandcollapse popup======================================================================================================== === Tidy report for :D:\AutoIt\AutoIt Scripts\My Scripts\RegisterDeviceNotifications\RegisterDeviceNotifications.au3 ======================================================================================================== 00001 #region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** 00002 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n 00003 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Registers a device to receive device change notifications. 00004 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= 00005 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y 00006 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1033 00007 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=n 00008 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning=y 00009 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 6 -q -d 00010 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y 00011 ;~ #Tidy_Parameters=/tc 0 /kv 0 00012 #Tidy_Parameters=/gd /gds 00013 #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** 00014 00015 #include <Misc.au3> 00016 _Singleton(@ScriptName) 00017 00018 Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) 00019 00020 #include <WinAPI.au3> 00021 #include <AutoItObject.au3> 00022 #include <FileConstants.au3> 00023 #include <GUIConstantsEX.au3> 00024 #include <RDN Constants.au3> 00025 00026 #region GUI 00027 Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) 00028 00029 Global Const $hRecipient = GUICreate("USB Handler", 400, 400, -1, -1) 00030 GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "term", $hRecipient) 00031 00032 Global Const $WM_DEVICECHANGE = 0x0219 00033 Global Const $RegisterStatus = GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE, "MY_WM_DEVICECHANGE") 00034 00035 Global Const $EditBox = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 5, 5, 350, 350) 00036 00037 Global Const $AllowDenyCheckBox = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Check to deny device removal.", 5, 355, 162, 40) 00038 GUICtrlSetState($AllowDenyCheckBox, $GUI_CHECKED) 00039 00040 GUISetState() 00041 #endregion GUI 00042 00043 _AutoItObject_Startup() 00044 00045 HotKeySet("{ESC}", "term") 00046 OnAutoItExitRegister("_exit") 00047 00048 Global $hDevNotify 00049 Global $DriveLetter 00050 Global $FileHandle 00051 Global $LastError 00052 00053 +-While 1 00054 | Sleep(100) 00055 +-WEnd 00056 00057 +-Func MY_WM_DEVICECHANGE($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) 00058 | +- Switch $msg 00059 | | +- Case $WM_DEVICECHANGE 00060 | | | +- Switch $wParam 00061 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 00062 | | | | | Local $DeviceType = GetDeviceType($lParam) 00063 | | | | | 00064 | | | | | +- If $DeviceType = $DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME Then 00065 | | | | | | Write("DEVICEARRIVAL") 00066 | | | | | | Write("$lParam: " & $lParam) 00067 | | | | | | 00068 | | | | | | Local $UnitMask = GetUnitMask($lParam) 00069 | | | | | | Local $tmpDriveLetter = GetDriveLetterFromUnitMask($UnitMask) 00070 | | | | | | 00071 | | | | | | +- Switch @error 00072 | | | | | | | +- Case 0 00073 | | | | | | | | $DriveLetter = $tmpDriveLetter 00074 | | | | | | | | 00075 | | | | | | | | ; open a file on the USB device 00076 | | | | | | | | Local Const $FileHandleTMP = OpenFile("F:\Text.txt") 00077 | | | | | | | | 00078 | | | | | | | | +- Switch @error 00079 | | | | | | | | | +- Case 0 00080 | | | | | | | | | | $FileHandle = $FileHandleTMP 00081 | | | | | | | | | +- Case 1 00082 | | | | | | | | | | Write("OpenDirectory failed.") 00083 | | | | | | | | | | Return True 00084 | | | | | | | | +- EndSwitch 00085 | | | | | | | | 00086 | | | | | | | | Local Const $hDevNotifyTMP = DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd($FileHandle, True) 00087 | | | | | | | | 00088 | | | | | | | | +- Switch @error 00089 | | | | | | | | | +- Case 0 00090 | | | | | | | | | | $hDevNotify = $hDevNotifyTMP 00091 | | | | | | | | | +- Case 1 00092 | | | | | | | | | | Return True 00093 | | | | | | | | +- EndSwitch 00094 | | | | | | | +- Case 1 00095 | | | | | | | | Return True 00096 | | | | | | +- EndSwitch 00097 | | | | | +- EndIf 00098 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE 00099 | | | | | Write("DEVICEQUERYREMOVE") 00100 | | | | | 00101 | | | | | $DeviceType = GetDeviceType($lParam) 00102 | | | | | 00103 | | | | | +- If $DeviceType = $DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE Then 00104 | | | | | | ; Check/Uncheck to allow/disallow device removal 00105 | | | | | | +- Switch GUICtrlRead($AllowDenyCheckBox) 00106 | | | | | | | +- Case $GUI_UNCHECKED ; allow 00107 | | | | | | | | +- Switch CloseFile($FileHandle, True) 00108 | | | | | | | | | +- Case True 00109 | | | | | | | | | | UnregisterDeviceNotification($FileHandle, True) 00110 | | | | | | | | | +- Case False 00111 | | | | | | | | | | Return $BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY 00112 | | | | | | | | +- EndSwitch 00113 | | | | | | | | 00114 | | | | | | | +- Case $GUI_CHECKED ; deny 00115 | | | | | | | | Return $BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY 00116 | | | | | | +- EndSwitch 00117 | | | | | +- EndIf 00118 | | | | | 00119 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 00120 | | | | | Write("DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE") 00121 | | | | | 00122 | | | | | Return True 00123 | | | | | 00124 | | | | +- Case $DBT_CONFIGCHANGECANCELED 00125 | | | | | Write("CONFIGCHANGECANCELED") 00126 | | | | | 00127 | | | | | Return True 00128 | | | | | 00129 | | | | +- Case $DBT_CONFIGCHANGED 00130 | | | | | Write("CONFIGCHANGED") 00131 | | | | | 00132 | | | | | Return True 00133 | | | | | 00134 | | | | +- Case $DBT_CUSTOMEVENT 00135 | | | | | Write("CUSTOMEVENT") 00136 | | | | | 00137 | | | | | Return True 00138 | | | | | 00139 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVEFAILED 00140 | | | | | Write("DEVICEQUERYREMOVEFAILED") 00141 | | | | | 00142 | | | | | Return True 00143 | | | | | 00144 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVICEREMOVEPENDING 00145 | | | | | Write("DEVICEREMOVEPENDING") 00146 | | | | | 00147 | | | | | Return True 00148 | | | | | 00149 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVICETYPESPECIFIC 00150 | | | | | Write("DEVICETYPESPECIFIC") 00151 | | | | | 00152 | | | | | Return True 00153 | | | | | 00154 | | | | +- Case $DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 00155 | | | | | ;~ Write("DEVNODES_CHANGED") 00156 | | | | | 00157 | | | | | Return True 00158 | | | | | 00159 | | | | +- Case $DBT_QUERYCHANGECONFIG 00160 | | | | | Write("QUERYCHANGECONFIG") 00161 | | | | | 00162 | | | | | Return True 00163 | | | | | 00164 | | | | +- Case $DBT_USERDEFINED 00165 | | | | | Write("USERDEFINED") 00166 | | | | | 00167 | | | | | Return True 00168 | | | +- EndSwitch 00169 | +- EndSwitch 00170 +-EndFunc ;==>MY_WM_DEVICECHANGE 00171 00172 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00173 00174 +-Func CLoseFile($Handle, $CheckError = False) 00175 | Local Const $Result = _WinAPI_CloseHandle($Handle) 00176 | $LastError = _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() 00177 | 00178 | +- If $Result Then 00179 | | Return $Result 00180 | +- Else 00181 | | If $CheckError Then ShowError("CLoseFile") 00182 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00183 | +- EndIf 00184 +-EndFunc ;==>CLoseFile 00185 00186 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00187 00188 +-Func DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE($Handle, $CheckError = False) 00189 | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE = DllStructCreate($tagDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE) 00190 | $LastError = _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() 00191 | 00192 | +- If IsDllStruct($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE) Then 00193 | | Local Const $Size = DllStructGetSize($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE) 00194 | | 00195 | | Local Const $EventGUID = _WinAPI_GUIDFromString("{25dbce51-6c8f-4a72-8a6d-b54c2b4fc835}") 00196 | | 00197 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_size" , $Size) 00198 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_devicetype", $DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE) 00199 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_reserved" , 0) 00200 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_handle" , $Handle) 00201 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_hdevnotify", 0) 00202 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_eventguid" , $EventGUID) 00203 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_nameoffset", 0) 00204 | | DllStructSetData($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "dbch_data" , 0) 00205 | | 00206 | | Return $DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE 00207 | +- Else 00208 | | If $CheckError Then ShowError("DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE") 00209 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00210 | +- EndIf 00211 +-EndFunc ;==>DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE 00212 00213 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00214 00215 +-Func DEV_BROADCAST_HDR($lParam, $CheckError = False) 00216 | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR = _AutoitObject_DllStructCreate($tagDEV_BROADCAST_HDR, Number($lParam)) 00217 | 00218 | +- If IsObj($DEV_BROADCAST_HDR) Then 00219 | | Return $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR 00220 | +- Else 00221 | | If $CheckError Then Write("DEV_BROADCAST_HDR: Fail") 00222 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00223 | +- EndIf 00224 +-EndFunc ;==>DEV_BROADCAST_HDR 00225 00226 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00227 00228 +-Func DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME($lParam, $CheckError = False) 00229 | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME = _AutoitObject_DllStructCreate($tagDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME, Number($lParam)) 00230 | 00231 | +- If IsObj($DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME) Then 00232 | | Return $DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME 00233 | +- Else 00234 | | If $CheckError Then Write("DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME: Fail") 00235 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00236 | +- EndIf 00237 +-EndFunc ;==>DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME 00238 00239 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00240 00241 +-Func DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd($Handle, $CheckError = False) 00242 | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE = DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE($Handle) 00243 | 00244 | Local Const $ptrDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE = DllStructGetPtr($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE) 00245 | 00246 | ; tells RegisterDeviceNotifications to send notices to a window 00247 | Local Const $Flags = $DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE 00248 | 00249 | Local Const $RDNhandle = DllCall("User32.dll", "handle", "RegisterDeviceNotification", "hwnd", $hRecipient, "ptr", $ptrDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE, "uint", $Flags) 00250 | $LastError = _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() 00251 | 00252 | +- If $RDNhandle[0] Then 00253 | | Return $RDNhandle[0] 00254 | +- Else 00255 | | If $CheckError Then ShowError("RegisterDeviceNotification") 00256 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00257 | +- EndIf 00258 +-EndFunc ;==>DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd 00259 00260 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00261 00262 +-Func GetDeviceType($lParam, $CheckError = False) 00263 | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR = DEV_BROADCAST_HDR($lParam) 00264 | 00265 | +- If IsObj($DEV_BROADCAST_HDR) Then 00266 | | Return $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR.dbch_devicetype 00267 | +- Else 00268 | | If $CheckError Then Write("GetDeviceType: Fail") 00269 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00270 | +- EndIf 00271 +-EndFunc ;==>GetDeviceType 00272 00273 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00274 00275 +-Func GetDriveLetterFromUnitMask($UnitMask, $CheckError = False) 00276 | Local Const $Drives = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" 00277 | Local $Count = 1 00278 | Local $Pom = $UnitMask / 2 00279 | 00280 | +- While $Pom <> 0 00281 | | $Pom = BitShift($Pom, 1) 00282 | | $Count += 1 00283 | +- WEnd 00284 | 00285 | +- If $Count >= 1 And $Count <= 26 Then 00286 | | Return StringMid($Drives, $Count, 1) 00287 | +- Else 00288 | | If $CheckError Then Write("Error in getting drive letter.") 00289 | | Return SetError(1, 0, '?') 00290 | +- EndIf 00291 +-EndFunc ;==>GetDriveLetterFromUnitMask 00292 00293 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00294 00295 +-Func GetUnitMask($lParam, $CheckError = False) 00296 | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR = DEV_BROADCAST_HDR($lParam) 00297 | 00298 | Local Const $DeviceType = $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR.dbch_devicetype 00299 | 00300 | +- Switch $DeviceType 00301 | | +- Case $DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME 00302 | | | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME = DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME($lParam) 00303 | | | 00304 | | | +- If IsObj($DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME) Then 00305 | | | | Return $DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME.dbcv_unitmask 00306 | | | +- Else 00307 | | | | If $CheckError Then Write("GetUnitMask: Fail") 00308 | | | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00309 | | | +- EndIf 00310 | | | 00311 | | +- Case $DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE 00312 | | | Local Const $DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE = DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE($lParam) 00313 | | | 00314 | | | +- If IsObj($DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE) Then 00315 | | | | Return $DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE.dbcv_unitmask 00316 | | | +- Else 00317 | | | | If $CheckError Then Write("GetUnitMask: Fail") 00318 | | | | Return SetError(2, 0, 1) 00319 | | | +- EndIf 00320 | +- EndSwitch 00321 +-EndFunc ;==>GetUnitMask 00322 00323 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00324 00325 +-Func OpenFileDialog($Creation = 2, $Access = 4, $Share = 0, $Flags = 0, $Security = 0, $CheckError = False) 00326 | +- If $Creation = $OPEN_EXISTING Then 00327 | | Local $File = FileOpenDialog("Open file...", '', "All (*.*)", 1 + 2) 00328 | +- Else 00329 | | $File = FileOpenDialog("Open file...", '', "All (*.*)") 00330 | +- EndIf 00331 | 00332 | Local Const $FileHandleTMP = _WinAPI_CreateFile("\\?\" & $File, $Creation, $Access, $Share, $Flags, $Security) 00333 | $LastError = _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() 00334 | 00335 | +- If IsPtr($FileHandleTMP) Then 00336 | | Return $FileHandleTMP 00337 | +- Else 00338 | | If $CheckError Then ShowError("OpenFileDialog") 00339 | | Return SetError(1, $LastError, 1) 00340 | +- EndIf 00341 +-EndFunc ;==>OpenFileDialog 00342 00343 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00344 00345 +-Func OpenFile($File, $Creation = $OPEN_EXISTING, $Access = 6, $Share = 7, $Flags = 0, $Security = 0, $CheckError = False) 00346 | Local Const $FileHandleTMP = _WinAPI_CreateFile("\\?\" & $File, $Creation, $Access, $Share, $Flags, $Security) 00347 | $LastError = _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() 00348 | 00349 | +- If IsPtr($FileHandleTMP) Then 00350 | | Return $FileHandleTMP 00351 | +- Else 00352 | | If $CheckError Then ShowError("OpenFile") 00353 | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00354 | +- EndIf 00355 +-EndFunc ;==>OpenFile 00356 00357 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00358 00359 +-Func UnregisterDeviceNotification($Handle, $CheckError = False) 00360 | Local Const $Check = DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "UnregisterDeviceNotification", "handle", $Handle) 00361 | $LastError = _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage() 00362 | 00363 | +- If $Check = False Then 00364 | | +- If $CheckError Then 00365 | | | If $CheckError Then ShowError("UnregisterDeviceNotification") 00366 | | | Return SetError(1, 0, 1) 00367 | | +- EndIf 00368 | +- EndIf 00369 +-EndFunc ;==>UnregisterDeviceNotification 00370 00371 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00372 00373 #region Communication 00374 +-Func ShowError($Function) 00375 | Write($Function & ": " & $LastError, True) 00376 | ;~ DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "none", "SetLastError", "dword", 0) 00377 | $LastError = 0 00378 +-EndFunc ;==>ShowError 00379 00380 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00381 00382 +-Func Write($message, $CRLF = True) 00383 | +- If $CRLF Then 00384 | | GUICtrlSetData($EditBox, $message & @CRLF, ' ') 00385 | +- Else 00386 | | GUICtrlSetData($EditBox, $message, ' ') 00387 | +- EndIf 00388 +-EndFunc ;==>Write 00389 #endregion Communication 00390 00391 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00392 00393 #region Clean_up 00394 +-Func _exit() 00395 | If $RegisterStatus Then GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE, "") 00396 | If IsHWnd($hRecipient) Then GUIDelete() 00397 | _AutoItObject_Shutdown() 00398 | OnAutoItExitUnregister("_exit") 00399 +-EndFunc ;==>_exit 00400 00401 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00402 00403 +-Func term() 00404 | Exit 00405 +-EndFunc ;==>term 00406 #endregion Clean_up ====================== === xref reports ===== ====================== == User functions ================================================================================================= Func Function name Row Referenced at Row(s) ========================= ====== ================================================================================== CLoseFile 00219 DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE 00233 DEV_BROADCAST_HDR 00260 DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME 00273 DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd 00286 GetDeviceType 00307 GetDriveLetterFromUnitMask 00320 GetUnitMask 00340 MY_WM_DEVICECHANGE 00102 OpenFile 00390 OpenFileDialog 00370 ShowError 00419 UnregisterDeviceNotification 00404 Write 00427 _exit 00439 00394 term 00448 00403 #### indicates that this specific variable only occurs one time in the script. ---- indicates that this specific variable isn't declared with Dim/Local/Global/Const. == Variables ====================================================================================================== Variable name Dim Used in Row(s) ========================= ===== =================================================================================== $Access ----- 00325 00332 00345 00346 $AllowDenyCheckBox 00082 00037 00038 00105 $BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY ----- 00111 00115 $CRLF ----- 00382 00383 $Check 00405 00360 00363 $CheckError ----- 00174 00181 00188 00208 00215 00221 00228 00234 00241 00255 00262 00268 00275 00288 00295 00307 00317 00325 00338 00345 00352 00359 00364 00365 $Count 00322 00277 00282 00285 00286 $Creation ----- 00325 00326 00332 00345 00346 $DBT_CONFIGCHANGECANCELED ----- 00124 $DBT_CONFIGCHANGED ----- 00129 $DBT_CUSTOMEVENT ----- 00134 $DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL ----- 00061 $DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE ----- 00098 $DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVEFAILED ----- 00139 $DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE ----- 00119 $DBT_DEVICEREMOVEPENDING ----- 00144 $DBT_DEVICETYPESPECIFIC ----- 00149 $DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED ----- 00154 $DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE ----- 00103 00198 00311 $DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME ----- 00064 00301 $DBT_QUERYCHANGECONFIG ----- 00159 $DBT_USERDEFINED ----- 00164 $DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE ----- 00247 $DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE 00234 00287 00357 00189 00192 00193 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 00202 00203 00204 00206 00242 00244 00312 00314 00315 $DEV_BROADCAST_HDR 00261 00308 00341 00216 00218 00219 00263 00265 00266 00296 00298 $DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME 00274 00347 00229 00231 00232 00302 00304 00305 $DeviceType 00107 00343 00062 00064 00101 00103 00298 00300 $DriveLetter 00094 00049 00073 $Drives 00321 00276 00286 $EditBox 00080 00035 00384 00386 $EventGUID 00240 00195 00202 $File 00372 00327 00329 00332 00345 00346 $FileHandle 00095 00050 00080 00086 00107 00109 $FileHandleTMP 00121 00377 00391 00076 00080 00332 00335 00336 00346 00349 00350 $Flags 00292 00247 00249 00325 00332 00345 00346 $Function ----- 00374 00375 $GUI_CHECKED ----- 00038 00114 $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ----- 00030 $GUI_UNCHECKED ----- 00106 $Handle ----- 00174 00175 00188 00200 00241 00242 00359 00360 $LastError 00096 00051 00176 00190 00250 00333 00339 00347 00361 00375 00377 $OPEN_EXISTING ----- 00326 00345 $Pom 00323 00278 00280 00281 $RDNhandle 00294 00249 00252 00253 $RegisterStatus 00078 00033 00395 $Result 00220 00175 00178 00179 $Security ----- 00325 00332 00345 00346 $Share ----- 00325 00332 00345 00346 $Size 00238 00193 00197 $UnitMask 00113 00068 00069 00275 00278 $WM_DEVICECHANGE 00077 00032 00033 00059 00395 $hDevNotify 00093 00048 00090 $hDevNotifyTMP 00131 00086 00090 $hRecipient 00074 00029 00030 00249 00396 $hWnd ----- 00057 $lParam ----- 00057 00062 00066 00068 00101 00215 00216 00228 00229 00262 00263 00295 00296 00302 00312 $message ----- 00382 00384 00386 $msg ----- 00057 00058 $ptrDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE 00289 00244 00249 $tagDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE ----- 00189 $tagDEV_BROADCAST_HDR ----- 00216 $tagDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME ----- 00229 $tmpDriveLetter 00114 00069 00073 $wParam ----- 00057 00060 @CRLF ----- 00384 @ScriptName ----- 00016 @error ----- 00071 00078 00088 This can be done in a single line by using regular expressions. #Include <Array.au3> $sPath = FileOpenDialog('Select File', '', 'AutoIt v3 Script (*.au3)', 3) If $sPath Then $aList = StringRegExp(StringRegExpReplace(FileRead($sPath), '(?ims)#c[^#]+#c', ''), '(?ims)^\s*Func\s*([^(]*)', 3) _ArrayDisplay($aList) EndIf That gave me an array yes, but I then I would need code to paste the contents of the array into the au3. Edited October 13, 2010 by jaberwocky6669 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
water Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 That's fine. You get a cross reference listing of all used variables and functions plus a beautified script. My UDFs and Tutorials: Spoiler UDFs: Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki Standard UDFs: Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki Word - Wiki Tutorials: ADO - Wiki WebDriver - Wiki
BrewManNH Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 I've started to keep a listing of all the functions I use in a script at the end of the script. I have a macro set up in my editor that when I click on the line it jumps to where the function starts. This might come in handy. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
Mat Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 That gave me an array yes, but I then I would need code to paste the contents of the array into the au3. You can easily modify it to use StringRegExpReplace, and that would be easy enough. The main point is that your nested If's are not very nice. You could at least use: If StringLeft(StringStripWS($SourceArray[$i], 3), 4) = 'Func' Then ... That would make it easier to see what you are doing. Of course you should also use: StringStripWS(StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($SourceArray[$i], 4), StringInStr($SourceArray[$i], "(") - 1), 8) None of that is tested as I don't autoit at the moment, but thats a nicer way than using _StringBetween. Of course you should then add error checks to make sure that at least the start of the function definition is correct... Then you expand it to include support for the standard include header kind of thing: CURRENT etc... Youcould even see if it's an internal of deprecated function based on how they've declared is (__MyFunc is internal etc.). Then instead of making a new list all the time make it so it updates the same list at the top of the script... Lots to od eh? AutoIt Project Listing
jaberwacky Posted October 13, 2010 Author Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) Ok, Thanks Mat, I see now the wisdom in using a regexp! Yes, there's quite a bit to be done but I like to grow things from the bottom up. I plan now to also make this into a script that will make calltips from scripts. Oh well, I probably won't. I'm a big thinker, too big. I have too many projects in rotation. Edited October 13, 2010 by jaberwocky6669 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
JohnOne Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Never really thought about something like this before, either existing or new, and I like it. An advancement on the idea might to consider the users includes into the bargain. Not the standard udfs, but those like #include "myinclude.au3". AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
jaberwacky Posted October 13, 2010 Author Posted October 13, 2010 I've started to keep a listing of all the functions I use in a script at the end of the script. I have a macro set up in my editor that when I click on the line it jumps to where the function starts. This might come in handy.Never really thought about something like this before, either existing or new, and I like it.An advancement on the idea might to consider the users includes into the bargain. Not the standard udfs, but those like #include "myinclude.au3".Thank you both and to all who posted. I have your suggestions in a To-Do list. Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
jaberwacky Posted January 11, 2011 Author Posted January 11, 2011 Latest update! See OP for details. Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
Mat Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 I've hacked together something for my Console UDF the other day to do something similar to this, but working on the UDF headers instead of the function definitions. It assumes that you have added the headers and that they are correct of course, but it can be used to generate calltips for SciTE etc.Func _GenFuncList() $a = StringSplit(FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\Console.au3"), @CRLF, 1) If @error Then Exit 1 Local $aRet[1][3] = [[0, 0, 0]] ; [*][0] => Name, [*][1] => Description, [*][2] => Syntax For $i = 1 To $a[0] If StringLeft($a[$i], 13) = "; #FUNCTION# " Then $aRet[0][0] += 1 ReDim $aRet[$aRet[0][0] + 1][3] $n = 0 While $n < 3 $i += 1 If StringInStr(StringLeft($a[$i], 19), ".") Then $aRet[$aRet[0][0]][$n] = StringTrimLeft($a[$i], 19) $n += 1 Else $aRet[$aRet[0][0]][$n - 1] &= " " & StringTrimLeft($a[$i], 19) EndIf WEnd EndIf Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_GenFuncListAnd this is my replacement for the built in (albeit hidden) default udf header maker. I think Valik wrote the original if I remember rightly, but it didn't give quite what I wanted, so I tweaked it, then rewrote it adding loads of useless bit's that noone really needs like predicting the type and adding breaks if the syntax line is too long and other really stupid stuff that I did when I got bored. It's useful though.expandcollapse popupfunction AutoItTools:CreateFunctionHeader(s) -- Change these <img src='http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> local defAuthor = "Matt Diesel (Mat)" -- Initial Author value local defLineMax = 129 -- Max length of line. AutoIt standard is 129. local defSplit = 21 -- Default index for '-' after param. local nl = self:NewLineInUse() local outStart = "FUNCTION" local outName = "" local outDesc = "" local outSyntax = "" local outParams = "" local outReturn = "None" local outAuthor = defAuthor local outModify = "" local outRemarks = "" local outRelated = "" local outLink = "" local outExample = "No" local f,t,name,params = s:find("^%s*[Ff][Uu][Nn][Cc]%s+(.+)%s*(%b())") outName = name if name:sub(0, 2) == "__" then outStart = "INTERNAL_USE_ONLY" end outSyntax = name .. "( " local paramSynt = "" local iOptionals = 0 local fBroken = false if params ~= "" and params ~= nil then for byref, parameter, optional in string.gfind(params, "(%w-)%s*($[%w_]+)%s*([=]?)") do if parameter ~= "" and parameter ~= nil then if outParams ~= "" then outParams = outParams .. nl .. ";" .. string.rep(" ", 18) end outParams = outParams .. parameter .. string.rep(" ", defSplit - string.len(parameter)) .. "- " if optional ~= "" and optional ~= nil then outParams = outParams .. "[optional] " if paramSynt ~= "" then paramSynt = paramSynt .. "[, " else paramSynt = paramSynt .. "[ " end iOptionals = iOptionals + 1 else if byref ~= "" and byref ~= nil then outParams = outParams .. "[in/out] " end if paramSynt ~= "" then paramSynt = paramSynt .. ", " end end if fBroken then if string.len(paramSynt) + string.len(parameter) + iOptionals + 2 + 19 > defLineMax then outSyntax = outSyntax .. paramSynt .. nl .. ";" .. string.rep(" ", 18) paramSynt = "" fBroken = true end else if string.len(outSyntax) + string.len(paramSynt) + string.len(parameter) + iOptionals + 2 + 19 > defLineMax then outSyntax = outSyntax .. paramSynt .. nl .. ";" .. string.rep(" ", 18) paramSynt = "" fBroken = true end end paramSynt = paramSynt .. parameter .. " " local paramtype = parameter:sub(2, 2) local isarray = false if paramtype == "a" then paramtype = parameter:sub(3, 3) isarray = true end local sAdd if paramtype == "i" then sAdd = "integer" elseif paramtype == "f" then sAdd = "boolean" elseif paramtype == "b" then sAdd = "binary" elseif paramtype == "n" then sAdd = "floating point number" elseif paramtype == "s" then sAdd = "string" elseif paramtype == "h" then sAdd = "handle" elseif paramtype == "v" then sAdd = "variant" elseif paramtype == "p" then sAdd = "pointer" elseif paramtype == "t" then sAdd = "dll struct" else sAdd = "unknown" end if isarray then outParams = outParams .. "An array of " .. sAdd .. "s." else outParams = outParams .. "A " .. sAdd .. " value." end end end else outParams = "None" end outSyntax = outSyntax .. paramSynt .. string.rep("]", iOptionals) .. " )" local res = "; #" .. outStart .. "# " .. string.rep("=", defLineMax - 5 - outStart:len()) .. nl res = res .. "; Name ..........: " .. outName .. nl res = res .. "; Description ...: " .. outDesc .. nl res = res .. "; Syntax ........: " .. outSyntax .. nl res = res .. "; Parameters ....: " .. outParams .. nl res = res .. "; Return values .: " .. outReturn .. nl res = res .. "; Author(s) .....: " .. outAuthor .. nl res = res .. "; Modified ......: " .. outModify .. nl res = res .. "; Remarks .......: " .. outRemarks .. nl res = res .. "; Related .......: " .. outRelated .. nl res = res .. "; Link ..........: " .. outLink .. nl res = res .. "; Example .......: " .. outExample .. nl res = res .. "; " .. string.rep("=", defLineMax - 2) .. nl return res end -- CreateFunctionHeader() function AutoItTools:InsertUDFHeader() local line, pos = editor:GetCurLine() local pos = editor.CurrentPos - pos local lineNum = editor:LineFromPosition(pos) local from, to, name = line:find("[Ff][Uu][Nn][Cc][%s]*([%w%s_]*)") if to ~= nil then local pfrom, pto, pname = line:find("(%(.-[%)_])") local i = 0 if pto ~= nil then while pname:find("_%s*$") do -- Found an underscore, so need to get the next line, too i = i + 1 line = line .. editor:GetLine(lineNum+i) end editor:Home() editor:AddText(self:CreateFunctionHeader(line)) else print("Argument list not found, unable to insert header.") end else print("Function definition not found, unable to insert header.") end end -- InsertUDFHeader().Might help somebody Mat AutoIt Project Listing
jaberwacky Posted January 26, 2011 Author Posted January 26, 2011 Latest update: see OP for more details! Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
TheSaint Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Very Good!A program/script I wrote some time ago (Declare All Variables), helps me keep tabs on variables & functions, which when run, appends them to the foot of the current script.I then relocate them to just after the description section at the top of the script. I also then separate the functions out as either GUI ones or not (see below).All listed alphabetically of course.This is very handy for quick jumping straight to any function, after highlighting the one I want.Of course I use these features from buttons on my Toolbar For Any program in SciTE.;; ;;;; SCRIPT FUNCTION: Update, Add or Remove artwork (.jpg) to Mp3 files in a folder ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;#region --- GuiBuilder code Start ---; Script generated by AutoBuilder 0.8 Prototype; GUI FUNCTIONS; AddEditComments(), AddSomeTextGUI(), BackupRemovalGUI(), ID3TagsGUI(); FUNCTIONS; AddComment($add), BackUpTagsAndProps(), BatchModeUpdate(), CheckForExistingArtwork(); CheckLastPath(), ClearAllOtherFields(), ClearTagFields(), ClearAllTagInputs(), CreateRegEntry(); DisableControlsForBatch(), DisableTagFields(), DisableWhileUpdating(), EnableAfterUpdating(); EnableControls(), EnableUpdateButton(), FillInTagDetails($Label), FillListWithMp3s(); FindDefaultJpg(), FixRomanNumerals($txt, $rom), GetAllTagValues($vers); GetAlternateTagInfoAndUpdate($a), GetFolderPath(), GetFolderAndFiles($path); GrabTitleFromFilename($grab), LockTag($Label), ProperCase($txt), RefreshenToolTips(); RemoveIllegalCharacters($txt), RemoveMp3FileExtracts(), ReplaceForeign($txt); ReplaceSpecialCharacters($txt), RestoreTagsFromBackUp(), SetTheJpgImage(), StopUpdating(); UndoAllBatchSettings(), UndoBatchSettings(), UndoEditSettings(), UpdateArtwork(); UpdateSelectedTrackArtwork(), UpdateTagsWithEditValues(), UpdateTheCase($Input)#include <Constants.au3>#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>etcSadly I've not yet uploaded the latest versions to my Toolbox ... but you get the idea, etc. Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
Mikeman27294 Posted July 21, 2011 Posted July 21, 2011 Perfect... looks like exactly what I was looking for... I want to write something similar into one of my programs... so I got a lot of code analysing to do to see how you did it before I go ahead and do mine.
jaberwacky Posted July 21, 2011 Author Posted July 21, 2011 (edited) Please post the results of your research when you finish. I analyzed Xenobiologist's OrganizeIncludes to figure out how to do this script actually. Edited July 21, 2011 by LaCastiglione Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
Mikeman27294 Posted July 21, 2011 Posted July 21, 2011 (edited) Ok, I will do... also, if you take a look at that forum page, you will notice that I have added a few things in. The only thing that I have not had time for was the last bit... deleting the existing includes. EDITOk, I just ran it, and a problem that I found, is that it inserts itself inside the first include. Edited July 21, 2011 by Mikeman27294
jaberwacky Posted June 23, 2014 Author Posted June 23, 2014 Updated. See >op for details. Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
mLipok Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 there is some issue: SciTE Director.au3 "z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\SciTE Director.au3"(8) : ### Tidy Warning -> #Region statements without #EndRegion. FunctionNameLister.au3 >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /prod /AU3Check /in "Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3" +>01:31:00 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. SciTE v. Keyboard:00000415 OS:WIN_7/Service Pack 1 CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0415) +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running AU3Check ( params:-w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 6 -w 7 -d -q from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 input:Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3 "Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3"(127,28) : warning: $file_stream_eof: possibly used before declaration. Case $file_stream_eof, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ "Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3"(127,54) : warning: $file_stream_other_error: possibly used before declaration. Case $file_stream_eof, $file_stream_other_error ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ "Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3"(127,28) : error: $file_stream_eof: undeclared global variable. Case $file_stream_eof, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ "Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3"(127,54) : error: $file_stream_other_error: undeclared global variable. Case $file_stream_eof, $file_stream_other_error ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ Z:\TOOLs\Macro\ FORUM\_UDF_MAKERs\FunctionNameLister.au3 - 2 error(s), 2 warning(s) !>01:31:00 AU3Check ended. Press F4 to jump to next error.rc:2 +>01:31:00 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 0 Time: 0.4173 Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... * Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 * My contribution to others projects or UDF based on others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related: * How to use IE.au3 UDF with AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/ "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming" , be and \\//_. Anticipating Errors : "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
jaberwacky Posted June 28, 2014 Author Posted June 28, 2014 (edited) At that time there was a required include attached at the bottom of the post. I have just now completely revamped the OP for clarity and ease of use. Just download the attached zip which contains FunctionNameLister.exe please. Edited June 28, 2014 by jaberwacky Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
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