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Posted (edited)

Dear fireryblaze.

Please do not use rapidshare, especially when you have more then 1 file to upload. The waiting it makes you do for the file and the waiting between files is a nucience. There are free file hosts like mediaifre that have no forced waiting, allow downloading multiple files, and require no account to upload. I would appreciate it if you uploaded these files to mediafire so I don't have to deal with rapidshit. Thank you

On with the script.

It is very nice. The jumping seems a bit... unnatural. Ladder is buggy, maybe you could consider doing something like what halo 1 did, set cretin faces for ladders as "walkable". Not sure how well this would work with irrlich though. generally nice, keep it up

ps: Here is mediafire link for second version. See how much easier it is then rapidshare?

Actualy I dont usualy download stuff... But thanks for the input I have changed everything over.

I will be looking into setting a function Purely to handle the ladders/ other objects with odd properties. Currently it is just the standard collision detection that is working it. It was actualy a suprise that they worked at all considering there was no code support for them.

Edited by fireryblaze
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Next update comes tomorrow. Coding is done but im to tired to get everything together.

Tomorrows HeadLines : How to load Multiple Scenes/Levels in AutoIT via a trigger. (Teleporter anyone?)

Anyways Aight goodnight and take care I will be posting tomorrow.

Posted (edited)

Version 3.0 is now up and utilising the teleport system in order to facilitate transfer from one map to another.

However I find myself approaching a point of critical decision. Do I stick to the FPS camera or should I swap it out for the 3rd person perspective? This is critical as it will decide on gameplay from this point on. So speak now or forever hold your piece. Personaly I am more inclined for the 3rd person as it seems they tend to have much richer plots. However I suppose I could create a FPS with a good plot system. Then there is option 3. Create a mixed style one. Guns ingame would use the FPS camera, whilst melee weapons would use the third person in order to get a broader view of their surroundings.

In case your wondering, YES My next stages are implementing basic weapons into the game. So it is important to know which way I am going to continue.

Pure FPS/Pure 3rd Person/Hybrid

Anyways wichever gets more votes win.

Edited by fireryblaze

ALthough I have never played fallout three I was going more towards the hybrid style myself. Any feedback about V3.1 of my script? I thought it was a rather noteworth feat.



Sorry I hadn't tried it when I posted.

But I have now ;)

Nice work on the teleport method.

Makes it all look so simple when someone else works it out.

I notice that something in the collision isn't right.

If I look at the Ceiling while walking I start walking on thin air until I stop walking.

I changed the render device to DX9 and it clears up odd texture glitches I was getting.

Really should be querying the hardware before setting the render mode.

(on my mums old P4 with crappy onboard intel graphics atm, look forward to getting home to my pc)

Also Added a FPS toggle to show the frame rate.



Before irrlitch 2.0 came out, I was working on a hybrid of sorts with bogQ's help. There were 3 different zoom levels plus a fp view. The trick was using microscopic nodes to switch the camera to when the mouse wheel was scrolled ;)



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!



Sorry I hadn't tried it when I posted.

But I have now :)

Nice work on the teleport method.

Makes it all look so simple when someone else works it out.

I notice that something in the collision isn't right.

If I look at the Ceiling while walking I start walking on thin air until I stop walking.

I changed the render device to DX9 and it clears up odd texture glitches I was getting.

Really should be querying the hardware before setting the render mode.

(on my mums old P4 with crappy onboard intel graphics atm, look forward to getting home to my pc)

Also Added a FPS toggle to show the frame rate.


Hey smashly

I am not sure what you mean by walking on thin air. Even when looking up I still fall... I guess it could just be your onboard graphics ;) And the only difference in quality between openGL and DX9 was how they render the lighting.(Not yet implemented) Otherwise the quality was the same for me. But yes I will look into your suggestion of querying to check what is supported and what is not. Unfortunateley I probably won't be getting around to it until I start implementing the lighting.

Also I agree things seem so simple when others figure it out. But I think that is one of the reasons that we all love AutoIT The dev's and others figured out most everything, so all that is left is for us to develop is our little workarounds for the few non-instant-supported things.


Before irrlitch 2.0 came out, I was working on a hybrid of sorts with bogQ's help. There were 3 different zoom levels plus a fp view. The trick was using microscopic nodes to switch the camera to when the mouse wheel was scrolled ;)

Oh does that mean that you stopped working on it? We really need to get more people involved with the Au3Irrlicht project, after all the more that we figure out now the less we have to figure out later.


Only temporarily. I had issues with my previous pc and lost some of the later revisions which delayed the project. Then I got word that an updated version of Irrlitch was comming out so I completely halted the project until then.

Because I really don't know squat about dlls and such yet, I have been waiting until this plug-in was a little more complete. Bu seeing your great examples, it seems it is time to start moving over to 2.0 ;)



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!


Although it is not yet complete linus figured out how to work the particle emitters in so we can start using those after he releases the next version. After that it is mostly just adding in a few of the missing functions but most of the funtionality necessary is already there.

Posted (edited)

@Jscript Irrlicht is a 3d graphics engine, hece the sub description right next to the title...3D Eviroment Ran in AUTOIT .

There is currently a project called Au3Irrlcht 2.0 that is under development, Check the Opening post for details there is a link to it.

Edited by fireryblaze

The jumpspeed parameter interacts with gravity, so a higher speed = longer/higher jump. Irrlicht means "ghostlight" in German, and this app = awesome.

Lots of potential here - AutoIt has virtually no limitations (except perhaps easily calling it from external code, but certainly not the other way around.)

Great work! ;)


Thanks JRowe it is always nice to see that ones work is apprecieated. However there is one snage that I can forsee stalling this and other 3d game projects in AutoIT. That would be AutoIT's lack of multithreading. I thought that it might be possible to overcome this by faking it using multiple scripts, however this is still on my todo list somewhere along the lines. This would be especialy usefull in the event of adding other moving objects such as "Monsters" in order to give them an AI system without taxing the current Irrlicht loop. That would also have to utilize inter-script communication, somthing I have never explored before.


This would be especialy usefull in the event of adding other moving objects such as "Monsters" in order to give them an AI system without taxing the current Irrlicht loop. That would also have to utilize inter-script communication, somthing I have never explored before.

Hi fireryblaze, I have seen a thread about an UDF to create and communicate with child processes - don't think useful for your AI purposes, but for inter-script communication I guess.

"Monsters" etc. can be handled by clever design of the main loop, but I think also usage of timers can help you out (AdlibRegister ( "function" [, time] )

I would say the main limitation of au3 together with Irrlicht is not missing multithreading (besides limited handling of dll functions as jRowe mentioned above :) ... ), but the fact that au3 is an interpreted script language. We'll never will have the performance of compiled Irrlicht apps as possible with FreeBasic or Cpp.

Fortunately once the 3D scene is set up, a lot of time consuming stuff is handled outside au3; the rest is app/game logic, together with updating the scene of course.

This limits are the price to have it comfortable from au3 - but I'll guess most of us have to learn some more things until ready to do a NextGen FPS project, so potential of au3Irr2 could be enough for some time ;)

BTW: One vote for hybrid - although not too easy to implement it's much more to learn from (as your example is mainly intended to show how things can be done, right?). Keep on working with this cool thing!


Yes Linus that was the one of the two main reasons for starting this thread in the first place. The other being to learn myself :)

Still clever design was never my strong suit... but hey always a chance to improve, nothing else I have always been a sloppy uncommenting coder, but look at how nice and clean and commented V3.1 is ;) Very happy with the results gained from it. Not so happy that people didn't tell me about the teleporter having no texture.

Also I did some FPS test and was actualy suprised at what I saw.

@Startup the fram reate was around 38-44

After I started moving around it drasticly climbed to 58-78

When I stopped moving it fell again.

Even though it was implementing the same checks and what not, the frame was being redrawn FASTER when moving then it was sitting still.

This leads me to believe that it idles the redraw a bit when it is not 100% necessary. If possible does anyone know for sure?

PS these numbers are for the first scene. For the second scene it started a bit higher, but never went past 69 for me.


Strangely enough, the idle framerate issue is *also* related to gravity. When you aren't moving, you're colliding with the terrain more often, and this causes more collision events, eating up more cpu. It can be solved by testing for idleness, and then setting and freezing the character node just a tiny bit above the terrain, and/or by disabling gravity. Or something like that - there will be all sorts of optimizations possible.

As for multithreading, don't worry about it - clever use of conditionals and a sane sense of gamestates will overcome most problems.

Posted (edited)

We really need to get more people involved with the Au3Irrlicht project

Well there r probably more pople than you realise, only problem is that they still dont post their scripts becose their project still inst ready for posting and there is still lots of things to b tested (that sounded like me ;) )

Posted Image

Back to the topic

I never liked to use gravity even on old irr becose of sliding down on low framerate, now i use eather _IrrGetTerrainTileHeight or _IrrGetCollisionPoint depends on situation to get next destination on keyboard press (stick to the ground option). I get current Height position, if $aCollideAt1[1]+25 < $temp + 1.5, and compare it to next destination, and if its FALSCHE that mean (in this case for me) that i can't climb up, That mean that i will not have option to jump, but i think it's better to recreate your option to jump instead to use gravity all the time if you dont need it most of the times.

JRowe I wonder if there's way to turn on collision only when you need to jump and to turn it off after? What command did i miss?

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.


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