ChrisL Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 I have some code where I'm trying to print photo's to a printer. I'm trying to resize them using GdipSetInterpolationMode but whatever settings I use the image is still showing lots of compression looking artifacts and jagged angles and curves, the original image is a 10mp file so its fairly large and is generally being scaled down. I've set the printer to Adobe PDF while I'm testing but it would normally be a proper printer. You also need PrintWinAPI.au3 from the forums if you really want to print. One other thing is and I don't really understand this either. When I draw the new image on to the printer hgraphic I have to divide pageWidth and pageHeight by 3 (the printer is 300dpi) I would have expected to just draw to the dimensions supplied by pageWidth and pageHeight. Any ideas? Thanks Chris expandcollapse popup#include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #Include <PrintWinAPI.au3> Global enum _ $RotateNoneFlipNone = 0 , _ $Rotate90FlipNone = 1 , _ $Rotate180FlipNone = 2 , _ $Rotate270FlipNone = 3 , _ $RotateNoneFlipX = 4 , _ $Rotate90FlipX = 5 , _ $Rotate180FlipX = 6 , _ $Rotate270FlipX = 7 , _ $RotateNoneFlipY = 6 , _ $Rotate90FlipY = 7 , _ $Rotate180FlipY = 4 , _ $Rotate270FlipY = 5 , _ $RotateNoneFlipXY = 6 , _ $Rotate90FlipXY = 7 , _ $Rotate180FlipXY = 0 , _ $Rotate270FlipXY = 1 Global enum _ $InterpolationModeInvalid = -1, _ $InterpolationModeDefault = 0, _ $InterpolationModeLowQuality = 1, _ $InterpolationModeHighQuality = 2, _ $InterpolationModeBilinear = 3, _ $InterpolationModeBicubic = 4, _ $InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor = 5, _ $InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear = 6, _ $InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic = 7 ;Local $a6x8[2]=[1800,2400] $Image = @DesktopDir & "\DSCF0363.JPG" $Printer = "Adobe PDF" $ret = _PrintImage($Printer,$Image,"test") If @error then Msgbox(0,"",@error & " " & @extended & " " & $ret) Func _PrintImage($s_PrinterName,$ImagePath,$s_DocName="") If Not FileExists($ImagePath) then Return "Error File Does not exist" ;$aSizeArray = Eval( $aSizeArray ) $hPrintDc = _WinAPI_CreateDC("winspool", $s_PrinterName) If $hPrintDc = 0 then Return "Error Printer Not Found" ;No printer found $PageWidth = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDC, $HORZRES) ; Get print page width $PageHeight = _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hPrintDC, $VERTRES) ; Get print page height ConsoleWrite($PageWidth & " x " & $PageHeight & @crlf) $DocName = DllStructCreate("char DocName[" & StringLen($s_DocName & chr(0)) & "]") DllStructSetData($DocName, "DocName", $s_DocName & chr(0)); Size of DOCINFO structure $DOCINFO = DllStructCreate($tagDOCINFO); Structure for Print Document info DllStructSetData($DOCINFO, "Size", 20); Size of DOCINFO structure DllStructSetData($DOCINFO, "DocName", DllStructGetPtr($DocName)); Set name of print job (Optional) ; start new print doc $result = _WinAPI_StartDoc($hPrintDc, $DOCINFO) ; start new page $result = _WinAPI_StartPage($hPrintDc) _GDIPlus_Startup () $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC ($hPrintDc) $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($ImagePath) $iW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage) $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) $ret = _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hGraphic,$InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic) ConsoleWrite("Interpolation mode " & $InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic & " " & $Ret & @crlf) If ($PageHeight > $PageWidth) and ($iW > $iH) then ; Need to rotate the image _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip($hImage,$Rotate90FlipNone) ;Switch W & H Values Local $tmp $tmp = $iH $iH = $iW $iW = $tmp EndIf $aRect = _GetImageSectionScaleToFill($iW,$iH,$PageWidth,$PageHeight) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRectRect($hGraphic, $hImage, $aRect[0], $aRect[1],$aRect[2],$aRect[3],0,0,$PageWidth/3,$PageHeight/3) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose ($hImage) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose ($hGraphic) _GDIPlus_Shutdown () ; End the page $result = _WinAPI_EndPage($hPrintDc) ; End the print job $result = _WinAPI_EndDoc($hPrintDc) ; Delete the printer device context _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hPrintDc) Return "Done" EndFunc Func _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hGraphics, $iInterMode = 0) Local $aRet $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "long", $hGraphics, "long", $iInterMode) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) Return SetError($aRet[0], 0, $aRet[0] = 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode Func _GetImageSectionScaleToFill($inWidth,$inHeight,$outWidth,$outHeight) Local $Ret[4] If $outWidth > $outHeight then ;landscape $OutAspect = Round($outWidth/$outHeight,2) $inAspect = Round($inWidth/$inHeight,2) If $OutAspect >= $inAspect then ;Landscape Scale up ;take the original Width and devide it by the out aspect ratio to get the Height of the requied section ;take the inHeight away from the new Height and devide it by 2 to get the Y start point ;Msgbox(0,"Landscape","Resize the original by Width") ;OK on engine lid $newHeight = $inWidth / $OutAspect $StartPixel = ($inHeight - $newHeight) / 2 $ret[0] = 0 $ret[1] = $StartPixel $ret[2] = $inWidth $ret[3] = $newHeight ;_arrayDisplay($ret,"1 Landscape Enlarge" ) Else ;Landscape Scale Down ;take the original height and times it by the out aspect ratio to get the width of the requied section ;take the new width away from the original width and devide it by 2 to get the X start point ;Msgbox(0,"Landscape","Resize the original by Height") $newWidth = $inHeight * $OutAspect $startPixel = ($inWidth - $newWidth) / 2 $ret[0] = $startPixel $Ret[1] = 0 $ret[2] = $newWidth $ret[3] = $inHeight ;_arrayDisplay($ret,"2 Landscape Shrink" ) EndIf Else ;If $outWidth <= $outHeight then ;Portrait $OutAspect = Round($outHeight/$outWidth,2) $InAspect = Round($inHeight/$inWidth,2) If $OutAspect > $inAspect then ;Msgbox(0,"Portrait Shrink","Resize the original by Height") $newWidth = $inHeight / $OutAspect $startPixel = ($inWidth - $newWidth) / 2 $ret[0] = $startPixel $Ret[1] = 0 $ret[2] = $newWidth $ret[3] = $inHeight ;_ArrayDisplay($ret,"3 Portrait Enlarge Resize by height") Else ;portrait ;Msgbox(0,"Portrait Shrink ","Resize the original by Width") ;OK on the wall $newHeight = $inWidth * $OutAspect $StartPixel = ($inHeight - $newHeight) / 2 $ret[0] = 0 $ret[1] = $StartPixel $ret[2] = $inWidth $ret[3] = $newHeight ;_ArrayDisplay($ret,"4 Portrait Enlarge Resize by Width") EndIf EndIf ;MSgbox(0,"","OutAspect =" & $OutAspect & @crlf & "inAspect = " & $inAspect) Return $Ret EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _GDIPlus_mageRotateFlip ; Description ...: rotates and flips an image ; Syntax.........: _GDIPlus_mageRotateFlip($hImage,$rfType) ; Parameters ....: $hImage - Handle to an image object ; $rfType ;[in] Element of the RotateFlipType enumeration that specifies the type of ; rotation and the type of flip. ; ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip($hImage,$rfType) Local $aResult $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll,"int","GdipImageRotateFlip","hwnd",$hImage,"long",$rfType) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[0] = 0) EndFunc [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
ChrisL Posted September 6, 2010 Author Posted September 6, 2010 TTT [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
ChrisL Posted September 7, 2010 Author Posted September 7, 2010 Anyone have an idea? [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
ChrisL Posted September 14, 2010 Author Posted September 14, 2010 Still stuck with this one, anyone? [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
ChrisL Posted September 15, 2010 Author Posted September 15, 2010 5th time lucky [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
Elias Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 (edited) Try this code for Interpolation Your Coder don't work $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "long", $hGraphics, "long", $iInterMode) ; BAD $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "int", $iInterMode) ; OK Global enum _ $InterpolationModeInvalid = -1, _ $InterpolationModeDefault = 0, _ $InterpolationModeLowQuality = 1, _ $InterpolationModeHighQuality = 2, _ $InterpolationModeBilinear = 3, _ $InterpolationModeBicubic = 4, _ $InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor = 5, _ $InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear = 6, _ $InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic = 7 Func _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hGraphics, $iInterMode = 0) Local $aRet $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "int", $iInterMode) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) Return SetError($aRet[0], 0, $aRet[0] = 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode Func _GDIPLUS_GraphicsGetInterpolationMode($hGraphics) Local $aRet $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipGetInterpolationMode", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "int*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) ;Return $aRet Return SetError($aRet[0], 0, $aRet[2]) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPLUS_GraphicsGetInterpolationMode Testing Program expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> Global $Exit = False If Not HotKeySet("{Esc}","FExit") Then Exit Func FExit() $Exit = True EndFunc #region GDIPlus Extras ; Testing result Set->Get = 0->3 1->3 2->7 3->3 4->4 5->5 6->6 7->7 Global enum _ $InterpolationModeInvalid = -1, _ $InterpolationModeDefault = 0, _ $InterpolationModeLowQuality = 1, _ $InterpolationModeHighQuality = 2, _ $InterpolationModeBilinear = 3, _ $InterpolationModeBicubic = 4, _ $InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor = 5, _ $InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear = 6, _ $InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic = 7 Func _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hGraphics, $iInterMode = 0) Local $aRet $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "int", $iInterMode) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) Return SetError($aRet[0], 0, $aRet[0] = 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode Func _GDIPLUS_GraphicsGetInterpolationMode($hGraphics) Local $aRet $aRet = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipGetInterpolationMode", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "int*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) ;Return $aRet Return SetError($aRet[0], 0, $aRet[2]) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPLUS_GraphicsGetInterpolationMode #endregion GDIPlus Extras $sInterpolation = StringSplit("Invalid,Default,LowQuality,HighQuality,Bilinear,Bicubic,NearestNeighbor,HighQualityBilinear,HighQualityBicubic",",",2) Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) _Main() Func _Main() Local $hGUI1, $hGUI2, $hImage, $hGraphic1, $hGraphic2 ; Capture top left corner of the screen _ScreenCapture_Capture (@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image.jpg", 0, 0, 400, 300) ; Create a GUI for the original image $hGUI1 = GUICreate("Original", 400, 300, 0, 0) GUISetState() ; Create a GUI for the zoomed image $hGUI2 = GUICreate("Zoomed", 400, 300, 0, 400) GUISetState() ; Initialize GDI+ library and load image _GDIPlus_Startup () $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile (@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image.jpg") ; Draw original image $hGraphic1 = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND ($hGUI1) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage ($hGraphic1, $hImage, 0, 0) ; Loop until user exits Local $i = -1, $lt = -1, $t ; Draw 8x zoomed image $hGraphic2 = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND ($hGUI2) Do If TimerDiff($t) > 3000 Then $t = TimerInit() Local $RSetInter = _GDIPLUS_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hGraphic2, $i) ; Seta Interpolação (0->3 1->3 2->7 3..7->3..7) Local $RGetInter = _GDIPLUS_GraphicsGetInterpolationMode($hGraphic2) ; Le Interpolação aceita WinSetTitle($hGUI2,"",StringFormat("Zoomed 8x Set(%d):%s Get(%d):%s",$i,$sInterpolation[$i+1],$RGetInter, $sInterpolation[$RGetInter+1])) Local $RDraw = _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRectRect ($hGraphic2, $hImage, 0, 0, 50, 50, 0, 0, 400, 300) $i += 1 If $i > 7 Then $i = -1 EndIf Until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $Exit ; Release resources _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose ($hGraphic1) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose ($hGraphic2) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose ($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown () ; Clean up screen shot file FileDelete(@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image.jpg") EndFunc ;==>_Main Edited November 17, 2010 by Elias
ChrisL Posted November 17, 2010 Author Posted November 17, 2010 Thanks, I'll give it a try [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
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