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Posted (edited)

Hi guys, quick question for you.

Im making a gui that gives me a text box to type in, and a button to search for the text entered into the box.

If FileExists(GUICtrlRead($Input1)) Then

MsgBox(0, "Success", "File exists")


MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Does not Exist")


At the moment, it only searches the directory that the program is in. How can i add it to search a specific directory, or even a hard drive.

Also, is there anyway to add say .txt to the end of it, so i dont have to type findthisfile.txt, i can just type findthisfile and click search.

Its for a work project, and we have thousands of files in a directory, and we want to check if certain files are already there.

I know i can use windows search, but im trying to implement this into another project etc.

any help would be great!

Edited by royalmarine
Posted (edited)

so i made a c:\test.txt

when i type c:\test in this input i get "file exists"

-your guictrlread was returning the state not the string -- if not the case please tell why mine kept returning 0

$Input1 = InputBox("Question", "Which file")

If FileExists($Input1 & ".txt") Then
MsgBox(0, "Success", "File exists")
MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Does not Exist")
Edited by iamtheky

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


You concatenate strings with ampersand "&".

MsgBox(0, "", "\SomeFolder\" & GUICtrlRead($Input1) & ".txt")

See Operators in the helpfile.

ok, this one worked perfectly for me.

If FileExists(GUICtrlRead($Input1) & ".txt") Then

MsgBox(0, "Success", "File exists")


MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Does not Exist")


but i still dont understand where i can put in the folder to search?


in the input box

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

Posted (edited)

To search multiple folders and subfolders, you could employ one of the many versions of a recursive FileListToArray() that are floating around, like this 40-line version from thread 96952.

Something like:

#include <Array.au3>

GUICreate("", 300, 100)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Filename:", 20, 20, 60, 16)
$input_filename = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 20, 160, 16)
$result_message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 80, 50, 160, 16)

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $input_filename
            $filename = GUICtrlRead($input_filename)
            GUICtrlSetData($result_message, "Searching...")
            $filearray = _FileListToArray_Recursive(@DesktopDir, $filename & ".txt", 1, 2, True)
            If @error Then
                GUICtrlSetData($result_message, "No matching file(s) found.")
                GUICtrlSetData($result_message, $filearray[0] & " matching file(s) found.")
;               _ArrayDisplay($filearray)
        Case -3

; $iRetItemType: 0 = Files and folders, 1 = Files only, 2 = Folders only
; $iRetPathType: 0 = Filename only, 1 = Path relative to $sPath, 2 = Full path/filename
Func _FileListToArray_Recursive($sPath, $sFilter= "*", $iRetItemType = 0, $iRetPathType = 0, $bRecursive = False)
    Local $sRet = "", $sRetPath = ""
    $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, "[\\/]+\z", "")
    If Not FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, "")
    If StringRegExp($sFilter, "[\\/ :> <\|]|(?s)\A\s*\z") Then Return SetError(2, 2, "")
    $sPath &= "\|"
    $sOrigPathLen = StringLen($sPath) - 1
    While $sPath
        $sCurrPathLen = StringInStr($sPath, "|") - 1
        $sCurrPath = StringLeft($sPath, $sCurrPathLen)
        $search = FileFindFirstFile($sCurrPath & $sFilter)
        If @error Then
            $sPath = StringTrimLeft($sPath, $sCurrPathLen + 1)
        Switch $iRetPathType
            Case 1 ; relative path
                $sRetPath = StringTrimLeft($sCurrPath, $sOrigPathLen)
            Case 2 ; full path
                $sRetPath = $sCurrPath
        While 1
            $file = FileFindNextFile($search)
            If @error Then ExitLoop
            If ($iRetItemType + @extended = 2) Then ContinueLoop
            $sRet &= $sRetPath & $file & "|"
        If $bRecursive Then
            $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sCurrPath & "*")
            While 1
                $file = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
                If @error Then ExitLoop
                If @extended Then $sPath &= $sCurrPath & $file & "\|"
        $sPath = StringTrimLeft($sPath, $sCurrPathLen + 1)
    If Not $sRet Then Return SetError(4, 4, "")
    Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sRet, 1), "|")

Edit: added some parameter comments to function

Edited by Spiff59
Posted (edited)

Hello Spiff59.

Would you be willing to discuss your script with me.

I like it's function, but I have a few questions and would like some help to modify this to run in a larger script I'm creating.

I know it's been two months since you posted this, but I hope you're still around. ;)

Thank you.

Edited by coffeeturtle

Hello Spiff59.

Would you be willing to discuss your script with me.

I like it's function, but I have a few questions and would like some help to modify this to run in a larger script I'm creating.

I know it's been two months since you posted this, but I hope you're still around. ;)

Thank you.

Sure, what's the question?
  • 2 weeks later...

Sure, what's the question?

Sorry for the long wait time.

How can I use your code to do multiple searches simultaneously?

Perhaps separating each with a semi-colon in the search field: *.txt; *.pst; *.doc etc.

Thank you for writing back to me so quickly.


There are versions in that same thread that do that as well, such as this example:

#include <Array.au3>

$array = _FileListToArray_Recursive(@DesktopDir, "", "*.txt;*.au3", "", 0, 0, True)

; #FUNCTION# ===========================================================================================
; Name:             _FileListToArray_Recursive
; Description:      Lists files and\or folders in specified path(s)
; Syntax:           _FileListToArray_Recursive([$sPath, [$sExcludeFolderList, $sIncludeList, $sExcludeList, $iReturnType, $iReturnFormet, $bRecursive]
; Parameter(s):     $sPath = Base path of search (Required)
;                   $sExcludeFolderList = List of folders to exclude from search, semicolon delimited. Wildcards allowed. (Default = "")
;                   $sIncludeList = List of files to include in search, semicolon delimited. Wildcards allowed. (Default = "*")
;                   $sExcludeList = List of files to exclude from search, semicolon delimited. Wildcards allowed. (Default = "")
;                   $iReturnType = Include in search: 0 = Files and Folder, 1 = Files Only, 2 = Folders Only (Default = 0)
;                   $iReturnFormat = Returned element format: 0 = file/folder name only, 1 = relative path, 2 = full path (Default = 0)
;                   $bRecursive = Recursively search subfolders (Default = False)
; Return Value(s):  On success: A 0-based array containing matching folders/files
; Author(s):        Half the AutoIt Community (Thread 96952)
; ====================================================================================================
Func _FileListToArray_Recursive($sPath, $sExcludeFolderList = "", $sIncludeList = "*", $sExcludeList = "", $iReturnType = 0, $iReturnFormat = 0, $bRecursive = False)
    Local $sRet = "", $sReturnFormat = ""

    ; Edit include path (strip trailing slashes, and append single slash)
    $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\"
    If Not FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, "")

    ; Edit exclude folders list
    If $sExcludeFolderList Then
        ; Strip leading/trailing spaces and semi-colons, any adjacent semi-colons, and spaces surrounding semi-colons
        $sExcludeFolderList = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sExcludeFolderList, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "")
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 1: Wrap brackets around . and $ (what other characters needed?)
        $sExcludeFolderList = StringRegExpReplace($sExcludeFolderList, '[.$]', '\[\0\]')
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 2: Convert '?' to '.', and '*' to '.*?'
        $sExcludeFolderList = StringReplace(StringReplace($sExcludeFolderList, "?", "."), "*", ".*?")
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 3; case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings
        $sExcludeFolderList = "(?i)\A(?!" & StringReplace($sExcludeFolderList, ";", "$|")  & "$)"

    ; Edit include files list
    If $sIncludeList ="*" Then
        $sIncludeList = ""
        If StringRegExp($sIncludeList, "[\\/ :> <\|]|(?s)\A\s*\z") Then Return SetError(2, 2, "")
        ; Strip leading/trailing spaces and semi-colons, any adjacent semi-colons, and spaces surrounding semi-colons
        $sIncludeList = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sIncludeList, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "")
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 1: Wrap brackets around . and $ (what other characters needed?)
        $sIncludeList = StringRegExpReplace($sIncludeList, '[.$]', '\[\0\]')
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 2: Convert '?' to '.', and '*' to '.*?'
        $sIncludeList = StringReplace(StringReplace($sIncludeList, "?", "."), "*", ".*?")
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 3; case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings
        $sIncludeList = "(?i)\A(" & StringReplace($sIncludeList, ";", "$|")  & "$)"

    ; Edit exclude files list
    If $sExcludeList Then
        ; Strip leading/trailing spaces and semi-colons, any adjacent semi-colons, and spaces surrounding semi-colons
        $sExcludeList = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sExcludeList, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "")
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 1: Wrap brackets around . and $ (what other characters needed?)
        $sExcludeList = StringRegExpReplace($sExcludeList, '[.$]', '\[\0\]')
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 2: Convert '?' to '.', and '*' to '.*?'
        $sExcludeList = StringReplace(StringReplace($sExcludeList, "?", "."), "*", ".*?")
        ; Convert to Regular Expression, step 3; case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings
        $sExcludeList = "(?i)\A(?!" & StringReplace($sExcludeList, ";", "$|")  & "$)"

;   MsgBox(1,"Masks","File include: " & $sIncludeList & @CRLF & "File exclude: " & $ExcludeList & @CRLF _
;           & "Dir include : " & $FolderInclude & @CRLF & "Dir exclude : " & $ExcludeFolderList)

    If Not ($iReturnType = 0 Or $iReturnType = 1 Or $iReturnType = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 3, "")

    Local $sOrigPathLen = StringLen($sPath), $aQueue[64] = [1,$sPath], $iQMax = 63
    While $aQueue[0]
        $WorkFolder = $aQueue[$aQueue[0]]
        $aQueue[0] -= 1
        $search = FileFindFirstFile($WorkFolder & "*")
        If @error Then ContinueLoop
        Switch $iReturnFormat
            Case 1 ; relative path
                $sReturnFormat = StringTrimLeft($WorkFolder, $sOrigPathLen)
            Case 2 ; full path
                $sReturnFormat = $WorkFolder
        While 1
            $file = FileFindNextFile($search)
            If @error Then ExitLoop
            If @extended Then ; Folder
                If $sExcludeFolderList And Not StringRegExp($file, $sExcludeFolderList) Then ContinueLoop
                If $bRecursive Then
                    If $aQueue[0] = $iQMax Then
                        $iQMax += 128
                        ReDim $aQueue[$iQMax + 1]
                    $aQueue[0] += 1
                    $aQueue[$aQueue[0]] = $WorkFolder & $file & "\"
                If $iReturnType = 1 Then ContinueLoop
            Else ; File
                If $iReturnType = 2 Then ContinueLoop
            If $sIncludeList And Not StringRegExp($file, $sIncludeList) Then ContinueLoop
            If $sExcludeList And Not StringRegExp($file, $sExcludeList) Then ContinueLoop
            $sRet &= $sReturnFormat & $file & "|"
    If Not $sRet Then Return SetError(4, 4, "")
    Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sRet, 1), "|")

The function has gone from 40 to 70 lines (not counting comments) but it has a few more parameters, including the capability you ask about.


There are versions in that same thread that do that as well, such as this example:

The function has gone from 40 to 70 lines (not counting comments) but it has a few more parameters, including the capability you ask about.

Thank you so much for finding and sharing that! I really appreciate it.

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