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StringRegExp ? not in docs

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I've been looking at using regular expressions and found a post refering to a function called 'StringRegExp' - looking through the helps docs supplied with version 3.1.1 I see no reference to this.

Is this function only supported in the newer beta versions?

Im looking to extract 'title', 'link' and 'description' from the following rss file (only a snippet below)

<item rdf:about="http://auug.org.au/events/2005/auug2005/cfp.html">
    <title>CfP PHP Track - (AUUG) Annual Conference</title>
    <description>For the first time the AUUG will incorporate a PHP Track as part of its annual conference in Sydney, Australia. For this track we seek tutorials and presentations. Tutorials are on October 16 to 18 and presentations on October 19 to 21. For information on how to submit a proposal we kindly point you to our CfP which you can find on our website. The deadline for proposals is May 27. In case you want more information, email Derick or Arjen.</description>

<item rdf:about="http://www.osevents.com">
    <title>PHP West Security Conference in Vancouver, BC</title>
    <description>Open Source Events is hosting their second conference on June 11th, 2005 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference will focus on PHP and Open Source Security. Featured talks will be presented by Bruce Perens, Chris Shiflett, Christian Wenz, Tom Robinson and Chris Hubbard. The conference is a single day - one track event where attendees will receive a free t-shirt, lunch, and full access to the full day of talks with the purchase of their ticket. A number of free prizes will be given away at the closing ceremonies.</description>
Edited by stuartc1
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Thanks Guys - I dont think the support of StrRegExp would have helped after all...

thanks to a post by TuMbLeWeEd i managed to hack around with the code and get it working...

the code I'm using is:

If Not FileExists("phpnews.rss") Then
    InetGet("http://www.php.net/news.rss", "phpnews.rss")

$file = FileOpen("phpnews.rss", 0)

; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")

; Read in 1 character at a time until the EOF is reached
$chars = ""
While 1
    $chars = $chars & FileRead($file, 1)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
$chars2 = $chars;

$urls = ""
; ====== GET LINKS
    $link1 = StringInStr($chars,'<link>')
    $chars = StringMid($chars,$link1 + 6)
    $link = StringInStr($chars,'</link>')

; ====== GET TITLES
    $link2 = StringInStr($chars2,'<title>')
    $chars2 = StringMid($chars2,$link2 + 7)
    $linkb = StringInStr($chars2,'</title>')

    if $link2 and StringLen(StringMid($chars2,1,$linkb-1)) > 1 then $urls = ($urls & "<a href='" & StringMid($chars,1,$link-1) & "' target='_blank'>" & StringMid($chars2,1,$linkb-1) & "</a>" & @LF)
    $chars = StrIngMid($chars,$link + 7)
    $chars2 = StrIngMid($chars2,$linkb + 8)

Until $link2 = 0

MsgBox(0, "Details", $urls)

so far, so good.... now all I need to do is find the best way to display it :(

im think using the cwebpage.dll as this seems the easiest option for me... if you can suggest a better way to display web links in a GUI - please let me know..


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Thanks Guys - I dont think the support of StrRegExp would have helped after all...

thanks to a post by TuMbLeWeEd i managed to hack around with the code and get it working...

the code I'm using is:

If Not FileExists("phpnews.rss") Then
    InetGet("http://www.php.net/news.rss", "phpnews.rss")

$file = FileOpen("phpnews.rss", 0)

; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")

; Read in 1 character at a time until the EOF is reached
$chars = ""
While 1
    $chars = $chars & FileRead($file, 1)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
$chars2 = $chars;
$urls = ""
; ====== GET LINKS
    $link1 = StringInStr($chars,'<link>')
    $chars = StringMid($chars,$link1 + 6)
    $link = StringInStr($chars,'</link>')

; ====== GET TITLES
    $link2 = StringInStr($chars2,'<title>')
    $chars2 = StringMid($chars2,$link2 + 7)
    $linkb = StringInStr($chars2,'</title>')

    if $link2 and StringLen(StringMid($chars2,1,$linkb-1)) > 1 then $urls = ($urls & "<a href='" & StringMid($chars,1,$link-1) & "' target='_blank'>" & StringMid($chars2,1,$linkb-1) & "</a>" & @LF)
    $chars = StrIngMid($chars,$link + 7)
    $chars2 = StrIngMid($chars2,$linkb + 8)

Until $link2 = 0

MsgBox(0, "Details", $urls)

so far, so good.... now all I need to do is find the best way to display it :(

im think using the cwebpage.dll as this seems the easiest option for me... if you can suggest a better way to display web links in a GUI - please let me know..



I have never put weblinks in a GUI though that would be something useful to possibly include as a function in AutoIt.

What I did was just create an HTML document with AutoIt and then used that to get my links.


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)

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