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rob5zero, it's possible, but that involves adding more functions to the UDF.

Efo74, if you want to use _Paragraph function with standard fonts, you have to add those fonts also (with their properties), just like __FontTimes, for example.


rob5zero, it's possible, but that involves adding more functions to the UDF.

Efo74, if you want to use _Paragraph function with standard fonts, you have to add those fonts also (with their properties), just like __FontTimes, for example.

Are you going tointroducethis functionality?

Alternativelyyou can giveinstructionsso I canfix ityourself?

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

hi Taietel,

Nice UDF ! but... doesn't accept easyly french letters "é" and "à" when browsing with acrobat. (generates plenty of spaces after le letter...)

The other ones work well...

With foxit, it's better but the next letter is too close to the "é" or the "à".

I tried many times, including some "", "@",... but nothing is changing.

Then I only made a txt file with "aeiuoéèçàùâêîôû" and tried Txt2Pdf... Same problem.

Did you heard about this ?

Many thanks !

Sorry for my english...


Edited by novembrezoulou


Another question.. on the same topic

this script :

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GUIButton.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <array.au3>
#include <ArrayEx.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <MPDF_UDF.au3>
While 1
    $nMsg=MsgBox(4,'Décision','Désirez-vous imprimer une lettre ? '& @crlf & 'Wish to print a letter ?')
    While 1
        Switch $nMsg
            Case 6
            Case 7
    If $nMsg=7 Then
Func _Edilet()

    _SetKeywords("Essai, Trial")
    _OpenAfter(True);open after generation

    _InitPDF(@ScriptDir & "lettre.pdf")

    ;_LoadFontStandard("_Times", $PDF_FONT_STD_TIMES)
    _LoadFontTT("_Arial", $PDF_FONT_ARIAL)
    _LoadFontTT("_TimesT", $PDF_FONT_TIMES)
    _LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)
    _LoadFontTT("_Garamond", $PDF_FONT_GARAMOND)
    ;_LoadFontTT("_Symbol", $PDF_FONT_SYMBOL)

    ;=== create objects that are used in multiple pages ===
    ;create a header on all pages, except the first:

        ;change the colour of the text that follows
        ;stretch it a bit, down to 90%
;~         _SetTextHorizontalScaling(100)
        ;and begin writting some data
        _SetColourFill("0x0000FF"); 0xFF00FF=rose 0x0000FF=bleu
        _DrawText(12, 28, "Association Jean Dupont", "_Arial", 24, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER);StringUpper("Et adipiscing nec nisi elementum natoque!")
        _DrawText(12, 27, "Accociation loi 1901", "_Arial", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER)
        _DrawText(12, 25.5, "5, rue Victor HUGO", "_Arial", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER)
        _DrawText(12, 24.5, "98765, La rue du puis", "_Arial", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER)
        _DrawText(12, 23.5, 'Téléphone / Fax / Répondeur : +33-1 23 45 67 89', "_Calibri", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER)

    ;start a page
;~         Empty page...



works fine but, if i print many times before leaving the program, the PDF file contains many pages...

I want to begin an empty page for each call of the function because the future page will be another personnal invoice for another member and have to be send to each by mail...

I think I must empty a buffer... but witch ?

Thank you for your answer

  • 2 weeks later...

you need to reset all the values. When you generated your earlier page, you filled several global values in the UDF. Those values are still populated. To do this, I added this short function to the UDF, and I call it every time I start generating a new pdf doc. That resolved that issue for me. I can't tell if all the values I'm resetting are included in the original UDF, so if you have a problem with one of them, just comment it out. Good luck!

The code:

Func _ResetValues()
$_PaperSize = "A4"
$__SetMargin = 0
$_Pages = 0
$_Offset = 0
$_Font = ""
$_sPage=" "
$_iObject = 0
$_Buffer = ""
$_bOpen = False
  • 2 weeks later...


I have seen the problem using French characters and "FontArial" in my calls to _Drawtext. Many spaces are added after each foreign character. As a work around, I have been using "FontCourier" instead in my calls to _DrawText, and I add 2 spaces after each foreign characters. That seems to take care of the issue when I use à, é, è. But it does not work well for some German characters. ü gets lots of extra spaces afterwards. But it works for ö. There are several fonts that are included in the udf, and you may need to do some experimentation with them.

Taietel, do you have any pointers to allow us to create our own font functions?

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

We have fixed our issue with French characters by slightly modifying the _LoadFontTT() function:

Func _LoadFontTT($sAlias, $BaseFont, $sOptions = $PDF_FONT_NORMAL)
Local $sTemp = ""
$_Font = $_Font + 1
$BaseFont = StringReplace($BaseFont, " ", "")
Switch $BaseFont
  Case "TimesNewRoman"
  Case "CourierNew"
  Case "Symbol"
  Case "Calibri"
  Case "Garamond"
  Case Else
Local $i = __InitObj()
__ToBuffer("<< /Type/Font/Subtype/TrueType/Name/" & $sAlias & "/BaseFont/" & $BaseFont & $sOptions & "/FirstChar " & $FirstChar & "/LastChar " & $LastChar & "/FontDescriptor " & $i + 1 & " 0 R/Encoding/WinAnsiEncoding/Widths [")
For $j = $FirstChar To $FirstChar + $LastChar
  If $Widths[$j - $FirstChar] <> 0 Then
   $sTemp &= __ToStr($Widths[$j - $FirstChar]) & " "
   If Mod($j - $FirstChar + 1, 16) = 0 Or $j = $FirstChar + $LastChar Then
    $sTemp = ""
__ToBuffer("] >>")
$_sFONT = $_sFONT & "/" & $sAlias & " " & $i & " 0 R " & @CRLF
$_sFONTNAME = $_sFONTNAME & "<" & $sAlias & ">" & StringRight("0000" & $_Font, 4) & ";"
;$i =
__ToBuffer("<< /Type/FontDescriptor/FontName/" & $BaseFont & $Param & ">>")
EndFunc   ;==>_LoadFontTT

We have modified the following lines (added code in red) :

For $j = $FirstChar To $FirstChar + $LastChar

If $Widths[$j - $FirstChar] <> 0 Then

$sTemp &= __ToStr($Widths[$j - $FirstChar]) & " "

If Mod($j - $FirstChar + 1, 16) = 0 Or $j = $FirstChar + $LastChar Then

Before the modification, we were missing some characters. If someone can test it and confirm our modification, he will be very welcome.

Edited by fifish
  • 2 weeks later...


The modification of the code above (_LoadFontTT) is correct . It seems that you detected a bug in MPDF 1.3. All Western accents ( so French accents magically reappear ) are now correctly handled.

Thank you for this update.

Hope that the creator will update his code to MPDF 1.4


I love this UDF!! But...

is there anyway of getting better image quality when passing from jpg to pdf?

At the moment I got this result:

Posted Image

Notice that the image of the pdf is more pixelated than the original one (original one is a jpg).

Thanks in advance for any help.


Sorry for the (long) delay...

fifish, thanks for finding the bug. I will modify in the next release.

adolfito121, replace _LoadResImage function from the UDF with this one:

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _LoadResImage
; Description ...: Load a image in the pdf (if you use it multiple times it decreases the size of the pdf)
; Syntax ........: _LoadResImage( $sImgAlias , $sImage [, $bInterpolate = True ])
; Parameters ....: $sImgAlias          -  an alias to identify the image in the pdf (e.g. "Cheese").
;                 $sImage             -  image path.
;                 $bInterpolate     -  interpolate image .
; Return values .: Success    - "True"
;                 Failure     - "False"
; Author(s) .....: Mihai Iancu (taietel at yahoo dot com)
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: Image types accepted: BMP, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, JPEG (those are tested)
; Related .......:
; Link ..........: [url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/118827-create-pdf-from-your-application/"]http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/118827-create-pdf-from-your-application/[/url]
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _LoadResImage($sImgAlias, $sImage, $bInterpolate="True")
 Local $iW, $iH, $ImgBuf, $hImage, $hImageExt, $newImg, $hClone, $hGraphics, $iObj
 If $sImgAlias = "" Then __Error("You don't have an alias for the image", @ScriptLineNumber)
 If $sImage = ""  Then
  __Error("You don't have any images to insert or the path is invalid",@ScriptLineNumber)
  $hImageExt = StringUpper(StringRight($sImage, 3))
  $newImg = _TempFile(@ScriptDir, "~", ".jpg")
  Switch $hImageExt
   Case "BMP", "GIF", "TIF", "TIFF", "PNG", "JPG", "JPEG", "ICO"
    $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sImage)
    $iW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage)
    $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage)
    $hClone = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hImage, 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $GDIP_PXF24RGB)
    $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hClone)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hGraphics, 2)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphics, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hImage, 0, 0)
    _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hClone, $newImg)
    $ImgBuf = __ToBinary($newImg)
    $_iImageW = $iW
    $_iImageH = $iH
    $iObj = __InitObj()
    __ToBuffer("<</Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /" & $sImgAlias & " /Width " & $_iImageW & " /Height " & $_iImageH & _
    " /Filter /DCTDecode /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /BitsPerComponent 8 /Interpolate " & StringLower($bInterpolate) & " /Length " & $iObj + 1 & " 0 R" & ">>")
    __ToBuffer("stream" & @CRLF & $ImgBuf & @CRLF & "endstream")
    $_Image &= "/" & $sImgAlias & " " & $iObj & " 0 R " & @CRLF
   Case Else
    __Error("The image is invalid",@ScriptLineNumber)
 Return $_Image
EndFunc   ;==>_LoadResImage

Thanks for your answer.

It gives me the same image with the new function.

It weird because when I convert a blue logo it gets a good image detail. The only one that gives me problems is that red one ;)

  • 2 months later...

Would anyone be willing to post some examples of what they have done with this? Im interested in creating a report and ive had a brief look at the current examples but was hoping more people woul dbe willing to showcase what they have done and how pls ;)

I have tried to create a simple table to show the software installed on my comp and so far not getting very far. I have 196 rows and its showing up very compressed as it doesnt spread over more than 1 page. If anyone has any examples with tables i would also be very grateful. Below is what i started playing with. I think i need ALOT more practice lol

#include "..MPDF_UDF.au3"
;set the properties for the pdf
_SetSubject("Report ")
_SetKeywords("PDF Report")
_OpenAfter(True);open after generation
;initialize the pdf
_InitPDF(@ScriptDir & "Report.pdf")
_LoadResImage("logo", @ScriptDir & "Imageslogo.jpg")
_LoadFontTT("_Arial", $PDF_FONT_ARIAL)
_LoadFontTT("_TimesT", $PDF_FONT_TIMES)
_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)
_LoadFontTT("_Garamond", $PDF_FONT_GARAMOND)
;start a page
 ;put some graphics, text etc (see the rest)
 _InsertImage("logo", 2, 10, 7, 7)
 _DrawText(3, 21, "Demo PDF Arial TT", "_Arial", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
 _DrawText(3, 20, "Demo PDF Times TT", "_Times", 18, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
_Insert3DPie(4, 18, 2.5, 200, 270, 0x996600)
 _InsertRenderedText(9, 23.5, "DEMO pdf", "_Times", 32, 100, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, 0xF00000, 0x202020)

 _InsertTable(0, 0,0,15,5,15)
 $sTit = "Sample pdf table generated with AutoIt"
 _InsertRenderedText((_GetPageWidth()/_GetUnit())/2, _GetPageHeight()/_GetUnit()-1.5, $sTit, "_CalibriB", 32, 100, $PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, 0xbbbbbb, 0x202020)
;write the buffer to disk

Func _InsertTable($iX, $iY, $iW=0, $iH=0, $iCols=0, $iRows=0,$lTxtColor = 0x000000, $lBorderColor = 0xdddddd)
 Dim $repserv
  _ArraySort($repserv, 0, 1)
  $iRows = 10;$repserv[0][0]
 Local $iPgW = Round(_GetPageWidth()/_GetUnit(),1)
 Local $iPgH = Round(_GetPageHeight()/_GetUnit(),1)
 If $iW = 0 Then $iW = $iPgW - $iX -2
 If $iH = 0 Then $iH = $iPgH - $iY -2
 _Draw_Rectangle($iX, $iY, $iW, $iH, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01)
 Local $iColW = $iW/$iCols
 Local $iRowH = $iH/$iRows
 Local $lRGB
 For $i = 0 To $iRows-1
  For $j = 0 To $iCols-1
   If $i=0 Then
    $lRGB = 0xefefef
    $lRGB = 0xfefefe
   _Draw_Rectangle($iX+$j*$iColW, $iY+$iH-($i+1)*$iRowH, $iColW, $iRowH, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, $lRGB, 0.01)
  if $i=0 Then
   Local $sText = $repserv[$i][0]&": Col "&$j
   Local $sText = "Row "&$i&": Col "&$j
   Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 10),1)
   $lScale = Ceiling(0.75*$iColW * 100/ $sLength)
   _DrawText($iX+$j*$iColW+$iColW/10, $iY+$iH-($i+1)*$iRowH + ($iRowH-10/_GetUnit())/2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

; Description:    Returns the services information in an array.
; Parameter(s):  $aServicesInfo - By Reference - Services Information array.
;    $sState - OPTIONAL - Accepted values 'All' or 'Stopped' or
;         'Running'
; Requirement(s):   None
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Returns array of Services Information.
;     $aServicesInfo[0][0]   = Number of Services
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][0]  = Name ($i starts at 1)
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][1]  = Accept Pause
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][2]  = Accept Stop
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][3]  = Check Point
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][4]  = Description
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][5]  = Creation Class Name
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][6]  = Desktop Interact
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][7]  = Display Name
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][8]  = Error Control
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][9]  = Exit Code
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][10] = Path Name
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][11] = Process ID
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][12] = Service Specific Exit Code
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][13] = Service Type
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][14] = Started
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][15] = Start Mode
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][16] = Start Name
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][17] = State
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][18] = Status
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][19] = System Creation Class Name
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][20] = System Name
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][21] = Tag ID
;     $aServicesInfo[$i][22] = Wait Hint
;                  On Failure - @error = 1 and Returns 0
;       @extended = 1 - Array contains no information
;          2 - $colItems isnt an object
; Author(s):        Jarvis Stubblefield (support "at" vortexrevolutions "dot" com)
; Note(s):
Func _ComputerGetServices(ByRef $aServicesInfo, $sState = "All")
 Local $cI_Compname = @ComputerName, $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10, $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20
 Local $colItems, $objWMIService, $objItem
 Dim $aServicesInfo[1][23], $i = 1
 $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & $cI_Compname & "rootCIMV2")
 $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
 If IsObj($colItems) Then
  For $objItem In $colItems
   If $sState <> "All" Then
    If $sState = "Stopped" AND $objItem.State <> "Stopped" Then ContinueLoop
    If $sState = "Running" AND $objItem.State <> "Running" Then ContinueLoop
   ReDim $aServicesInfo[UBound($aServicesInfo) + 1][23]
   $aServicesInfo[$i][0]  = $objItem.Name
   $aServicesInfo[$i][1]  = $objItem.AcceptPause
   $aServicesInfo[$i][2]  = $objItem.AcceptStop
   $aServicesInfo[$i][3]  = $objItem.CheckPoint
   $aServicesInfo[$i][4]  = $objItem.Description
   $aServicesInfo[$i][5]  = $objItem.CreationClassName
   $aServicesInfo[$i][6]  = $objItem.DesktopInteract
   $aServicesInfo[$i][7]  = $objItem.DisplayName
   $aServicesInfo[$i][8]  = $objItem.ErrorControl
   $aServicesInfo[$i][9]  = $objItem.ExitCode
   $aServicesInfo[$i][10] = $objItem.PathName
   $aServicesInfo[$i][11] = $objItem.ProcessId
   $aServicesInfo[$i][12] = $objItem.ServiceSpecificExitCode
   $aServicesInfo[$i][13] = $objItem.ServiceType
   $aServicesInfo[$i][14] = $objItem.Started
   $aServicesInfo[$i][15] = $objItem.StartMode
   $aServicesInfo[$i][16] = $objItem.StartName
   $aServicesInfo[$i][17] = $objItem.State
   $aServicesInfo[$i][18] = $objItem.Status
   $aServicesInfo[$i][19] = $objItem.SystemCreationClassName
   $aServicesInfo[$i][20] = $objItem.SystemName
   $aServicesInfo[$i][21] = $objItem.TagId
   $aServicesInfo[$i][22] = $objItem.WaitHint
   $i += 1
  $aServicesInfo[0][0] = UBound($aServicesInfo) - 1
  If $aServicesInfo[0][0] < 1 Then
   SetError(1, 1, 0)
  SetError(1, 2, 0)
EndFunc ;_ComputerGetServices

Drunken Frat-Boy Monkey Garbage


I played with it a few month ago and made some simple CSV2PDF-Maker.

But I had to handle with quite big csv files, so this AutoIt-UDF was to slow for me and I made a C application with libHaru. But maybe someone can use this to make a more universal tool than it is for now.

And maybe this is useful for you engjcowi.

#include "MPDF_UDF.au3"

;set the properties for the pdf
_SetTitle("CSV2PDF in AutoIt")
_SetSubject("CSV2PDF in AutoIt")
_SetKeywords("pdf, csv, table, AutoIt")
_OpenAfter(True);open after generation
_SetPaperSize("CUSTOM", 841.890, 595.276); A4 landscape

Global $sCSV = FileOpenDialog("Choose CSV File", @ScriptDir, "csv files (*.csv)", 3)
If @error Then Exit
Global $sPDF = StringTrimRight($sCSV, 3) & "pdf"

Global $aCSV = _CSVReadToArray($sCSV, ';')

;initialize the pdf

;=== load used font(s) ===
;fonts: Garamond
_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)

_InsertTable($aCSV, 30, 1.0, 1.5, 0, 0)


Func _InsertTable($aCSV, $iRows, $iX, $iY, $iW = 0, $iH = 0, $lTitleCol = 0xaaaaaa, $lTxtColor = 0x000000, $lBorderColor = 0x000000)
    Local $iCols = UBound($aCSV, 1)
    Local $iPages = Ceiling(UBound($aCSV, 2) / $iRows)
    Local $iRest = Mod(UBound($aCSV, 2), $iRows), $iSub = 1

    Local $iPgW = Round(_GetPageWidth() / _GetUnit(), 1)
    Local $iPgH = Round(_GetPageHeight() / _GetUnit(), 1)
    If $iW = 0 Then $iW = $iPgW - 2 * $iX
    If $iH = 0 Then $iH = $iPgH - 2 * $iY

    Local $iColW = $iW / $iCols
    Local $iRowH = $iH / $iRows
    Local $lRGB
    For $k = 0 To $iPages - 1
        If $k = $iPages - 1 Then $iSub = $iRows - $iRest + 1 ;last page

        For $i = 0 + $k * $iRows To ($k + 1) * $iRows - $iSub

            For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1
                If $k = 0 Then
                    If $i = 0 Then
                        $lRGB = $lTitleCol
                        $lRGB = 0xFFFFFF
                    $lRGB = 0xFFFFFF
                _Draw_Rectangle($iX + $j * $iColW, $iY + $iH - ($i - $k * $iRows + 1) * $iRowH, $iColW, $iRowH, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, $lRGB, 0.01)
                Local $sText = $aCSV[$j][$i]
                Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 10), 1)
                $lScale = Ceiling(0.75 * $iColW * 100 / $sLength)
;~              _SetTextHorizontalScaling(80)
                _DrawText($iX + $j * $iColW + $iColW / 10, $iY + $iH - ($i - $k * $iRows + 1) * $iRowH + ($iRowH - 10 / _GetUnit()) / 2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
;~              _SetTextHorizontalScaling(50)

EndFunc   ;==>_InsertTable

Func _CSVReadToArray($sFile, $sSeparator, $sQuote = '"')
    Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFile, 0)
    Local $sText = FileRead($hFile)
    Local $aArray
    If StringRight($sText, 1) = @LF Then $sText = StringTrimRight($sText, 1)
    If StringRight($sText, 1) = @CR Then $sText = StringTrimRight($sText, 1)

    If StringInStr($sText, @LF) Then
        $aArray = StringSplit(StringStripCR($sText), @LF, 2)
    ElseIf StringInStr($sText, @CR) Then ;; @LF does not exist so split on the @CR
        $aArray = StringSplit($sText, @CR, 2)
    Else ;; unable to split the file
        If StringLen($sText) Then
            Dim $aArray[1] = [$sText]
            Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
    $aArray = _Array1DTo2D($aArray, $sSeparator)
    ReDim $aArray[UBound($aArray, 1)][UBound($aArray, 2) - 1]
    Return $aArray
EndFunc   ;==>_CSVReadToArray

Func _Array1DTo2D($a1D, $sDelim = ";", $iSeveral = 0)
    ;funkey 17.02.2010
    Local $iUbound = UBound($a1D) - 1
    Local $iTemp = 0, $iColumn = 0
    For $i = 0 To $iUbound
        If $iSeveral Then
            $iTemp = UBound(StringRegExp($a1D[$i], $sDelim & "+", 3))
            $iTemp = UBound(StringSplit($a1D[$i], $sDelim, 3))
        If $iTemp > $iColumn Then $iColumn = $iTemp
    Local $a2D[UBound($a1D)][$iColumn + 1]
    Local $aTemp
    For $i = 0 To $iUbound
        If $iSeveral Then
            $aTemp = StringSplit(StringRegExpReplace($a1D[$i], $sDelim & "+", $sDelim), $sDelim, 3)
            $aTemp = StringSplit($a1D[$i], $sDelim, 3)
        For $j = 0 To UBound($aTemp) - 1
            $a2D[$i][$j] = $aTemp[$j]
    Return SetExtended($iColumn, $a2D)
EndFunc   ;==>_Array1DTo2D

Func _Array2DTransposeAU3(ByRef $ar_Array)
    If IsArray($ar_Array) Then
        Local $ar_ExcelValueTrans[UBound($ar_Array, 2)][UBound($ar_Array, 1)] ;ubound($s_i_ExcelValue,2)-1, ubound($s_i_ExcelValue,1)-1)
        For $j = 0 To UBound($ar_Array, 2) - 1
            For $numb = 0 To UBound($ar_Array, 1) - 1
                $ar_ExcelValueTrans[$j][$numb] = $ar_Array[$numb][$j]
        $ar_Array = $ar_ExcelValueTrans
        ;MsgBox(0, "", "No Array to transpose")
EndFunc   ;==>_Array2DTransposeAU3

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe
trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the Universe is winning.

Posted (edited)

I have problems with Czech national characters too as previous posters.

I used fixes mentioned in this topic (in _LoadFontTT and in _ClosePDFFile) and I used also _LoadFontStandard()

_LoadFontStandard("_Cour", $PDF_FONT_STD_COURIER)
_DrawText(10, 20, "ěščřžýáíé", "_Cour", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

Wrong result for Czech national characters is on attachment (copy/paste from PDF to Notepad for simple screenshot).

Unfortunately with this bug it¨s unusable for me completely :-(

Taietel tell us how to fix this or how to create our own fonts supporting national characters please.

Here is my fixed UDF



Edited by Zedna
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

hi guy i have little problem

i so i create simple gui whit one button , this button lunch Example_Mixed.au3 , if i lunch first time print perfect , if i lunch second time create in bottom of file strange rectangle and dont print correct i add strange result


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