Mannyfresh31 Posted February 28, 2018 Posted February 28, 2018 _InsertImage() not working after updating to AutoIt v3.3.14.3 it doesn't give any errors it just doesn't load the image to the PDF file ): any help would be great
BatMan22 Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 On 2/28/2018 at 3:41 AM, Mannyfresh31 said: _InsertImage() not working after updating to AutoIt v3.3.14.3 it doesn't give any errors it just doesn't load the image to the PDF file ): any help would be great Expand Manny, take a quick look at this.. There might be some functions that are broken that you can fix by just updating the files, the latest update broke a few of my scripts till I realized that this was the issue.
Mannyfresh31 Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 On 3/1/2018 at 3:25 AM, BatMan22 said: Manny, take a quick look at this.. There might be some functions that are broken that you can fix by just updating the files, the latest update broke a few of my scripts till I realized that this was the issue. Expand I looked at that earlier and replaced the File.au3 since the MPDF udf uses it but still not luck ): I attached a snip of the included files in the MPDF like I said File.au3 is the only one library that that this udf uses of the ones that have been fixed.
bdr529 Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 I'm sorry but I do not write in English I need to google translator read here To community goes all my regards and thanks
Mannyfresh31 Posted March 1, 2018 Posted March 1, 2018 My problem has been fixed as BatMan22 suggested downloading all 6 files and putting them in the include folder after renaming them fixed my problem I guess is a bug in the files as melba23 says you can look at this other thread where he states that replacing the files not only fixes the include library but some other internal things thanks to all who tried to help me and to those having problems with your scripts go ahead and download the files. BatMan22 1
ogcmtl Posted March 20, 2018 Posted March 20, 2018 has there been an update to the mpdf_udf.au3? i see that the _iif( statements are deprecated in and even if i convert them to the correct inline conditional formats, the result of the example builds do not work. i have updated to i just get adobe errors saying that the pdf is unreadable.
kudrow Posted July 20, 2018 Posted July 20, 2018 I guess this is not being updated? I get a lot of errors running the sample files.
dmob Posted July 23, 2018 Posted July 23, 2018 On 7/20/2018 at 9:58 PM, kudrow said: I guess this is not being updated? I get a lot of errors running the sample files. Expand I use this UDF daily, no problems.
Qwerty212 Posted August 6, 2018 Posted August 6, 2018 On 7/20/2018 at 9:58 PM, kudrow said: I guess this is not being updated? I get a lot of errors running the sample files. Expand Could you please provide an example? I use the UDF daily with 0 problems.
Fireworker Posted January 25, 2019 Posted January 25, 2019 Hi, create UDF! I have a question... I wrote an application, with many items, if i create a PDF from this appliccation, PDF has one site. Everythink is fine. If i create a another pdf with different name, i get a new pdf file include the first PDF file and the secound. Now i have a PDF with two pages, but ich want only one PDF for each run... best regards
dmob Posted January 25, 2019 Posted January 25, 2019 That question is asked and answered somewhere on this thread... If I remember correctly, you gotta add this at top of _InitPDF() function $_Pages = 0 ; $_Buffer = "" If not read through the thread you will find solution.
LukeLe Posted February 26, 2019 Posted February 26, 2019 On 3/20/2018 at 9:13 PM, ogcmtl said: _iif( statements Expand I have trouble with this statement also when runnign the examples. Wondering who uses AutoIT and what it can be used for?
BrewManNH Posted February 26, 2019 Posted February 26, 2019 On 2/26/2019 at 2:43 AM, LukeLe said: I have trouble with this statement also when runnign the examples. Expand Have you tried fixing them? IIF is no longer supported in the release versions of AutoIt, change them to If/ElseIf/Endif statements instead. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! Reveal hidden contents I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
Gianni Posted February 26, 2019 Posted February 26, 2019 an easy fix: just add the following snippet at the bottom of the MPDF_UDF.au3 ; by @zedna ; Func _Iif($fTest, $vTrueVal, $vFalseVal) If $fTest Then Return $vTrueVal Else Return $vFalseVal EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Iif FrancescoDiMuro 1 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
mwildam Posted February 26, 2019 Posted February 26, 2019 Looks like nobody applied the latest patches mentioned, so I did it now for v104. In addition I developed a commandline tool from the original txt2pdf sample with some major changes - so I created a new _Txt2PDFEx function. HTH, Martin. MPDF_UDF.au3Fetching info... text2pdf-newsample.au3Fetching info...
LukeLe Posted February 27, 2019 Posted February 27, 2019 @BrewManNH @Chimp @mwildam Thank you very much! Run the examples successfully! Wondering who uses AutoIT and what it can be used for?
mwildam Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 I have found another bug related to landscape format which does not have any effect - using _SetOrientation($PDF_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE). I have found a quick fix only (not being proud of that) - however, at least it works. I am attaching the v105. Further I have pretty completely rewritten the text2pdf sample as I needed some features that could not have been solved keeping the old algorithm. And I have added several other options. Usage of the text2pdf sample: text2pdf.exe "<textfile>" "<outputfile>.pdf" "COURIER|ARIAL|TIMES|CALIBRI|GARAMOND" "<fontsize>" ["<title>"] [<options>] ["<extraheader>"] <options> ::= <option>{,<option>} ... Comma separated list of option keywords where <option> can be: <option> ::= nodate|nopagenr|noheader|noheading|leftheading|repeatfirstline|landscape|openfile|debug|debugfine|debugfiner|debugfinest Option debug is equivalent with debugfiner. Known issue: When using repeatfirstline option together with some font sizes (e.g. 10 or 12) you may experience unregular line spaces. Change font size a little in these cases. Use font size 11 or 13 instead for example. MPDF_UDF.au3Fetching info... text2pdf.au3Fetching info...
dmob Posted March 2, 2019 Posted March 2, 2019 On 2/28/2019 at 9:03 PM, mwildam said: I have found another bug related to landscape format which does not have any effect - using _SetOrientation($PDF_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE). Expand @mwildam I think twas deliberate. I haven't looked at your fixes, but to set landscape orientation change the paper size: If $OPT_ORIENT = $PDF_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Then _SetPaperSize("CUSTOM", 841.890, 595.276); A4 landscape Else _SetPaperSize("A4"); A4 portrait EndIf _SetOrientation($PDF_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) ; even for landscape
mwildam Posted March 8, 2019 Posted March 8, 2019 Well, I did something similar: Func _SetOrientation($iOrientation = $PDF_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) $_Orientation = $iOrientation If ($_Orientation = $PDF_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) Then ;Quick fix by Martin Wildam as otherwise orientation change looks like having no effect Local $bku = $_PageWidth $_PageWidth = $_PageHeight $_PageHeight = $bku EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SetOrientation By setting orientation the currently set paper size is switched in Width and Height. It looks like that in PDF you need to set orientation plus correct page size to have the desired effekt. As a programmer I was expecting that when I set paper size to A4 and then set orientation to landscape that should be sufficient. So therefore I changed it this way. dmob 1
Skysnake Posted March 8, 2019 Posted March 8, 2019 @mwildam, may I suggest that you make the text2pdf as a separate download? Obviously it has roots here, but it appears that you have rewritten most of the code and a stand alone text to pdf converter is a very handy and powerful tool to have around 😊 Skysnake Why is the snake in the sky?
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