LWC Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 (edited) The forum offers various solutions for converting INI files and for multi-dimensional and associative arrays. But there's no topic that discusses all three at the same time.INI file:[person1] name=Mikey age=4 [person2] name=Becky age=46Needed array:[person1] => [name] = Mikey [age] = 4 [person2] => [name] = Becky [age] = 46So is it possible? If so, can you make something like if isset($array["person2"]["name"])?Thanks! Edited August 24, 2010 by LWC
Bert Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 The example in the helpfile _ArrayUnique may give you some direction. The Vollatran project My blog: http://www.vollysinterestingshit.com/
Moderators SmOke_N Posted August 24, 2010 Moderators Posted August 24, 2010 (edited) The example in the helpfile _ArrayUnique may give you some direction.What in the world does that have to do with the question?Edit:http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=70955http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=93489 Edited August 24, 2010 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Bert Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 What in the world does that have to do with the question?Edit:http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=70955http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=93489I looked at the example in the helpfile and it showed a multi dimensional array. I thought it may help. The Vollatran project My blog: http://www.vollysinterestingshit.com/
Fubarable Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 (edited) I've done something like this where I use a 2 dimensional array to hold things, $iniData[1][2]. First I read in the ini file's section names: $sectionNames = IniReadSectionNames($DataFileName) Then I reDim the iniData array above so that the size of the first index matches the section name count: ReDim $iniData[$sectionNames[0]][2] I then read each section's data into an array via IniReadSection, and then place each array obtained into the master $iniData array's second slot (the first holding the section name: For $i = 1 To $sectionNames[0] ;; read in key value pairs in the current section. section data holds all key/val pairs in 2 d array $sectionData = IniReadSection($DataFileName, $sectionNames[$i]) ;; section name goes into ini data array [][0] $iniData[$i-1][0] = $sectionNames[$i] ;; section data array goes into ini data array [][1] $iniData[$i-1][1] = $sectionData Next To get stuff out of the array, I do this: Func getSectionKeyValue($iniDataParam, $sectionNameParam, $keyString) ;; get index section in ini data array $sectionIndex = _ArraySearch($iniDataParam, $sectionNameParam) ;; get section key/value array held there. Note that [0] holds the section name $sectionDataLocal = $iniDataParam[$sectionIndex][1] ;; get index of key/value row corresponding to key string $retValueIndex = _ArraySearch($sectionDataLocal, $keyString) ;; get the value associated with the key. key is at [0], value at [1] $retValue = $sectionDataLocal[$retValueIndex][1] Return $retValue EndFunc An example,.... expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <file.au3> #include <array.au3> ;; CONSTANTS Const $Version = "1.1" Const $DataFileName = @ScriptDir & "\auData.ini" ; name of the ini data file Const $ProgramTitle = "Foo Utilities, Version " & $Version ;; CONSTANTS TO MATCH INI FILE SECTIONS AND KEYS Const $ProviderSection = "provider" Const $AssistantSection = "assistant" Const $ApplicationSection = "application" Const $OpenLettersSection = "open letters" Const $NewFlagSection = "new flag" Const $PhoneNoteSection = "phone note" Const $ProviderLNameKey = "Last Name" Const $ProviderFNameKey = "First Name" Const $ProviderTitleKey = "Title" Const $AssistantLNameKey = "Last Name" Const $AssistantFNameKey = "First Name" Const $AssistantTitleKey = "Title" Const $ApplicationKey = "Application" Const $OpenLetterKey = "Open Letter Script" Const $NewFlagScript1Key = "New Flag Script1" Const $NewFlagScript2Key = "New Flag Script2" Const $PhoneNoteScript1Key = "Phone Note Script1" Const $PhoneNoteScript2Key = "Phone Note Script2" Const $PhoneNoteScript3Key = "Phone Note Script3" Const $PhoneNoteScript4Key = "Phone Note Script4" ;; GLOBAL APPLICATION VARIABLES Dim $iniData[1][2] ;; holds data from ini file Dim $mainwindow ;; main window for application ;; below filled by the fillGlobalVars method Dim $app ; application name Dim $providerLName ; doc's last name Dim $providerFName ; doc's first name Dim $providerTitle ; doc's title Dim $assistantLName ; rn's last name Dim $assistantFName ; rn's first name Dim $assistantTitle ; rn's title Dim $openLetterScript ; file name for open letter script Dim $newFlagScript1 ; file name for new flag script, first part Dim $newFlagScript2 ; file name for new flag script, second part Dim $phoneNoteScript1 ; file name for new phone note script, first part Dim $phoneNoteScript2 ; file name for new phone note script, second part Dim $phoneNoteScript3 ; file name for new phone note script, third part Dim $phoneNoteScript4 ; file name for new phone note script, fourth part initializeNonGui() displayDataInIniData() ;; test that arrays working ;;;initializeGui() ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; non-GUI section. Fills variables and set us. ;; set up all non-gui Func initializeNonGui() ;; get the ini file section names $sectionNames = IniReadSectionNames($DataFileName) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "", "Error occurred, probably no INI file.") Else ;; set up array to hold section names and section data, the latter in an array ReDim $iniData[$sectionNames[0]][2] For $i = 1 To $sectionNames[0] ;; read in key value pairs in the current section. section data holds all key/val pairs in 2 d array $sectionData = IniReadSection($DataFileName, $sectionNames[$i]) ;; section name goes into ini data array [][0] $iniData[$i-1][0] = $sectionNames[$i] ;; section data array goes into ini data array [][1] $iniData[$i-1][1] = $sectionData Next EndIf fillGlobalVars() EndFunc ;; uses Strings from ini file sections and key Func fillGlobalVars() ;; main App $app = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $ApplicationSection, $ApplicationKey) ;; Provider section $providerLName = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $ProviderSection, $ProviderLNameKey) $providerFName = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $ProviderSection, $ProviderFNameKey) $providerTitle = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $ProviderSection, $ProviderTitleKey) ;; Assistant section $assistantLName = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $AssistantSection, $AssistantLNameKey) $assistantFName = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $AssistantSection, $AssistantFNameKey) $assistantTitle = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $AssistantSection, $AssistantTitleKey) ;; Get open Letters Script file name; then prepend the script directory path $openLetterScript = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $OpenLettersSection, $OpenLetterKey) $openLetterScript = @ScriptDir & "\" & $openLetterScript ;; Get new Flags Script file name; then prepend the script directory path $newFlagScript1 = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $NewFlagSection, $NewFlagScript1Key) $newFlagScript2 = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $NewFlagSection, $NewFlagScript2Key) $newFlagScript1 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $newFlagScript1 $newFlagScript2 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $newFlagScript2 ;; Get new Phone Note Script file name; then prepend the script directory path $phoneNoteScript1 = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $PhoneNoteSection, $PhoneNoteScript1Key) $phoneNoteScript2 = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $PhoneNoteSection, $PhoneNoteScript2Key) $phoneNoteScript3 = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $PhoneNoteSection, $PhoneNoteScript3Key) $phoneNoteScript4 = getSectionKeyValue($iniData, $PhoneNoteSection, $PhoneNoteScript4Key) $phoneNoteScript1 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $phoneNoteScript1 $phoneNoteScript2 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $phoneNoteScript2 $phoneNoteScript3 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $phoneNoteScript3 $phoneNoteScript4 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $phoneNoteScript4 EndFunc ;; get value from key/value pair held by section Func getSectionKeyValue($iniDataParam, $sectionNameParam, $keyString) ;; get index section in ini data array $sectionIndex = _ArraySearch($iniDataParam, $sectionNameParam) ;; get section key/value array held there. Note that [0] holds the section name $sectionDataLocal = $iniDataParam[$sectionIndex][1] ;; get index of key/value row corresponding to key string $retValueIndex = _ArraySearch($sectionDataLocal, $keyString) ;; get the value associated with the key. key is at [0], value at [1] $retValue = $sectionDataLocal[$retValueIndex][1] Return $retValue EndFunc Func displayDataInIniData() $sectionNames = IniReadSectionNames($DataFileName) For $i = 1 To $sectionNames[0] $foo = _ArraySearch($iniData, $sectionNames[$i]) $fooArray = $iniData[$foo][1] _ArrayDisplay($fooArray, $iniData[$foo][0]) Next EndFunc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; GUI section. initializes and runs GUI Func initializeGui() ;;......... code deleted EndFunc ;;.... gui code deleted... My ini file looks like this: ; last modified 8/22/2010 by Fubarable ; auData.ini is the "active" ini file [provider] Last Name = Johson First Name = Frank Title = MD [assistant] Last Name = Smith First Name = Sally Title = RN [application] Application = Centricity EMR [open letters] Open Letter Script = openLetterFJohnson.txt [new flag] New Flag Script1 = newFlagAction1.txt New Flag Script2 = newFlagAction2.txt [phone note] Phone Note Script1 = newPhoneNoteAction1.txt Phone Note Script2 = newPhoneNoteAction2.txt Phone Note Script3 = newPhoneNoteAction3.txt Phone Note Script4 = newPhoneNoteAction4.txt Note that I'm no AutoIt expert, but rather a novice, so take anything I say with a grain of salt... Edited August 24, 2010 by Fubarable
Solution LWC Posted August 25, 2010 Author Solution Posted August 25, 2010 (edited) Here's my solution! (using UDF). Edited August 25, 2010 by LWC
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