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I am trying to use a nested While/Wend loop with ExitLoops for each loop. Here is the code I am testing:

Dim $i
Dim $j
While 1
    While 2
        If $j<3 Then
            $j = $j + 1
            MsgBox(4096, "$j loop", "$i =" & $i & ",$j = "& $j)
            ExitLoop (1)
    MsgBox(4096, "", "End of loop $j = "& $j)
    If $i <3 Then
        $i = $i +1
        MsgBox(4096, "$i loop", "$i =" & $i & ",$j = "& $j)
        ExitLoop (2)
MsgBox(4096, "", "End of loop $i = "& $i)

The nested loop (index $j) works fine. When the nested loop reaches the exit condition ($j>=3), the first loop (index $i) seems to work fine until the condition for exit ($i>=3) is reached. When the program has to execute the second ExitLoop (2) command, I get an Autoit Error saying:

Line 20 (File "D:|Testing_nested_while_loops.au3")


Error: "ExitLoop/ContinueLoop" Statements only valid from inside a For/Do/While loop.

I need some help about how to use the ExitLoop levels. By the way, I tried ExitLoop 2 as well as ExitLoop (2). Same result. It seems to me the second ExitLoop is used inside a While loop, contrary to the error statement. Any comment would be appreciated.

Posted (edited)

In your second ExitLoop, there is only one loop it can exit from (the first While...WEnd), so giving it a value of 2 makes it invalid.

Edited by omikron48

Thanks Omikron.

Removing the levels make it work. I thought I had use the ExitLoop levels so that the first loop doesn't exit on the second ExitLoop -- and the help file is really sketchy on this point. But apparently, there is no ambiguity here. I am struggling to find an example where there is ambiguity and the ExitLoop levels are needed...no luck so far.


If an example is all you're after, that's easy. I normally do it when I'm searching for files in a directory.

Global $searchhandle
While 1
    ;gives you a list of all the .txt files in the C:\toprocess folder
    $searchhandle = FileFindFirstFile("C:\toprocess\*.txt")
    If @error Then
        MsgBox(4096, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern", 1)
        Local $filename
        ;process files returned by search filter
        While 1
            $filename = FileFindNextFile($searchhandle)
            ;exit loop if no more .txt files to process
            If @error Then ExitLoop
            ;process $filename

Thanks, but what I am looking for is an example of nested loops with two ExitLoop levels. But I may have originally misunderstood the level parameter, as described (summarily) in the Autoit Help file:

ExitLoop [level]


level: [optional] The number of loop levels to exit from. The default is 1 (meaning the current loop).

Now, my understanding is that with ExitLoop 1, you exit the current loop, with ExitLoop 2, you exit the current loop and the higher level loop, etc.

I think I can test this.


Yes. That's exactly what it means.

    ;some code
        ;some code
        ExitLoop 2 ;<- this will exit the For...Next and the While...WEnd loops
    ;some code
;more code

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