kaotkbliss Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 (edited) My first project outside of work Since I have literally hundreds of games and programs installed on my pc, even using the start menu can get me lost when looking for a specific thing. With this, you can drag/drop any file or shortcut onto the GUI. Then you can open any file from the convienient GUI sitting on your desktop. 5 different "tabs" or lists allow you to sort and organize your files to make them easier to find when your lists get long. Latest Version<-11/8/13 (or 8/11/13 for the European people) You can get the included help file here for a more indepth look at what this program can do and how it works. I've removed the purchase requirement (it's free again) and added a donate button to the installer. Bugs, suggestions and comments are welcome! Edited November 10, 2013 by kaotkbliss ravkr and qsek 2 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
jaberwacky Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 (edited) When I add a program to a tab the script crashes with error: ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: $buta[$w] = GUICtrlCreateButton($taba[$i], 5, $y + 1, 40, 40, $BS_ICON) $buta^ ERROR Suggestion: give us an openfiledialog to add programs with. Edited August 10, 2010 by jaberwocky6669 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
taietel Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 (edited) Same problem here, but solved: try to replace .......... Func taba() Dim $taba Dim $buta[1] ;<========= HERE (line 219) ......... Edited August 10, 2010 by taietel Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
kaotkbliss Posted August 10, 2010 Author Posted August 10, 2010 Yeah, sorry. I don't know where that [1] wandered off to I'm updating the code to include that as well as a fix to the scrolling (there was a problem when it reached the end of the list. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
taietel Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 kaotkbliss, just an idea: you can get rid of those "/\" ; replace your gui() func with: expandcollapse popupFunc gui() $posx = IniRead(@WorkingDir & "\pldata.ini", "pos", 1, -1) $posy = IniRead(@WorkingDir & "\pldata.ini", "pos", 2, -1) $y = 25 $w = 1 $main = GUICreate("Program Launcher", 350, 446, $posx, $posy) $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Options") $fileitem1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add Tab", $filemenu) $fileitem2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove Tab", $filemenu) $htab=GUICtrlCreateTab(2, 2, 346, 426) $win = GUICtrlCreateTabItem($tab1) createtaba() $y = 25 $w = 1 $add1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Program", 95, 400, 73, 25) $remove1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove Program", 180, 400, 90, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 324, 70, 20, 290, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $aup = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9651), 323, 26, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) $aup1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9650), 323, 50, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0000ff) $adown = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9661), 323, 374, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) $adown1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9660), 323, 350, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0000ff) $win2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem($tab2) createtabb() $y = 25 $w = 1 $add2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Program", 95, 400, 73, 25) $remove2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove Program", 180, 400, 90, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 324, 70, 20, 290, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $bup = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9651), 323, 26, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) $bup1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9650), 323, 50, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0000ff) $bdown = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9661), 323, 374, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) $bdown1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9660), 323, 350, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0000ff) $win3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem($tab3) createtabc() $y = 25 $w = 1 $add3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Program", 95, 400, 73, 25) $remove3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove Program", 180, 400, 90, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 324, 70, 20, 290, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $cup = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9651), 323, 26, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) $cup1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9650), 323, 50, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0000ff) $cdown = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9661), 323, 374, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) $cdown1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(ChrW(9660), 323, 350, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_VCENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0000ff) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUICtrlSetState ($curtab, $GUI_SHOW) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc ;==>gui You can change text color if you like (on hover? ). Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
kaotkbliss Posted August 10, 2010 Author Posted August 10, 2010 (edited) Maybe I can play with that idea, however, that character or code doesn't seem to work on my machine. it just gives me a box and makes the gui always think the add program button is being pressed *edit* I was thinking of using some bitmaps to cover those buttons with though. I will definately look into hover changes, thanks for the idea! Also, I'm nearly finished with the ability to add and remove up to 4 additional tabs Edited August 10, 2010 by kaotkbliss 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
taietel Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 Here I've tried some GUI things. Maybe it helps.Those symbols were some arrows. My mistake that I didn't thought they're not on every system! Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
kaotkbliss Posted August 10, 2010 Author Posted August 10, 2010 Very cool! Mind if I dissect your gui and see if I can use it in my program? 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
taietel Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 Feel free to use it! Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
jaberwacky Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 Try this highly modified version. I generalized most of the functions. Tell me what you think... expandcollapse popup#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Stop_OnWarning=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -d #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <staticconstants.au3> AutoItSetOption("trayicondebug", 1) Global Const $plDataIni = @ScriptDir & "\pldata.ini" If Not FileExists($plDataIni) Then firstrun() Global $proga[10], $progb[10], $progc[10] Global $htab, $add1, $add2, $add3, $fileitem1, $fileitem2, $main, $remove1, $remove2, $remove3 Global $aup, $aup1, $adown, $adown1, $bup, $bup1, $bdown, $bdown1, $cup, $cup1, $cdown, $cdown1 Global $a = 1, $b = 1, $c = 1, $msg, $run, $w, $y, $taba, $tabb, $tabc gui() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $add1 CreatePath('a') Case $msg = $add2 CreatePath('b') Case $msg = $add3 CreatePath('c') Case $msg = $fileitem1 addtab() Case $msg = $fileitem2 DeleteTab() ;~ Case $msg = $remove1 ;~ RemoveTab() ;~ Case $msg = $remove2 ;~ RemoveTab('b') ;~ Case $msg = $remove3 ;~ RemoveTab('b') Case $msg = $adown _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\taba.cfg", $taba) If IsArray($taba) Then $a += 5 If $a > $taba[0] Then $a = $taba[0] pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $adown1 _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\taba.cfg", $taba) If IsArray($taba) Then $a += 1 If $a > $taba[0] Then $a = $taba[0] pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $aup _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\taba.cfg", $taba) If IsArray($taba) Then $a -= 5 If $a < 1 Then $a = 1 pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $aup1 _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\taba.cfg", $taba) If IsArray($taba) Then $a -= 1 If $a < 1 Then $a = 1 pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $bdown _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabb.cfg", $tabb) If IsArray($tabb) Then $b += 5 If $b > $tabb[0] Then $b = $tabb[0] pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $bdown1 _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabb.cfg", $tabb) If IsArray($tabb) Then $b += 1 If $b > $tabb[0] Then $b = $tabb[0] pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $bup _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabb.cfg", $tabb) If IsArray($tabb) Then $b -= 5 If $b < 1 Then $b = 1 pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $bup1 _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabb.cfg", $tabb) If IsArray($tabb) Then $b -= 1 If $b < 1 Then $b = 1 pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $cdown _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabc.cfg", $tabc) If IsArray($tabc) Then $c += 5 If $c > $tabc[0] Then $c = $tabc[0] pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $cdown1 _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabc.cfg", $tabc) If IsArray($tabc) Then $c += 1 If $c > $tabc[0] Then $c = $tabc[0] pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $cup _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabc.cfg", $tabc) If IsArray($tabc) Then $c -= 5 If $c < 1 Then $c = 1 pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $cup1 _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tabc.cfg", $tabc) If IsArray($tabc) Then $c -= 1 If $c < 1 Then $c = 1 pos() GUIDelete($main) gui() EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE pos() GUIDelete() Exit (1) Case $msg > 0 $run = GUICtrlRead($msg) Run($run) EndSelect WEnd ; ===================================================================================================== Func addtab() ConsoleWrite('@@ (216) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') addtab()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace ; nothing EndFunc ;==>addtab ; ===================================================================================================== Func CreatePath(Const $abc) ConsoleWrite('@@ (223) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') CreatePath()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local Const $adpro = GUICreate("Add Program", 200, 30, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) Local Const $ftpr = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 1, 4, 160, 20) GUICtrlSetState($ftpr, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local Const $prin = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 165, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $msg2 While 1 $msg2 = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg2 = $prin Local Const $read = GUICtrlRead($ftpr) FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\tab" & $abc & ".cfg", $read) ExitLoop Case $msg2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete($adpro) pos() Tab($abc) EndFunc ;==>CreatePath ; ===================================================================================================== Func CreateTab(ByRef $tabArray, Const $abc) ConsoleWrite('@@ (263) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') CreateTab()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $y = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($tabArray) - 1 $tabArray[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 65, $y + 15, 185, 24) $y += 40 Next Tab($abc) EndFunc ;==>CreateTab ; ===================================================================================================== Func DeleteTab() ConsoleWrite('@@ (278) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') deltab()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $remtab[3] For $i = 0 To UBound($remtab) - 1 $remtab[$i] = IniRead($plDataIni, "Tab", $i + 1, '') Next Local Const $remove = GUICreate("Remove", 400, 500) Local Const $del = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 180, 460, 50, 30) Local Const $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("Select tab then click delete", 1, 1, 398, 450) For $i = 0 To UBound($remtab) - 1 If $remtab[$i] <> '' Then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($remtab[$i] & '|', $list) EndIf Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $msg2;, $select, $select1, $select2, $new, $new2, $file, $read While 1 $msg2 = GUIGetMsg() If $msg2 = $del Then ;~ $select = GUICtrlRead($list) ;~ $select1 = GUICtrlRead($select) ;~ $select2 = StringTrimRight($select1, 1) ;~ $read = FileRead($cfgFile) ;~ $new = StringReplace($read, $select2, '') ;~ $new2 = StringReplace($new, @LF & @LF, @LF) ;~ $file = FileOpen($cfgFile, 2) ;~ FileWrite($file, $new2) ;~ FileClose($file) ExitLoop ElseIf $msg2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then GUIDelete($remove) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd pos() GUIDelete($remove) GUIDelete($main) gui() EndFunc ;==>DeleteTab ; ===================================================================================================== Func firstrun() ConsoleWrite('@@ (285) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') firstrun()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local Const $1 = InputBox("Enter Tab 1 Name", "Enter a Name for Tab 1", "Tab1") IniWrite($plDataIni, "Tab", 1, $1) Local Const $2 = InputBox("Enter Tab 2 Name", "Enter a Name for Tab 2", "Tab2") IniWrite($plDataIni, "Tab", 2, $2) Local Const $3 = InputBox("Enter Tab 3 Name", "Enter a Name for Tab 3", "Tab3") IniWrite($plDataIni, "Tab", 3, $3) EndFunc ;==>firstrun ; ===================================================================================================== Func gui() ConsoleWrite('@@ (300) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') gui()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local Const $posx = IniRead($plDataIni, "pos", 1, -1) Local Const $posy = IniRead($plDataIni, "pos", 2, -1) Local Const $tab1 = IniRead($plDataIni, "Tab", 1, "Tab1") Local Const $tab2 = IniRead($plDataIni, "Tab", 2, "Tab2") Local Const $tab3 = IniRead($plDataIni, "Tab", 3, "Tab3") Local Const $curtab = Int(IniRead($plDataIni, "curtab", 1, $tab1)) $main = GUICreate("Program Launcher", 350, 446, $posx, $posy) Local Const $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Options") $fileitem1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add Tab", $filemenu) $fileitem2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove Tab", $filemenu) $htab = GUICtrlCreateTab(2, 2, 346, 426) GUICtrlCreateTabItem($tab1) CreateTab($proga, 'a') $add1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Program", 95, 400, 73, 25) $remove1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove Program", 180, 400, 90, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 324, 64, 22, 295, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $aup = GUICtrlCreateButton("/\" & @CR & "/\", 323, 26, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_CENTER)) $aup1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("/\", 323, 50, 22, 22, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_CENTER)) $adown = GUICtrlCreateButton("\/" & @CR & "\/", 323, 373, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_VCENTER)) $adown1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("\/", 323, 352, 22, 22, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlCreateTabItem($tab2) CreateTab($progb, 'b') $add2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Program", 95, 400, 73, 25) $remove2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove Program", 180, 400, 90, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 324, 64, 22, 295, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $bup = GUICtrlCreateButton("/\" & @CR & "/\", 323, 26, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_CENTER)) $bup1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("/\", 323, 50, 22, 22, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_CENTER)) $bdown = GUICtrlCreateButton("\/" & @CR & "\/", 323, 373, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_VCENTER)) $bdown1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("\/", 323, 352, 22, 22, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlCreateTabItem($tab3) CreateTab($progc, 'c') $add3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Program", 95, 400, 73, 25) $remove3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove Program", 180, 400, 90, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 324, 64, 22, 295, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $cup = GUICtrlCreateButton("/\" & @CR & "/\", 323, 26, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_CENTER)) $cup1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("/\", 323, 50, 22, 22, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_CENTER)) $cdown = GUICtrlCreateButton("\/" & @CR & "\/", 323, 373, 22, 25, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $BS_VCENTER)) $cdown1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("\/", 323, 352, 22, 22, $BS_VCENTER) GUICtrlCreateTabItem('') GUICtrlSetState($curtab, $GUI_SHOW) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc ;==>gui ; ===================================================================================================== Func pos() ConsoleWrite('@@ (354) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') pos()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local Const $pos = WinGetPos($main) IniWrite($plDataIni, "pos", 1, $pos[0]) IniWrite($plDataIni, "pos", 2, $pos[1]) Local Const $curtab = Int(GUICtrlRead($htab, 1)) IniWrite($plDataIni, "curtab", 1, $curtab) EndFunc ;==>pos ; ===================================================================================================== ;~ Func RemoveTab(Const $abc) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ (367) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') RemoveTab()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace ;~ EndFunc ;==>RemoveTab ; ===================================================================================================== Func Tab(Const $abc) ConsoleWrite('@@ (427) :(' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ') Tab()' & @CR) ;### Function Trace Local $tab, $w = 1, $y = 25, $but[1], $execString _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\tab" & $abc & ".cfg", $tab) If IsArray($tab) Then If (Int($tab[0]) - $a) > 9 Then Local $name, $o For $i = $a To $a + 8 If $tab[$i] <> '' Then If $y > 385 Then $y = 385 EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 36, $y, 287, 40, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $name = StringSplit($tab[$i], '\') $o = $name[0] Int($o) If $w > 9 Then $w = 9 EndIf $execString = "GUICtrlSetData($prog" & $abc & "[$w], $name[$o])" MsgBox(262144, 'Debug line ~' & @ScriptLineNumber, 'Selection:' & @LF & '$execString' & @LF & @LF & 'Return:' & @LF & $execString) ;### Debug MSGBOX Execute($execString) _ArrayAdd($but, $w) $but[$w] = GUICtrlCreateButton('', 5, $y + 1, 40, 40, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetData($but[$w], $tab[$i]) GUICtrlSetImage($but[$w], ' ' & $tab[$i] & ' ', 1) $y += 40 $w += 1 EndIf Next ElseIf (Int($tab[0]) - $a) < 10 Then For $i = $a To UBound($tab) - 1 If $tab[$i] <> '' Then If $y > 385 Then $y = 385 EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel($tab[$i], 36, $y, 287, 40, $SS_BLACKFRAME) $name = StringSplit($tab[$i], '\') $o = $name[0] Int($o) If $w > 9 Then $w = 9 EndIf $execString = "GUICtrlSetData($prog" & $abc & "[$w], $name[$o])" Execute($execString) _ArrayAdd($but, $w) $but[$w] = GUICtrlCreateButton($tab[$i], 5, $y + 1, 40, 40, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetData($but[$w], $tab[$i]) GUICtrlSetImage($but[$w], $tab[$i], 1) $y += 40 $w += 1 EndIf Next EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Tab ; ===================================================================================================== Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
kaotkbliss Posted August 10, 2010 Author Posted August 10, 2010 Tried the modified version... 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
jaberwacky Posted August 10, 2010 Posted August 10, 2010 Oh well, it was worth a shot... Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
kaotkbliss Posted August 10, 2010 Author Posted August 10, 2010 Oh well, it was worth a shot...yes thanks for the try.I think it will look pretty sweet with the gui taietel created though.Updated to ver 1.2 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 14, 2010 Author Posted August 14, 2010 Some changes made Changed the look of the tabs to match the GUI Added a "Keep on Top" Option Pulled the dll out of the code and saved it as a seperate file Find the updated download in the first post. Also I am going to add color change to the currently selected "tab" for easier reference. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 15, 2010 Author Posted August 15, 2010 New version 2.3 Tabs now highlight to show which list is selected Icons have been fixed: it was as simple as switching these 2 lines in each list creation GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($name[$o] & "|" & $remtaba[$i], $ListView) GUICtrlSetImage($ListView, $remtaba[$i]) to this GUICtrlSetImage($ListView, $remtaba[$i]) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($name[$o] & "|" & $remtaba[$i], $ListView) then in the ListView_Add function GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($name[$o] & "|" & $file, $ListView) GUICtrlSetImage($ListView, $file, 1) to this GUICtrlSetImage($ListView, $file, 1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($name[$o] & "|" & $file, $ListView) I still cannot get the very first program in the list to launch though The way around that is to add the first program in the list 2x, after that all additional programs are fine. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 16, 2010 Author Posted August 16, 2010 Gah, I can't believe it was so simple... To fix the first item in the list so it runs when double clicked, change $extrax = 2 $extray = 24 to both = 1 ($extrax = 1 $extray = 1) This change needs to be made in botht he global variables and in the Gadget_CreateGui while loop. I am working on fixing the right click bug where the main gui will attach itself to the mouse when you right click to remove a program (after you select yes or no) Updating the original post. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 17, 2010 Author Posted August 17, 2010 New Version 2.4! Fixed the gui getting "stuck" to the mouse after a right click Added renaming of items in the list Moved the "about" screen so it wasn't covered with "Set on Top" checked Still working on reordering of the list, but it's looking like I may give up on that. When you rename an item, it will get moved to the bottom of the list, but on close and reopen will go back to original order. (It's the GUICtrlCreateListViewItem after the rename that sets it to the bottom, but when it is re-run, it lists them in order of lines in the .cfg file) 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 18, 2010 Author Posted August 18, 2010 I am working on the next update with adds the ability to change skin colors. There is only room for 6 so I would like to know from those of you who use this, what colors you would like to see. Currently I have: Black (current color) Red Blue Green Purple (for the women ) and Gold/Yellow 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 21, 2010 Author Posted August 21, 2010 New version added! (see first post for download) Removed gui from taskbar (I didn't feel there was a need to have it there) Added opening a files properties to right click menu (for quick access to compatibility or read only changes) Fixed issue with icon dissapearing from the tray durring show/hide Added skin colors Can now add url's,lnk and just about any other file to the gui and launch Beyond that, I can't remember. So now you can add your doc files, pdf's, mp3 music files, internet favorites and so on and open any of them from a single gui on your desktop. As always, please let me know if you find any bugs! 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted August 23, 2010 Author Posted August 23, 2010 Ver Sometimes when showing and hiding the Gui, the task manager icon would dissapear and the Gui would not pop to the top Also, sometimes durring resolution changes the Gui would end up off screen with no way to bring it back So, I fixed these by some minor code changes and adding an addition to the icon's menu for moving the Gui. If you don't want to download the entire thing all over, just add this to the end of the code Func _MoveGui() Do $mousepos=MouseGetPos() WinMove($hGui,"",$mousepos[0],$mousepos[1]) Until _IsPressed(01) TrayItemSetState($mGui,$TRAY_UNCHECKED) EndFunc change the _Tray_ShowGUI() function to this Func _Tray_ShowGUI() TrayItemSetState($mTray, 4) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hGUI, "int", 150, "long", 0x00040010) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) WinActivate ( $hGui ) EndFunc ;==>_Tray_ShowGUI And change the _Tray() function to this Func _Tray() TraySetIcon($icn_dll, -5) TraySetClick("16") $mTray = TrayCreateItem("Show the window") TrayItemSetOnEvent($mTray, "_Tray_ShowGUI") $mGui = TrayCreateItem("Move the window") TrayItemSetOnEvent($mGui, "_MoveGui") TrayCreateItem("") Local $mTrayX = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent($mTrayX, "_Tray_Exit") EndFunc ;==>_Tray I believe that is all the changes. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse gamehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KaosVisions.WhiskersNSqueek We're gonna need another Timmy!
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