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This is not my code, but I wanted this timer to count in minutes. I have found explanations on the forum on how to do it, but unfortunately iv been trying to figure out how to add it into the script and can not get it to work. I want the count to display in minutes:seconds for example 1:30 would be 1min 30sec rather then it counting up to 100 and continuing.

I have the code I found for getting minutes and seconds at the bottom, but I have not been able to figure out a way to get it to work in the script.

Global $PausedTimer
Global $Init0

while 1

; A. The function that starts the stopwatch
Func start_timer()
    $Init0 = TimerInit()

; B. The function that pauses the stopwatch
Func pause_timer()
    $PausedTimer = TimerInit()

; A. The function that resumes the stopwatch
Func resume_timer()
    $Init0 = $Init0 + TimerDiff($PausedTimer) * 3600

Func show_timer()
    ToolTip("Count = " & Floor(TimerDiff($Init0)/1000), 0, 0, "Timer")

;~ $Minutes1 = int($sec / 60)
;~ $Minutes = int(mod ($Minutes1, 60))
;~ If $Minutes < 10 Then $Minutes = "0" & $Minutes

;~ $Hours = int(int($sec) / 3600)
;~ If $Hours < 10 Then $Hours = "0" & $Hours
Posted (edited)

Hi, maybe you could use _TicksToTime() and StringFormat() to get the time to display as you need.

#include <Date.au3> ; used for _TicksToTime()

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Quit") ; to exit
HotKeySet("{NUMPADADD}", "start_timer") ; Start or Reset timer
;Set and unset Pause and Resume hotkeys, eliminates multi pressing of pause or resume.

Global $Init0, $PausedTimer, $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs

While 1
    Sleep(10) ; Small sleep to lower cpu usage

; The function that starts or resets the stopwatch
Func start_timer()
    HotKeySet("{NUMPADMULT}") ;disable resume timer
    HotKeySet("{NUMPADSUB}", "pause_timer") ;enable pause timer
    $PausedTimer = 0
    $Init0 = TimerInit()
    AdlibRegister("show_timer", 60)
EndFunc   ;==>start_timer

; The function that pauses the stopwatch
Func pause_timer()
    HotKeySet("{NUMPADSUB}") ;disable pause timer
    HotKeySet("{NUMPADMULT}", "resume_timer") ;enable resume timer
    $PausedTimer += Int(TimerDiff($Init0))
EndFunc   ;==>pause_timer

; The function that resumes the stopwatch
Func resume_timer()
    HotKeySet("{NUMPADMULT}") ;disable resume timer
    HotKeySet("{NUMPADSUB}", "pause_timer") ;enable pause timer
    $Init0 = TimerInit()
    AdlibRegister("show_timer", 60)
EndFunc   ;==>resume_timer

Func show_timer()
    ; _TicksToTime to get hours, mins, seconds
    _TicksToTime(Int(TimerDiff($Init0) + $PausedTimer), $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs)

    ;StringFormat to display the time as HH:MM:SS
    ToolTip("HH:MM:SS = " & StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs), 0, 0, "Timer")
EndFunc   ;==>show_timer

; Exit
Func Quit()
EndFunc   ;==>Quit


Edited by smashly

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