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_LargeFileCopy UDF


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Just one more question...

How would I apply this to FileInstall()?

I'm creating a script that will run an update for a program on the user's computer. And copying the update file to a temp directory (using FileInstall), is what causes my script to run.

(I've already applied the _LargeFileCopy function in another gui and it works 100%)


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Hmm, this is just like FileCopy, in that a physical source file must exist. FileInstall decompresses an included resource from the EXE into a physical file. If that is what's hanging your GUI, then you need an alternative to FileInstall. Is there a reason you can't include the update file as a separate file with your updater? Or setup a network download location or something like that? Once you have a physical file you can use my function to copy it around if you need to.

A more intensive option would be to include the update as a resource, as James suggested, then read the binary data in chunks and pass it to _WinAPI_WriteFile. It's just as I've done, except the source data would be directly from the resource section. I suppose UPX could compress that data somewhat to save space as well.

Edited by wraithdu
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See the latest update. I wrote a _LargeRawCopy to copy large memory blocks in the same way. So you should be able to embed your update as a resource, and use Zedna's UDF to get the resource pointer and size.

Be careful with this function. It checks for read access to the memory range pointed to by $pSrc and $iSrcSize, but it obviously cannot guarantee what that memory actually contains.

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ive been SumTingWong's script for copying


but as you mentioned, I get the freezing gui. so your UDF caught my interest-the verifying is really cool too!

I do wish the process was cancelable though - possible?

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It can be. You'd have to add a global flag in the copy loop and a cancel button in your GUI. Something like an 'If $flag Then close handles and return an error' in the 'Do... Until' loop. That's not a feature I want to add to the UDF, but it should be very easy for you to modify.

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No. If you bother to read the headers, the function takes a single source file. You may specify a file name or existing directory for the destination. If you specify a path that doesn't exist for the destination, it will assume it's a file name.

I don't see the need to implement a recursive copy at this point. It's easy enough for you to design whatever kind of loop you need and plug in my function where appropriate.

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Wraithdu, Zedna, James,

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions.

It's all a bit greek to me at this stage, but I'm sure it will start making sense as soon as I begin applying it.

I hope I can push on your buttons again if I get stuck somewhere :blink:


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Whew, this UDF save me time while copying my large files!

Edited by jfcby

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Just a quick observation, this UDF is FAST FAST FAST with dealing with copying lots of little files, as well as dealing with larger files without causing the dreaded GUI stutter!! My previous method was to use

$PID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c copy /y " & Chr(34) & $copySource & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & $copyDestination & Chr(34), @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)

With a Do....Until loop to check the status with ProcessGetStats which I thought was doing pretty well. I included a files copied per second function in an app I have been working on, and just for giggles switched to this UDF, when dealing with lots of little files it shot up from 12-17 per second to 50-60! Very low overhead!!

I also tinkered with the buffer size, wondering if I would get better performance in those smaller files with a smaller buffer, no difference.

So thanks a lot for posting wraithdu!!!


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Updated, see first post.

The reason I removed trancexxx's hashing functions and rewrote them myself, is that the CreateFileMapping / MapViewOfFile method is RAM limited. Meaning if you try to hash a file larger than the available RAM, the MapViewOfFile function fails. This is, unfortunately, unacceptable.

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