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Posted (edited)

FTP Easy-UP v0.0.0.3

-Added "Copy download link of uploaded file to clipboard" as setting
-Added "Play an advert sound when the upload is finished" as setting

-Spaces in copied links are now replaced with %20 to make them clickable ^^
-Fixed progress bar end lag problem, replaced by a progress picture
-Fixed FileInstall useless position in the script

Description :

With FTP Easy-UP, you will be able to upload your files just by the ContextMenu !

It can upload your files on a "default" folder or you can select the folder by a treeview ;)

Functions :

(It works only with the command line)

*In order to use it, create a shortcut of the application with...

- "/cm-Create" as parameter for create the ContextMenu item.

Posted Image

- "/cm-Remove" as parameter to delete it.

- "/Settings" as parameter to show settings.

Posted Image

How to use it :

At first, fill the settings.

*Default folder :

- Right click on the file to upload and select "FTP Easy-UP"

*Select folder :

- Right click on the file to upload and press "Ctrl" key before selecting "FTP Easy-UP"

More screenshots :

Posted Image

Posted Image

Notes :

- Put the page "listdirs.php" in the folder you want to apply the recursive search

- You can edit the password's page on the line 12

- Please give me some ideas, I will then make a ToDo list

-I'm sure that there is something I have not explained or it's not clear, please tell me

-You are not obliged to use the treeview functionality, then you can let the listdirs edit blank

Attachments : (Total downloads : 80)

Rar pack (source+exe) : Click here here

For lazy guys, this script avoid to create shortcuts : FTP Easy-UP CmdLine.au3

Btw, Enjoy :blink:

Edited by FireFox
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I made something just like this a while ago, but gave mine encrypted storage of FTP details and an option to set the max filesize to upload. I did this so others would be able to my FTP servers without knowing the details or uploading too big a file.

anyone know free FTP servers??

I use one from zoka.cc , 7 GB storage and 250 GB bandwidth per month. As far as I know they don't ever check anything so I just use their space as a big playground, most sites don't allow files only.

If you get some black box which says you have to try out one of their partners just play around with your browser window size and scrolling, you'll get past it and be able to access and submit the form.

Also, FireFox, that quote is from Chiang Kai-Shek's wife (aka Jos?) :blink:.

Edited by nf67
  • 1 month later...

I made something just like this a while ago, but gave mine encrypted storage of FTP details and an option to set the max filesize to upload. I did this so others would be able to my FTP servers without knowing the details or uploading too big a file.

I use one from zoka.cc , 7 GB storage and 250 GB bandwidth per month. As far as I know they don't ever check anything so I just use their space as a big playground, most sites don't allow files only.

If you get some black box which says you have to try out one of their partners just play around with your browser window size and scrolling, you'll get past it and be able to access and submit the form.

Also, FireFox, that quote is from Chiang Kai-Shek's wife (aka Jos?) ;).

I think that encryption is useless because it's a little project unknown by people so they don't know where the FTP details are stored.

Btw, thanks for giving me the exact author of this quote :)


  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Help( How do I add the following functions:

1. link when copying was more full, exemple: ftp://myserver.org/dir/temp/file.txt

2. not correctly send files with names containing spaces. leave only the characters: a-Z 0-9 _

Sorry) I'm from Russia, with English bad ...


1. link when copying was more full, exemple: ftp://myserver.org/dir/temp/file.txt

You have to deal with the root folder, for example if you habe the the "temp" directory in excess, then add it in the root folder.

2. not correctly send files with names containing spaces. leave only the characters: a-Z 0-9 _

It's working fine for me, maybe it's a language problem so I'm not able to fix it.

Br, FireFox.

  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hihi, its a good job, with a lot useful options,

- but i've got a bit problem, when uploading some file, it going to the ftp server but every file is clean, every file are 0 bit, and txt files are empty.

why? how can i fix it?

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