taietel Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 (edited) I'm trying to make a GUI with a dinamic menu, from an ini file. The structure of the ini is something like this: [Menu1] Submenu11=cmd11 Submenu12=cmd12 [Menu2] Submenu21=cmd21 [Menu3] Submeniu31=cmd31 Submeniu32=cmd32 Submeniu33=cmd33 [Menu4] Submenu41=cmd41 Submenu42=cmd42 The problem is that I can not get the values. I have read a post (http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=106850&view=findpost&p=753987) from PsaltyDS, but I'm stucked... The code so far: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $sIni = @ScriptDir & "\menu.ini" $hForm = GUICreate("Sample INI menu", 633, 452, 192, 124) $readmenu = IniReadSectionNames($sIni) ;read section names to array For $i = 1 To $readmenu[0] $mnu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($readmenu[$i]) ;create menu from section names $var = IniReadSection($sIni, $readmenu[$i]) For $j = 1 To UBound($var) - 1 $var[$j][0]=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($var[$j][0], $mnu); create submenus GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MenuItemHit") ;the values are in the $var[$j][1] Next Next GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Close") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func _MenuItemHit() Local $ctrlMenu = @GUI_CtrlId Local $hMenu = @GUI_CtrlHandle Local $iIndex, $sText For $iIndex = 1 To UBound($var) - 1 If $var[$iIndex][0] = $ctrlMenu Then $sText = $var[$iIndex][1] ExitLoop EndIf If $sText = "" Then $sText = "<Not Found>" Next ConsoleWrite("_MenuItemHit(): ID = " & $ctrlMenu & "; Handle = " & $hMenu & "; Text = " & $sText & @LF) EndFunc Func _Close() Exit EndFunc If I try with Menu4, for example, it triggers the cmd41 and cmd42, but not for the other submenus. Please point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance! Edited May 19, 2010 by taietel Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
PsaltyDS Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 The problem is that you are re-using the $var array for each section. The $var from the first section is over-written by the second section... etc. Only the data for the last section is left in the array by the time the GUI is shown. You need to collect them all into one array for searching when the _MenuItemHit() event runs. Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
taietel Posted May 20, 2010 Author Posted May 20, 2010 (edited) Thank you Psalty! I realized that after reading your post . I try to make a launcher for programs I use most and if I update manually the ini file, the menu will also update.I finally got it to work (the script it's kind of messy... ):expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiMenu.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $sIni = @ScriptDir & "\menu.ini" $hForm = GUICreate("Sample INI menu", 633, 452, 192, 124) Global $readmenu = IniReadSectionNames($sIni) ;read section names to array Global $vr[100][100] Global $sname, $vname For $i = 1 To UBound($readmenu) - 1 $mnu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($readmenu[$i]) ;create menu from section names $var = IniReadSection($sIni, $readmenu[$i]) For $j = 1 To UBound($var) - 1 $vr[$j][0] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($var[$j][0], $mnu); create submenus $vr[$j][1] = $var[$j][1] $sname &= $vr[$j][0] & "|" $vname &= $vr[$j][1] & "|" GUICtrlSetOnEvent($vr[$j][0], "_MenuItemHit") Next Next GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Close") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func _MenuItemHit() Local $ctrlMenu = @GUI_CtrlId Local $iIndex, $sText Local $snm = StringSplit($sname, "|") Local $vnm = StringSplit($vname, "|") For $i = 1 To UBound($readmenu) - 1 For $iIndex = 1 To UBound($vr) - 1 If $ctrlMenu = $snm[$iIndex] Then $sText = $vnm[$iIndex] ExitLoop EndIf ;If $sText = "" Then $sText = "<Not Found>" Next Next ConsoleWrite("Menu ID = " & $ctrlMenu & " command to execute = " & $sText & @LF) ;If $sText ="" Then ; ShellExecute($sText) ;this way it can open executables, documents... ;else ;MsgBox(0,"Error:", "Nothing to run." & @CRLF & "Check your INI!") ;EndIf EndFunc Func _Close() Exit EndFuncI know there is an easy way to do that but I can not figure it right now... Edited May 20, 2010 by taietel Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
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