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i cant get any of the examples to work. i try to run them but nothing happens.

im on windows 7 64 bit

Any chance/idea/suggestion to get rid of this top-10-question? Have no 64bit so help is welcome.

@trancexx: Compliments from one of the masters - goes down like honey ( and I mean it :graduated: )

Posted (edited)

Any chance/idea/suggestion to get rid of this top-10-question? Have no 64bit so help is welcome.

@trancexx: Compliments from one of the masters - goes down like honey ( and I mean it :D )

Yes, I know how, I have the same problem. :graduated:

If your running a 64-bit OS.

Try rigth-clicking an example and click Run Script (x86).

Or go to Tools -> Compile and select x86 on output arch. :(

Or add this to the start of the example:


Btw, Thank's a lot for sharing this. It's just too awesome :D

Edited by Miniz

Can some one please show me a example using a map from sketchup with textures showing.

You can download maps from http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse

thanks guys


I have used also models from Sketchup. I must convertet it to .obj Models with sketchup pro; the .3ds converted models didn´t work fine for me.



Try rigth-clicking an example and click Run Script (x86).

Or go to Tools -> Compile and select x86 on output arch. :graduated:


1) and 2) are clear - but the trap where severals get into :(

3) would be the comfortable way; but it's only working for compiled scripts. Or am I wrong?


i get it to load a .obj map but dont under stand how to aply the textures i have about 10 and sketchup exports them with there names.

Load the mesh, set lightning to false, that's it. Textures applied to .obj are loaded automatically (if at right place, have a look into output of SciTe )
Posted (edited)

how do you set the lighting to false?

and where is the right place for the textures? the same place the .obj is?

Edited by hot202

how do you set the lighting to false?

and where is the right place for the textures? the same place the .obj is?

_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( $SceneNode, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_OFF )
- just open, read & learn from example 003 ...

Forgive me, but don't you think it would be better to understand the very basics before playing with the advanced things??

Anyway, to answer your second question: Sketchup's export gave me a file structure with .obj, .mtl and a subdir with textures. Copied this structure, loaded the .obj and everything was fine (means: textured).

Posted (edited)

when i have a skydome and Terrain that works but when i add my .obj to that the script gets that error message when running it.

im only using the advanced things cos all i want to be able to do is make my house in sketchup and then make a script so i can walk around my house

Edited by hot202

when i have a skydome and Terrain that works but when i add my .obj to that the script gets that error message when running it.

im only using the advanced things cos all i want to be able to do is make my house in sketchup and then make a script so i can walk around my house

Sure, up to you. Especially because you don't reveal that error message :graduated:
Posted (edited)

Maybe interesting for the ones keen on using Sketchup ...

1) would say it's currently NOT possible to load COLLADA files exported from Sketchup - because with current wrapper (0.7.7) it's not possible to set a needed irrLicht attribute for this (details: search here for COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES)

2) Some of you can maybe help themselves with export to .obj from their legal copies of Sketchup Pro :graduated:

3) For the poor one's with the free Sketchup, this seems also to work:

>> EXPORTED from Sketchup8 to COLLADA (.dae) with options: NO edges - triangulate ALL surfaces - ALL hidden geometry - NO component's structure - export of TEXTURES (option names translated from my German Sketchup)

>> IMPORTED resulting .dae as static mesh into demo version of CopperCube2.2

>> EXPORTED this as Irrlicht scene (.irr).

Irrlicht scene export will also work when demo version expires!

That's it; now _IrrLoadScene can be used to add everything to the scene manager.

No guarantees nor support for this. Updates for workaround of course welcome.

Edited by linus
Posted (edited)

1) and 2) are clear - but the trap where severals get into :D

3) would be the comfortable way; but it's only working for compiled scripts. Or am I wrong?

Your wrong :(

Btw: Somebody help! :graduated:

I'm making a gui with a black background, with some white text on.

The problem is that the text i barely visible.

What the fudge am i doing wrong, I'm feeling like a über-noob not knowing this :D

$static =_IrrAddStaticText("test", 4,0,256,16, $IRR_GUI_NO_BORDER, $IRR_GUI_NO_WRAP)
_IrrGUISetColor($ststic, 255, 255, 255, 255)
Edited by Miniz

Your wrong :graduated:

very great if this could be one of those rare moments I like to hear this :( But compare with

Über-noob sounds cute - Norwegian?

You have to pass a constant to _IrrGUISetColor instead of the GUI element; try

_IrrGUISetColor($EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, 255, 255, 255, 255)

Valid constants are not in help file, but you can look for enum IRR_GUI_COLOR_ELEMENT in \include\au3Irr2_Constants.au3.


very great if this could be one of those rare moments I like to hear this :D But compare with

Über-noob sounds cute - Norwegian?

You have to pass a constant to _IrrGUISetColor instead of the GUI element; try

_IrrGUISetColor($EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, 255, 255, 255, 255)

Valid constants are not in help file, but you can look for enum IRR_GUI_COLOR_ELEMENT in \include\au3Irr2_Constants.au3.


Yeah I'm Norwegian.

Regarding kaotkbliss' information, I'm not sure this will work for everyone, but it's working like a charm for me :(

Currently I'm working on a Multiplayer FPS game, this thing is exactly what i need.

Because i dont have time to start learning c++ or java atm, nor do I have time to study Direct3D or read the OpenGl Bible. (I'm in high school)

I really appreciate all the time and effort you guys put in to this :graduated:


I really appreciate all the time and effort you guys put in to this :graduated:

Thanks in return - always nice to see people using au3Irr2 (and still in anticipation to see something finished; but ok, all those started nextGen FPS should take some years to finish :( )

Well, maybe we can complete this 64bit-thing:

1) you have 64bit and when running the example scripts without any changes it crashes, right?

2) what happens if you add #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n to the top of au3Irrlicht2.au3, then run example script exactly same way as before - hopefully it works?


Thanks in return - always nice to see people using au3Irr2 (and still in anticipation to see something finished; but ok, all those started nextGen FPS should take some years to finish :( )

Well, maybe we can complete this 64bit-thing:

1) you have 64bit and when running the example scripts without any changes it crashes, right?

2) what happens if you add #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n to the top of au3Irrlicht2.au3, then run example script exactly same way as before - hopefully it works?

I'm not making anything super fancy. I'm just doing it for educational purposes.

1) Yes.

2) No it dosen't. :graduated:


I'm not making anything super fancy. I'm just doing it for educational purposes.

1) Yes.

2) No it dosen't. :(

Nah, was just joking :graduated: But educational sounds good - keep concept small, make it working, add some nice comments, and we'll have something more for the coming \demo dir of au3Irr2 ...?!

2) Damned. So I wasn't wrong (but wanted to be :D )

Posted (edited)

Nah, was just joking :( But educational sounds good - keep concept small, make it working, add some nice comments, and we'll have something more for the coming \demo dir of au3Irr2 ...?!

2) Damned. So I wasn't wrong (but wanted to be :D )

Probably, if I finish it :D

Great news! I've found a workaround for the 64-bit problem :D

1. Download the latest Autoit version here:


2. Run the installer.

3. Select overwrite current version. -> Next

4. "You are running a 64-bit Operating System.

Use native x64 tools where possible?"


5. Finish the installation..

6. That's it... :graduated:

Edited by Miniz

Why wont this work?!

Please help me if you know something i oblivously don't.. :graduated:

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Irrlicht Wrapper for Imperative Languages - Freebasic Examples
; Frank Dodd (2006)
; Converted/modified for the au3Irr2 project by linus
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "au3Irrlicht2.au3"
opt("MustDeclareVars", True)
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_exit")

Func _exit()
EndFunc ; _exit

DIM $Camera
DIM $CameraNode 

_IrrStart( $IRR_EDT_OPENGL, 800, 600, $IRR_BITS_PER_PIXEL_32, _



$BSPMesh = _IrrGetMesh( "res\maps\20kdm2.bsp" )
$BSPNode = _IrrAddMeshToScene( $BSPMesh )

$Camera = _IrrAddFPSCamera()
$CameraNode = $Camera

_IrrSetNodePosition( $CameraNode, 1750, 149, 1369 )
_IrrSetNodeRotation( $CameraNode, 4, -461.63, 0 )


WHILE _IrrRunning()
    _IrrBeginScene( 240, 255, 255 )

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