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Also, x_display() has been updated so you can new view the contents of regular arrays that are stored using this method. Try:

Local $myArray[2][2] = [[1,2],[3,4]]
x( 'some.key' , $myArray )

Does not show values, here's the output:

Array (
  [some] => Array (
    [key] => Array[2][2] (
      [0] => 
      [1] => 
      [0] => 
      [1] => 

And it would (maybe) easier to read if elements would displayed like so:

Array (
  [some] => Array (
    [key] => Array[2][2] (
      [0][0] => 
      [0][1] => 
      [1][0] => 
      [1][1] => 

Does not show values, here's the output:

Array (
  [some] => Array (
    [key] => Array[2][2] (
      [0] => 
      [1] => 
      [0] => 
      [1] => 

And it would (maybe) easier to read if elements would displayed like so:

Array (
  [some] => Array (
    [key] => Array[2][2] (
      [0][0] => 
      [0][1] => 
      [1][0] => 
      [1][1] => 

Yeah it's supposed to. I had it working before...let me check the code. In the meantime, go check out your x_unset function :idea:
Posted (edited)

Ah...me and my typos. Code updated to fix the array display problem.

$idNum &= '[' & $a & ']'

should be

$idName &= '[' & $a & ']'

It'll even handle regular arrays in regular arrays or associative arrays in regular arrays, and any combination you can think of.

Try something like

x( 'myObj.hello' , 'world' )
Local $myObj = x( 'myObj' )
Local $myArray[2][2] = [[1,2],[3,4]]
Local $myArray2[2][2] = [[$myArray,$myObj],[$myArray,$myObj]]
x( 'some.key' , $myArray2 )

Thanks! :idea:

Edited by OHB
Posted (edited)

Try something like

x( 'myObj.hello' , 'world' )
Local $myObj = x( 'myObj' )
Local $myArray[2][2] = [[1,2],[3,4]]
Local $myArray2[2][2] = [[$myArray,$myObj],[$myArray,$myObj]]
x( 'some.key' , $myArray2 )

Freakin awesome. Though for me (programing hobbyist and nothing more), this labyrinth is mind bending :idea:

I would spend hours figuring out where I put my values :)

Edited by shEiD

I already started rewriting some of my scripts, and noticed something:

I mistakenly tried clearing the array with x(), but then realised, that you I need to provide x('','') for it work. And just thought, maybe it would be easier to change

If @NumParams == 2 Then $func = "set"
If @NumParams <> 1 Then $func = "set"
then array could be cleared with simple x()

Just a thought...


I already started rewriting some of my scripts, and noticed something:

I mistakenly tried clearing the array with x(), but then realised, that you I need to provide x('','') for it work. And just thought, maybe it would be easier to change

If @NumParams == 2 Then $func = "set"
If @NumParams <> 1 Then $func = "set"
then array could be cleared with simple x()

Just a thought...

Good idea! Code updated.

This is constantly improving and becoming a very useful and complete udf. So, you might like to post a zip file with all the stuffs so that lazy people like me have to in through less trouble. :idea:

Keep up the good work.

[Not using this account any more. Using "iShafayet" instead]

Posted (edited)

I've used it for these couple of days and it makes my scripting so much easier :)

A couple of things, maybe:

1. Add the declarations for local variables in functions, because it gives error, if you use Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

2. Added fix to x_unset(), because it gave COM error, when trying to unset non existing key:

Func x_unset($sKey)
    If $sKey == '' Then Return x('', '')
    $parts = StringSplit($sKey, ".")
    $cur = $_xHashCollection
    For $x = 1 To $parts[0] - 1
        If Not $cur.exists($parts[$x]) Then Return False
        $cur = $cur.item($parts[$x])
    If Not $cur.exists($parts[$parts[0]]) Then Return False ; <- Added this line
    Return True
EndFunc   ;==>x_unset

3. Add the support for "Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)" in x_display(). To be honest, I didn't know how to do that, but I suddenly remembered that _ArrayDisplay worked always, no matter what GUIOnEventMode was in the script. So I looked it up, and it works :idea:

Func x_display($key = '')
    $iOnEventMode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) ; <- added this line
    $text = $key
    If $key <> '' Then $text &= " "
    $text &= StringTrimRight( _x_display( x($key), ''), 2)
    $wHnd = GUICreate("Array " & $key, 700, 500)
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $wHnd)
    $block = GUICtrlCreateEdit($text, 5, 5, 690, 490)
    GUICtrlSetFont($block, 10, 400, -1, 'Courier')
    While 1
        If GUIGetMsg() == -3 Then ExitLoop
    GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $wHnd)
    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $iOnEventMode) ; <- added this line
EndFunc   ;==>x_display
Thanks goes to:

(from _ArrayDisplay() UDF)
; Author ........: randallc, Ultima
; Modified.......: Gary Frost (gafrost), Ultima, Zedna, jpm

(4). Maybe add "name" variable to x_display() function. This one's maybe not needed, but it's convenient, ie: if you want to display the same array before and after changes. The change makes no diference in usage whatsoever, just an option;

(5). Maybe add 0x00CF0000 ($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) to GuiCreate. Its nice to have resizeable and maximizeable window:

Func x_display($key = '', $name = '') ; <- modify
    $title = 'Array(' & $key & ')' ; <- add
    If @NumParams > 1 Then $title &= ' ' & $name ; <- add
    $wHnd = GUICreate($title, 700, 500, -1, -1, 0x00CF0000) ; <- modify
Edited by shEiD
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

How can I simulate a Ubound using this UDF ?

So far I have this function but it can only count 'root' arrays, not the subarrays within an array... Can someone pls help me adjust this funtion ?

Func x_count( $sKey )
    $cur = $_xHashCollection
    If ($cur.exists( $sKey )) Then
        $item = $cur.item( $sKey )
        Return $item.count
        Return False

x('a.b.c', 'ok')

x_count('a') works

x_count('a.b') doesn't work...

Edited by tito
  • 2 weeks later...


Can anyone help me in the right direction ?

Howto count in deeper dimensions ?







text.count should be 2 (en & fr)

text.en.count should be 2 (.name & .address)

text.fr.count should be 2 (.name & .address)

text.en.address.count should be 1 (.1)

text.fr.address.count should be 2 (.1 & .2)

Posted (edited)

@ tito,

I'm quite new at this, so please excuse any bugs :)

Here you go.

; Name...........: x_count
; Description ...: Returns a count of items
; Syntax.........: x_count( $sKey )
; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key
; Return values .: Success: count of items of a provided key
;                           x_count() returns count os keys on first level
;                  Failure: 0, set error to:
;                                -1 = the key is not an object, but an item with a value
;                                -2 = the key does not exist
; Author ........:  shEiD (original "x" UDF by: OHB)
Func x_count($sKey = '')
    If $sKey == '' Then Return $_xHashCollection.Count
    Local $cur = $_xHashCollection
    Local $parts = StringSplit($sKey, ".")
    For $x = 1 To $parts[0]
        If Not $cur.exists($parts[$x]) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0)
        $cur = $cur.item($parts[$x])
    If Not IsObj($cur) Then SetError(-1, 0, 0)
    Return $cur.Count
EndFunc   ;==>x_count

PS, love this UDF and use it on daily basis. Me-so-sad, that OHB is not updating it. Anyway, OHB, again... ;)

Edit: Changed return value to 0 and setting @Error to appropriate error values.

Edited by shEiD

@ tito,

I'm quite new at this, so please excuse any bugs ;)

Here you go.

Yihaa, thx so much , it works perfectly!

I've been using this udf a lot too. Also hope it'll be further developed, though it has everything I need now.


PS, love this UDF and use it on daily basis. Me-so-sad, that OHB is not updating it. Anyway, OHB, again... ;)

Well, point-blankly, I'm not updating it because I don't /currently/ have a use for it. :) But I encourage ya'll to contribute to it. Make a fix...write a new function...whatever you thing makes it better. Then, send me a PM and I'll update the post ;)

Posted (edited)

Update: see v2 here.

Here's my solution to convert INI files into this "x" method (based on this, but I've also supported mid-sentence comments):

#include <associative.au3> ; the custom code from the OP

$s_Config=@DesktopDir & '\MyIniTest.ini'
For $i = 1 To 6
    IniWrite($s_Config, "section 1", "Key" & $i, "val" & $i)
For $i = 1 To 3
    IniWrite($s_Config, "section 2", "Key" & $i, "val" & $i)


Func ini_to_x($hIniLocation)
    ;Get All Sections
    Local $aSections = IniReadSectionNames($hIniLocation)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    ;Get All The Keys and Values for Each section
    For $iCount = 1 To $aSections[0]
        $aKV = IniReadSection($hIniLocation, $aSections[$iCount])
        If @error Then ; If empty section then ignore (treat as void)
        For $xCount = 1 To $aKV[0][0]
            $value=StringSplit($aKV[$xCount][1],";") ; Support for mid-sentence comments
            $value=StringStripWS($value[1], 3)
            x($aSections[$iCount] & '.' & $aKV[$xCount][0], $value)
Edited by LWC
Added v2 link
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Finally i have a reason to revive this thread, yay! ;)

I'm using this exellent UDF for quite a while now. I like the functional usage of x and its nearly as fast as using normal arrays.

LWC's ini functions were helpful but i wanted more.

So i've extended the ini functionality with the help of MilesAhead's snippets.

With this you can manage several ini files, several sections and store lists in delimited strings.


#include <Array.au3>
#include <AssoArrays.au3>

$sConf = "config"; Name of the ini file ( '.ini' will be added automatically)

$temp = FileOpen($sConf&".ini", 2); Create/Empty the ini file

x($sConf&".general.option1","5") ; The name of the rootitem needs to be the same as the ini file name

Dim $aIps1 = ["ip1","ip3","ip3"]

Dim $aIps2 = ["ip4","ip5","ip6"]

x("some_other_value","1") ; will not be saved in the config

x_display(); array before writing to ini
ConsoleWrite("-----------------------------------------------------" & @CRLF)


x_del($sConf); Delete config array
x_display(); Show that array is deleted
ConsoleWrite("-----------------------------------------------------" & @CRLF)

x_display(); array restored from ini

x_del($sConf&".profile2"); Delete profile2 section in array
_WriteAssocToIni($sConf,"",1); Erase all content in ini before writing or else profile2 will stay in the ini


UDF with new functions:


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
; Title .........: xHashCollection
; AutoIt Version :
; Language ......: English
; Description ...: Create and use Multidimentional Associative arrays
; Author ........: OHB <me at orangehairedboy dot com>
; ===============================================================================================================================
;~ $tt = TimerInit()
Global $_xHashCollection = ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ), $_xHashCache
;~ ConsoleWrite("Asso Array Load up time: "&Round(TimerDiff($tt) ) & @CRLF)

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: x
; Description ...: Gets or sets a value in an Associative Array
; Syntax.........: SET: x( $sKey , $vValue )
;                 GET: x( $key )
; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key to set or get. Examples:
;                 x( 'foo' )           gets value of foo
;                 x( 'foo.bar' )       gets value of bar which is a key of foo
;                 $bar = "baz"
;                 x( 'foo.$bar' )     gets value of baz which is a key of foo (variables are expanded)
; Return values .: Success - When setting, return the value set. When getting, returns the requested value.
;                 Failure - Returns a 0
; Author ........: OHB <me at orangehairedboy dot com>
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func x( $sKey = '' , $vValue = '' )
    $func = "get"
    If @NumParams <> 1 Then $func = "set"
    If $sKey == '' Then
        If $func == "get" Then
            Return $_xHashCollection
            Return ''
    $parts = StringSplit( $sKey , "." )
    $last_key = $parts[$parts[0]]
    $cur = $_xHashCollection
    For $x = 1 To $parts[0] - 1
        If Not $cur.exists( $parts[$x] ) Then
            If $func == "get" Then Return
            $cur.add( $parts[$x] , ObjCreate( "Scripting.Dictionary" ) )
        $cur = $cur.item( $parts[$x] )
    If IsPtr( $vValue ) Then $vValue = String( $vValue )
    If $func == "get" Then
        If Not $cur.exists( $last_key ) Then Return
        $item = $cur.item( $last_key )
        Return $item
    ElseIf Not $cur.exists( $last_key ) Then
        $cur.add( $last_key , $vValue )
        $cur.item( $last_key ) = $vValue
    Return $vValue

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: x_del
; Description ...: Removes a key from an Associative Array
; Syntax.........: x_del( $sKey )
; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key to remove.
; Return values .: Success - True
;                 Failure - False
; Author ........: OHB <me at orangehairedboy dot com>
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func x_del( $sKey )
    If $sKey == '' Then Return x( '' , '' )
    $parts = StringSplit( $sKey , "." )
    $cur = $_xHashCollection
    For $x = 1 To $parts[0] - 1
        If Not $cur.exists( $parts[$x] ) Then Return False
        $cur = $cur.item( $parts[$x] )
        If Not IsObj($cur) Then Return False
    If Not $cur.exists( $parts[$parts[0]] ) Then Return False
    $cur.remove( $parts[$parts[0]] )
    Return True

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: x_display
; Description ...: Displays the contents of an Associative Array
; Syntax.........: x_display( $sKey )
; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key to display. Examples:
;                 x_display()         displays everything
;                 x_display( 'foo' )   displays the contents of foo
; Author ........: OHB <me at orangehairedboy dot com>
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func x_display( $key = '' )
    $text = $key
    If $key <> '' Then $text &= " "
    $text &= StringTrimRight( _x_display( x( $key ) , '' ) , 2 )
    ConsoleWrite($text & @LF)
    $wHnd = GUICreate( "Array " & $key , 700 , 500 )
    GUISetState( @SW_SHOW , $wHnd )
    $block = GUICtrlCreateEdit( $text , 5 , 5 , 690 , 490 )
    GUICtrlSetFont( $block , 10 , 400 , -1 , 'Courier' )
    While 1
        If GUIGetMsg() == -3 Then ExitLoop
    GUISetState( @SW_HIDE , $wHnd )
    GUIDelete( $wHnd )

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name...........: _x_display
; Description ...: Itterates through an array and builds output for x_display
; Author ........: OHB <me at orangehairedboy dot com>
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _x_display( $item , $tab )
    If IsObj( $item ) Then
        $text = 'Array (' & @CRLF
        $itemAdded = False
        For $i In $item
            $text &= $tab & "  [" & $i & "] => " & _x_display( $item.item($i) , $tab & "  " )
            $itemAdded = True
        If Not $itemAdded Then $text &= @CRLF
        $text &= $tab & ')'
    ElseIf IsArray( $item ) Then
        $text = "Array"
        $totalItems = 1
        $dimensions = UBound( $item , 0 )
        For $dimension = 1 To $dimensions
            $size = UBound( $item , $dimension )
            $totalItems *= $size
            $text &= "[" & $size & "]"
        $text &= " (" & @CRLF
        For $itemID = 0 To $totalItems - 1
            $idName = ''
            $idNum = $itemID
            For $dimension = 1 To $dimensions - 1
                $mul = ( $totalItems / UBound( $item , $dimension ) )
                $a = Floor( $idNum / $mul )
                $idName &= '[' & $a & ']'
                $idNum -= ( $a * $mul )
            $idName &= '[' & $idNum & ']'
            $text &= $tab & "  " & $idName & " => " & _x_display( Execute( "$item" & $idName ) , $tab & "  " )
        $text &= $tab & ")"
        $text = $item
    $text &= @CRLF
    Return $text

; Name...........: x_count
; Description ...: Returns a count of items
; Syntax.........: x_count( $sKey )
; Parameters ....: $sKey - the key
; Return values .: Success: count of items of a provided key
;                          x_count() returns count os keys on first level
;                 Failure: 0, set error to:
;                               -1 = the key is not an object, but an item with a value
;                               -2 = the key does not exist
; Author ........:  shEiD (original "x" UDF by: OHB)
Func x_count($sKey = '')
    If $sKey == '' Then Return $_xHashCollection.Count
    Local $cur = $_xHashCollection
    Local $parts = StringSplit($sKey, ".")
    For $x = 1 To $parts[0]
        If Not $cur.exists($parts[$x]) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0)
        $cur = $cur.item($parts[$x])
    If Not IsObj($cur) Then SetError(-1, 0, 0)
    Return $cur.Count
EndFunc   ;==>x_count

; Author: MilesAhead
; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/110768-itaskbarlist3/page__view__findpost__p__910631
;write AssocArray to IniFile Section
;returns 1 on success - sets @error on failure
Func _WriteAssocToIni($myIni = 'config.ini', $mySection = '', $bEraseAll = false, $sSep = "|")
    If Not StringInStr($myIni,".") Then $myIni &= ".ini"
    If $bEraseAll then
        $temp = FileOpen($myIni, 2)

    Local $sIni = StringLeft($myIni,StringInStr($myIni,".")-1)

    If Not $_xHashCollection.Exists($sIni) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0)

    If $mySection == '' Then
        $aSection = $_xHashCollection($sIni).Keys(); All sections
        Dim $aSection[1] = [$mySection]; specific Section
    Local $retVal = 0
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aSection)-1
        $cur = x($sIni&"."&$aSection[$i])
        $retVal = 0
        If $cur.Count() < 1 Then
            Return SetError(-2, 0, 0)
        Local $iArray[$cur.Count()][2]
        Local $aArray = $cur.Keys()
        For $x = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1
            $iArray[$x][0] = $aArray[$x]
            $value = x($sIni&"."&$aSection[$i]&"."&$aArray[$x])
            If IsArray($value) then
                $iArray[$x][1] = _MakePosString($value, $sSep)
                $iArray[$x][1] = $value
        $retVal = IniWriteSection($myIni, $aSection[$i], $iArray, 0)

    Return SetError(@error, 0, $retVal)
EndFunc   ;==>_WriteAssocToIni

;read AssocArray from IniFile Section
;returns number of items read - sets @error on failure
Func _ReadAssocFromIni($myIni = 'config.ini', $mySection = '', $sSep = "|")
    If Not StringInStr($myIni,".") Then $myIni &= ".ini"
    Local $sIni = StringLeft($myIni,StringInStr($myIni,".")-1)

    If $mySection == '' Then
        $aSection = IniReadSectionNames ($myIni); All sections
        If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0)
        Dim $aSection[2] = [1,$mySection]; specific Section

    For $i = 1 To UBound($aSection)-1

        Local $sectionArray = IniReadSection($myIni, $aSection[$i])
        If @error Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0)
        For $x = 1 To $sectionArray[0][0]
            If StringInStr($sectionArray[$x][1], $sSep) then
                $posS = _MakePosArray($sectionArray[$x][1], $sSep)
                $posS = $sectionArray[$x][1]
            x($sIni&"."&$aSection[$i]&"."&$sectionArray[$x][0], $posS)

    Return $sectionArray[0][0]
EndFunc   ;==>_ReadAssocFromIni

;makes a Position string using '#' number separator
Func _MakePosString($posArray, $sSep = "|")
    Local $str = ""
    For $x = 0 To UBound($posArray) - 2
        $str &= String($posArray[$x]) & $sSep
    $str &= String($posArray[UBound($posArray) - 1])
    Return $str
EndFunc   ;==>_MakePosString

;makes a Position array from a Position string
Func _MakePosArray($posString, $sSep = "|")
    Return StringSplit($posString, $sSep, 2)
EndFunc   ;==>_MakePosArray


Edited by qsek
Teamspeak 3 User Viewer - Quick and functional TS3 Query script, which shows online users.Cached Screenshot Deleter - Deletes older Fraps Screenshots if they exceed a specified limit.Unresolved Topics:Intercept and modify dragdrop text behaviour in scite
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I want to have an INI section that looks like this:

C3Communicator.Name=Avistar C3 Communicator
C3Communicator.Folder=Avistar C3 Communicator

However, I cannot figure out how to access Name, Folder, and Installer.

I can't figure out how to access [0], [1], or [2] either:

;internal name = Display Name | Folder Name | Installer
C3Communicator=Avistar C3 Communicator|Avistar C3 Communicator|C3CommunicatorSetup.msi
CitrixRTME=Citrix RealTime Media Engine|Citrix HDX|Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine.msi
CitrixRTC=Citrix RealTime Connector|Citrix HDX|HDX RealTime Connector LC.msi
C3Unified=Avistar C3 Unified|C3 Unified - Microsoft Lync Edition|C3UnifiedLyncSetup.msi

[Products] => Array (

[C3Communicator] => Array[3] (

[0] => Avistar C3 Communicator

[1] => Avistar C3 Communicator

[2] => C3CommunicatorSetup.msi

Edited by robinsiebler
Posted (edited)

I couldn't figure out how to get the 1st INI layout to work at all. I think it is a bug in _ReadAssocFromIni(). However, I finally figured out how to get the 2nd layout:

MsgBox(0, x("CitrixRTC.Name"), "Folder: " & x("CitrixRTC.Folder") & @CRLF & " Installer: " & x("CitrixRTC.Installer"))

Func GetProducts()
    For $entry in  x($sConf&'.Products')
    $foo = StringSplit(x($sConf&'.Products.'&$entry), ":", 2)
        For $count = 0 to 2
                Case $count = 0
                    x($entry&".Name", $foo[0])
                Case $count = 1
                    x($entry&".Folder", $foo[1])
                Case $count = 2
                    x($entry&".Installer", $foo[2])
        $Products = $Products  & $entry & "|"
    $Products = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($Products, 1), "|", 2)
Edited by robinsiebler

I want to have an INI section that looks like this:

C3Communicator.Name=Avistar C3 Communicator
C3Communicator.Folder=Avistar C3 Communicator

However, I cannot figure out how to access Name, Folder, and Installer.

$sConf = "config"     ; Assuming your .ini file is named config
$sMsg = StringFormat("Folder: %snInstaller: %s", x($sConf & ".Products.C3Communicator.Folder"), x($sConf & ".Products.C3Communicator.Installer"))
MsgBox(0, x($sConf & ".Products.C3Communicator.Name"), $sMsg)

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