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I am trying to use Autoit with Quickbooks sdk to retrieve the customer list.

$sessionMan = ObjCreate("QBFC8.QBSessionManager.1")
If Not IsObj($sessionMan) Then MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "Session Management: Unable to create object.")
$sessionMan.OpenConnection("myapp2", "myapp2")
$sessionMan.BeginSession("", 2)
$reqMsgSet = $sessionMan.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 1, 1)

$customerQuery = $reqMsgSet.AppendCustomerQueryRq()
$ListMergeSampleResp = $sessionMan.DoRequests($reqMsgSet)

MsgBox(0, "", $ListMergeSampleResp)
;   Close the session and connection with QuickBooks.

I am able to connect successfully, and Quickbooks pauses about the right amount of time to retrieve the customer list when line 8 is executed.

The msgbox however does not contain any information. Am I doing some thing that is obviously wrong? This is the first time I am working with com/obj.

Thanks for any help.


I would expect $ListMergeSampleResp to be returned as a collection object or something similar. Try:

$ListMergeSampleResp = $sessionMan.DoRequests($reqMsgSet)
If IsObj($ListMergeSampleResp) Then
    $iCnt = 0
    For $oSampleResp In $ListMergeSampleResp
        $iCnt += 1
    MsgBox(64, "Object", "Object contains " & $iCnt & " elements")
    MsgBox(16, "Not Object", "Not and object")

That will tell you if it's an object, and if that object is a collection.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

Looks like I missed:

$output = $ListMergeSampleResp.ToXMLString()

This code now returns an xml string with the customer list

$sessionMan = ObjCreate("QBFC8.QBSessionManager.1")
If Not IsObj($sessionMan) Then MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "Session Management: Unable to create object.")
$sessionMan.OpenConnection("myapp2", "myapp2")
$sessionMan.BeginSession("", 2)
$reqMsgSet = $sessionMan.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 1, 1)

$customerQuery = $reqMsgSet.AppendCustomerQueryRq()
$ListMergeSampleResp = $sessionMan.DoRequests($reqMsgSet)
$output = $ListMergeSampleResp.ToXMLString()

MsgBox(0, "", $output)
;   Close the session and connection with QuickBooks.

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