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hi guys. i am newbie

i want to get security token from this website www.kaskus.us

if i use javascript. there is -> javascript:alert(document.getElementsByName('securitytoken')[0].value);

how can i get the securitytoken use autoit?

i have been use _IEGetObjByName @_@

but its not work

help me


Hi and Welcome to the forums!

Please note that the rule is to wait 24 hours before bumping. This is a free forum for a free language and people are going to answer you at their own leisure.

Just sit back and relax buddy :(


i want to get security token from this website www.kaskus.us

Not exactly clear on what your goal is. Do you want au3 to return the "guest" that's next to the (name="securitytoken" value="guest") or are you just trying to log into the website with with au3? Using the IE.au3 UDF and the examples in the Help file you should be able to do almost anything you want. Some of the frustration I've had automating websites was eliminated once I understood the webpage structure. If the page has multiple nameless frames you'll have to specify which frame using _IEFrameGetCollection(). Pages containing multiple nameless forms could use _IEFormGetCollection() and _IEFormElementGetCollection().

Also check out the example code in _IETagNameAllGetCollection(). That helped me get a better handle on the _IE*() functions. In the example try using .name or .innerHTML in place of the .tagname :( This should hold you over until someone who knows what they're talking about can respond. But they too will want a better understanding of your goal.


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