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Posted (edited)

Hello, I made my own UDP server. It works fine If I send packets to but for some reason it doesn't work if I send packets to 90.191.143.* then packet doesn't reach to my udp server.

I have set router forward port 65532 to but still doesn't work. I have other running servers and these can be accessed with no problems. Nonly problem I have is with my UDP server which is 100% copy-paste from help.

Only diference is that i replaced $socket = UDPBind("", 65532) with $socket = UDPBind("", 65532) will this be problem?

any suggestions?

Edited by E1M1



Do you know what server is?

How do you know packet doesn't reach your server?

Is server really yours or is it maybe theirs?

If it's yours how can it be on that remote IP?

Why are you port forwarding?

Do you know anything about UDP protocol beside its name?

From hel or from hell?

...I have few more questions, but don't want to put additional pressure on you.





Do you know what server is?

How do you know packet doesn't reach your server?

Is server really yours or is it maybe theirs?

If it's yours how can it be on that remote IP?

Why are you port forwarding?

Do you know anything about UDP protocol beside its name?

From hel or from hell?

...I have few more questions, but don't want to put additional pressure on you.

Yes, I know the IP and port.

I think that packet doesn't reach to server because otherwise server would react.

And yes I have control over it, I added port forwarding rule in router.

As I mentioned above I copied UDP example server from Autoit help and only thing I changed was listening IP ( to

And to send packets I copied UDPSend() script from help. and changed IP.

What I don't understand is that if I Use VMware as server then server script receives packets. But If i try send packets to that real remote server then it doesn't do anything. So what I do is moving same script from VMware to remote server, only diference is that servers that runs on VMwae (which uns on same computer) reacts if it sees packet, but the server that if far away from my home doen't react.

I have physical access to remote server if needed.

I know basics about networking. I know that ports need to be opened and forwarded in order to get send packets


  • Developers
Posted (edited)

As I mentioned above I copied UDP example server from Autoit help and only thing I changed was listening IP ( to

And to send packets I copied UDPSend() script from help. and changed IP.

Since you know the network basics: Do you think that is seen as a valid IP address and that the UDPBind function returns a proper Socket and no errors?


Edited by Jos

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Some time ago I wrote a script that communicates with specific servers using UDP protocol.

Purpose is to retrieve mx records (or any other for that matters) for some domain. Script is in examples.

Cleaner version can be found in script named Mailer.au3, also in examples.

This is one part of that code:

$sDomain = "google.com"
ConsoleWrite(_MXQueryServer($sDomain) & @CRLF)

Func _MXQueryServer($sDomain)
    Local $aDomain = StringSplit($sDomain, ".", 3)
    Local $sQueryDomain
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aDomain) - 1
        $sQueryDomain &= Hex(BinaryLen($aDomain[$i]), 2) & Hex(Binary($aDomain[$i]))
    $sQueryDomain &= "00"
    Local $iIdentifier = Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2)
    Local $bQuery = Binary("0x00" & $iIdentifier & "01000001000000000000" & $sQueryDomain & "000F0001")
    Local $aSocket
    Local $bRcvData
    For $iRound = 1 To 8
        Local $sServer
        Switch $iRound
            Case 1
                Local $aLocalServer = StringSplit(RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters", "DhcpNameServer"), " ", 1)
                If $aLocalServer[0] Then
                    If StringLeft($aLocalServer[1], 3) <> "192" Then
                        $sServer = $aLocalServer[1]
            Case 2
                $sServer = ""
            Case 3
                $sServer = ""
            Case 4
                $sServer = ""
            Case 5
                $sServer = ""
            Case 6
                $sServer = ""
            Case 7
                $sServer = ""
            Case 8
                Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
        If $sServer Then
            $aSocket = UDPOpen($sServer, 53)
            If @error Or $aSocket[0] = -1 Then
            UDPSend($aSocket, $bQuery)
            For $i = 1 To 5
                $bRcvData = UDPRecv($aSocket, 512, 1)
                If $bRcvData Then ExitLoop
            If $bRcvData And Hex(BinaryMid($bRcvData, 2, 1)) = $iIdentifier Then
                Return $bRcvData
    Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

Am I port forwarding or maybe binding? Where did that console output came from, thin air?

Btw, E1M1 doesn't know what server is.




Posted (edited)

Btw, E1M1 doesn't know what server is.

Server is computer which stands in server's room and which hosts services. And people ton't physically totch server.

But I called server cumputer where I hosted script on.

Edit1: What I need to change in my client script? Your code was quite complicated.

Edited by E1M1


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