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Posted (edited)

So, when parsing this:


With a _hexToString, I get:


But, when I translate that into 2 strings:




I get:




Could I get any insight into why this is happening like this, and what I can do to get the _HexToString function to parse the whole string? I've tried BinaryToString as well (The string doesn't seem to be binary, but the function gives the same results)


#include <String.au3>

$str = '32347C35397C32312C300032357C3132393033307C382C32343338367C392C317C39392C350033307C317C312C302C302E30302C302C312C352C302C317C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C312C302C302C302C302C302C3000'
$str2 = '32347C35397C32312C300032357C3132393033307C382C32343338367C392C317C39392C35'
$str3 = '33307C317C312C302C302E30302C302C312C352C302C317C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C302C312C302C302C302C302C302C3000'

$hex = _HexToString($str)
$hex2 = _HexToString($str2)
$hex3 = _HexToString($str3)

Edited by Kickassjoe

What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.


So, when parsing this: ...

Hi, The problem appears to be caused by the prescence of '00' in the Hex string that is causing the conversion to abort.

'00' is NULL in ASCII and the problem is Not an AutoIt one (I think) but in the way Windows API handles the NULL character conversion.

A quick and dirty workaround might be to do some preprocessing on the hex string first and replace all '00' chars with a different set that will Not be appearing in your set of hex strings e.g. 'FF'.

(Just be careful that you don't replace '00' where it is made up of a trailing and leading '0' as in '300F'.)

I hope this has been of some help to you.


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FF still gave me a termination of the string, but it also gave me an idea.

Why not just change the converter to not put the null character (00 in hex) in the string? It's null anyways...

Func _HexToString2($strHex)
    Local $strChar, $aryHex, $i, $iDec, $Char, $iOne, $iTwo

    $aryHex = StringSplit($strHex, "")
    If Mod($aryHex[0], 2) <> 0 Then;if not even strlen, error
        Return -1

    For $i = 1 To $aryHex[0]
        $iOne = $aryHex[$i]
        $i = $i + 1
        $iTwo = $aryHex[$i]
        $iDec = Dec($iOne & $iTwo)
        If @error <> 0 Then
            Return -1
        If $iDec > 0 Then
            $Char = Chr($iDec)
            $strChar &= $Char

    Return $strChar
EndFunc   ;==>_HexToString2

It converts fine, anything wrong with doing that?

What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.


FF still gave me a termination of the string, but it also gave me an idea.

Why not just change the converter to not put the null character (00 in hex) in the string? It's null anyways...

Func _HexToString2($strHex)
    Local $strChar, $aryHex, $i, $iDec, $Char, $iOne, $iTwo

    $aryHex = StringSplit($strHex, "")
    If Mod($aryHex[0], 2) <> 0 Then;if not even strlen, error
        Return -1

    For $i = 1 To $aryHex[0]
        $iOne = $aryHex[$i]
        $i = $i + 1
        $iTwo = $aryHex[$i]
        $iDec = Dec($iOne & $iTwo)
        If @error <> 0 Then
            Return -1
        If $iDec > 0 Then
            $Char = Chr($iDec)
            $strChar &= $Char

    Return $strChar
EndFunc   ;==>_HexToString2

It converts fine, anything wrong with doing that?

Nothing except it's kinder garden level.

$hex = StringReplace(BinaryToString("0x" & $str), Chr(0), "")




Posted (edited)

Nothing except it's kinder garden level.

$hex = StringReplace(BinaryToString("0x" & $str), Chr(0), "")

That's exactly what I was looking for <3

Kind of saw that when I was looking at the _HexToString function, but didn't put 2 and 2 together I guess.


Edited by Kickassjoe

What goes around comes around... Payback's a bitch.

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