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hello, I have a text and trying to erase the word "tree"

this word appears many times. I would remove it or replace it with a blank space.

i try this, but dont works:

WinWaitActive ("text.txt")

; Here i open the text

$sExtract = StringRegExpReplace ("tree", " ", " ")




if i understand what you want:

1) You have text.txt

2) you want to replace 'tree' with a blank

2 possibilities:

1) String manipulation, leaving text.txt as it was:

$string = FileRead (@ScriptDir & "\text.txt") ; text.txt is in same folder as your script
$string = StringReplace ($string, "tree", " ")
ClipPut ($string)

2) Change 'tree' straight in text.txt

#include <file.au3>
_ReplaceStringInFile (@ScriptDir & "\text.txt", "tree", " ")
ClipPut (FileRead (@ScriptDir & "\text.txt"))



Posted (edited)


you are using File command to read out text from a window -> never works.

See helpfile for further information:

ControlGetText ()

Use example script to see whats going on.

If you don't use notepad, use AutoIt v3 Window Info to get the class of your window.

If you have the class information, you can read the text into variable.

Then you can start string manipulation.



Edited by 99ojo

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