arcker Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Hi It looks promising If i understand well, can we load a plugin to an already compiled executable ? for example. I want to load a plugin in my script to play with shell explorer. But i want to unload it when i've finished. Is it possible ? -- Arck System _ Soon -- Ideas make everything "La critique est facile, l'art est difficile" Projects :[list] [*]Au3Service : Run your exe as service V3 / Updated 29/07/2013 Get it Here [/list]
IchBistTod Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Plugins would be very nice. But wouldn't be easier just to use the command line "/AutoIt3ExecuteScript" ?This code runs INSIDE your script and can interact with it via global variables, as well as it hides the au3 code.Running with cmd line runs it in a separate process with no way to interact with the original script. [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
IchBistTod Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Hi It looks promising If i understand well, can we load a plugin to an already compiled executable ? for example. I want to load a plugin in my script to play with shell explorer. But i want to unload it when i've finished. Is it possible ? okay lets say you have a script that persay checks server downtime. #include "au3dll.au3" while 1 _check() wend func _check() _au3dll("check") endfunc Then you would have a file in the same dir as the compiled exe named "check.adll", "check.adll" would contain the code to check the downtime. You could then replace "check.adll" as many times as you wanted without changing the exe and the code used to check the downtime would change. Another use I wont provide code for is loading all ".adll" files in the directory for a RAT, or similar program, and having it automatically load the code as "plugins" to the application that the user could use by selecting one and clicking "use plugin". [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
IchBistTod Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 I'd say it is very interesting. I've never had a problem with compiling, but the idea of a plugin framework appeals to me very much. You could even embed the .adll as a binary resource, keeping things clean and tidy for the user.Open source would be cool. I'd enjoy poking around the innards of this thing, seeing how it worked. Thanks for the contribution. The idea is to allow dynamic changing of plugins, so perhaps one could make a function to auto find and embed .adll files and give them version numbers so as to see if the file in the directory is newer than the resource version and to over write it. But as stated the idea is to allow dynamic updating or addition to code.Also if you compile code, getting the source code is as easy as google, then dragging and dropping ur app.If we reach a good community level project here,the idea is to make a system to protect code from those 3rd party decompilers too.I will be releasing the source code soon(a few hours). [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
IchBistTod Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 (edited) Conditional Statement Help Topic: I Start A Forum For This Project?Due to the fact that if the AU3 DLL Plugin Becomes a Success it could have a HUGE impact on the whole AutoIt community. I have devoted a special forum to it. The forum is accessible per my approval ONLY,to protect the integrity of the project. The forum should be up within 2 hours,andsource code will be relocated there. For access please PM me.Reasoning for this action.1)Protection of source code2)More focus on project(Here on Autoit forums it can get shoved down, and become hard to find, where as in the custom forum, it will be stickied to the top of the forum. This will promote focus on the project and further development, as well as make sure development does not go off topic.)Furthermore.All developers for this project WILL be encouraged to continue usage of AutoIt forums, to ask for help when needed, to answer questions abotu the project.All updated will be posted as this project evolves.When it has a reached a point, where the code in .adll files can not be cracked by method of viewing the source. We will publicly release the source code on the official AutoIt forums. Edited March 24, 2010 by IchBistTod [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
Shafayat Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Nice Idea. I agree with it. Please send me pm. I'm curious too. Now, you can focus on conditional statement while I'm working on loops. I'll try to emulate while...wend loop this afternoon. I've got a plan. Just need to put it in action..... -Shafayat [Not using this account any more. Using "iShafayet" instead]
IchBistTod Posted March 25, 2010 Author Posted March 25, 2010 Forum for AU3 DLL development has been generously donated by a close friend. For access please pm me and I will tell you how to access them. They contain the source code for AU3 DLL Plugin system and ALL development will be continued there. [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
trancexx Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 (edited) There is only one place this will go - nowhere. If it's true this is based on Execute() then it won't take long to get there. Try working on ideas that actually make sense. Edited March 25, 2010 by trancexx ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
IchBistTod Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 (edited) There is only one place this will go - nowhere.If it's true this is based on Execute() then it won't take long to get there.Try working on ideas that actually make sense.Try making posts that make sense.This project has gone very far, and goes further and further every day.You just made a fool out of your self.Just because you could not accomplish such a feat does not mean, others and myself can not.We can process variables, arrays, and conditional statements, allow dynamic loading of encoded au3 code into compiled au3 scripts, dynamic updating of this code even if the au3 script is running, dynamic loading new code as plugins for RATs, Media Players, IM apps, and Much more, as well as PROTECTION FROM 3RD PARTY SCRIPT DECOMPILERS.Our next step will be developing embedded DLL code for better encryption and allowing loops within the au3 dll plugins, which we WILL accomplish.This plugins WILL have the full functionality of an AU3 script, with the protection of much better encryption and dynamic updating/loading, and is over 30% complete in 3 days. So please, from now on, dont call bullshit unless you can prove it.Personally? I think you are jealous that you or no one else came up with this idea, and I did. Edited March 26, 2010 by IchBistTod [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
dantay9 Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 Tracexx is on of the people heading the advancement of AutoIt as a solid language. Seeing as how you only have a few posts and haven't been here very long, there isn't much you can say about anyone else. You also have failed to provide the source code so you can see why some people are skeptical of the internal workings and the "genius" of your code. If it is so great, show off the source for everyone to see.
IchBistTod Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 (edited) Tracexx is on of the people heading the advancement of AutoIt as a solid language. Seeing as how you only have a few posts and haven't been here very long, there isn't much you can say about anyone else. You also have failed to provide the source code so you can see why some people are skeptical of the internal workings and the "genius" of your code. If it is so great, show off the source for everyone to see.I did for a short while.As for you Sir, if you used you eyes in connection with your brain perhaps you could read HOW you may be able to gain access to the source code now that it has been moved.I dont care how long he has been here or what he thinks, or what you think either for that matter.If me, and the few people that want to help me, or even if it must be me alone(although I have a few supporters) am/are the only people to complete it, it will still be completed and your opinions will not change the fact, that it will be one of the greatest contributions ever made to autoit when it is finished.So you can either continue your bickering, and trancexx and continue her arrogant bitching, or you can help, or you can request access to view the source code, refuse to help, then be revoked access to view the source code, or you can GTFO of this thread.Edit:If trancexx or anyone was heading making autoit a "solid" language they would get off their ass and make it a compiled rather than interpreted language IMHO. Then maybe when people liek me start a development team to release something like a plugin system they dont have to also be the saviors and look out for the greater good by doing everyone a favor and protecting the source code within the plugins which is not protected in AU3 exes. Edited March 26, 2010 by IchBistTod [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
JohnOne Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 How do you expect anything with an attitude like that, just attacking everyone who makes an unpraising comment. You also have some balls to call anyone arrogant in the same outburst as that above. I understand you are excited about your project (and good luck with it)but you need to calm down and get rid of the god complex AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
Valik Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 IchBistTod, I'm tired of your disparaging comments about this language. If you don't like the fact that it's not secure then find another language. I don't particularly like seeing these sort of comments which seem to be a common vitriol from you:If trancexx or anyone was heading making autoit a "solid" language they would get off their ass and make it a compiled rather than interpreted language IMHO.The "H" in "IMHO" means "humble", by the way, something you certainly aren't. Say what you will about me, at least I have the courtesy to say "IMO" dropping the pretense of humility.I digress. You have absolutely no idea how hard it is to secure AutoIt. To date I can think of ways of breaking every method I or anyone else has thought of for securing the language. To put that in perspective, I'm just a simple developer, not one who has studied or practiced the darker arts. I'm half tempted to download your little project and break it just to prove to you that it's really not the bee's knees. Unfortunately (for everyone not you) and fortunately for you I'd much rather spend my time on virtually any of the ongoing projects I have - including but not limited to the development of the language itself.This is my one and only warning to you. Cool it. You've gone a bit over the top in your comments to trancexx and dantay9. JohnOne, while I'm sure he'd like to say the same thing to me, is spot on. Most especially, shelve all your pervasive non-helpful derogatory comments about the language. You'll be hard pressed to find a bigger critic of the language than I am - you can ask trancexx or ProgAndy (or any other MVP) the things they've seen me say about AutoIt in the MVP forum. There's no need for you to run around constantly vocalizing your issues. You want to write projects like this? Fine. But don't hype them more than they are and don't lash out when knowledgeable and experienced people don't quite see things through the same rose-tinted glasses.
IchBistTod Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 IchBistTod, I'm tired of your disparaging comments about this language. If you don't like the fact that it's not secure then find another language. I don't particularly like seeing these sort of comments which seem to be a common vitriol from you:The "H" in "IMHO" means "humble", by the way, something you certainly aren't. Say what you will about me, at least I have the courtesy to say "IMO" dropping the pretense of humility.I digress. You have absolutely no idea how hard it is to secure AutoIt. To date I can think of ways of breaking every method I or anyone else has thought of for securing the language. To put that in perspective, I'm just a simple developer, not one who has studied or practiced the darker arts. I'm half tempted to download your little project and break it just to prove to you that it's really not the bee's knees. Unfortunately (for everyone not you) and fortunately for you I'd much rather spend my time on virtually any of the ongoing projects I have - including but not limited to the development of the language itself.This is my one and only warning to you. Cool it. You've gone a bit over the top in your comments to trancexx and dantay9. JohnOne, while I'm sure he'd like to say the same thing to me, is spot on. Most especially, shelve all your pervasive non-helpful derogatory comments about the language. You'll be hard pressed to find a bigger critic of the language than I am - you can ask trancexx or ProgAndy (or any other MVP) the things they've seen me say about AutoIt in the MVP forum. There's no need for you to run around constantly vocalizing your issues. You want to write projects like this? Fine. But don't hype them more than they are and don't lash out when knowledgeable and experienced people don't quite see things through the same rose-tinted glasses.OH Valik I'm sorry I am supposed to remain completely calm and show no reaction when ........... for lack of a better word, arrogant, creatures, such as trancexx make statements such as"There is only one place this will go - nowhere.If it's true this is based on Execute() then it won't take long to get there.Try working on ideas that actually make sense. "Showing complete ignorance, or perhaps lethargy to the extent of not even being capable of being able to read the progress of the project, or if neither of these are true, simply showing anger that as dantay9Stated "you only have a few posts and haven't been here very long," and "Tracexx is on of the people heading the advancement of AutoIt as a solid language". That perhaps I might actually be going somewhere as a novice with an idea that she such an "advanced" member never thought of". Quite Frankly. I have been coding on and off in autoit for over THREE years. Thank you very much. And I WILL NOT be talked down to ANYONE regardless of what right they think their forum status or post count gives them, and I will not have the ability or the outcome of my project predicted in such a rude manner either. Trancexx and I have already discussed in private messages how she viewes me as lesser to herself, and she has no right to do so.As for you dantay, i apologize for blowing up for you, but had you simply read the whole thread and not been lazy and skimmed through it, and then immediately rushed to trancexx's defense which you had no right to not even knowing the situation, and then proceeded to sarcastically mock my work, I dont believe I would have reacted the way I did.JohnOne None of this pertained to you so I ask you please do not make assumptions on the situation and make an ass out of you and me. I had every right to call her arrogant because of what she said and her previous statements to me, and you had no right to intervene on that. No offense to you.And valik as of right now, my code is in beta, and I am sure you could crack it with ease, perhaps you would know that its currently still in development and ways to protect it better were being discussed if you too had read the whole thread. And im sure I have no idea how hard it is to secure autoit, but why do you all sit around and discuss it when the solution would be to make it a compiled NOT interpreted language?! Not to criticize, but if you use this as an excuse in your argument, and this would be a solution to all your problems what more is there to discuss on it? Also I advise you on the same page to stop making an ass out of just yourself with this statement "when knowledgeable and experienced people don't quite see things through the same" dont be an arrogant ass please. I assure you, I will return with this project complete, I assure you, It will change the way AutoIt is viewed. Because trust me, I have seen my way around the internet, and I have seen what hackers do to your little compiled codes, and I have seen the jokes they make of this language, And I will redeem it. [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
monoceres Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 OK, I'm tired if this bullshit. I didn't voice my true opinions about this project because I think that if you're happy about it, then fine, use it. But since you have shown disrespect to people who are about 10000x more knowledgeable than you I'm going to speak up. Making it a compiled language you say? Sure! In fact, I have written a VirtualMachine that inteprets a special type of byte code and executes it, along with a compiler that compiles to this byte code (however this is completely unrelated to autoit, a personal project of mine). Why would I try to make a ripoff of autoit when writing a new language? For a compilation process to make sense the current autoit code needs to be used, which is a much greater treat. This project is stupid. No really, it is. So you're encrypting the source? So fucking what. To be able to use the code you need to decrypt the source, and what does that means? Hey! Storing the key inside the exe. Very secure indeed. What you have done is nothing but a attaching some Security by obfuscating to something as trivial as: Execute(FileRead("")) There, I just released some genius code that will revolutionize autoit! I'm truly a genius! This is useless. Go learn what computer science is all about. Try to do the same thing in ruby (wrap it around eval, eval in ruby even allows multiple lines!) and release it to the community. They will laugh their ass off. Also, isn't it kind of ironic that you bash the security of autoit exe's when your own technique is 100 % dependent of it? Also, the following quote made my day: Because trust me, I have seen my way around the internet, and I have seen what hackers do to your little compiled codes Lulz. Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
Valik Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 This is absurd. Your arrogance is simply outstanding. You come onto this forum bad-mouthing the language, hyping your flawed ideas and insulting other members who can see all the flaws. Believe it or not, you are not the smartest person to have posted in this thread. Some people far smarter than you have only just begun to tear apart your idea. There's nothing inherently wrong with security by obscurity so long as everyone involved understands that it's only a matter of time before somebody sees through it. Trying to hype security by obscurity as some revolutionary new technique is misleading at best and outright lying at worst. It's incredibly unlikely you are going to revolutionize the way people view AutoIt. It's more likely that you'll either give up or will be largely ignored. The latter is especially true after the childish outbursts. Lastly, there you go again with the "compiled" language rhetoric. Here's a clue: This isn't your language. When we decide to add byte-code compilation, we'll add it. Commentary or demand from you or anyone else is pointless and counter-productive. It just makes you sound like an ungrateful bitch. It also makes you rather unsympathetic to the fact that those of us who work on the language do so on a voluntary basis in our spare time.
JRowe Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 (edited) Behold the messiah. He cometh bearing great hope.I have gone through the trouble...He came to the land and is now weary, and seeketh his I do not have to take on the burden alone.Assureth us the messiah that his works are great and bold.Just because you could not accomplish such a feat...And the messiah striketh down the evil trance of xx...I think you are jealous that you or no one else came up with this idea, and I did.I dont care how long he has been here or what he thinks, or what you think either for that matter.The messiah assureth us of his wisdom and great will be one of the greatest contributions ever made to autoit when it is finished.And he bringeth us the law.So you can either continue your bickering, and trancexx and continue her arrogant bitching, or you can help, or you can request access to view the source code, refuse to help, then be revoked access to view the source code, or you can GTFO of this thread.Even more, he punisheth the sinners and condemns them.Edit:If trancexx or anyone was heading making autoit a "solid" language they would get off their ass and make it a compiled rather than interpreted language IMHOThen maybe when people liek me start a development team to release something like a plugin system they dont have to also be the saviors and look out for the greater good by doing everyone a favor and protecting the source code within the plugins which is not protected in AU3 exes.And now the messiah rebukes the words of the great satan.Showing complete ignorance, or perhaps lethargy to the extent of not even being capable of being able to read the progress of the project, or if neither of these are true, simply showing anger that as dantay9OH Valik I'm sorry I am supposed to remain completely calm and show no reaction when ........... for lack of a better word, arrogant, creatures, such as trancexxBehold, the messiah proclaims the future and promises redemption!I assure you, I will return with this project complete, I assure you, It will change the way AutoIt is viewedBecause trust me, I have seen my way around the internet, and I have seen what hackers do to your little compiled codes, and I have seen the jokes they make of this language, And I will redeem it.Yay he is teh messiah and I r teh prophet. Edited March 26, 2010 by JRowe MaximusCZ 1 [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
doudou Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 (edited) People, don't be that strict with him: he's only 16 (a child, if you want). He made quite an effort, invested a lot of work - it is somehow understandable he gets overexcited and expects admiration from the others. Now, after those others don't recognize his excellence, he's frustrated. IchBistTod, there's no reason to take critics personally. Take them as a free lesson, improve your skills and next time you will get your applause. Edited March 26, 2010 by doudou UDFS & Apps: Spoiler DDEML.au3 - DDE Client + ServerLocalization.au3 - localize your scriptsTLI.au3 - type information on COM objects (TLBINF emulation)TLBAutoEnum.au3 - auto-import of COM constants (enums)AU3Automation - export AU3 scripts via COM interfacesTypeLibInspector - OleView was yesterday Coder's last words before final release: WE APOLOGIZE FOR INCONVENIENCE
IchBistTod Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 Well now, evaluate the situation. IF trancexx had never opened her mouth, OR had at least used a more polite manner of speaking then all of this would have been avoided.As for making AutoIt compiled, I am sure its been requested several times over the years, and I am sure its work beyond that able to be accomplished in your "free-time", and that is perfectly understandable." Hey! Storing the key inside the exe. Very secure indeed."Wrong, again, learn to read through through the thread. An embedded dll will be call used the winproc method. the dll will only allow itself to be executed from memory from a compiled AU3 script with a special overlay. Therefore if the script is decompiled they cant initially get the source code. In face without knowing exactly how the dll decodes the text and the function processes it, it will be no trivial process, as decompiling code these days is.Execute(FileRead(""))?I have done far more.I have used loops, arrays, regex, variables, etc, to allow linear conditional statements, use of variable, and variable assignment, FAR beyond the normal functionality of the execute statement.Next on the list is loops. [center][/center][center]=][u][/u][/center][center][/center]
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