wraithdu Posted June 28, 2011 Author Posted June 28, 2011 (edited) I can't divine your broken code, so you're gonna have to post something better than errors. Small reproducer would be nice. Probably just add the Global declaration to the first mention of $oTB3, I forgot it in my example. Edited June 28, 2011 by wraithdu
MilesAhead Posted July 14, 2011 Posted July 14, 2011 (edited) I found a nice dll written in C++ that works easily in AutoIt3 using DllCall. It's a work in progress(pun intended) but there's enough done to do the Windows7 Taskbar Progress. You can download the dll and sources from this page: http://psymp3.googlecode.com/svn/branches/1-CURRENT/libs/libseven/ See the _TestProgress() function at the bottom of my demo TestLib7.au3. Note the Taskbar Progress test is done out of a Tray Menu command since I have a program skeleton in my au3 template file. It was just easier to add a command to the Tray Menu. The other file, MilesAheadMisc.au3 has routine support functions like _WindowsVersion() and _ShowUsage() etc.. TestLib7.au3 expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=f.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=TestLib7.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; AutoIt3 Script for MilesAhead #include <Misc.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include "MilesAheadMisc.au3" If _WinVersion() < 6.1 Then _ShowError("Program requires Windows Seven!") Const $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183 If _Singleton("{A07C9E7D-62DA-4030-B4B1-1CC197378BD3}", 1) = 0 Then If @error = $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Then Exit Else OnAutoItExitRegister("_Cleanup") EndIf AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 3) TraySetClick(8) Const $TASKBAR_PROGRESS = 1, $TASKBAR_PAUSED = 2, $TASKBAR_NORMAL = 3, $TASKBAR_INDETERMINATE = 4 ; handle for libseven.dll Global $handle = -1 ;flag to prevent windows being open concurrently Global $windowOpen = False Global $readmeFilename = @ScriptDir & "\Readme.txt" TraySetToolTip(_ScriptBaseName()) TrayCreateItem("") $aboutitem = TrayCreateItem("About") $downloaditem = TrayCreateItem("Visit Hotkey Page") ;$updateitem = TrayCreateItem("Check for Update") TrayCreateItem("") $testProgress = TrayCreateItem("Test Taskbar Progress") $readmeitem = TrayCreateItem("Show Readme") $donateitem = TrayCreateItem("Donate") TrayCreateItem("") $exititem = TrayCreateItem("Quit") Global $gui = GUICreate("Windows7 Taskbar", 240, 40, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) If $gui = 0 Then _ShowError("Gui Window creation failed!") Global $prog = GUICtrlCreateProgress(20, 10, 200, 20) Global $taskInit = False ; Tray Message Loop While 1 $msg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = 0 ; do any polling here ContinueLoop Case $msg = $aboutitem _About() _ReduceMemory() Case $msg = $downloaditem _VisitHotkeyPage() ;~ Case $msg = $updateitem ;~ $windowOpen = True ;~ _Check4Update() ;~ _EmptyTrayQ() ;~ $windowOpen = False ;~ _ReduceMemory() Case $msg = $testProgress _TestProgress() Case $msg = $readmeitem _ReadMe() Case $msg = $donateitem _Donate() Case $msg = $exititem _Quit() EndSelect WEnd Func _About() Local $about = _ScriptBaseName() & " " $about &= FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath) $about &= " Copyright (c) 2011 FavesSoft LLC" & @CRLF & @CRLF $about &= "Show Usage Info Here" _ShowUsage($about, _ScriptBaseName(), False) EndFunc ;==>_About Func _ReadMe() $result = 0 If _ValidPath($readmeFilename) Then $result = ShellExecute($readmeFilename) EndIf If $result = 0 Then _ShowError("Help/Readme File Not Found!", "", False) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ReadMe Func _VisitHotkeyPage() ShellExecute("http://www.favessoft.com/hotkeys.html") EndFunc ;==>_VisitHotkeyPage Func _Donate() ShellExecute("http://www.favessoft.com/donate.html") EndFunc ;==>_Donate Func _Quit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Quit ; registered clean up function Func _Cleanup() If $gui <> 0 Then GUIDelete($gui) EndIf If $handle <> -1 Then DllClose($handle) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Cleanup Func _TestProgress() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) If Not $taskInit Then $handle = DllOpen("libseven.dll") If $handle = -1 Then _ShowError("Open of libseven.dll Failed!") DllCall($handle, "none:cdecl", "InitializeTaskbar") If @error Then _ShowError("Initialize Taskbar Failed!") EndIf DllCall($handle, "none:cdecl", "AssociateHwnd", "HWND", $gui) If @error Then _ShowError("Associate Window Handle Failed!") EndIf $taskInit = True EndIf DllCall($handle, "none:cdecl", "SetProgressType", "int", $TASKBAR_PROGRESS) If @error Then _ShowError("SetProgressType Function Failed!") EndIf For $x = 5 To 100 Step 5 DllCall($handle, "none:cdecl", "UpdateProgressBar", "int", $x, "int", 100) If @error Then _ShowError("Progress Update Failed!") EndIf GUICtrlSetData($prog, $x) Sleep(250) Next DllCall($handle, "none:cdecl", "SetProgressType", "int", $TASKBAR_NORMAL) GUICtrlSetData($prog, 1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $gui) EndFunc ;==>_TestProgress MilesAheadMisc.au3 expandcollapse popup; ;MilesAheadMisc.au3 ; ;misc useful functions for ;inclusion in scripts. ; ;some functions are totatlly original. ;where adapted or used directly I give ;attribution when possible. ; ;MilesAhead ; #include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> ; Empty Tray Icon Queue of events Func _EmptyTrayQ() Local $m = 0 Do $m = TrayGetMsg() Until $m = 0 EndFunc ;==>_EmptyTrayQ ;use Scripting.Dictionary object for simple associative arrays Func _AssocArray() Local $aArray = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf $aArray.CompareMode = 1 Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>_AssocArray Func _AssocArrayDestroy(ByRef $aArray) If Not IsObj($aArray) Then Return False EndIf $aArray.RemoveAll() $aArray = 0 Return True EndFunc ;==>_AssocArrayDestroy ;filter out empty array strings ("") Func _ArrayDelBlanks(ByRef $someArray) Local $index = -1 While UBound($someArray) > 0 $index = _ArraySearch($someArray, "") If $index > -1 Then _ArrayDelete($someArray, $index) Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_ArrayDelBlanks ;confirms that input consists only of valid chars Func _ValidateInput($inputStr, $validChars) For $x = 1 To StringLen($inputStr) If Not StringInStr($validChars, StringMid($inputStr, $x, 1)) Then Return False EndIf Next Return True EndFunc ;==>_ValidateInput ;InputBox to allow user to change hotkey modifier key ;ModKey chars must all be in $validChars string ;Returns $curModKey if user aborts entry Func _EditHotkeyModifier($curModKey, $validChars) Local $newModKey = "" $prompt = "Usable Modifiers include:" & @CRLF $prompt &= "# for Win Key" & @CRLF $prompt &= "! for Alt Key" & @CRLF $prompt &= "^ for Control Key" & @CRLF $prompt &= "^! for Control-Alt etc.." & @CRLF $newModKey = InputBox("Enter HotKey Modifier", $prompt, $curModKey) If $newModKey = "" Or $newModKey = $curModKey Then Return $curModKey If Not _ValidateInput($newModKey, $validChars) Then _ShowError("Invalid Hotkey Modiifer Specified : Keeping Current!", "", False) Return $curModKey EndIf Return $newModKey EndFunc ;==>_EditHotkeyModifier ;return the Windows version as a number or string ;according to $retAsString param. ;example 6.1 for Windows7, 6 for Vista, ;5.1 for XP etc.. as number, as string the ;minor version will be preserved even if .0 ;(Vista returns "6.0" etc.) ; Func _WinVersion($retAsString = 0) Local $dwVersion = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "dword", "GetVersion") Local $versionStr = String(BitAND($dwVersion[0], 0x00FF)) $versionStr &= "." & String(BitShift(BitAND($dwVersion[0], 0xFF00), 8)) If $retAsString Then Return $versionStr Return Number($versionStr) EndFunc ;==>_WinVersion ;_GetVersionEx() ; ;It calls the Ansi version of GetVersionEx() WinAPI ; ;On success returns zero based 5 element array of strings ;element 0 = OS Major;1 = OS Minor; 2 = build; 3 = platform; 4 = Version String ;note Version String may be an empty string or something like "Service Pack 1" ; ;On error returns 0 and sets @error to the value contained in @error macro. ;Sets @extended to 1 if error occurred in DllStructCreate(), 2 if error ;occurred in DllStructSetData(), or 3 if error occurred in DllCall() ; Func _GetVersionEx() Local $OsArray[5] = [""] Local $osvi = DllStructCreate("dword size;dword OsMajor;dword OsMinor;dword build;dword platform;char verString[128]") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 1, 0) EndIf DllStructSetData($osvi, "size", 148) If @error Then $osvi = 0 Return SetError(@error, 2, 0) EndIf Local $retVal = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetVersionExA", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($osvi)) If @error Then $osvi = 0 Return SetError(@error, 3, 0) EndIf $OsArray[0] = String(DllStructGetData($osvi, "OsMajor")) $OsArray[1] = String(DllStructGetData($osvi, "OsMinor")) $OsArray[2] = String(DllStructGetData($osvi, "build")) $OsArray[3] = String(DllStructGetData($osvi, "platform")) $OsArray[4] = DllStructGetData($osvi, "verString") $osvi = 0 Return $OsArray EndFunc ;==>_GetVersionEx ; Reduce memory usage via EmptyWorkingSet() ; Author wOuter ( mostly ) on AutoIt3 forum Func _ReduceMemory($i_PID = -1) If _WinVersion() < 5 Then Return False If $i_PID <> -1 Then Local $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1f0fff, 'int', False, 'int', $i_PID) Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', $ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ai_Handle[0]) Else Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) EndIf Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ;==>_ReduceMemory ;returns non 0 if Glass is enabled on Vista/W7 Func _GlassEnabled() $retValue = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "int", "DwmIsCompositionEnabled", "int*", "") If @error Then Return 0 Return $retValue[1] EndFunc ;==>_GlassEnabled ;from Michael Michta on AutoIt3 forum Func EnableBlurBehind($hWnd) Const $DWM_BB_ENABLE = 0x00000001 $Struct = DllStructCreate("dword;int;ptr;int") DllStructSetData($Struct, 1, $DWM_BB_ENABLE) DllStructSetData($Struct, 2, "1") DllStructSetData($Struct, 4, "1") DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "int", "DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Struct)) EndFunc ;==>EnableBlurBehind ;if $Str contains a space wrap in double quotes ; ;useful for command line params of files that have ;a space in the file path ; Func _QuoteStr($str) If StringInStr($str, " ") Then Return '"' & $str & '"' EndIf Return $str EndFunc ;==>_QuoteStr ;returns True if $path is a directory Func _DirectoryExists($path) If Not FileExists($path) Then Return False If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($path), "D") > 0 Then Return True Return False EndFunc ;==>_DirectoryExists ;return True if $path exists and contains "D" directory attribute Func _IsFolder($path) Local $attr = FileGetAttrib($path) If $attr = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ElseIf StringInStr($attr, "D") Then Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IsFolder ;returns False if no media in drive or file/folder doesn't exist ; ;for use with complete paths, not for file named 'x' ;in working dir. Seems to work ok with network paths ;(\\NAME\folder\filename) as well as those starting with ;a drive letter. The idea is to avoid the long time-out ;if FileExists was used by itself on empty drive etc.. ; Func _ValidPath($path) ;filter out obvious junk If StringLen($path) < 2 Then Return False Local $sysDrive = StringLeft(@WindowsDir, 2) Local $drive = StringLeft($path, 2) If $sysDrive = $drive Then Return FileExists($path) EndIf Local $driveType = DriveGetType($drive) If @error Then Return False Switch $driveType Case "Unknown" Return False Case "Network" If DriveStatus($drive) = "Invalid" Then Return False Case "CDROM", "Removable" If DriveStatus($drive) = "NotReady" Then Return False EndSwitch Return FileExists($path) EndFunc ;==>_ValidPath ; A drive passed in that consists of a letter and colon ; ( x: ) will be set to Upper Case and a slash appened ( X:\ ) ; ; A drive passed in as x:\ will be set to Upper Case. ; ; The Function returns nothing. Any changes are made to the ; input param. ; Func _DriveUpSlash(ByRef $drive) If StringLen($drive) = 2 And StringRight($drive, 1) = ":" Then $drive = StringUpper($drive) & "\" ElseIf StringRight($drive, 2) = ":\" Then $drive = StringUpper($drive) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DriveUpSlash ; return the basename part of a file path ; works only for files with extension ; e.g. returns "test" for c:\folder\test.exe path ; Func _FileBaseName($path) If $path = "" Then Return "" If StringLen($path) < 3 Then Return "" Local $pos = StringInStr($path, "\", 0, -1) $pos += 1 Local $tmp = StringMid($path, $pos) Return StringLeft($tmp, StringInStr($tmp, ".", 0, -1) - 1) EndFunc ;==>_FileBaseName ; return _FileBaseName with hash appended instead of using full path ; Func _BaseFileStr($path) Return _FileBaseName($path) & _HashString32($path) EndFunc ;==>_BaseFileStr ; return the '.ext' part of path no matter how long the ext ; as in image.jpg returns '.jpg' or image.jpeg returns '.jpeg' ; Func _FileExt($path) If $path = "" Then Return "" Local $pos = StringInStr($path, ".", 0, -1) If $pos = 0 Then Return "" Return StringMid($path, $pos) EndFunc ;==>_FileExt ; return entire path without last extension ; (e.g. c:\Folder\Text.txt returns c:\Folder\Text) ; Func _PathNoExt($path) If $path = "" Then Return "" Local $pos = StringInStr($path, ".", 0, -1) If $pos = 0 Then Return "" Return StringLeft($path, $pos - 1) EndFunc ;==>_PathNoExt ;returns filename fName without drive or path Func _FileNoPath($fName) Local $slashPos = StringInStr($fName, "\", 0, -1) $slashPos += 1 Return StringMid($fName, $slashPos) EndFunc ;==>_FileNoPath ;filter out percent signs, spaces, and illegal filename chars ;and substitute underscores. Optionally chop off return str ;at $maxLen chars. ; ; Func _NormalizeFilename($inFilename, $maxLen = 0) Local Const $illegalFilenameChars = "?[]/\=+<>:;"",* %" Local $c = "" Local $fixedFilename = "" For $x = 1 To StringLen($inFilename) $c = StringMid($inFilename, $x, 1) If StringInStr($illegalFilenameChars, $c) Then $c = "_" EndIf $fixedFilename &= $c Next If $maxLen Then Return StringLeft($fixedFilename, $maxLen) EndIf Return $fixedFilename EndFunc ;==>_NormalizeFilename ;return @ScriptName without extension ;useful for MsgBox titles or path ;building ; Func _ScriptBaseName() Return StringLeft(@ScriptName, (StringInStr(@ScriptName, ".") - 1)) EndFunc ;==>_ScriptBaseName ;a one-liner but saves thinking about it :) ; Func _ScriptIniFileName() Return @ScriptDir & "\" & _ScriptBaseName() & ".ini" EndFunc ;==>_ScriptIniFileName ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileInPath ; Description ...: Returns the location in the PATH environment variable containing a file ; Syntax.........: _FileInPath( $sFilename ) ; Parameters ....: $sFilename - The file to search for (filename only, no folders) ; Return values .: Success - Returns the path to the file and set @error=0 (@extended=1 a specified path and the file is there) ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - File not found in @WorkingDir or the PATH (@extended=1 if PATH is blank) ; |2 - Could not StringSplit the PATH ; Author ........: Gigglestick (c0deWorm) ; Modified.......: Comments added and logic modified ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileInPath($asFilename) If StringInStr($asFilename, "\") Then If FileExists($asFilename) Then ; if a full or relative path was specified and the file exists then return the path Return SetError(0, 1, $asFilename) Else ; if a path was specified and the file does not exist then return "file not found" error Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndIf ; if the file is found in the current working directory then return the absolute file path If FileExists(@WorkingDir & "\" & $asFilename) Then Return SetError(0, 0, @WorkingDir & "\" & $asFilename) Local $i, $lasPath, $lsPath = EnvGet("PATH") ; if variable containing PATH is empty then return "file not found" error and @extended=2 If StringLen($lsPath) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, "") ; if PATH is set but only has one entry then check it If StringLen($lsPath) > 0 And Not StringInStr($lsPath, ";") Then If FileExists($lsPath & "\" & $asFilename) Then ; if the filename is found in the single PATH entry then return the file path Return SetError(0, 0, $lsPath & "\" & $asFilename) Else ; if PATH is a single entry and does not contain the filename then return "file not found" error Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndIf ; remove any blank entries (double semicolons) While StringInStr($lsPath, ";;") $lsPath = StringReplace($lsPath, ";;", ";") WEnd ; split variable containing PATH into an array of single paths $lasPath = StringSplit($lsPath, ";") ; if ";" not found in split then return error If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; loop through array of single paths, searching for absolute file path and return absolute file path if found For $i = 1 To $lasPath[0] If FileExists($lasPath[$i] & "\" & $asFilename) Then Return SetError(0, 0, $lasPath[$i] & "\" & $asFilename) Next ; unable to find filename in current working directory or PATH so return error Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>_FileInPath ;Check FavesSoft Server for newer version with optional download ;If user downloads, the script directory and zip file will be ;opened, and the calling program exited. ; Func _Check4Update($verIniFile = "FavesVersions.ini", $url = "http://www.favessoft.com/", $maxCount = 10) Local $count = 0 Local $iniFile = @ScriptDir & "\" & $verIniFile Local $hDownload = InetGet($url & $verIniFile, $iniFile, 1, 1) Local $localFile = "" Do $count += 1 If $count > $maxCount Then ExitLoop Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2) InetClose($hDownload) If $count > $maxCount Then _ShowError("Server Access Failed!", "", False) Return False EndIf Local $v = IniRead($iniFile, "Versions", _ScriptBaseName(), "") If $v = "" Then _ShowError("Version Info Not Found!", "", False) If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) EndIf Return False EndIf Local $t = FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath) If $v > $t Then If MsgBox(0x1044, _ScriptBaseName(), "Current Version is " & $t & " Online Version is " & $v & " : Download?") = 6 Then $d = IniRead($iniFile, "Downloads", _ScriptBaseName(), "") If $d <> "" Then $localFile = @ScriptDir & "\" & $d $hDownload = InetGet($url & $d, $localFile, 1, 1) $count = 0 Do $count += 1 If $count > $maxCount Then ExitLoop Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2) InetClose($hDownload) If $count <= $maxCount Then ShellExecute($localFile) ShellExecute(@ScriptDir) If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) EndIf Exit Else _ShowError("Download Attempt Failed!", "", False) If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) EndIf Return False EndIf Else _ShowError("Download Info Not Found!", "", False) If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) EndIf Return False EndIf Else If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) EndIf Return True EndIf Else MsgBox(0x1040, _ScriptBaseName(), $t & " is the latest version") EndIf If FileExists($iniFile) Then FileDelete($iniFile) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Check4Update ;show an error msg and optionally quit, with optional timeout Func _ShowError($errorMsg, $title = "", $quit = True, $timeOut = 0) If $title = "" Then $title = _ScriptBaseName() MsgBox(0x1010, $title, $errorMsg, $timeOut) If $quit Then Exit EndFunc ;==>_ShowError ;show usage msg and optionally quit with optional timeout Func _ShowUsage($usageMsg, $title = "", $quit = True, $timeOut = 0) If $title = "" Then $title = _ScriptBaseName() MsgBox(0x1040, $title, $usageMsg, $timeOut) If $quit Then Exit EndFunc ;==>_ShowUsage ;write AssocArray to IniFile Section ;returns 1 on success - sets @error on failure Func _WriteAssocToIni($myAssoc, $myIni, $mySection) $retVal = 0 If $myAssoc.Count() < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $iArray[$myAssoc.Count()][2] Local $aArray = $myAssoc.Keys() For $x = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 $iArray[$x][0] = $aArray[$x] $iArray[$x][1] = _MakePosString($myAssoc($aArray[$x])) Next $retVal = IniWriteSection($myIni, $mySection, $iArray, 0) Return SetError(@error, 0, $retVal) EndFunc ;==>_WriteAssocToIni ;read AssocArray from IniFile Section ;returns number of items read - sets @error on failure Func _ReadAssocFromIni(ByRef $myAssoc, $myIni, $mySection) Local $sectionArray = IniReadSection($myIni, $mySection) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $posA[9] Local $posS For $x = 1 To $sectionArray[0][0] $posS = _MakePosArray($sectionArray[$x][1]) For $y = 0 To UBound($posS) - 1 $posA[$y] = Number($posS[$y]) If $posA[$y] < 0 Then ContinueLoop 2 Next $myAssoc($sectionArray[$x][0]) = $posA Next Return $sectionArray[0][0] EndFunc ;==>_ReadAssocFromIni ;from _SDBM32 by trancexx on AutoIt3 forum Func _HashString32($sString) Local $aArray = StringToASCIIArray($sString) Local $iHash = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 $iHash = $aArray[$i] + BitShift($iHash, -6) + BitShift($iHash, -16) - $iHash Next Return Hex($iHash) EndFunc ;==>_HashString32 ;makes a Position string using '#' number separator Func _MakePosString($posArray) Local $str = "" For $x = 0 To UBound($posArray) - 2 $str &= String($posArray[$x]) & "#" Next $str &= String($posArray[UBound($posArray) - 1]) Return $str EndFunc ;==>_MakePosString ;makes a Position array from a Position string Func _MakePosArray($posString) Return StringSplit($posString, "#", 2) EndFunc ;==>_MakePosArray ;show msgbox without sound and optionally quit with optional timeout Func _ShowSilent($usageMsg, $title = "", $quit = True, $timeOut = 0) If $title = "" Then $title = _ScriptBaseName() MsgBox(0xA0, $title, $usageMsg, $timeOut) If $quit Then Exit EndFunc ;==>_ShowSilent ; Get the execuatble path of a window ; Author gafrost on AutoIt3 forum Func _WinGetPath($title = "", $strComputer = 'localhost') Local $win = WinGetTitle($title) Local $pid = WinGetProcess($win) Local $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 Local $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 Local $colItems = "" Local $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " & $pid, "WQL", _ $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($colItems) Then For $objItem In $colItems If $objItem.ExecutablePath Then Return $objItem.ExecutablePath Next EndIf Return "" EndFunc ;==>_WinGetPath ;AutoIt3 Forum code to get Desktop WorkArea Func _GetDesktopWorkArea(ByRef $left, ByRef $top, ByRef $right, ByRef $bottom) Local Const $SPI_SETWORKAREA = 47 Local Const $SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48 Local $tRcWA = DllStructCreate($tagRECT) If _WinAPI_SystemParametersInfo($SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tRcWA)) Then $left = DllStructGetData($tRcWA, "Left") $right = DllStructGetData($tRcWA, "Right") $top = DllStructGetData($tRcWA, "Top") $bottom = DllStructGetData($tRcWA, "Bottom") Return True EndIf Return False EndFunc ;==>_GetDesktopWorkArea Func _SetDesktopWorkArea($left, $top, $right, $bottom) Local Const $SPI_SETWORKAREA = 47 Local Const $SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48 Local $tRcWA = DllStructCreate($tagRECT) DllStructSetData($tRcWA, "Left", $left) DllStructSetData($tRcWA, "Top", $top) DllStructSetData($tRcWA, "Right", $right) DllStructSetData($tRcWA, "Bottom", $bottom) Return _WinAPI_SystemParametersInfo($SPI_SETWORKAREA, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tRcWA)) EndFunc ;==>_SetDesktopWorkArea Func _DesktopMarginArea(ByRef $left, ByRef $top, ByRef $right, ByRef $bottom, $margin = 4) Local $l, $t, $r, $b Local $m = Int($margin) If $m < 0 Or $m > 12 Then $m = 4 If $m = 0 Then _GetDesktopWorkArea($left, $top, $right, $bottom) Else _GetDesktopWorkArea($l, $t, $r, $b) $left = $l + $m $top = $t + $m $right = $r - $m $bottom = $b - $m EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DesktopMarginArea Func _DesktopTaskbarGap(ByRef $left, ByRef $top, ByRef $right, ByRef $bottom, $percentMargin = 5) _GetDesktopWorkArea($left, $top, $right, $bottom) If $right - $left = @DesktopWidth And $bottom - $top = @DesktopHeight Then Return EndIf If $bottom < @DesktopHeight Then $bottom -= Int($bottom / 100 * $percentMargin) ElseIf $top > 0 Then $top += Int(($bottom - $top) / 100 * $percentMargin) ElseIf $left > 0 Then $left += Int(($right - $left) / 100 * $percentMargin) Else $right -= Int(($right - $left) / 100 * $percentMargin) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DesktopTaskbarGap ; Set Desktop Work Area with percent gap next to Taskbar Func _DesktopSetTaskbarGap($percentMargin = 5) Local $l, $t, $r, $b _DesktopTaskbarGap($l, $t, $r, $b, $percentMargin) Return _SetDesktopWorkArea($l, $t, $r, $b) EndFunc ;==>_DesktopSetTaskbarGap ; _ShowFolders($folders, $percentGap = 5) ; ; Show folders leaving TaskBar Gap ; --------------------------------- ; $folders[0] must have the folder count ; $percentGap is the percent of screen width ; or height to leave next to the Taskbar. ; If TaskbarGap.exe is running, $percentGap ; is set to 0 since it is assumed TaskbarGap ; has set the work area to allow for the gap. ; ; Does not Return a value ; Func _ShowFolders($folders, $percentGap = 5) If Not IsArray($folders) Then Return Local $l = -1, $t = -1, $r = -1, $b = -1 Local $oldMatchMode = AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", -3) If ProcessExists("TaskbarGap.exe") Then $percentGap = 0 EndIf _DesktopTaskbarGap($l, $t, $r, $b, $percentGap) Local $sleepVal = 2500 Local $s = $folders[0] Local $h = $b - $t Local $w = ($r - $l) / $s Local $w3 = 0, $w4 = 0 $w3 = ($r - $l) / 3 $w4 = ($r - $l) / 4 If $s > 4 Then $sleepVal = 4000 If $s > 6 Then $sleepVal = 4500 If $s >= 4 Then $h = ($b - $t) / 2 EndIf If $s > 8 Then WinMinimizeAll() Sleep(50) EndIf For $x = 1 To $s ShellExecute("explorer.exe", "/e," & $folders[$x], "", "open") Next Sleep($sleepVal) WinWait($folders[$s], "", 8) If $s > 8 Then _TileHorizontal() ElseIf $s = 8 Then $w *= 2 WinMove($folders[1], "", $l, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[2], "", $l + $w, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[3], "", $l + 2 * $w, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[4], "", $l + 3 * $w, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[5], "", $l, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[6], "", $l + $w, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[7], "", $l + 2 * $w, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[8], "", $l + 3 * $w, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) ElseIf $s = 7 Then WinMove($folders[1], "", $l, $t, $w3 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[2], "", $l + $w3, $t, $w3 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[3], "", $l + 2 * $w3, $t, $w3 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[4], "", $l, $t + $h, $w4 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[5], "", $l + $w4, $t + $h, $w4 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[6], "", $l + 2 * $w4, $t + $h, $w4 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[7], "", $l + 3 * $w4, $t + $h, $w4 - 1, $h - 2) ElseIf $s = 6 Then $w *= 2 WinMove($folders[1], "", $l, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[2], "", $l + $w, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[3], "", $l + 2 * $w, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[4], "", $l, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[5], "", $l + $w, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[6], "", $l + 2 * $w, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) ElseIf $s = 5 Then WinMove($folders[1], "", $l, $t, $w3 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[2], "", $l + $w3, $t, $w3 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[3], "", $l + 2 * $w3, $t, $w3 - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[4], "", $l, $t + $h, (($r - $l) / 2) - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[5], "", $l + ($r - $l) / 2, $t + $h, (($r - $l) / 2) - 1, $h - 2) ElseIf $s = 4 Then $w *= 2 WinMove($folders[1], "", $l, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[2], "", $l + $w, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[3], "", $l, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) WinMove($folders[4], "", $l + $w, $t + $h, $w - 1, $h - 2) Else For $x = 1 To $s WinMove($folders[$x], "", $l, $t, $w - 1, $h - 2) $l += $w Next EndIf AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", $oldMatchMode) EndFunc ;==>_ShowFolders ;tile windows horizontally Func _TileHorizontal() DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "TileWindows", "int", 0, "int", 1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) EndFunc ;==>_TileHorizontal Func _TileVertical() DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "TileWindows", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) EndFunc ;==>_TileVertical ;AutoIt3 Forum code to get multiple monitor metrics Func _GetVirtualMetrics(ByRef $vWidth, ByRef $vHeight) Local Const $SM_VIRTUALWIDTH = 78 Local Const $SM_VIRTUALHEIGHT = 79 Local $VirtualDesktopWidth = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", $SM_VIRTUALWIDTH) Local $VirtualDesktopHeight = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", $SM_VIRTUALHEIGHT) $vWidth = $VirtualDesktopWidth[0] $vHeight = $VirtualDesktopHeight[0] EndFunc ;==>_GetVirtualMetrics ; ================================================================================================= ; Description ..: Retrieves the name of the executable file associated with the specified file name ; Parameters ...: $FileName - Fully qualified path to existing file ; $Directory - Default directory ; Return values : Full path to the executable file started when an "open" by association is run on the ; file specified or blank if no association was found ; Author .......: Paul Campbell (PaulIA) ; Notes ........: ; ================================================================================================= Func _API_FindExecutable($sFileName, $sDirectory = "") Local $rBuffer $rBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[4096]") DllCall("Shell32.dll", "hwnd", "FindExecutable", "str", $sFileName, "str", $sDirectory, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($rBuffer)) Return DllStructGetData($rBuffer, 1) EndFunc ;==>_API_FindExecutable Edit: as I mess with this lib more I see the only thing that seems to work is progressbar traversal in green. Doesn't seem to actuate the other colors. For some reason the author uses flags numbered 1 to 4 instead of just sticking with the API flags. I hope he fixes it up as it is something that could be called easily from a variety of client languages. I've used it in FreeBASIC and AutoIt3 so far. Edit2: otoh wraithdu's demo works with all the colors. Looks like easier isn't better in this case. Edited July 15, 2011 by MilesAhead My Freeware Page
MilesAhead Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 (edited) I convinced the author of an ITaskbarList3 Delphi Unit to wrap the progressbar bits in a stdcall DLL. You can download from this link:http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1518190#post1518190If you're only interested in the Taskbar Progess bits it's easy to use with DllCall(). It's just handy to have a DLL that can be called from various client languages. He rewrote the progressbar bits in C. The source is included in the download. But more importantly the 32 bit DLL release is included. A quick look at the source and it's easy to see how to call the functions. They all return int. 1 on success, 0 on failure. Edited August 8, 2011 by MilesAhead My Freeware Page
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