cgycowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 (edited) Hello, I would appreciate any help on this...I am trying to compile this script expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=harddisc.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=rmaparts.exe #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #Include <GuiEdit.au3> Opt("WinWaitDelay",100) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) Local $ilc, $ilc2, $sn, $i, $p, $opd, $oin, $edit1max, $location, $blob, $locationcarrriagereturn, $locationspace $i= 1 $p= 0 $ilc="" $ilc2="" $sn="" $opd="" $oin="" $p=InputBox("Number Of Parts ","Number Of Parts Being Checked In") Do $ilc=InputBox("What is the ILC?", "What is the ILC?") $sn=InputBox("What is the Serial Number?", "What is The Serial Number? If There Is No Serial Number, Enter N/A or leave BLANK") $opd=InputBox("What was the Original Purchase Date?", "What was the Original Purchase Date?") $oin=InputBox("What is The Original Invoice Number?", "What is The Original Invoice Number") Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $Form1 = GUICreate("Issue", 615, 222, -1, -1) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSEClicked") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Describe The Customer's Issue For The Technician", 88, 0, 416, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 32, 577, 113, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 240, 160, 105, 33, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Button1Click") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Func Button1Click() $blob = GUICtrlRead($edit1) $edit1max = StringLen($blob) ;number ;~ Exit GUIDelete() EndFunc WinWaitClose("Issue","Please Describe The Customer's Reason For RMA") Func CLOSEClicked() EndFunc Func datetime() $min=string(@MIN) $hour=@HOUR $day=string(@MDAY) $mon=string(@MON) $year=string(@YEAR) If $hour=00 then $hour="24" Else $hour=string(@HOUR) Endif $time = $hour & ":" & $min $date= $mon & "/" & $day & "/" & $year $dt=$time & " ON " & $date Return ($dt) EndFunc $dt=datetime() WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") ;~ work order mode detect by color $POS="Microsoft Store Operations POS" $POSposition = WinGetPos($POS) $coord = PixelSearch( $POSposition[0], $POSposition[1], $POSposition[0]+200, $POSposition[1]+200, 0xFFFF00 ) If @error Then Send("^{F2}") ;~ work order mode toggle EndIf Send("{F2}") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:3]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Find Items","") Then WinActivate("Find Items","") WinWaitActive("Find Items","") ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:1001]") send($ilc) ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:12]") SLEEP(1000) WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Find Items","") Then WinActivate("Find Items","") WinWaitActive("Find Items","") ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:9]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:7]") WinWait("Item Properties:","") If Not WinActive("Item Properties:","") Then WinActivate("Item Properties:","") WinWaitActive("Item Properties:","") ControlClick("Item Properties: ","","[ID:20]") send("^{c}") $ilc2= ClipGet() ControlClick("Item Properties: ","","[ID:5]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:10]") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}{CTRLDOWN}{F10}{CTRLUP}") Send("Part # "&$i&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("ILC: "&$ilc&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("SN: "&$sn&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Description: "&$ilc2&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Original Purchase Date: "&$opd&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Original Invoice Number: "&$oin&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") send("{ENTER}") ClipPut("") WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") ;~ MsgBox(0,"stop3","") WinWait("Comment","") If Not WinActive("Comment","") Then WinActivate("Comment","") WinWaitActive("Comment","") Send("^{enter}ISSUE:^{enter}") ;~ continous issue data: resolved feb 20/10 while 1 $locationcarrriagereturn = StringInStr($blob,@CR,0,1,240);find key seperator for carriage returns ;~ MsgBox(0,"carriage return location",$locationcarrriagereturn) $locationspace = StringInStr($blob," ",0,1,240);find key seperator for space seperators ;~ MsgBox(0,"space location",$locationspace) ;~ choose shorter position if $locationcarrriagereturn < $locationspace Then $location = $locationcarrriagereturn Else $location = $locationspace EndIf ;~ check if leftover text is shorter than limit, then print last of text and exit if $location < 1 then ;~ MsgBox(0,"final page",$location) ;~ WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"|||"),$location)) Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"^{enter}"),$location)) ;~ close final comment box Send("{ENTER}") ExitLoop EndIf ;~ WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"|||"),$location)) Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"^{enter}"),$location)) ;~ close comment box Send("{ENTER}") $blob = StringTrimLeft($blob,$location) ;resize the edit text ;~ WEnd WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") ;~ MsgBox(0,"stop3","") WinWait("Comment","") If Not WinActive("Comment","") Then WinActivate("Comment","") WinWaitActive("Comment","") WEnd $i = $i + 1 Until $i = $p WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") Send("PLEASE TEST THE INCLUDED PART(S) FOR THE CUSTOMER") Send("{ENTER}") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{F9}{SHIFTUP}") WinWait("Work Order Information","") If Not WinActive("Work Order Information","") Then WinActivate("Work Order Information","") WinWaitActive("Work Order Information","") Send("RMA PART(S){TAB}") Send("CHECKED IN AT: " & $dt & ") Send("{ENTER}") MsgBox(0,"IMPORTANT", "PLEASE PRINT ANY INVOICES RELATING TO THE PART(S) ON THIS WORK ORDER") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{F7}{SHIFTUP}") and I keep getting the error Edited February 22, 2010 by cgycowboy
cgycowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 H:\POS TOOLS\rmaparts.au3(45,1) : ERROR: missing Until <expr>. Func ^ H:\POS TOOLS\rmaparts.au3(28,1) : REF: missing Until <expr>. Do ^ H:\POS TOOLS\rmaparts.au3(191,1) : ERROR: syntax error Until ^ H:\POS TOOLS\rmaparts.au3 - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) It's probably something simple I am missing, but I can't figure it out....any help would be appreciated
somdcomputerguy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I can say off the bat I don't think functions can be defined in a do loop. - Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */Â If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
cgycowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 I can say off the bat I don't think functions can be defined in a do loop.Is there a way I can do the loop then?
somdcomputerguy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 (edited) Well yeah you can do a loop, but maybe not the loop. At the least one without defining a function in it.Edit: I guess what I'm saying is you can call a function from a loop, but the function itself is created outside the loop. In AutoIt, the function(s) can be created in the code after a loop. Edited February 22, 2010 by snowmaker - Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */Â If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
99ojo Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 (edited) Hi, resorting your code should solve your problems. If you define a function, the function could be called from everywhere inbeetween your code. You should structure your code better, like: 1) includes 2) Variable declarations 3) Main Code 4) Functions .... expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=harddisc.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=rmaparts.exe #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #Include <GuiEdit.au3> Opt("WinWaitDelay",100) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) Local $ilc, $ilc2, $sn, $i, $p, $opd, $oin, $edit1max, $location, $blob, $locationcarrriagereturn, $locationspace $i= 1 $p= 0 $ilc="" $ilc2="" $sn="" $opd="" $oin="" $p=InputBox("Number Of Parts ","Number Of Parts Being Checked In") Do $ilc=InputBox("What is the ILC?", "What is the ILC?") $sn=InputBox("What is the Serial Number?", "What is The Serial Number? If There Is No Serial Number, Enter N/A or leave BLANK") $opd=InputBox("What was the Original Purchase Date?", "What was the Original Purchase Date?") $oin=InputBox("What is The Original Invoice Number?", "What is The Original Invoice Number") Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $Form1 = GUICreate("Issue", 615, 222, -1, -1) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSEClicked") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Describe The Customer's Issue For The Technician", 88, 0, 416, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 32, 577, 113, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 240, 160, 105, 33, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Button1Click") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) WinWaitClose("Issue","Please Describe The Customer's Reason For RMA") $dt=datetime() WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") ;~ work order mode detect by color $POS="Microsoft Store Operations POS" $POSposition = WinGetPos($POS) $coord = PixelSearch( $POSposition[0], $POSposition[1], $POSposition[0]+200, $POSposition[1]+200, 0xFFFF00 ) If @error Then Send("^{F2}") ;~ work order mode toggle EndIf Send("{F2}") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:3]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Find Items","") Then WinActivate("Find Items","") WinWaitActive("Find Items","") ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:1001]") send($ilc) ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:12]") SLEEP(1000) WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Find Items","") Then WinActivate("Find Items","") WinWaitActive("Find Items","") ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:9]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:7]") WinWait("Item Properties:","") If Not WinActive("Item Properties:","") Then WinActivate("Item Properties:","") WinWaitActive("Item Properties:","") ControlClick("Item Properties: ","","[ID:20]") send("^{c}") $ilc2= ClipGet() ControlClick("Item Properties: ","","[ID:5]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:10]") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}{CTRLDOWN}{F10}{CTRLUP}") Send("Part # "&$i&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("ILC: "&$ilc&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("SN: "&$sn&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Description: "&$ilc2&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Original Purchase Date: "&$opd&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Original Invoice Number: "&$oin&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") send("{ENTER}") ClipPut("") WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") ;~ MsgBox(0,"stop3","") WinWait("Comment","") If Not WinActive("Comment","") Then WinActivate("Comment","") WinWaitActive("Comment","") Send("^{enter}ISSUE:^{enter}") ;~ continous issue data: resolved feb 20/10 while 1 $locationcarrriagereturn = StringInStr($blob,@CR,0,1,240);find key seperator for carriage returns ;~ MsgBox(0,"carriage return location",$locationcarrriagereturn) $locationspace = StringInStr($blob," ",0,1,240);find key seperator for space seperators ;~ MsgBox(0,"space location",$locationspace) ;~ choose shorter position if $locationcarrriagereturn < $locationspace Then $location = $locationcarrriagereturn Else $location = $locationspace EndIf ;~ check if leftover text is shorter than limit, then print last of text and exit if $location < 1 then ;~ MsgBox(0,"final page",$location) ;~ WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"|||"),$location)) Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"^{enter}"),$location)) ;~ close final comment box Send("{ENTER}") ExitLoop EndIf ;~ WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"|||"),$location)) Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"^{enter}"),$location)) ;~ close comment box Send("{ENTER}") $blob = StringTrimLeft($blob,$location) ;resize the edit text ;~ WEnd WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") ;~ MsgBox(0,"stop3","") WinWait("Comment","") If Not WinActive("Comment","") Then WinActivate("Comment","") WinWaitActive("Comment","") WEnd $i = $i + 1 Until $i = $p WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") Send("PLEASE TEST THE INCLUDED PART(S) FOR THE CUSTOMER") Send("{ENTER}") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{F9}{SHIFTUP}") WinWait("Work Order Information","") If Not WinActive("Work Order Information","") Then WinActivate("Work Order Information","") WinWaitActive("Work Order Information","") Send("RMA PART(S){TAB}") Send("CHECKED IN AT: " & $dt & "); This is faulty as well, it might be: Send("CHECKED IN AT: " & $dt & """) Send("{ENTER}") MsgBox(0,"IMPORTANT", "PLEASE PRINT ANY INVOICES RELATING TO THE PART(S) ON THIS WORK ORDER") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{F7}{SHIFTUP}") Func Button1Click() $blob = GUICtrlRead($edit1) $edit1max = StringLen($blob) ;number ;~ Exit GUIDelete() EndFunc Func CLOSEClicked() EndFunc Func datetime() $min=string(@MIN) $hour=@HOUR $day=string(@MDAY) $mon=string(@MON) $year=string(@YEAR) If $hour=00 then $hour="24" Else $hour=string(@HOUR) Endif $time = $hour & ":" & $min $date= $mon & "/" & $day & "/" & $year $dt=$time & " ON " & $date Return ($dt) EndFunc ;-)) Stefan Edited February 22, 2010 by 99ojo
cgycowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 Hi, resorting your code should solve your problems. If you define a function, the function could be called from everywhere inbeetween your code. You should structure your code better, like: 1) includes 2) Variable declarations 3) Main Code 4) Functions .... expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=harddisc.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=rmaparts.exe #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #Include <GuiEdit.au3> Opt("WinWaitDelay",100) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) Local $ilc, $ilc2, $sn, $i, $p, $opd, $oin, $edit1max, $location, $blob, $locationcarrriagereturn, $locationspace $i= 1 $p= 0 $ilc="" $ilc2="" $sn="" $opd="" $oin="" $p=InputBox("Number Of Parts ","Number Of Parts Being Checked In") Do $ilc=InputBox("What is the ILC?", "What is the ILC?") $sn=InputBox("What is the Serial Number?", "What is The Serial Number? If There Is No Serial Number, Enter N/A or leave BLANK") $opd=InputBox("What was the Original Purchase Date?", "What was the Original Purchase Date?") $oin=InputBox("What is The Original Invoice Number?", "What is The Original Invoice Number") Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $Form1 = GUICreate("Issue", 615, 222, -1, -1) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSEClicked") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Describe The Customer's Issue For The Technician", 88, 0, 416, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 32, 577, 113, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 240, 160, 105, 33, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Button1Click") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) WinWaitClose("Issue","Please Describe The Customer's Reason For RMA") $dt=datetime() WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") ;~ work order mode detect by color $POS="Microsoft Store Operations POS" $POSposition = WinGetPos($POS) $coord = PixelSearch( $POSposition[0], $POSposition[1], $POSposition[0]+200, $POSposition[1]+200, 0xFFFF00 ) If @error Then Send("^{F2}") ;~ work order mode toggle EndIf Send("{F2}") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:3]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Find Items","") Then WinActivate("Find Items","") WinWaitActive("Find Items","") ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:1001]") send($ilc) ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:12]") SLEEP(1000) WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Find Items","") Then WinActivate("Find Items","") WinWaitActive("Find Items","") ControlClick("Find Items","","[ID:9]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:7]") WinWait("Item Properties:","") If Not WinActive("Item Properties:","") Then WinActivate("Item Properties:","") WinWaitActive("Item Properties:","") ControlClick("Item Properties: ","","[ID:20]") send("^{c}") $ilc2= ClipGet() ControlClick("Item Properties: ","","[ID:5]") WinWait("Items (All)","") If Not WinActive("Items (All)","") Then WinActivate("Items (All)","") WinWaitActive("Items (All)","") ControlClick("Items (All)","","[ID:10]") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}{CTRLDOWN}{F10}{CTRLUP}") Send("Part # "&$i&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("ILC: "&$ilc&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("SN: "&$sn&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Description: "&$ilc2&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Original Purchase Date: "&$opd&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("Original Invoice Number: "&$oin&"{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") send("{ENTER}") ClipPut("") WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") ;~ MsgBox(0,"stop3","") WinWait("Comment","") If Not WinActive("Comment","") Then WinActivate("Comment","") WinWaitActive("Comment","") Send("^{enter}ISSUE:^{enter}") ;~ continous issue data: resolved feb 20/10 while 1 $locationcarrriagereturn = StringInStr($blob,@CR,0,1,240);find key seperator for carriage returns ;~ MsgBox(0,"carriage return location",$locationcarrriagereturn) $locationspace = StringInStr($blob," ",0,1,240);find key seperator for space seperators ;~ MsgBox(0,"space location",$locationspace) ;~ choose shorter position if $locationcarrriagereturn < $locationspace Then $location = $locationcarrriagereturn Else $location = $locationspace EndIf ;~ check if leftover text is shorter than limit, then print last of text and exit if $location < 1 then ;~ MsgBox(0,"final page",$location) ;~ WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"|||"),$location)) Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"^{enter}"),$location)) ;~ close final comment box Send("{ENTER}") ExitLoop EndIf ;~ WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ;~ Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"|||"),$location)) Send(StringLeft(StringReplace($blob,@CRLF,"^{enter}"),$location)) ;~ close comment box Send("{ENTER}") $blob = StringTrimLeft($blob,$location) ;resize the edit text ;~ WEnd WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") ;~ MsgBox(0,"stop3","") WinWait("Comment","") If Not WinActive("Comment","") Then WinActivate("Comment","") WinWaitActive("Comment","") WEnd $i = $i + 1 Until $i = $p WinWait("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") If Not WinActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Then WinActivate("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") WinWaitActive("Microsoft Store Operations POS","") Send("{DOWN}0{ENTER}{UP}^{F10}") Send("PLEASE TEST THE INCLUDED PART(S) FOR THE CUSTOMER") Send("{ENTER}") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{F9}{SHIFTUP}") WinWait("Work Order Information","") If Not WinActive("Work Order Information","") Then WinActivate("Work Order Information","") WinWaitActive("Work Order Information","") Send("RMA PART(S){TAB}") Send("CHECKED IN AT: " & $dt & "); This is faulty as well, it might be: Send("CHECKED IN AT: " & $dt & """) Send("{ENTER}") MsgBox(0,"IMPORTANT", "PLEASE PRINT ANY INVOICES RELATING TO THE PART(S) ON THIS WORK ORDER") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}{F7}{SHIFTUP}") Func Button1Click() $blob = GUICtrlRead($edit1) $edit1max = StringLen($blob) ;number ;~ Exit GUIDelete() EndFunc Func CLOSEClicked() EndFunc Func datetime() $min=string(@MIN) $hour=@HOUR $day=string(@MDAY) $mon=string(@MON) $year=string(@YEAR) If $hour=00 then $hour="24" Else $hour=string(@HOUR) Endif $time = $hour & ":" & $min $date= $mon & "/" & $day & "/" & $year $dt=$time & " ON " & $date Return ($dt) EndFunc ;-)) Stefan Thank You Very Much
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