coucou Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Gi, Is there any how to delete an empty files (sizez=0) in a specific dir and subdir? Regards
kaotkbliss Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 FileGetSize and FileDelete perhaps. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 (edited) Hi, I tried the following script to delete an empty files (size=0) from DelTest dir. I get error "Wend" statement not match "While" statement. I appreciate any help Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) $search = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/*.*") $i = 0 ; Check if the search was successful _main() If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf func _main() while 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/" & $file) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/" & $file) $i = $i +1 wend EndFunc ; Close the search handle Func _map() EndFunc FileClose($search) Edited February 18, 2010 by coucou
t0ddie Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 while 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/" & $file) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/" & $file) $i = $i +1 endif wend Valik Note Added 19 October 2006 - 08:38 AMAdded to warn level I just plain don't like you.
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 TNX t0ddie,I tested the script, it delete all the files without taking in account the size. Where i'm wrong?
t0ddie Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 (edited) TNX t0ddie, I tested the script, it delete all the files without taking in account the size. Where i'm wrong? whats this? $i = $i +1 EDIT: just wanted to say this function works just fine $file = "delete.txt" $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "/" & $file) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "/" & $file) endif Edited February 18, 2010 by t0ddie Valik Note Added 19 October 2006 - 08:38 AMAdded to warn level I just plain don't like you.
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 is to continue scanning for empty files after the 1st find
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 It does not delete any. Moreover it stop at $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "/" & $file) Here the final script Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) ; Check if the search was successful _main() If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf func _main() while 1 $file = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/*.*") $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "/" & $file) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "/" & $file) endif wend EndFunc ; Close the search handle Func _map() EndFunc FileClose($search)
kaotkbliss Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 here is what I see in your script... Starts loop finds first file gets first file's size if size is 0 delete the file finds first file gets first file's size.... 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 This what it should do! but it doesn't delete any What goes wrong with the script?
kaotkbliss Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 This what it should do! but it doesn't delete any What goes wrong with the script? What I was saying is that each time it runs through the loop, it is only looking at the first file found (same file every time) and if that file is not 0 size, it will not delete, then it will check the same file again, and again, and again. perhaps an array instead of filefindfirstfile (which should have a filefindnextfile) another problem is that your "/" are going the wrong way they should be "\" for directories func _main() $file = _filelisttoarray(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\", "*",1) for $i=1 to UBound($file)-1 $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\" & $file[$i]) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\" & $file[$i]) endif next EndFunc the above is an example using the array it will run through each file 1 time in the folder and delete any that are 0 size. (not tested) 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 I get Unkown function name$file = _filelisttoarray(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\", "*",1)
kaotkbliss Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 add #include<array.au3> at the top of your code 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 add #include<array.au3> at the top of your code still same error Unkown function name $file = _filelisttoarray(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\", "*",1)
kaotkbliss Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 my bad should be #Include <File.au3> 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
kaotkbliss Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 if you plan on checking folders that might be empty (no files) then changing to this will keep the script from giving error func _main() $file = _filelisttoarray(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\", "*",1) if isarray($file) then ;checks to see if $file returned a list of files for $i=1 to UBound($file)-1 $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\" & $file[$i]) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\" & $file[$i]) endif next endif EndFunc 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000 001101101011110010010000001110011011010010110011100100001 My Android cat and mouse game We're gonna need another Timmy!
coucou Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 It WORKSSSSMany TNX Here the final final script#Include <File.au3> Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) $search = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "/DelTest/*.*") ; Check if the search was successful _main() If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf func _main() $file = _filelisttoarray(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\", "*",1) if isarray($file) then ;checks to see if $file returned a list of files for $i=1 to UBound($file)-1 $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\" & $file[$i]) if $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest\" & $file[$i]) endif next endif EndFunc
coucou Posted February 23, 2010 Author Posted February 23, 2010 It stil works but it only delete the empty files in the directories not in subdir.
99ojo Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 (edited) Hi, a new invented wheel with function of BugFix: expandcollapse popup;#include <array.au3> ; if you want to see array uncomment ;folder to check for filenames Global $checkdir = @ScriptDir & "\DelTest" ;array to hold filenames Global $arfiles ;search folder recursively for filenames $arfiles = _GetFilesFolder_Rekursiv ($checkdir, "*", 0) ;_ArrayDisplay ($arfiles) ; uncomment if you want to see array, -> remarks at #include..... ;Loop over array For $i = 1 To UBound ($arfiles) - 1 If FileGetSize ($arfiles [$i]) = 0 Then FileDelete ($arfiles [$i]) Next ;================================================================================================== ; Function Name: _GetFilesFolder_Rekursiv($sPath [, $sExt='*' [, $iDir=-1 [, $iRetType=0 ,[$sDelim='0']]]]) ; Description: recursive listing of files and/or folders ; Parameter(s): $sPath Basicpath of listing ('.' -current path, '..' -parent path) ; $sExt Extension for file selection '*' or -1 for all (Default) ; $iDir -1 Files+Folder(Default), 0 only Files, 1 only Folder ; optional: $iRetType 0 for Array, 1 for String as Return ; optional: $sDelim Delimiter for string return ; 0 -@CRLF (Default) 1 -@CR 2 -@LF 3 -';' 4 -'|' ; Return Value(s): Array (Default) or string with found pathes of files and/or folder ; Array[0] includes count of found files/folder ; Author(s): BugFix ( ;================================================================================================== Func _GetFilesFolder_Rekursiv($sPath, $sExt='*', $iDir=-1, $iRetType=0, $sDelim='0') Global $oFSO = ObjCreate('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Global $strFiles = '' Switch $sDelim Case '1' $sDelim = @CR Case '2' $sDelim = @LF Case '3' $sDelim = ';' Case '4' $sDelim = '|' Case Else $sDelim = @CRLF EndSwitch If ($iRetType < 0) Or ($iRetType > 1) Then $iRetType = 0 If $sExt = -1 Then $sExt = '*' If ($iDir < -1) Or ($iDir > 1) Then $iDir = -1 _ShowSubFolders($oFSO.GetFolder($sPath),$sExt,$iDir,$sDelim) If $iRetType = 0 Then Local $aOut $aOut = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($strFiles, StringLen($sDelim)), $sDelim, 1) If $aOut[1] = '' Then ReDim $aOut[1] $aOut[0] = 0 EndIf Return $aOut Else Return StringTrimRight($strFiles, StringLen($sDelim)) EndIf EndFunc Func _ShowSubFolders($Folder, $Ext='*', $Dir=-1, $Delim=@CRLF) If Not IsDeclared("strFiles") Then Global $strFiles = '' If ($Dir = -1) Or ($Dir = 0) Then For $file In $Folder.Files If $Ext <> '*' Then If StringRight($file.Name, StringLen($Ext)) = $Ext Then _ $strFiles &= $file.Path & $Delim Else $strFiles &= $file.Path & $Delim EndIf Next EndIf For $Subfolder In $Folder.SubFolders If ($Dir = -1) Or ($Dir = 1) Then $strFiles &= $Subfolder.Path & '\' & $Delim _ShowSubFolders($Subfolder, $Ext, $Dir, $Delim) Next EndFunc ;-)) Stefan Edited February 23, 2010 by 99ojo
MHz Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 (edited) It does not delete any. Moreover it stop at $file_size = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "/" & $file) Here the final script ... I am not sure you understand your code much. This code may help. Notice that FileFindFirstFile gets you just a handle for using with FileFindNextFile which you did not have in your script. Look at this script changes and ask what you do not understand expandcollapse popupOpt('TrayIconDebug', 1) _main(@ScriptDir & "\DelTest") If @error Then ; No files/directories matched the search pattern EndIf Func _main($path_to_search) Local $handle_search, $file_found, $dir_size, $file_size ; Returns a handle according to file search string (using FileFindFirstFile alias FFFF) $handle_search = FileFindFirstFile($path_to_search & '\*.*') ; Check if search string is valid If $handle_search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Return SetError(1) EndIf ; Use the handle to process the file search While 1 ; FileFindNextFile gets the actual filename strings (use handle from FFFF) $file_found = FileFindNextFile($handle_search) ; @error means no more files to process so exit the loop If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf ConsoleWrite($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found & @CRLF) ; Check if a folder, else it is a file If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found), "D") Then ; Recursion done here _main($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found) ; Remove 0 size folder $dir_size = DirGetSize($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found) If $dir_size = 0 Then DirRemove($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found) EndIf Else ; Remove 0 size file $file_size = FileGetSize($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found) ConsoleWrite($file_size & @crlf) If $file_size = 0 Then FileDelete($path_to_search & "\" & $file_found) EndIf EndIf WEnd ; Close handle from FFFF FileClose($handle_search) EndFunc ;==>_main Func _map() ; something about map EndFunc ;==>_map Edit: Fixed issue with wild card in FileFindNextFile() which should be in FileFindFirstFile(). Edited February 23, 2010 by MHz
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