Adam1213 Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Enter is disabled because you might want to use it on a page... and I could not get the info on if the cursor was in the URL box or not. I tried to use $test11= GUICtrlGetState ($Combo_5) msgbox(0,"",$test11) if $test11 == $GUI_FOCUS then but that did not work so the start of the program with add on is expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> ;HotKeySet ("{enter}" ,"onenter" ) HotKeySet ("^{enter}" ,"ongo2" ) func ongo2() HotKeySet ("^{enter}") if WinActive ("Troyzilla 1.0")=="1" then sleep(100) $temp=GUICtrlRead($Combo_5) if StringInStr ($temp, ".ttp://www.") == "0" then $temp="http://www." & $temp if StringInStr ($temp, ".com") == "0" then $temp=$temp & ".com" GUICtrlSetData ($Combo_5, $temp) DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", $temp); tells the dll to go to the web page thats in the combobox sleep(100) $temp=GUICtrlRead($Combo_5) if StringInStr ($temp, ".ttp://www.") == "0" then $temp="http://www." & $temp if StringInStr ($temp, ".com") == "0" then $temp=$temp & ".com" GUICtrlSetData ($Combo_5, $temp) else send("^{enter}") endif HotKeySet ("^{enter}" ,"ongo2" ) endfunc func onenter() if WinActive ("Troyzilla 1.0")=="1" then DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)); tells the dll to go to the web page thats in the combobox else call ("sendenter") endif endfunc func sendenter() HotKeySet ("{enter}"); unset hotkey send ("{enter}"); send enter HotKeySet ("{enter}" ,"onenter" ); set hotkey endfunc ;Creates the parent gui IRC Client - 75 pages 3728 lines. Blob crumbler (game)Backup (drag to backup + cmd line)RS232
Valuater Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 regarding the "enter" key..... i think this could be a simple fix with $a=GUIGetCursorInfo() If $a[4] = $file And _IsPressed("0D" )Then MsgBox (4096, "enter worked", GUICtrlRead($file)) EndIf here is a test example #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <Misc.au3> GUICreate(" My GUI input accept (ENTER)", 320,120) $file = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "Accept (ENTER) here", 10, 5, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_ACCEPTFILES) $file2 = GUICtrlCreateInput ("Does not Accept (ENTER) here", 10, 35, 300, 20); will not accept drag&drop files $btn = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Exit", 40, 75, 60, 20) GUISetState () $msg = 0 While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $msg = GUIGetMsg() $a=GUIGetCursorInfo() If $a[4] = $file And _IsPressed("0D" )Then MsgBox (4096, "enter worked", GUICtrlRead($file)) EndIf If $msg = $btn Then Exitloop Wend 8)
peter1234 Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 This web page claims that cwebpage.dll is adware. anybody checked the DLL code?
=sinister= Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 I found out that you can not copy things in the program. Infact, you can't even right click...
Shinies Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 Hey ppl, im tweaking this thing to the bullshit, ill post my progress in a few days, iv added quite a few new things to it.
=sinister= Posted December 11, 2005 Posted December 11, 2005 why are yall adding http://www and .com when trying to put the enter command? You can just make it so it goes to the web site. That's what I did.
hoopya Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 hi, this thread is little old, but I want to ask something... how to add in the code to autologin to hotmail in troyzilla, so when i open it to autologin into my account thanks, i`m big noob and dont know how to do it, sry
raedts Posted July 2, 2006 Posted July 2, 2006 Anyone already found out how to go to a website with the press of the enter key? Otherwise i will try it
raedts Posted July 2, 2006 Posted July 2, 2006 Think i fixed the go to website with enter command: expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{enter}","goto") AutoItSetOption ( "MouseCoordMode", 0 ) ;Creates the parent gui $gui = GUICreate("Troyzilla 1.0", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_MAXIMIZE) $back = GUICtrlCreateButton("Back", 10, 20, 40, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $forward = GUICtrlCreateButton("Forward", 55, 20, 40, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $refresh = GUICtrlCreateButton("Refresh", 100, 20, 40, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $GO = GUICtrlCreateButton("GO", 810, 20, 50, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $Combo_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 150, 25, 640, 21) $Progress_6 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(840, 670, 70, 15) $Date_8 = GUICtrlCreateDate("Date7", 20, 670, 200, 20) $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\troyzilla.jpg", 890, 5, 85, 53) GUICtrlSetImage ( $back, "images\back.bmp") GUICtrlSetImage ( $Forward, "images\forward.bmp") GUICtrlSetImage ( $refresh, "images\refresh.bmp") GUICtrlSetImage ( $GO, "images\go.bmp") GUISetState() ;creates the child gui that the dll will be held in. $internetgui = GUICreate("", 1000, 600, 10, 60, $WS_CHILD + $WS_BORDER, "", $gui) GUISetState() ;opens dll then calls it. $dll = DllOpen("cwebpage.dll") DllCall($dll, "long", "EmbedBrowserObject", "hwnd", $internetgui) DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", "") ;DLLCall($dll,"none","ResizeBrowser","hwnd", $gui ,"int", 800, "int", 500 ) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ; states that if the close button is it hte script will exit ExitLoop Case $msg = $GO ;gets the message of the button DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)) ; tells the dll to go to the web page thats in the combobox Case $msg = $back DLLCall($dll,"none","DoPageAction","hwnd",$internetgui,"int", 0) Case $msg = $forward DLLCall($dll,"none","DoPageAction","hwnd",$internetgui,"int", 1) Case $msg = $refresh DLLCall($dll,"none","DoPageAction","hwnd",$internetgui,"int", 4) EndSelect WEnd Exit Func goto() $mouse = MouseGetPos() if $mouse[1]< 85 Then DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)) EndFunc oÝ÷ Ø]yÖ®¶s`¤÷D¶W6WBgV÷C·¶VçFW'ÒgV÷C²ÂgV÷C¶v÷FògV÷C²¤WFôE6WD÷FöâgV÷C´Ö÷W6T6ö÷&DÖöFRgV÷C²Â ¤gVæ2v÷Fò b33c¶Ö÷W6RÒÖ÷W6TvWE÷2 bb33c¶Ö÷W6U³ÒfÇC²RFVâFÆÄ6ÆÂb33c¶FÆÂÂgV÷C¶ÆöærgV÷C²ÂgV÷C´F7ÆDÔÅvRgV÷C²ÂgV÷C¶væBgV÷C²Âb33c¶çFW&æWFwVÂgV÷C·7G"gV÷C²ÂuT7G&Å&VBb33c´6öÖ&õóR¤VæDgVæ2 I added MouseGetPos so it will only go to the website if the mouse is in the upper part (control part) of the browser...
kp3 Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 does FTP work? How safe is this browser? Download work? [s]My scripts =)Password protect process (with tray menu lol)Clickous meousDisable ctrl+alt+del and password protect folder...Andous herous lolKp3s security center v.1Click me[/s]Ok... You shouldnt use annyone of them cuz they use alot of memory and contain alot of errors and stuff.. I was a n00b :P Ignore it... And if u for some reason want to use them... Watch out for my realy bad spelling :I
NELyon Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 this is very basic. Not much security becuase it was randomly written by someone last year. Good job anyway... If the guy is still here
trickytroy Posted November 10, 2006 Author Posted November 10, 2006 Hey Guys! I kinda lost interest in autoit including troyzilla last year lol but now im really bored and kinda getting interested again especially after seeing all the posts on this topic and people trying to keep troyzilla ALIVE! lol so i decided im gonna start working on it again. I added the Enter hot key and ctrl enter hot key code provided by Adam1213. thanx dude. Before i stopped working on trozilla my friend Eric was trying to help me ad the fav list and im not exactly sure what we added means cuz its been so long. so help would be nice. heres the code: expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Misc.au3> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Creates the parent gui with buttons, menu's text fields $gui = GUICreate("Troyzilla 1.0", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_MAXIMIZE) GUISetState( @SW_MAXIMIZE ) $back = GUICtrlCreateButton("Back", 10, 20, 40, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $forward = GUICtrlCreateButton("Forward", 55, 20, 40, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $refresh = GUICtrlCreateButton("Refresh", 100, 20, 40, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $GO = GUICtrlCreateButton("GO", 810, 20, 50, 30, $BS_BITMAP) $Combo_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 150, 25, 640, 21);$GUI_DEFBUTTON $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\troyzilla.jpg", 890, 5, 85, 53) $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("&File") ;creates the file menu $fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Open",$filemenu) ;creates open in the file menu GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DEFBUTTON) $exititem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Exit",$filemenu) ;Creates exit in the file menu $saveitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Save",$filemenu);Creates Save in the file menu GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) $recentfilesmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("Recent Files",$filemenu,1) ;Creates recent items in the file menu $separator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$filemenu,2);creates a separator line $helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("Help") ;Creates the help menu $infoitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Info",$helpmenu) ;Creates info in the help menu $viewmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("View",-1,1);Creates view menu $viewfavitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Favorites",$viewmenu);Creates Favorites in the view menu ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Sets the picture of the buttons on the page GUICtrlSetImage ( $back, "images\back.bmp") GUICtrlSetImage ( $Forward, "images\forward.bmp") GUICtrlSetImage ( $refresh, "images\refresh.bmp") GUICtrlSetImage ( $GO, "images\go.bmp") ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Creates the info gui $info = GUICreate("About Troyzilla", 290, 382,(@DesktopWidth-290)/2, (@DesktopHeight-382)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) $OK = GuiCtrlCreateButton("OK", 80, 330, 120, 40) $Pic_2 = GuiCtrlCreatePic("images/info.jpg", 0, 0, 290, 310) GUISetState( @SW_HIDE, $info ) $fav = GuiCreate("Projects" , 235, 670,2, 80 , $WS_CHILD + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_SIZEBOX + $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ,"", $gui) $Add = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add", 20, 50, 70, 30) $Delete = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Delete", 130, 50, 70, 30) $Favorites_label = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Favorites", 20, 20, 210, 20) $Close = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Close", 70, 630, 70, 30) $favlist = GUICtrlCreateList("", 2, 85, 230, 550, $LBS_SORT ) GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE, $fav) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;creates the child gui that the dll will be held in. $internetgui = GUICreate("", @DesktopWidth -15, @DesktopHeight - 190, 3, 78, $WS_CHILD + $WS_BORDER, "", $gui) GUISetState() ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;opens dll then calls it. $dll = DllOpen("cwebpage.dll") DllCall($dll, "long", "EmbedBrowserObject", "hwnd", $internetgui) DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", "") ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Sets the Enter key and CtrlEnter hotkeys. special thanx to Adam1213 HotKeySet ("{enter}" ,"onenter" ) HotKeySet ("^{enter}" ,"ongo2" ) func ongo2() HotKeySet ("^{enter}") if WinActive ("Troyzilla 1.0")=="1" then sleep(100) $temp=GUICtrlRead($Combo_5) if StringInStr ($temp, ".ttp://www.") == "0" then $temp="http://www." & $temp if StringInStr ($temp, ".com") == "0" then $temp=$temp & ".com" GUICtrlSetData ($Combo_5, $temp) DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", $temp); tells the dll to go to the web page thats in the combobox sleep(100) $temp=GUICtrlRead($Combo_5) if StringInStr ($temp, ".ttp://www.") == "0" then $temp="http://www." & $temp if StringInStr ($temp, ".com") == "0" then $temp=$temp & ".com" GUICtrlSetData ($Combo_5, $temp) else send("^{enter}") endif HotKeySet ("^{enter}" ,"ongo2" ) endfunc func onenter() if WinActive ("Troyzilla 1.0")=="1" then DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)); tells the dll to go to the web page thats in the combobox else call ("sendenter") endif endfunc func sendenter() HotKeySet ("{enter}"); unset hotkey send ("{enter}"); send enter HotKeySet ("{enter}" ,"onenter" ); set hotkey endfunc ;=================================================================================================== ====================================== While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() $msg2 = GUICtrlGetState ($Combo_5) Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE; states that if the close button is it the script will exit if WinActive($info) Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Else Exit EndIf Case $msg = $GO DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)); tells the dll to go to the web page thats in the combobox Case $msg = $back DLLCall($dll,"none","DoPageAction","hwnd",$internetgui,"int", 0);tells the webpage to go back Case $msg = $forward DLLCall($dll,"none","DoPageAction","hwnd",$internetgui,"int", 1);tells the webpage to go forward Case $msg = $refresh DLLCall($dll,"none","DoPageAction","hwnd",$internetgui,"int", 4);tells the webpage to refresh Case $msg = $exititem; sets the exit item in the menu to exit Exit Case $msg = $OK GUISetState( @SW_HIDE, $info ); tells the info gui to hide ; makes the open file box and makes it open the file in the webpage dll Case $msg = $fileitem $file = FileOpenDialog("Open","C:","HTML (*.html;*.htm)") If @error <> 1 Then GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ($file ,$recentfilesmenu) If $msg = $fileitem Then DllCall($dll, "long", "DisplayHTMLPage", "hwnd", $internetgui, "str", $file) ;makes the save file box and saves the current page Case $msg = $saveitem $save = FileSaveDialog ("Save", @DesktopDir, "Html (*.html)", 3, "") InetGet(GUICtrlRead($Combo_5), $save & ".html", 1,0) Case $msg = $infoitem GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW, $info); shows the info gui Case $msg = $viewfavitem WinMove($internetgui, "", 245, 78,@DesktopWidth - 250, @DesktopHeight - 190) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW, $fav); shows the fav gui Dim $Page _FileReadToArray ( "fav\fav.txt", $page ) For $x = 1 to $page[0] GUICtrlSetData($favlist, GuiCtrlRead ( $favlist ) & "|" & $page) Next Case $msg = $Close GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE, $fav); shows the fav gui WinMove($internetgui, "", 3, 78,@DesktopWidth -15, @DesktopHeight - 190) Case $msg = $Add FileWriteLine("fav\fav.txt", GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)) GUICtrlSetData($favlist, GuiCtrlRead ( $favlist ) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($Combo_5)) EndSelect WEnd Exit [quote]Randy:This is for what?! Arresting me for what?! I'm not allowed to stand up for myself?! I thought this was America! Huh? Isn't this America?! I'm sorry! I thought this was America![/quote]
Insolence Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 Nice to see you back in action, Jackson. "I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him." - Mark TwainPatient: "It hurts when I do $var_"Doctor: "Don't do $var_" - Lar.
MatteoGuallini Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 I've removed Internet Explorer from my pc and now Troyzilla doesn't run. Is Troyzilla or cwebpage.dll dependending from Internet Explorer?
theguy0000 Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 I've removed Internet Explorer from my pc and now Troyzilla doesn't run.Is Troyzilla or cwebpage.dll dependending from Internet Explorer?I'm pretty sure lots of Windows functions are dependent on IE...I don't think you should remove it...not sure about that though The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Somniis Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 I've removed Internet Explorer from my pc and now Troyzilla doesn't run.Is Troyzilla or cwebpage.dll dependending from Internet Explorer?I'd say so since it doesn't work after you uninstalled it.
sunlord Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Great work troy! Anyone have any idea on how to implement a "tabbed" feature to this browser?
keen Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 Tabs would be nice... They are simple too. [center]Kesne's Bar & Grill[/center]
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