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Hey, These are some scripts I've come up with.

Really simple and I will add more later if you actually want me to.

If you go to do something like...


and you look at the little box after you put the "( "

then you can learn what those mean and do and what to do.

also looking in the helpfile will help.

Func exitthescript()


EndFunc ;==>exitthescript

HotKeySet("{Q}", "exitthescript")


;run whatever your mspaint or whatever program you have that is like paint.

;(find the .exe.)

;(My paint exe. is "mspaint.exe")

WinWaitActive("untitled - Paint")

MouseClickDrag("left", 500, 500, 500, 300, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 500, 300, 300, 300, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 300, 300, 300, 500, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 300, 500, 500, 500, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 300, 300, 400, 200, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 400, 200, 500, 300, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 400, 500, 400, 470, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 400, 470, 410, 470, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 410, 470, 390, 470, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 390, 470, 390, 500, 0)

MouseClickDrag("left", 410, 470, 410, 500, 0)

this will draw a house

func exitthescript()



HotKeySet( "{Q}", "exitthescript" )

while 1

$posx = random( 0, 1023 )

$posy = random( 0, 767 )

mousemove( $posx, $posy )

Sleep( 1000 )


this will randomly move your mouse

func exitthescript()



HotKeySet( "{Q}", "exitthescript" )

$var = MsgBox( 4, "button game", "push a button")

If $var = 6 then MsgBox(4, "you pushed...", "You pushed yes. Good for you. Now click another one")

If $var = 6 then Beep( 400 , 350 )

sleep( 200 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

sleep( 200 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

sleep( 200 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

sleep( 5 )

Beep( 150 , 350 )

sleep( 5 )

Beep( 200 , 350 )

sleep( 5 )

Beep( 250 , 350 )

sleep( 5 )

Beep( 300 , 350 )

sleep( 5 )

Beep( 350 , 350 )

sleep( 5 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

Beep( 100 , 350 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

Beep( 100 , 350 )

Sleep ( 500 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

Sleep( 50 )

Beep( 400 , 350 )

this will play beeps.

you can make a song with it

im just posting these to kind of help but i dont think these will help much


1. This is a general support section, it's a wrong section for you to post a script

2. Wrap codes with [autoit][/autoit] tags to make life easier

3. I can't see the use of this script o.O

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