monter Posted November 29, 2009 Share Posted November 29, 2009 (edited) LogOnOff 1.23Script keeps alive user session, prevents from suspension. After longer inactivity, script performs auto-logoff.This could be useful for people working in some corporations with restricted user rights. Some time ago in my work there was a "migration" to AD and now even changing wallpaper is impossible. The PC is auto-suspended after 10 minutes of inactivity. Only current user or admin can unlock the PC. My situation is: I work with a second worker (switching changes) on the same machine. Computer's suspensions and compulsion of unlocking were annoying, so I wrote this script. It just moves the mouse after (default settings can be changed) 9m 50s, monitor can be turned off after 1st cycle of inactivity. After 3rd (default) cycle, the computer logoffs.The script has a Tray menu :-)I know, my programming skills are not good, the code surely could be more clever.Any suggestions, especialy my english translation (it's not good too) are welcome.Non-English users can make their own localization file.Link to binary file: LogOnOff.exe(server works 7:00-1:00 GMT+1)expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=rob\bpm-ico\LogOnOff.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=G:\util\LogOnOff.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=http://monter.FM/ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Keeps alive user session, prevents from suspension. After longer inactivity, script performs auto-logoff. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=monter.FM #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1045 ://////=__=.. ://////=__=. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=rob\bpm-ico\LogOnOff1.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=rob\bpm-ico\LogOnOff2.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=LogOnOff.english.lng #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=LogOnOff.polski.lng #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Timers.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <UpdownConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include 'AU3\GUIonchangeRegister.au3' ;Mat's UDF $fnScript = 'LogOnOff' ;full script name $pScript = StringSplit(@ScriptName, '.') $pScript = $pScript[1] $script = $pScript If $script <> 'LogOnOff' Then $script = 'LogOnOff' ;proper script name (if user changed it) FileInstall('.\rob\bpm-ico\LogOnOff.ico', @TempDir & '\', 1) FileInstall('.\rob\bpm-ico\LogOnOff1.ico', @TempDir & '\', 1) FileInstall('.\rob\bpm-ico\LogOnOff2.ico', @TempDir & '\', 1) $icon = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.ico' $icon1 = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '1.ico' $icon2 = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '2.ico' TraySetIcon($icon) FileInfo() $title = $fnScript & ' ' & $sVer TraySetToolTip($title & @CRLF & @UserName) OnAutoItExitRegister('OnExit') Global $serverUrl, $counTimes, $update, $updState, $updCheck, $lng, $currFileLang, $langFiList, $lngList, $rcntUsed, $cboLang, $intval, $loops, $timremnS, $lOffDly, $monOff, $logoff, $paused, $loop, $lOffTime Global $l_grpSetts, $l_tipIntval, $l_tipLoops, $l_tipLogofDly, $l_cbxMonOff, $l_tipMonOff, $l_cboLogoff, $l_tipLogoff, $l_lblIntval, $l_lblLoops, $l_lblLogofDly, $l_btnSave, $l_btnSaved, $l_btnDefRestore, $l_btnDefaults, $l_btnPausWork0, $l_btnPausWork1, $l_btnSuspend, $l_lblAutOff, $l_lblAutOffSus, $l_btnLogoff, $l_btnUninst, $l_tipLang, $l_tipLangEdit, $l_tipAbout, $l_trSetts, $l_trLogoff, $l_trSuspend, $l_trPause0, $l_trPause1, $l_trPaused ;, $l_cbxNoLogoff, $l_tipNoLogoff, $l_cbxLogoffForce, $l_tipLogoffForce Global $l_trAbout, $l_trExit, $l_pausQry, $l_pausMsg0, $l_pausMsg1, $l_msgLogoff1, $l_msgLogoffNo, $l_msgLogoff2, $l_msgLogoffBrk, $l_msgLogoffEsc, $l_msgUpdateCheck, $l_msgUpdateError, $l_msgUpdateDownload, $l_msgUpdateFailed, $l_msgUpdateOk, $l_msgAdmLock, $l_msgDisclaimer, $l_msgFileMoving, $l_msgExitQuery, $l_msgUninstall, $l_msgUninstallProcess, $l_msgUninstallDelOthLangs, $l_msgWarning, $l_msgError, $l_lblAboutTitle, $l_lblAboutTxt, $l_lblBuilt, $l_lblWww, $l_lblWwwApp, $l_lblWwwForum $ini = @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.ini' $serverUrl = '' If FileExists($ini) And $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then If _Singleton(@ScriptName, 1) = 0 Then $runAlr = 1 WinSetState($script, '', @SW_SHOW) WinActivate($script) Exit EndIf EndIf $dirMonter = @AppDataDir & '\monter.FM' ;directory for monter.FM's apps $fileAutoUpd = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.upd' ;file checking upgrade from monter's server $fileBat = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.bat' ;temporary file for deleting old exe and launching new version script $esc = 0 $brk = 0 $sex = 0 $syn = 0 $synTm = 0 $letSuspend = 0 If FileExists($fileAutoUpd) Then FileDelete($fileAutoUpd) If FileExists($fileBat) Then FileDelete($fileBat) $version = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) $currFileLang = @ScriptDir & '\' & IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'currentLangFile', $script & '.english.lng') If Not FileExists($currFileLang) Then $currFileLang = '' LangCheck() LangRead() LangRefresh() If $rcntUsed = '' Or ($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] = '-i') Then Install() If ($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] = '-u') Then Update() ; 09.04.2010. - dodać ten warunek do innych skryptów If $sVer > $version Then UpdateIni() ;09.04.2010 moved to Func IniCheck() IniReadF() $kaCzki = '' ;useful for polish translation only $kaCzke = '' If (StringInStr('0415', @OSLang) And Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.polski.lng')) Or $lng = 'PL' Then $kaCzki = 'ka' $kaCzke = 'ka' If $sex = 1 Then $kaCzki = 'czki' $kaCzke = 'czkę' EndIf EndIf UpdateCheck() FileInstall('.\rob\monter.FM.gif', @TempDir & '\', 1) $monterGif = @TempDir & '\monter.FM.gif' Const $wi = 323 Const $he = 240 $loffCurr = StringSplit($l_cboLogoff, '|') For $i = 2 To 0 Step -1 If $logoff = $i Then $logoffCurr = $loffCurr[Abs($i - 3)] Next #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=LogOnOff-mainSetts.kxf $frmMain = GUICreate($title, $wi, $he, -1, -1) GUISetIcon($icon) $grpSetts = GUICtrlCreateGroup($l_grpSetts, 3, 0, 244, 189) $inpIntval = GUICtrlCreateInput($intval, 202, 17, 41, 21, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipIntval) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) $udIntval = GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 999, 4) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipIntval) $inpLoops = GUICtrlCreateInput($loops, 208, 53, 35, 21, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLoops) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 2) $udLoops = GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 99, 1) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLoops) $inpLogofDly = GUICtrlCreateInput($lOffDly, 208, 92, 35, 21, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLogofDly) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 2) $udLogofDly = GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 99, 2) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLogofDly) For $c = $inpIntval To $inpLogofDly Step 2 GUICtrlonchangeRegister($c, 'LogoffTimeRefresh', $c) ;refreshing remaining time to automatic logoff Next $cbxMonOff = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($l_cbxMonOff & ' ', 7, 125, 220, 17, BitOR($BS_CHECKBOX, $BS_RIGHTBUTTON, $BS_RIGHT, $WS_TABSTOP)) $tipMonOff = GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipMonOff) If $monOff = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf $cboLogoff = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 84, 152, 159, 21) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $l_cboLogoff, $logoffCurr) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, StringFormat($l_tipLogoff)) $lblIntval = GUICtrlCreateLabel($l_lblIntval, 4, 20, 195, 17, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipIntval) $lblLoops = GUICtrlCreateLabel($l_lblLoops, 4, 56, 195, 17, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLoops) $lblLogofDly = GUICtrlCreateLabel(StringFormat($l_lblLogofDly), 4, 88, 195, 35, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLogofDly) If $logoff = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf AdlibRegister('LogoffTimeShow') GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1) $btnSave = GUICtrlCreateButton($l_btnSave, 252, 5, 67, 27, BitOR($BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, $BS_MULTILINE, $WS_GROUP)) SaveIniCompare() $btnDefRestore = GUICtrlCreateButton($l_btnDefRestore, 252, 36, 67, 35, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $WS_GROUP)) DefaultsCompare() $btnPausWork = GUICtrlCreateButton($l_btnPausWork0, 252, 75, 67, 35, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $WS_GROUP)) $btnSuspend = GUICtrlCreateButton($l_btnSuspend, 252, 114, 67, 35, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $WS_GROUP)) $lblAutOff = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 4, 192, 180, 43, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_SUNKEN)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFE0) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $btnLogoff = GUICtrlCreateButton($l_btnLogoff, 188, 192, 59, 43, BitOR($BS_MULTILINE, $WS_GROUP)) $btnUninst = GUICtrlCreateButton($l_btnUninst, 252, 165, 67, 25) $cboLang = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 252, 194, 45, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_SORT, $CBS_UPPERCASE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $lngList, $lng) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLang) $lblLangEdit = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' E ', 301, 196, 16, 17, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $l_tipLangEdit) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) If FileExists($monterGif) Then $picMonter = GUICtrlCreatePic($monterGif, 253, 221, 64, 14, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY, $WS_GROUP, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) Else $picMonter = GUICtrlCreateLabel('monter.FM', 258, 221, 0, 0, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY, $WS_GROUP)) EndIf GUICtrlSetTip($picMonter, $l_tipAbout) GUICtrlSetCursor($picMonter, 0) If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Opt('TrayMenuMode', 3) TrayCreateItem(@UserName) ;TrayCreateItem('') $trSetts = TrayCreateItem($l_trSetts) ;GUICtrlSetFont($trSetts, 9, 900, 1, 'MS Sans Serif', 5) TrayCreateItem('') $trPause = TrayCreateItem($l_trPause0) $trSuspend = TrayCreateItem($l_trSuspend) $trLogoff = TrayCreateItem($l_trLogoff) $trAbout = TrayCreateItem($l_trAbout) TrayCreateItem('') $trExit = TrayCreateItem($l_trExit) TraySetState() msg() If $paused = 2 Then $paused = 0 If $paused = 1 Then AdlibUnRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibUnRegister('LogoffTimeShow') GUICtrlSetData($btnPausWork, $l_btnPausWork1) GUISetIcon($icon1) TraySetIcon($icon1) TraySetToolTip($title & ' - ' & $l_trPaused & @CRLF & @UserName) TrayItemSetText($trPause, $l_trPause1) GUICtrlSetBkColor($lblAutOff, 0xEEEEEE) GUICtrlSetState($lblAutOff, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblIntval, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpIntval, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udIntval, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLoops, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLoops, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLoops, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cboLogoff, $GUI_DISABLE) $pausQry = MsgBox(36, $title, StringFormat($l_pausQry), 30) If $pausQry = 6 Then msg($l_pausMsg0, -1000) $paused = 0 IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'paused', $paused) AdlibRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibRegister('LogoffTimeShow') GUICtrlSetData($btnPausWork, $l_btnPausWork0) GUISetIcon($icon) TraySetIcon($icon) TraySetToolTip($title & @CRLF & @UserName) TrayItemSetText($trPause, $l_trPause0) GUICtrlSetBkColor($lblAutOff, 0xFFFFE0) GUICtrlSetState($lblAutOff, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblIntval, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpIntval, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udIntval, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLoops, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLoops, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLoops, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cboLogoff, $GUI_ENABLE) ElseIf $pausQry = 7 Or @error Then msg($l_pausMsg1, -3000) EndIf EndIf $loop = 1 If StringMid(@UserName, StringInStr(@UserName, '.'), 1) = 'a' Then $sex = 1 ;used in polish translation only MousMov() $loop = 1 If $paused = 0 Then AdlibRegister('IdleCheck') ;measuring idle time AdlibRegister('LogoffTimeShow') ;showing remaining time to logoff EndIf AdlibRegister('SyncWin', 6000) ;useful if mobsync.exe activated While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(333) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Case $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE Sleep(333) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Case $btnSave IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'interval', $intval) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'loops', $loops) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'logOffDelay', $lOffDly) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'monitorOff', $monOff) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', $logoff) GUICtrlSetData($btnSave, $l_btnSaved) GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_DISABLE) SaveIniCompare() DefaultsCompare() Case $btnDefRestore For $c = $inpIntval To $inpLogofDly Step 2 GUICtrlonchangeUnregister($c) Next $intval = 590 $loops = 3 $lOffDly = 60 $monOff = 1 $logoff = 2 GUICtrlSetData($inpIntval, $intval) GUICtrlSetData($inpLoops, $loops) GUICtrlSetData($inpLogofDly, $lOffDly) GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_CHECKED) $loffCurr = StringSplit($l_cboLogoff, '|') GUICtrlSetData($cboLogoff, '') GUICtrlSetData($cboLogoff, $l_cboLogoff, $loffCurr[1]) If $paused = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf SaveIniCompare() DefaultsCompare() For $c = $inpIntval To $inpLogofDly Step 2 GUICtrlonchangeRegister($c, 'LogoffTimeRefresh', $c) Next Case $btnPausWork SwitchPause() Case $btnSuspend Shutdown(32) Case $btnLogoff LogoffNow() Case $cbxMonOff SwitchMonOff() SaveIniCompare() DefaultsCompare() Case $cboLogoff LogoffChange() SaveIniCompare() DefaultsCompare() Case $cboLang LangRefresh() LangChange() Case $lblLangEdit LangEdit() Case $picMonter About() Case $btnUninst Uninstall() EndSwitch $nMsg = TrayGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $trExit ExitQuery() Case $trLogoff LogoffNow() Case $trPause SwitchPause() Case $trSuspend Shutdown(32) Case $trSetts GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNORMAL) Case $trAbout About() EndSwitch WEnd Func SaveIniCompare() If $intval = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'interval', 590) And $loops = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'loops', 3) And $lOffDly = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logOffDelay', 60) And $monOff = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'monitorOff', 1) And $logoff = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', 2) Then GUICtrlSetData($btnSave, $l_btnSaved) GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetData($btnSave, $l_btnSave) GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndFunc ;==>SaveIniCompare Func DefaultsCompare() If $intval = 590 And $loops = 3 And $lOffDly = 60 And $monOff = 1 And $logoff = 2 Then GUICtrlSetData($btnDefRestore, $l_btnDefaults) GUICtrlSetState($btnDefRestore, $GUI_DISABLE) If $paused = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Else GUICtrlSetData($btnDefRestore, $l_btnDefRestore) GUICtrlSetState($btnDefRestore, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndFunc ;==>DefaultsCompare Func IdleCheck() If _Timer_GetIdleTime() > ($intval * 1000) And $loop >= $loops Then If $logoff <> 0 Then MousMov() Logoff() Else Suspend() EndIf ElseIf _Timer_GetIdleTime() > ($intval * 1000) Then MousMov() If $monOff = 1 And $loop > 1 Then MonitorOff() EndIf If _Timer_GetIdleTime() < 500 Then $loop = 1 EndFunc ;==>IdleCheck Func MousMov() $mousPos = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mousPos[0] - 2, $mousPos[1] - 2) MouseMove($mousPos[0], $mousPos[1], 0) $loop = $loop + 1 Sleep(500) EndFunc ;==>MousMov Func SyncWin() ;hiding the synchronizing window (mobsync.exe) If $synTm >= 30 Or $syn = 1 Then AdlibUnRegister('SyncWin') ElseIf $syn = 0 Then WinWait('Synchroni', '', 1) WinActivate('Synchroni') If WinActive('Synchroni') Then $mousPos = MouseGetPos() $winSynXY = WinGetPos('Synchroni') BlockInput(1) MouseMove($winSynXY[0] + 16, $winSynXY[1] + 16, 0) MouseClick('left') Send('{DOWN 4}{ENTER}') MouseMove($mousPos[0], $mousPos[1], 0) BlockInput(0) $syn = 1 EndIf $synTm = $synTm + 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>SyncWin Func Logoff() If WinExists('Synchronizacja uko', 'Wystąpił błąd') Then WinClose('Synchronizacja uko', 'Wystąpił błąd') GUISetIcon($icon2) TraySetIcon($icon2) SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & '\media\chord.wav', 1) SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & '\media\chord.wav') $esc = 1 $brk = 0 msg(StringFormat($l_msgLogoff1, $kaCzki, @UserName) & @CRLF & $l_msgLogoffNo, ($lOffDly * 1000), -1, -1, -1) If _Timer_GetIdleTime() < ($lOffDly * 1000) Then $brk = 1 If $loop >= $loops And $brk = 0 And $paused = 0 Then GUISetIcon($icon2) TraySetIcon($icon2) SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & '\media\ding.wav', 1) SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & '\media\ding.wav') $brk = 0 If $brk = 0 Then msg(StringFormat($l_msgLogoff2, $kaCzke, @UserName) & @CRLF & $l_msgLogoffNo, 10000, -1, -1, -1, 2) If _Timer_GetIdleTime() < 10000 Then $brk = 1 If $logoff = 2 Then $sdn = 4 ElseIf $logoff = 1 Then $sdn = 16 EndIf If $brk = 0 And $paused = 0 Then If @Compiled Then $counTimes = $counTimes + 1 IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', $counTimes) Shutdown($sdn) Else AdlibUnRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibUnRegister('LogoffTimeShow') msg('@Compiled script would do Shutdown(' & $sdn & ') now.') GUIDelete($frmMain) Exit EndIf If WinExists('Synchroni') Then WinKill('Synchroni'); I wish it worked EndIf EndIf $esc = 0 ToolTip('') EndFunc ;==>Logoff Func LogoffBrk() ToolTip('') TrayTip('', '', 1) If $paused = 0 Then GUISetIcon($icon) TraySetIcon($icon) Else GUISetIcon($icon1) TraySetIcon($icon1) EndIf ToolTip($l_msgLogoffBrk, Int(@DesktopWidth / 2), Int(@DesktopHeight / 2), $title, 1) Sleep(1500) ToolTip('') $loop = 1 EndFunc ;==>LogoffBrk Func LogoffTimeRefresh($cid) $intval = GUICtrlRead($inpIntval) $loops = GUICtrlRead($inpLoops) $lOffDly = GUICtrlRead($inpLogofDly) If $intval < 4 Then $intval = 4 If $loops < 1 Then $loops = 1 If $lOffDly < 2 Then $lOffDly = 2 GUICtrlSetData($inpIntval, $intval) GUICtrlSetData($inpLoops, $loops) GUICtrlSetData($inpLogofDly, $lOffDly) SaveIniCompare() DefaultsCompare() EndFunc ;==>LogoffTimeRefresh Func LogoffTimeShow() $timremnS = ($intval * ($loops - $loop + 1)) + $lOffDly - Round((_Timer_GetIdleTime() / 1000)) If $logoff = 0 Then $timremnS = ($intval * ($loops - $loop + 1)) - Round((_Timer_GetIdleTime() / 1000)) If $timremnS > 3599 Then $h = Int($timremnS / 3600) $m = Int((($timremnS / 3600) - $h) * 60) $s = Round((((($timremnS / 3600) - $h) * 60) - $m) * 60) $lOffTime = $h & 'h ' & StringFormat('%.2d', $m) & 'm ' & StringFormat('%.2d', $s) & 's' ElseIf $timremnS > 59 Then $m = Int($timremnS / 60) $s = Round((($timremnS / 60) - $m) * 60) $lOffTime = $m & 'm ' & StringFormat('%.2d', $s) & 's' Else $lOffTime = $timremnS & 's' EndIf If $logoff > 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($lblAutOff, StringFormat($l_lblAutOff & ' ' & $lOffTime, $kaCzki, @UserName)) Else GUICtrlSetData($lblAutOff, StringFormat($l_lblAutOffSus & ' ' & $lOffTime)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>LogoffTimeShow Func LogoffNow() HotKeySet('{ESC}', 'LogoffEsc') GUISetIcon($icon2) TraySetIcon($icon2) If WinExists('Synchronizacja uko', 'Wystąpił błąd') Then WinClose('Synchronizacja uko', 'Wystąpił błąd') SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & '\media\ding.wav') $brk = 0 msg(StringFormat($l_msgLogoff2, $kaCzke, @UserName) & @CRLF & $l_msgLogoffEsc, 5000, -1, -1) If $logoff = 2 Then $sdn = 4 Else $sdn = 16 EndIf If $brk = 0 Then If @Compiled Then $counTimes = $counTimes + 1 IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', $counTimes) Shutdown($sdn) Else AdlibUnRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibUnRegister('LogoffTimeShow') msg('@Compiled script would do Shutdown(' & $sdn & ') now.') GUIDelete($frmMain) Exit EndIf If WinExists('Synchroni') Then WinKill('Synchroni'); I wish it worked EndIf HotKeySet('{ESC}') $brk = 0 ToolTip('') EndFunc ;==>LogoffNow Func LogoffEsc() $brk = 1 If $paused = 0 Then GUISetIcon($icon) TraySetIcon($icon) Else GUISetIcon($icon1) TraySetIcon($icon1) EndIf ToolTip($l_msgLogoffBrk, Int(@DesktopWidth / 2), Int(@DesktopHeight / 2), $title, 1) Sleep(2000) ToolTip('') $loop = 1 EndFunc ;==>LogoffEsc Func SwitchPause() If $paused = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($btnPausWork, $l_btnPausWork1) GUISetIcon($icon1) TraySetIcon($icon1) TraySetToolTip($title & ' - ' & $l_trPaused & @CRLF & @UserName) TrayItemSetText($trPause, $l_trPause1) GUICtrlSetBkColor($lblAutOff, 0xEEEEEE) GUICtrlSetState($lblAutOff, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblIntval, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpIntval, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udIntval, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLoops, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLoops, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLoops, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cboLogoff, $GUI_DISABLE) $paused = 1 If $letSuspend <> 1 Then AdlibUnRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibUnRegister('LogoffTimeShow') EndIf If $letSuspend = 1 Then $paused = 2 Else GUICtrlSetData($btnPausWork, $l_btnPausWork0) GUISetIcon($icon) TraySetIcon($icon) TraySetToolTip($title & @CRLF & @UserName) TrayItemSetText($trPause, $l_trPause0) GUICtrlSetBkColor($lblAutOff, 0xFFFFE0) GUICtrlSetState($lblAutOff, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblIntval, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpIntval, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udIntval, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lblLoops, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLoops, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLoops, $GUI_ENABLE) If $logoff <> 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($cboLogoff, $GUI_ENABLE) $paused = 0 AdlibRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibRegister('LogoffTimeShow') EndIf IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'paused', $paused) EndFunc ;==>SwitchPause Func SwitchMonOff() If $monOff = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_UNCHECKED) $monOff = 0 Else GUICtrlSetState($cbxMonOff, $GUI_CHECKED) $monOff = 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>SwitchMonOff Func MonitorOff() Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) Monitor('off') Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 1) EndFunc ;==>MonitorOff Func Monitor($io_control = 'on') ;Kerberuz's script Local $WM_SYSCommand = 274 Local $SC_MonitorPower = 61808 Local $HWND = WinGetHandle('classname=Progman') Switch StringUpper($io_control) Case 'OFF' DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'SendMessage', 'hwnd', $HWND, 'int', $WM_SYSCommand, 'int', $SC_MonitorPower, 'int', 2) Case 'ON' DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'SendMessage', 'hwnd', $HWND, 'int', $WM_SYSCommand, 'int', $SC_MonitorPower, 'int', -1) Case Else MsgBox(32, $title, 'Command usage: on/off', 5) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>Monitor Func LogoffChange() $logoffCurr = GUICtrlRead($cboLogoff) $loffCurr = StringSplit($l_cboLogoff, '|') For $i = 2 To 0 Step -1 If $logoffCurr = $loffCurr[Abs($i - 3)]Then $logoff = $i Next If $logoff = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($lblAutOff, StringFormat($l_lblAutOff & ' ' & $lOffTime, $kaCzki, @UserName)) Else GUICtrlSetState($lblLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($inpLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($udLogofDly, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($lblAutOff, StringFormat($l_lblAutOffSus & ' ' & $lOffTime)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>LogoffChange Func Suspend() $letSuspend = 1 SwitchPause() Global $WM_POWERBROADCAST = 536 ;Jos's func Global $PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND = 0x0007 Global $PBT_APMRESUMESTANDBY = 0x0008 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_POWERBROADCAST, 'Standby') While 1 Sleep(10) If _Timer_GetIdleTime() < 500 Then $loop = 1 $letSuspend = 0 SwitchPause() ExitLoop ElseIf $letSuspend = 1 And $paused = 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>Suspend Func Standby($HWND, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $wParam = ($PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND Or $wParam = $PBT_APMRESUMESTANDBY) And IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'paused', 0) = 0 Then $loop = 1 $letSuspend = 1 SwitchPause() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Standby Func IniCheck() If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'version', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', 0) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'update', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'update', '3-' & _NowCalcDate()) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'interval', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'interval', 590) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'loops', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'loops', 3) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logOffDelay', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'logOffDelay', 60) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'monitorOff', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'monitorOff', 1) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', 2) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'paused', '') = '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'paused', 0) $version = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) EndFunc ;==>IniCheck Func IniReadF() $counTimes = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', 0) $update = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'update', '2-' & _NowCalcDate()) $updState = StringLeft($update, 1) $updCheck = StringTrimLeft($update, 2) $rcntUsed = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) $intval = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'interval', 590) $loops = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'loops', 3) $lOffDly = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logOffDelay', 60) $monOff = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'monitorOff', 1) $logoff = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', 2) $paused = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'paused', 0) EndFunc ;==>IniReadF Func LangCheck() If @Compiled And ($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] = '-u') Then $lang = 'english' For $i = 1 To 2 If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.' & $lang & '.lng') Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.' & $lang & '.lng') $lang = 'polski' Next EndIf FileInstall('LogOnOff.english.lng', @ScriptDir & '\', 1) FileInstall('LogOnOff.polski.lng', @ScriptDir & '\', 1) EndFunc ;==>LangCheck Func LangRead() If $currFileLang = '' Then $currFileLang = @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.english.lng' If StringInStr('0415', @OSLang) Then $currFileLang = @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.polski.lng' EndIf If Not FileExists($currFileLang) Then $currFileLang = @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.english.lng' LangCheck() LangRead() Else $lngRdSect = IniReadSectionNames($currFileLang) $lng = $lngRdSect[1] $l_grpSetts = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'grpSetts', 'Settings') $l_tipIntval = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipIntval', 'Enter seconds between 4 and 999') $l_tipLoops = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipLoops', 'Enter number of cycles between 1 do 99') $l_tipLogofDly = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipLogofDly', 'Enter seconds between 2 and 999') $l_cbxMonOff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'cbxMonOff', 'Activate screensaver') $l_tipMonOff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipMonOff', 'Turns monitor off after the first maintaining session cycle') $l_cboLogoff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'cboLogoff', 'Force logoff|Soft logoff|No logoff') $l_tipLogoff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipLogoff', "Force logoff - regardless of not saved or opened files etc.\n\rSoft logoff - if there are any unsaved files, computer waits for user's action\n\rNo logoff - after set time the application stops countdown and the computer can be suspended") $l_lblIntval = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblIntval', "Computer's idle time (s)") $l_lblLoops = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblLoops', 'Number of alive user session cycles') $l_lblLogofDly = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblLogofDly', 'Displaying time warning message\n\rabout approaching logoff (s)') $l_btnSave = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnSave', 'Save') $l_btnSaved = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnSaved', 'Saved') $l_btnDefRestore = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnDefRestore', 'Restore defaults') $l_btnDefaults = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnDefaults', 'Defaults') $l_btnPausWork0 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnPausWork0', 'Pause work') $l_btnPausWork1 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnPausWork1', 'Resume work') $l_btnSuspend = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnSuspend', 'Suspend now') $l_lblAutOff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblAutOff', 'User%s %s \n\rwill be logged off\n\rin') $l_lblAutOffSus = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblAutOffSus', 'Application will\n\rfinish countdown\n\rin') $l_btnLogoff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnLogoff', 'Logoff now') $l_btnUninst = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'btnUninst', 'Uninstall') $l_tipLang = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipLang', 'Choose language') $l_tipLangEdit = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipLangEdit', 'Edit current language file') $l_tipAbout = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'tipAbout', 'About...') $l_trSetts = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trSetts', 'Show settings') $l_trLogoff = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trLogoff', 'Logoff now') $l_trSuspend = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trSuspend', 'Suspend now') $l_trPause0 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trPause0', 'Pause') $l_trPause1 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trPause1', 'Resume') $l_trPaused = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trPaused', 'paused') $l_trAbout = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trAbout', 'About...') $l_trExit = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'trExit', 'Exit') $l_pausQry = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'pausQry', 'The program was paused previously.\n\rDo you want to reactivate it?') $l_pausMsg0 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'pausMsg0', 'Now application will resume.') $l_pausMsg1 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'pausMsg1', 'Application will stay paused.') $l_msgLogoff1 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgLogoff1', 'User%s %s will logoff in a moment...') $l_msgLogoffNo = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgLogoffNo', 'Press any key or move the mouse to cancel logoff.') $l_msgLogoff2 = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgLogoff2', 'User%s %s logoff is now proceeding...') $l_msgLogoffBrk = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgLogoffBrk', 'Logoff is cancelled.') $l_msgLogoffEsc = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgLogoffEsc', 'Press "Esc" key to cancel logoff.') $l_msgUpdateCheck = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUpdateCheck', 'Checking update, wait a moment...') $l_msgUpdateError = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUpdateError', 'Network error. Update failed.') $l_msgUpdateDownload = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUpdateDownload', 'Downloading the newest version, wait a moment...') $l_msgUpdateFailed = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUpdateFailed', 'Download failed. Check network configuration.') $l_msgUpdateOk = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUpdateOk', 'Update completed. Launching new version') $l_msgAdmLock = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgAdmLock', "Hello Admin.\n\rDue to security risk, this application won't work on current login.") $l_msgDisclaimer = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgDisclaimer', "ATTENTION!\n\rThis application keeps alive user session during inactivity of the computer.\n\rActive session time may be adjusted in settings.\n\rThe longer idle time with logged in user, the bigger risk for user's files, documents and data.\n\r\n\rThe author of this software is not responsible for possible damage.\n\rIf you are aware%s of the risk and understood%s this warning - click ""Yes"".") $l_msgFileMoving = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgFileMoving', 'Moving this app to the proper folder, wait a moment...') $l_msgExitQuery = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgExitQuery', 'Do you want to exit application?') $l_msgUninstall = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUninstall', 'You are about to uninstall this application. Do you want to continue?') $l_msgUninstallProcess = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUninstallProcess', 'Uninstalling in progress') $l_msgUninstallDelOthLangs = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgUninstallDelOthLangs', "Do you want to delete user's (other than default) language files?") $l_msgWarning = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgWarning', 'Warning!') $l_msgError = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'msgError', 'ERROR!') $l_lblAboutTitle = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblAboutTitle', 'About') $l_lblAboutTxt = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblAboutTxt', 'Program keeps alive user session and prevents from suspension. After longer inactivity application performs auto-logoff.') $l_lblBuilt = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblBuilt', 'built on AutoIt') $l_lblWww = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblWww', "Author's site") $l_lblWwwApp = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblWwwApp', "Application's site (PL)") $l_lblWwwForum = IniRead($currFileLang, $lng, 'lblWwwForum', 'Autoit3 forum') $kaCzki = '' $kaCzke = '' If $lng = 'PL' Then $kaCzki = 'ka' $kaCzke = 'ka' If $sex = 1 Then $kaCzki = 'czki' $kaCzke = 'czkę' EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>LangRead Func LangRefresh() $langFiList = '' $lngList = '' $srchFiLang = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') If $srchFiLang = -1 Then MsgBox(48, 'Error', 'No language files found. Restart the program.') LangCheck() Exit EndIf While 1 $srchLang = FileFindNextFile($srchFiLang) ;searching for new language files (to find your own one) If @error Then ExitLoop $sectLang = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & '\' & $srchLang) $langFiList = $srchLang & '|' & $langFiList $lngList = $sectLang[1] & '|' & $lngList WEnd $langFiList = StringTrimRight($langFiList, 1) $lngList = StringTrimRight($lngList, 1) If $lng = '' Then If StringInStr('0415', @OSLang) Then $lang = 'polski' Else $lang = 'english' EndIf $currFileLang = @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.' & $lang & '.lng' $lngRdSect = IniReadSectionNames($currFileLang) $lng = $lngRdSect[1] EndIf EndFunc ;==>LangRefresh Func LangChange() $lng = GUICtrlRead($cboLang) $lFLst = StringSplit($langFiList, '|') $lLst = StringSplit($lngList, '|') For $i = 1 To $lFLst[0] If $lng = $lLst[$i] Then $currFileLang = @ScriptDir & '\' & $lFLst[$i] ExitLoop EndIf Next LangRead() LangRefreshGui() EndFunc ;==>LangChange Func LangEdit() Run('notepad.exe ' & $currFileLang) EndFunc ;==>LangEdit Func LangRefreshGui() ;we don't need to restart the program, result of switching language is immediate GUICtrlSetData($grpSetts, $l_grpSetts) GUICtrlSetTip($inpIntval, $l_tipIntval) GUICtrlSetTip($udIntval, $l_tipIntval) GUICtrlSetTip($lblIntval, $l_tipIntval) GUICtrlSetTip($inpLoops, $l_tipLoops) GUICtrlSetTip($udLoops, $l_tipLoops) GUICtrlSetTip($lblLoops, $l_tipLoops) GUICtrlSetTip($inpLogofDly, $l_tipLogofDly) GUICtrlSetTip($udLogofDly, $l_tipLogofDly) GUICtrlSetTip($lblLogofDly, $l_tipLogofDly) GUICtrlSetData($lblIntval, $l_lblIntval) GUICtrlSetData($lblLoops, $l_lblLoops) GUICtrlSetData($lblLogofDly, StringFormat($l_lblLogofDly)) GUICtrlSetData($cbxMonOff, $l_cbxMonOff & ' ') GUICtrlSetTip($cbxMonOff, $l_tipMonOff) GUICtrlSetData($cboLogoff, '') $loffCurr = StringSplit($l_cboLogoff, '|') For $i = 2 To 0 Step -1 If $logoff = $i Then $logoffCurr = $loffCurr[Abs($i - 3)] Next GUICtrlSetData($cboLogoff, $l_cboLogoff, $logoffCurr) GUICtrlSetTip($cboLogoff, StringFormat($l_tipLogoff)) SaveIniCompare() DefaultsCompare() GUICtrlSetData($btnPausWork, $l_btnPausWork0) If $paused >= 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($btnPausWork, $l_btnPausWork1) GUICtrlSetData($lblAutOff, StringFormat($l_lblAutOff & ' ' & $lOffTime, $kaCzki, @UserName)) If $logoff = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($lblAutOff, StringFormat($l_lblAutOffSus & ' ' & $lOffTime)) GUICtrlSetData($btnSuspend, $l_btnSuspend) GUICtrlSetData($btnLogoff, $l_btnLogoff) GUICtrlSetData($btnUninst, $l_btnUninst) GUICtrlSetData($cboLang, '') GUICtrlSetData($cboLang, $lngList, $lng) GUICtrlSetTip($cboLang, $l_tipLang) GUICtrlSetTip($lblLangEdit, $l_tipLangEdit) GUICtrlSetTip($picMonter, $l_tipAbout) TraySetToolTip($title & @CRLF & @UserName) TrayItemSetText($trSetts, $l_trSetts) TrayItemSetText($trSuspend, $l_trSuspend) TrayItemSetText($trLogoff, $l_trLogoff) TrayItemSetText($trPause, $l_trPause0) If $paused >= 1 Then TrayItemSetText($trPause, $l_trPause1) TraySetToolTip($title & ' - ' & $l_trPaused & @CRLF & @UserName) EndIf TrayItemSetText($trAbout, $l_trAbout) TrayItemSetText($trExit, $l_trExit) EndFunc ;==>LangRefreshGui Func UpdateCheck() ;20.12.2009 - works for main (single) file in the project - localization vars $datDiff = _DateDiff('D', $updCheck, _NowCalcDate()) If $datDiff >= $updState Then $pcol = 'ftp://' For $i = 1 To 3 msg($l_msgUpdateCheck & ' (' & $i & '/3)') InetGet($pcol & $serverUrl & '/skrypty/bin/' & $script & '.upd', $fileAutoUpd, 1, 0) Sleep(1500) If FileExists($fileAutoUpd) And FileGetSize($fileAutoUpd) > 30 Then ExitLoop If $i = 1 Then $pcol = 'http://' If $i = 2 Then HttpSetProxy(2, $serverUrl & ':8068') Next ToolTip('') HttpSetProxy(1) If Not FileExists($fileAutoUpd) Then Sleep(2500) If Not FileExists($fileAutoUpd) Or FileGetSize($fileAutoUpd) < 30 Then msg($l_msgUpdateError, -4000, -1, -1, -1, 3) $updState = 1 Else $nVer = IniRead($fileAutoUpd, $script & '.exe', 'version', '') $nVer = StringFormat('%.2f', Number(StringReplace($nVer, '.', '')) / 1000) $nSize = IniRead($fileAutoUpd, $script & '.exe', 'size', '999999999') If $nVer > $sVer Then $pcol = 'ftp://' $nFile = IniReadSectionNames($fileAutoUpd) $nFile = $nFile[1] For $i = 1 To 3 msg($l_msgUpdateDownload & ' (' & $i & '/3)') InetGet($pcol & $serverUrl & '/skrypty/bin/' & $nFile, @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.exe', 1, 0) If FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\' & $script & '.exe') = $nSize Then ExitLoop If $i = 1 Then $pcol = 'http://' If $i = 2 Then HttpSetProxy(2, $serverUrl & ':8068') Next If FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\' & $script & '.exe') < IniRead($fileAutoUpd, $script & '.exe', 'size', 0) Then msg($l_msgUpdateFailed, -3000, -1, -1, -1, 3) $updState = 1 Else If FileExists($fileBat) Then FileDelete($fileBat) Sleep(1000) $baTemp = FileOpen($fileBat, 1) FileWriteLine($baTemp, '@echo off' & @CRLF & 'echo Update in process: ' & $script & '...' & @CRLF & 'ping -n 6 ' & $serverUrl & ' >nul' & @CRLF & 'if exist "' & @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.exe" del "' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.exe" >nul' & @CRLF & 'move "' & @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\" >nul') FileWriteLine($baTemp, 'ping -n 3 ' & $serverUrl & ' >nul' & @CRLF & 'if exist "' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.exe" "' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.exe" -u' & @CRLF & 'exit' & @CRLF & 'cls') FileClose($baTemp) EndIf msg($l_msgUpdateOk & ' ' & $fnScript & ' ' & $nVer & '...', -3000, -1, -1, -1) $updState = 3 IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'update', $updState & '-' & _NowCalcDate()) If FileExists($fileAutoUpd) Then FileDelete($fileAutoUpd) Run(@ComSpec & ' /c "' & $fileBat & '" -u', '', @SW_HIDE) If ProcessExists($script & '.exe') Then ProcessClose($script & '.exe') Exit Else $updState = 7 If ($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] = '-u') Then $updState = 3 EndIf EndIf IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'update', $updState & '-' & _NowCalcDate()) EndIf If FileExists($fileAutoUpd) Then FileDelete($fileAutoUpd) EndFunc ;==>UpdateCheck Func Install() ;08.11.2009 (@StartupDir '-h', no @DesktopDir), IniWrite $sVer If @Compiled Then If Not FileExists($dirMonter) Then DirCreate($dirMonter) FileChangeDir($dirMonter) If @ScriptDir <> $dirMonter Then If StringLeft(@UserName, 3) = 'adm' And IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'admUnlock', '') <> '1' Then ;undocumented ini option for admin testing :-) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'admUnlock', 0) MsgBox(16, $title, StringFormat($l_msgAdmLock)) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'admUnlock', '') <> '1' Then Exit EndIf $yA = '' $eA = '' If StringInStr('0415', @OSLang) Then $yA = 'y' $eA = 'e' If $sex = 1 Then $yA = 'a' $eA = 'a' EndIf EndIf $disclmr = MsgBox(308, $title, StringFormat($l_msgDisclaimer, $yA, $eA)) If $disclmr = 6 Then $del = 1 If StringLeft(@ScriptDir, 3) <> StringLeft(@AppDataDir, 3) Then $del = 0 msg($l_msgFileMoving) $list = ProcessList($script & '.exe') For $i = 1 To $list[0][0] $pid = WinGetProcess($script) ProcessClose($pid) Next Sleep(1000) FileCopy(@ScriptFullPath, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', 9) If Not FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\') Then DirCreate(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\') FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @StartupDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '-h', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) msg() $baTemp = FileOpen($fileBat, 1) If $del = 1 Then FileWriteLine($baTemp, '@ping -n 4 ' & $serverUrl & ' >nul' & @CRLF & '@if exist "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" del "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" >nul') FileWriteLine($baTemp, '@ping -n 1 ' & $serverUrl & ' >nul' & @CRLF & '@if exist "' & $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe' & '" "' & $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe' & '" -h' & @CRLF & '@exit' & @CRLF & '@cls') FileClose($baTemp) If FileExists($ini) Then FileDelete($ini) If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') $lang = 'english' For $i = 1 To 2 If FileExists($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.' & $lang & '.lng') Then FileDelete($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.' & $lang & '.lng') $lang = 'polski' Next Sleep(2000) Run(@ComSpec & ' /c "' & $fileBat & '" -u', '', @SW_HIDE) For $i = 1 To 2 If ProcessExists(@ScriptName) Then ProcessClose(@ScriptName) Sleep(2000) Next Exit Else If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.ini') Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.ini') Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) EndFunc ;==>Install Func Update() FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & @ScriptName, @ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & @ScriptName, '', 0) FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & @ScriptName, @StartupDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '-h', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & @ScriptName, '', 0) EndFunc ;==>Update Func UpdateIni() IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'update', '3-' & _NowCalcDate()) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logoffForced', '') <> '' Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'logoffForced', 1) + 1) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'noLogoff', '') = 1 Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'logoff', 0) IniDelete($ini, 'Main', 'logoffForced') IniDelete($ini, 'Main', 'noLogoff') EndFunc ;==>UpdateIni Func ExitQuery() $exitQry = MsgBox(292, $title, $l_msgExitQuery, 8) If $exitQry = 6 Then Exit Else $loop = 0 msg() EndIf EndFunc ;==>ExitQuery Func Uninstall() ;29.11.2009 OK $uninQry = MsgBox(308, $title, $l_msgUninstall, 8) If $uninQry = 6 Then AdlibUnRegister('IdleCheck') AdlibUnRegister('LogoffTimeShow') AdlibUnRegister('SyncWin') GUIDelete($frmMain) msg($l_msgUninstallProcess & ' ' & $title & '...') If FileExists($ini) Then FileDelete($ini) If FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') Then FileDelete(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') If Not FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\*.*') Then DirRemove(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM') If FileExists(@StartupDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') Then FileDelete(@StartupDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') $lngpx = 'polski' For $i = 1 To 2 If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.' & $lngpx & '.lng') Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.' & $lngpx & '.lng') $lngpx = 'english' Next If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') Then $delOthLangs = MsgBox(292, $title, $l_msgUninstallDelOthLangs, 8) If $delOthLangs = 6 Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') EndIf If FileExists($fileBat) Then FileDelete($fileBat) Sleep(1000) $baTemp = FileOpen($fileBat, 1) FileWriteLine($baTemp, 'echo Uninstall in process: ' & $title & '...' & @CRLF & ':loop' & @CRLF & 'ping -n 3 ' & $serverUrl & @CRLF & 'del "' & $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe"') FileWriteLine($baTemp, 'ping -n 2 ' & $serverUrl & @CRLF & 'if exist "' & $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe" goto loop') FileWriteLine($baTemp, 'ping -n 6 ' & $serverUrl & @CRLF & 'del "' & $fileBat & '"' & @CRLF & 'exit' & @CRLF & 'cls') FileClose($baTemp) Sleep(1000) Run(@ComSpec & ' /c "' & $fileBat & '"', '', @SW_HIDE) Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>Uninstall Func About() $frmAbout = GUICreate($title & ' - ' & $l_lblAboutTitle, 280, 144, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, $frmMain) $lblAboutTxt = GUICtrlCreateLabel($l_lblAboutTxt, 25, 8, 261, 49) $lblBuilt = GUICtrlCreateLabel($title & ' ' & $l_lblBuilt & ' ' & @AutoItVersion & '.', 25, 60, 224, 15) $lblWww = GUICtrlCreateLabel($l_lblWww, 25, 78, 80, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4, 'MS Sans Serif') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, '') If Not FileExists($monterGif) Then FileInstall('.\rob\monter.FM.gif', @TempDir & '\', 1) $picMonterAbout = GUICtrlCreatePic($monterGif, 107, 78, 64, 14, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY, $WS_GROUP, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, '') GUICtrlCreateLabel($dateRlse, 185, 81, 50, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 7, 400, 0, 'Tahoma') $lblWwwApp = GUICtrlCreateLabel($l_lblWwwApp, 25, 96, 127, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4, 'MS Sans Serif') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'http://' & $serverUrl & '/skrypty/LogOnOff.html') $lblWwwForum = GUICtrlCreateLabel($l_lblWwwForum, 164, 96, 127, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4, 'MS Sans Serif') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, '') $btnOkAbt = GUICtrlCreateButton('OK', 113, 114, 51, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $nMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $nMsg = $btnOkAbt Then ExitLoop If $nMsg = $picMonterAbout Or $nMsg = $lblWww Then Link('') If $nMsg = $lblWwwApp Then Link('http://' & $serverUrl & '/skrypty/LogOnOff.html') If $nMsg = $lblWwwForum Then Link('') WEnd GUIDelete($frmAbout) EndFunc ;==>About Func Link($s_StartPath) ;from Rob Saunders' script $s_StartStr = @ComSpec & ' /c start "" ' Run($s_StartStr & $s_StartPath, '', @SW_HIDE) EndFunc ;==>Link Func FileInfo() If @Compiled Then Global $sVer = StringFormat('%.2f', Number(StringReplace(FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath), '.', '')) / 1000) ;script's version in x.xx format Global $dateRlse = FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath, 'Release date') Else Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) $strRes = '#AutoIt3Wrapper_' ;section identifying script's version and release date from #AutoIt3Wrapper fields For $ln = 1 To 50 $srchRes = StringInStr(FileReadLine(@ScriptFullPath, $ln), $strRes) If $srchRes > 0 Then $lr = $ln ExitLoop EndIf Next $strRes = '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=' Dim $lnRes[3] For $i = 1 To 2 For $ln = $lr To $lr + 16 $srchRes = StringInStr(FileReadLine(@ScriptFullPath, $ln), $strRes) If $srchRes > 0 Then $lnRes[$i] = $ln ExitLoop EndIf Next $strRes = '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Release date|' Next Global $sVer = StringFormat('%.2f', Number(StringReplace(StringTrimLeft(FileReadLine(@ScriptFullPath, $lnRes[1]), 32), '.', '')) / 1000) $rd = FileGetTime(@ScriptFullPath, 0, 0) _FileWriteToLine(@ScriptFullPath, $lnRes[2], '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Release date|' & $rd[2] & '.' & $rd[1] & '.' & $rd[0], 1) Global $dateRlse = $rd[2] & '.' & $rd[1] & '.' & $rd[0] FileSetTime(@ScriptFullPath, $rd[0] & $rd[1] & $rd[2] & $rd[3] & $rd[4] & $rd[5], 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>FileInfo Func msg($txt = '', $ms = 1500, $title = -1, $ttX = -1, $ttY = -2, $icn = 1, $tray = -1) If $ms >= 0 And $ms < 250 Then $ms = 250 If $ms = -1 Then $ms = 1500 If $ms < -1 Then $ms = Abs($ms) $clr = 1 EndIf If $title = -1 Then $scN = StringSplit(@ScriptName, '.') $title = $scN[1] If IsDeclared('fnScript') And IsDeclared('sVer') Then $title = $fnScript & ' ' & $sVer EndIf If $ttX = -1 Then $ttX = Int(@DesktopWidth / 2) If $ttY = -1 Then $ttY = Int(@DesktopHeight / 2) If $ttY = -2 Then $ttY = @DesktopHeight - 64 If $icn = 2 Then $txt = $l_msgWarning & @CRLF & $txt If $icn = 3 Then $txt = $l_msgError & @CRLF & $txt If $tray = -1 Then ToolTip($txt, $ttX, $ttY, $title, $icn, 2) If $tray = 1 Then TrayTip($title, $txt, $ms, $icn) Do $ms = $ms - 200 Sleep(200) If _Timer_GetIdleTime() < 200 And $esc = 1 Then $brk = 1 If $brk = 1 Then LogoffBrk() ExitLoop EndIf Until $ms <= 0 If IsDeclared('clr') Then ToolTip('') EndFunc ;==>msg Func OnExit() BlockInput(0) If Not IsDeclared('runAlr') Then If IsDeclared('monterGif') And FileExists($monterGif) Then FileDelete($monterGif) If IsDeclared('icon') And FileExists($icon) Then FileDelete($icon) If IsDeclared('icon1') And FileExists($icon1) Then FileDelete($icon1) If IsDeclared('icon2') And FileExists($icon2) Then FileDelete($icon2) If FileExists($ini) Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'currentLangFile', StringTrimLeft($currFileLang, StringInStr($currFileLang, '\', 0, -1))) EndIf EndFunc ;==>OnExit[Edit: 30.11.209, 11:47] Obfuscator damaged few functions. I fixed it in ver. 1.01.[Edit: 01.12.2009, 10:32] Tested on Windows XP (OK), then on Vista - script isn't launched right after install (*.bat doesn't works?)[Edit: 06.12.2009, 23:25] Added option "no logoff" - instead of logoff the script becomes paused till the end of idle, or automatic suspension (standby) if set. I used Jos's Standby detection func. Corrected several display and language bugs.[Edit: 27.01.2010, 23:58] I changed 2 checkboxes to one combo list (logoff options), remaining time to logoff now in real time, several other fixes.[Edit: 07.04.2010, 23:00 / v.1.21] added current login username in tray tip and tray menu, few fixes. Used GUICtrlonchangeRegister script (previously since 1.20)[Edit: 13.04.2010, 20:10 / v.1.23] fixed some minor bugs.LogOnOff.au3 Edited January 6, 2014 by monter monter.FM [font="Tahoma;"]Full programs:[/font][font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"] LogOnOff - keeps alive user session, after set time it performs logoff (instead of locking [acronym="Personal Computer"]PC[/acronym], useful in some corporations working with [acronym="Active Directory"]AD[/acronym]).[/font] ČharCönvěr - character set converter. [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]CDTray - automated opening/closing the [acronym="Compact Disc"]CD[/acronym] tray.[/font] [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]Example scripts: [/font][font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]RecentFolders - managing recently used folder list with combobox.[/font] [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]AutoUpdater - periodic auto-checking, auto-updating and auto-relaunching newest script version.[/font] Changed host from to - replace address in my scripts to get back them to work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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