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Posted (edited)

I've been doing some work on embedding explorer windows + controls into GUI's and letting them do the hardwork, and decided to see if it could be applied to other windows. The result was so nice I decided i'd share. I've always wanted one of these anyway! Don't worry, i'm still working on embedded explorer panes, and I have made some progress there as well. Thanks to WBD for the idea of navigating to the key using Send ("left/right") etc.

; #FUNCTION# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
; Name...........: _RegSelectKey
; Description ...: Initiates a dialog for the user to select a registry key.
; Syntax.........: _RegSelectKey ( [$sText [, $sDefault [, $hWnd]]] )
; Parameters ....: $sText       - The dialog text
;                  $sDefault    - Path to the initial registry key. If "" (default) is last used.
;                  $hWnd        - handle to a parent window.
; Return values .: Success      - The path to the selected key.
;                  Failure      - 0
; Author ........: Mat Diesel (Mat)
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: $tmp = _RegSelectKey ("test", "HKCR\AutoitScript")
;                  MsgBox (0, "Result", $tmp)
; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
_RegSelectKey ("test", "HKCR\Autoit3Script")

Func _RegSelectKey ($sText = "", $sDefault = "", $hWnd = 0)
   Local $hGUI, $hTree, $hBtn_Ok, $hBtn_Cancel, $hLbl_Txt, $ret = 0

   If $sDefault <> "" Then
      If StringRight ($sDefault, 1) <> "\" Then $sDefault &= "\"
      RegRead ($sDefault, "")
      If @Error Then $sDefault = "NULL"
      Switch StringLeft ($sDefault, 4)
         Case "HKLM"
            $sDefault = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"  & StringTrimLeft ($sDefault, 4)
         Case "HKCR"
            $sDefault = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"   & StringTrimLeft ($sDefault, 4)
         Case "HKCU"
            $sDefault = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"   & StringTrimLeft ($sDefault, 4)
         Case "HKU\"
            $sDefault = "HKEY_USERS"          & StringTrimLeft ($sDefault, 3)
         Case "HKCC"
            $sDefault = "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" & StringTrimLeft ($sDefault, 4)
         Case "HKEY"
         Case Else
            Return SetError (2, 0, 0)

   Local $iOpt = Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", 0)
   $hGUI = GUICreate ("Select Registry Key", 318, 310, 69, 34, 46669824, 1024, $hWnd)

   $hLbl_Txt = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($sText, 11, 11, 296, 33, 0x50020000, 0x00000004)

   $hBtn_Ok = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Ok", 150, 270, 75, 23)
   $hBtn_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Cancel", 231, 270, 75, 23)

   GUISetState ()

   Run ("REGEDIT", @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)
   WinWait ("[CLASS:RegEdit_RegEdit]")
   $hRegEdit = WinGetHandle ("[CLASS:RegEdit_RegEdit]")

   $hTree = ControlGetHandle ($hRegedit, "", "[CLASS:SysTreeView32; INSTANCE:1]")
   WinMove ($hTree, "", 11, 44, 296, 206)
   DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $hTree, "hwnd", $hGUI)
   WinSetState ($hTree, "", @SW_SHOW)

   ControlFocus ($hGUI, "", $hTree)

   If $sDefault <> "" Then
      Send ("{LEFT 30}")
      Send ("{RIGHT}")
      For $i = 1 To StringLen ($sDefault)
         If StringMid ($sDefault, $i, 1) = "\" Then
            Send ("{RIGHT}")
            Send (StringMid ($sDefault, $i, 1))

   Local $nMsg, $nCur
   While 1
      $nMsg = GUIGetMsg ()
      Switch $nMsg
         Case -3, $hBtn_Cancel
            $ret = 0
         Case $hBtn_Ok
            Local $sSel = ControlTreeView ($hGUI, "", $hTree, "GetSelected", 1)
            If String ($sSel) = "0" Then ExitLoop
            Local $aParts = StringSplit ($sSel, "|"), $sString = $aParts[1]
            $ret = ""
            For $i = 2 to $aParts[0]
               $sString &= "|" & $aParts[$i]
               $ret &= "\" & ControlTreeView ($hGUI, "", $hTree, "GetText", $sString, 0)
            $ret = StringTrimLeft ($ret, 1)

   GUIDelete ($hGUI)
   WinClose ($hRegedit)
   Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", $iOpt)
   If String ($ret) = "0" Then Return SetError (1, 0, 0)
   Return $ret
EndFunc ; ==> _RegSelectKey


Edited by Mat


But here is few things that can be done differently:

Instead of loop with send left key use just «Send("{LEFT 30}")».

Instead of these conditions «If StringLeft ($sDefault, 4) = "HKLM" Then» you could use array and loop:

$aHK_Short_Names = StringSplit("LM|CR|CU|U|CC", "|")
    For $i = 1 To $aHK_Short_Names[0]
        $sDefault = StringRegExpReplace($sDefault, "(?im)^HK" & $aHK_Short_Names[$i], "HKEY_" & $aHK_Long_Names[$i])

And also after ControlFocus($hGUI, "", $hTree) there is need to add WinActivate($hGUI), otherwise the window does not shown.



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Instead of loop with send left key use just «Send("{LEFT 30}")».

:) I did mention it was WBD's code didn't I? ;)

Instead of these conditions «If StringLeft ($sDefault, 4) = "HKLM" Then» you could use array and loop:


hmm... It would look a bit prettier but... no difference in lines, only yours is slower and uses extra variables. However, I would consider a slightly more pleasant method. See first post for that update.

And also after ControlFocus($hGUI, "", $hTree) there is need to add WinActivate($hGUI), otherwise the window does not shown.

No problem here... I can't seem to reproduce it either.

Thanks for the tips, I'll update first post with my results.


  • 3 years later...

I realize this post is very old, but I needed this functionality, stumbled upon this code, and this is perfect for my needs.

Just one thing - for some reason, when the script exits, the keyboard is in a state as if {!LSHIFT} (Alt-Shift) key sequence is being perpetually held. I have to press the Shift key, manually, to make it stop. I'm mucking with the code right now, trying to fix it, going so far as to try and send a {LSHIFT} right before the script exits. So far my efforts have been in vain. Can anyone see what the problem is and help to quickly resolve it?

Thanks in advance.

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