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If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\") Then
    If NOT FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.png") Then
        FileInstall("C:\Users\Calon\Pictures\vdjneg.png", @TempDir & "\RadioBG.png")
        FileMove(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.png", @ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.png")
        FileDelete(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.png")
        DirCreate(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\")
        FileInstall("C:\Users\Calon\Pictures\vdjneg.png", @TempDir & "\RadioBG.png")
        FileMove(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.png", @ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.png")
        FileDelete(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.png")

My main question, is how can something basically the same as above be accomplished? This does not work and I don't know how to make it work. I am figuring that FileInstall cannot be within an IF or something, but I don't know.

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
$GUI = GUICreate("Win7Vista Radio", 300, 40, (@DesktopWidth - 315) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 100) / 2, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_VISIBLE))
$BGPic = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.png",0,0)
$SongName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Artist" & @CRLF & "Name", 60, 7, 150, 26)
$Volume = GUICtrlCreateSlider(200, 10, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetData($Volume, 100)
$Play = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", 10, 10, 40, 20)
$VolLevel = 100
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Play, "Play")

Is this the correct way to call up the image used earlier to be used as a background?


GUICtrlCreatePic() not work with PNG images. Use Icons.au3 to resolve this problem.

#Include <Icons.au3>

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

$GUI = GUICreate("Win7Vista Radio", 300, 40, (@DesktopWidth - 315) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 100) / 2, $WS_POPUP)
$BGPic = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 0, 0, (@DesktopWidth - 315) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 100) / 2)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
_SetImage($BGPic, @ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.png")
$SongName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Artist" & @CRLF & "Name", 60, 7, 150, 26)
$Volume = GUICtrlCreateSlider(200, 10, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetData($Volume, 100)
$Play = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", 10, 10, 40, 20)
$VolLevel = 100
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Play, "Play")

But in this case it's easier save PNG as BMP and use it.

Posted (edited)

If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\") Then
    If NOT FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.png") Then
        FileInstall("C:\Users\Calon\Pictures\vdjneg.png", @TempDir & "\RadioBG.bmp")
        FileMove(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.bmp", @ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.bmp")
        FileDelete(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.bmp")
        DirCreate(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\")
        FileInstall("C:\Users\Calon\Pictures\vdjneg.png", @TempDir & "\RadioBG.bmp")
        FileMove(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.bmp", @ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.bmp")
        FileDelete(@TempDir & "\RadioBG.bmp")

Could I do this? the above source doesn't work to create the DIR or to move anything to it.

I created the dir manually, and it moved the file to it. Now I will try deleting it and seeing what happens.

Edited by CalonMerc

I would have edited my post, but it won't let me edit it again.

I fixed the FileInstall part, I had messed up the first If statement.

But now, I get this in the folder (displayed from Windows).

This is the GUI that the picture is supposed to be the background of:

And this is the GUI source code I have currently:

$GUI = GUICreate("Win7Vista Radio", 300, 40, (@DesktopWidth - 315) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 100) / 2, -1)
$BGPic = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ProgramFilesDir & "\W7VRadio\RadioBG.bmp",0,0)
$SongName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Artist" & @CRLF & "Name", 60, 7, 150, 26)
$Volume = GUICtrlCreateSlider(200, 10, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetData($Volume, 100)
$Play = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", 10, 10, 40, 20)
$VolLevel = 100
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Play, "Play")

I could try that, but I moved the pic from the tempdir to the programsdirectory. And shouldn't it work fine, I know the file is where I am calling it from. But might the locked file form prevent it from being used?

Posted (edited)

Well, thanks for trying. I can't figure anything about the locked file.. it's NOT read-only.. I just tried to take ownership of the file, and the locked icon went away. How would I do that for a user's computer?

It was in a file conversion of mine, how do I make the GUIctrls have transparent backgrounds?

Edit: I got my label to have a transparent background (was in the help file), but how do I make a slider and a button be transparent? I want the button to still look like a button, just showing the image behind it.

Edited by CalonMerc

I've been searching the forums now for about 3 hours straight to no avail. If anyone knows a quick way to make buttons and sliders transparent, please inform me. I tried a UDF that made them transparent, but moved them up a lot.


I've been searching the forums now for about 3 hours straight to no avail. If anyone knows a quick way to make buttons and sliders transparent, please inform me. I tried a UDF that made them transparent, but moved them up a lot.

Not only that, but it did make the entire control transparent, I'm wanting just the background.

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