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Best way to check if there is a certain type of file in a folder? Maybe if fileexists with a wild card?

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Right now I am using the following code, but I feel like filefindfirstfile is a sloppy way to do this, in case the first file is not a zip file or an xml file, and neither is the second or third.

I could use if _filelisttoarray with a wild card I think but again that seems a little sloppy, but maybe there is a way to use if fileexists with a wild card?

if FileFindFirstFile(guictrlread($downloadbaklocation_box) & "\*.zip") = 1 Then
            RunWait(@WindowsDir & '\temp\7zip\7za.exe x ' & guictrlread($downloadbaklocation_box) & '\*.zip *.xml -oc:\temp\testxmls')
        $didnotfindzipfiles = 1
        MsgBox(0, "Error", "There are no .zip files in that folder")

if FileFindFirstFile(guictrlread($downloadbaklocation_box) & "\*.xml") = 1 Then
        $didnotfindxmlfiles = 1
        MsgBox(0, "Error", "There are no .xml files in that folder")

Thanks for reading.

Posted (edited)

FileFindFirstFile() does not just check the first file in the directory. It returns a search handle when it finds the first MATCHING file. If it doesn't find one, it returns -1. So this is a test for *zip files:

$hSearch = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Temp\*.zip")
If $hSearch = -1 Then
     ConsoleWrite("No zip files." & @LF)
     $sName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
     ConsoleWrite("First zip file: " & $sName & @LF)


Edited by PsaltyDS
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Did you even try doing it yourself first? It didn't take me many hours minutes seconds to write this two-liner to test if FileExist supports wild cards:

$iTest = FileExists("F:\*.mp3")
ConsoleWrite(@error & "/" & VarGetType($iTest) & "/" & $iTest & @CRLF)

(and it works!)


Yes, I tried this, I'll have to look at my code and figure out why it failed

Did you even try doing it yourself first? It didn't take me many hours minutes seconds to write this two-liner to test if FileExist supports wild cards:

$iTest = FileExists("F:\*.mp3")
ConsoleWrite(@error & "/" & VarGetType($iTest) & "/" & $iTest & @CRLF)

(and it works!)


Thanks Psalty

FileFindFirstFile() does not just check the first file in the directory. It returns a search handle when it finds the first MATCHING file. If it doesn't find one, it returns -1. So this is a test for *zip files:

$hSearch = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Temp\*.zip")
If $hSearch = -1 Then
     ConsoleWrite("No zip files." & @LF)
     $sName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
     ConsoleWrite("First zip file: " & $sName & @LF)


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