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Hiya! I'm building a list of files with their respective dates in order to reorganize my music collection. Foobar can store filetimes in tags and then maintain the library from there. I intend to make use of this by tagging all my MP3s with the correct file times of the dates I obtained my songs (recently switched to fb2k and they're all in random order atm).

Well, that's the background of it. What I'm doing is building a script that will read the lines in a filelist that only contains the dates in 14 digit string format and then create a new list with every line read written into a new file with the filetime format (intervals since January 1, 1601).

My problem is that I can't find a way to print the $tagFILETIME structure I need to write to the MP3 tags. ;)

This is my script (it's pretty short but it doesn't need to do any more):

;Date converter for MP3 Database List

;Scans for file with date in year-month-day-hour-minute-second string format and creates a new file with the same dates in Windows time format

#include <Date.au3>

$srceList = "C:\Users\Zhelkus\Documents\AutoIT Scripts\Date list\The Ultimate List - Dates Only.txt"
$inList = FileOpen($srceList, 0)

$destList = "C:\Users\Zhelkus\Documents\AutoIT Scripts\Date list\The Ultimate List - Dates Only -> System Converted.txt"
$outList = FileOpen($destList, 10)

$outList = FileOpen($destList, 1)

While 1
    $line = FileReadLine($inList)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    MsgBox(0,0.5, $line) ;just to see if everything went well
    $tYear = StringLeft($line, 4)
    $tMon  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 4), 2)
    $tDay  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 6), 2)
    $tHour = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 8), 2)
    $tMin  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 10), 2)
    $tSec  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 12), 2)
;~  FileWriteLine($outList, _Date_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime($line)) ;just ignore
    $time = _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime($tMon, $tDay, $tYear, $tHour, $tMin, $tSec)
    MsgBox(0,0, _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($time)) ;more testing... damn

I'd appreciate any help :)


FileWrite($outList, DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") & @CRLF)

Then to get the it into $tagFILETIME:

$iTime = DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") ; or FileReadLine

$tFT = DllStructCreate($tagFILETIME)
DllStructSetData($tFT, "Hi", $iTime / 4294967296)
DllStructSetData($tFT, "Lo", BitAND($iTime, 0xFFFFFFFF))
MsgBox(0, 0, _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($tFT)) ;more testing... damn

FileWrite($outList, DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") & @CRLF)

This is excellent! It's just the string I need! I think I may not know the proper naming after all... B) I'm curious as to how the new file time was calculated because I spent half an hour going through the help file and I concluded it had to be general knowledge :).

Now, I just tried it and the timestamp was imported into the library successfully but it was 5 hours delayed... ;)

I had this time string: 20090221091755               (original list)
changed into this:  128796814750000000               (new list with windows file time)
where it should have read this: 2009-02-21 09:17:55  (expected string-"ified" time)
wrote this to the tag instead:  2009-02-21 04:17:55  (how it showed in foobar)

Any ideas? Should I just go about adding 5 hours to every string I pick up from the source list? If so, how would I make sure that the string remains a valid time string... B) ??


Any ideas? Should I just go about adding 5 hours to every string I pick up from the source list? If so, how would I make sure that the string remains a valid time string... :) ??

just a long shot, but could this be a timezone problem ?




It shouldn't, it's the time passed since January first 1601 so it's not calculated according to the current date or time zones, etc..

#include <Date.au3>

Local $iTime = 128796814750000000
Local $tFT = DllStructCreate($tagFILETIME)

DllStructSetData($tFT, 1, BitAND($iTime, 0xFFFFFFFF))
DllStructSetData($tFT, 2, $iTime/4294967296)

ConsoleWrite(_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($tFT) & @CRLF)

..should output 02/21/2009 09:17:55


just a long shot, but could this be a timezone problem ?



It shouldn't, it's the time passed since January first 1601 so it's not calculated according to the current date or time zones, etc..

..should output 02/21/2009 09:17:55

Actually, I think the script works perfectly. The problem must be in foobar because I am in fact in a -5GMT zone. It's very likely that fb2k is doing the miscount... odd for it to do so tho. ;)

Anyway, thanks a lot guys! :) I'll just add a new line in the script for the missing hours.


If you do it that way I recommend getting the offset from the registry and using that to do the correction. If you just add the 5 hours then it is only correct in your time zone.


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If you do it that way I recommend getting the offset from the registry and using that to do the correction. If you just add the 5 hours then it is only correct in your time zone.

I don't follow... :) Whose registry value? Foobar's or Windows'?

I don't follow... :) Whose registry value? Foobar's or Windows'?


;; return the offset in hours
$iOffset = RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation", "bias")/60


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;; return the offset in hours
$iOffset = RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation", "bias")/60

Ooh! Excellent! That automates it even more! :)

Sad thing now is that I'm having foobar problems with this... I've already made a thread on the other side and I'm hoping I'll get assistance fixing it. I'll post back when everything is solved.


If the foobar application is subtracting 5 hours you may want to give it a FILETIME value of 5 hours more:

#include <Date.au3>

$line1 = "20090221091755"

$tYear = StringLeft($line1, 4)
$tMon  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 4), 2)
$tDay  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 6), 2)
$tHour = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 8), 2)
$tMin  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 10), 2)
$tSec  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 12), 2)
$time = _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime($tMon, $tDay, $tYear, $tHour, $tMin, $tSec)
ConsoleWrite(DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") & @CRLF)

$iTime = DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") + 180000000000 ; 10^7*5*60*60.

DllStructSetData($time, "Hi", $iTime/4294967296)
DllStructSetData($time, "Lo", BitAND($iTime, 0xFFFFFFFF))
ConsoleWrite(_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($time) & @CRLF)

If the foobar application is subtracting 5 hours you may want to give it a FILETIME value of 5 hours more:

#include <Date.au3>

$line1 = "20090221091755"

$tYear = StringLeft($line1, 4)
$tMon  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 4), 2)
$tDay  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 6), 2)
$tHour = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 8), 2)
$tMin  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 10), 2)
$tSec  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line1, 12), 2)
$time = _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime($tMon, $tDay, $tYear, $tHour, $tMin, $tSec)
ConsoleWrite(DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") & @CRLF)

$iTime = DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") + 180000000000 ; 10^7*5*60*60.

DllStructSetData($time, "Hi", $iTime/4294967296)
DllStructSetData($time, "Lo", BitAND($iTime, 0xFFFFFFFF))
ConsoleWrite(_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($time) & @CRLF)

Thanks mate, tho I already tried that. The problem I'm having is that fb2k adds the same Added Date to the database for two different filetime strings (one normal and the other 5 hours behind). I made a link in the post prior to this one in case anybody's curious but I doubt it can be fixed with AutoIt, it seems more like a problem with fb2k. So far I haven't gotten any meaningful response. I'll just have to wait it out, most of that community is European so they might log in later.

Well, I managed to fix my problem. It was in fact an issue with Foobar. In the end I was able to reorder my music database and I just wanted to finish this thread by saying thanks.

Here's the final draft of my script:

;Date converter for MP3 Database List

;Reads line in list with date in year-month-day-hour-minute-second string format and creates a new file list with the same dates in Windows time format

#include <Date.au3>

$srceList = "C:\Users\Zhelkus\Documents\AutoIT Scripts\Date list\The Ultimate List - Dates Only.txt"
$inList = FileOpen($srceList, 0)

$destList = "C:\Users\Zhelkus\Documents\AutoIT Scripts\Date list\The Ultimate List - Dates Only - System Converted.txt"
$outList = FileOpen($destList, 10)

$tOffset = RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation", "bias")/60

Dim $n = 0
$outList = FileOpen($destList, 1)

Dim $time1 = 0 ;to compare with previous line in list
While 1
    $line = FileReadLine($inList)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $n += 1
    ToolTip($n, 0, 0)

    $line = Number($line)
    $tYear = StringLeft($line, 4)
    $tMon  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 4), 2)
    $tDay  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 6), 2)
    $tHour = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 8), 2)
    $tMin  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 10), 2)
    $tSec  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 12), 2)
    $line = _DateAdd('h', $tOffset, $tYear & "/" & $tMon  & "/" & $tDay & " " & $tHour & ":" & $tMin & ":" & $tSec)
    $tYear = StringLeft($line, 4)
    $tMon  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 5), 2)
    $tDay  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 8), 2)
    $tHour = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 11), 2)
    $tMin  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 14), 2)
    $tSec  = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($line, 17), 2)
    $iStamp = _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime($tMon, $tDay, $tYear, $tHour, $tMin, $tSec)
    $time2 = DllStructGetData($iStamp, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($iStamp, "Lo")
    While $time2 <= $time1
        $time2 += 10000000;  to make sure that all lines are different in case files have same dates: +1 second
    $time1 = $time2
    FileWriteLine($outList, $time2)


It's a bit noobish but it did what I wanted it to do.

  • 4 years later...

FileWrite($outList, DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") & @CRLF)

Then to get the it into $tagFILETIME:

$iTime = DllStructGetData($time, "Hi") * 4294967296 + DllStructGetData($time, "Lo") ; or FileReadLine

$tFT = DllStructCreate($tagFILETIME)
DllStructSetData($tFT, "Hi", $iTime / 4294967296)
DllStructSetData($tFT, "Lo", BitAND($iTime, 0xFFFFFFFF))
MsgBox(0, 0, _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($tFT)) ;more testing... damn


Hi Authenticity,

This code works perfectly for decoding a $tagFILETIME number back into a timestamp.  I can't find where the number 4294967296 comes from.

Can you explain what this number represents?


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