flavortext03 Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Myself and a ex employee wrote this script about 2 years ago as an easy photo import program for our shop employee's. We made a system wide change yesterday concerning our folder structure and I needed to update it in the script. It has been two years since I worked with AutoIt and now I can't compile the script. I keep getting a unknown function error. Can someone please help me because I really need to get this back into the shop working. I will be in someone's debt if they can help. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #region "Variable Declaration" $name = @UserName $file2 = "Photos" $file = " " $pic = " " $fold = " " $choose_pic_name = " " $search = " " $progress_bar = " " $percentage_completed = " " $btn_format_card = " " $lbl_percentage = "" Global $btn_yes = 3, $btn_no = 3, $btn_yes_to_all = 3 $importer_name = "" $importer_name_label = "" $importer_date_label = "" $importer_date = "" $importer_time_label = "" $importer_time = "" $importer_comp_label = "" $importer_comp = "" $pic = "" $picture = "" $choose_loc_label = "" $choose_loc = "photos" $choose_pic_name_label = "" $choose_pic_name = "test" $choose_pic_import_label = "" $val = "" ; Variable passed to IfExist Function $txt_folder_to_import = " " ;Folder To Import $txt_job_number = " " ;Job Number $lbl_folder = "" $lbl_job = "" $btn_folder_browse = " " $btn_job_browse = " " $btn_import = " " $btn_cancel = " " $mnu_import = " " $mnu_import_new = " " $mnu_import_view_imported = " " $mnu_import_exit = " " $mnu_administration = " " $mnu_administration_format_card = " " $mnu_administration_import_log = " " $mnu_administration_preferences = " " $mnu_administration_change_runas = " " $mnu_about = " " $mnu_about_about_photo_import = " " $folder_name = "Click Browse and select folder to import" ; Variable for Initial folder location #comments-start code inserted by Abhay #comments-end $var = DriveGetDrive("all") $myflag = False If Not @error Then For $i=1 To $var[0] If FileExists($var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") Then ;MsgBox(4096,"Folder Found",$var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") $folder_name = $var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\" $myflag = True EndIf Next If $myflag=False Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Pleast check the Card!") EndIf EndIf #cs code inserted by Abhay End #ce $job_name = "Click Browse and select job" ;Job Number $photo = " " ;Full path of the photo which is to be uploaded $i = 0 ;Variable for loops $j = 0 ;Variable for loops $flg = False ;Variable for flag $si_logo = "" ;Shermco logo picture $si_label = "" ;Shermco label text #endregion #region "OnAutoItStart Function" Func OnAutoItStart() ; Add User name $user = "ASDcamera" ; Add Domain name $domain = "shermco.ind" ; Add Password $password = "@SDcam3ra$" ; ; Check incomong parameters If Not $CMDLINE[0] Then ; No parameters then restart as admin RunAsSet($user, $domain, $password) Run('"' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /admin') RunAsSet() Exit ElseIf $CMDLINE[1] <> '/admin' Then ; Exit script with error code 1 Exit 1 EndIf EndFunc #endregion #region "GUI Func" Func CreateGUI() GUICreate("Photo Import - Shermco Ind",800,600,115,50) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) CreateMenu() $si_logo = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif",10,10,150,100,BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP)) $folder_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select folder to import : ",200,27,150,18) $folder_name = StringUpper($folder_name) $txt_folder_to_import = GUICtrlCreateInput( $folder_name ,320,25,275,18,$ES_READONLY) $btn_folder_browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse",600,23,60,22) $lbl_job = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Job Number : ",245,60,150,18) $txt_job_number = GUICtrlCreateInput( $job_name ,320,60,275,18,$ES_READONLY) $btn_job_browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse",600,58,60,22) $btn_import = GUICtrlCreateButton("Import",320,95,60,22) $btn_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel",390,95,60,22) $btn_format_card = GUICtrlCreateButton("Format Card",520,95,75,22) EndFunc Func CreateMenu() $mnu_import = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Import") $mnu_import_new = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("New",$mnu_import) $mnu_import__view_imported = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("View Imported",$mnu_import) $mnu_import_exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Exit",$mnu_import) $mnu_administration = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Administration") $mnu_administration_format_card = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Format Card",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_administration_import_log = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Import Log",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_administration_preferences = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Preferences",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_administration_change_runas = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Change RunAs",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_about = GUICtrlCreateMenu("About") $mnu_about_about_photo_import = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About Photo Import", $mnu_about ) EndFunc Func OnMnuAbout_Photo_Import_Clicked() #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Forms\Importer UI about.kxf $Form1 = GUICreate("About Photo Import - Shermco Ind", 324, 237, 303, 219) GUISetIcon("D:\006.ico") GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) $GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 8, 305, 185) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Image1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif", 16, 24, 105, 97, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP)) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Photo Importer", 152, 24, 78, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("V 1.1.0 Beta", 152, 48, 63, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Created For ASD by Brian Harris", 16, 160, 155, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Copyright: Shermco Industries 2006", 16, 136, 171, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 112, 208, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() ExitLoop Case $Button1 GUIDelete() ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func OnBtnFolderBrowse_Clicked() $var123 = DriveGetDrive("all") $myflag = False If Not @error Then For $i123=1 To $var123[0] If FileExists($var123[$i123] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") Then MsgBox(4096,"Folder Found",$var123[$i123] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") $folder_name = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to import", "C;\", 6, $var123[$i123] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP") $myflag = True EndIf Next If $myflag = False Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Please check the Card!") EndIf EndIf StringUpper($folder_name) GuiCtrlSetData($txt_folder_to_import, $folder_name) EndFunc Func OnBtnJobBrowse_Clicked() $job_name = FileSelectFolder("Choose a job to save to", "\\shermco\dfs\reports\MSDReports_Data", 6, "\\shermco\dfs\reports\MSDReports_Data") ;MsgBox(4096,"Job Number",$job_name) GuiCtrlSetData($txt_job_number, $job_name) EndFunc Func OnBtnImport_Clicked() ;If $btn_import = 1 Then FileChangeDir($folder_name) ;FileChangeDir(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import)) $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.jpg") $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No pictures to copy. Plese select a different directory.") ;$result = "unsuccessfully." ;Delete_Group($all) ;Import_New() EndIf FolName() PhotoChoose() ImporterStuff() ;EndIf EndFunc Func FolName() $fold = InputBox("Name oF Folder", "Name the folder to import the pictures into", $file2) EndFunc Func PhotoChoose() ;MsgBox(4096,"Function", "Photo Choose") ;MsgBox(4096,"$file",$file) $choose_pic_name = $file $pic = $folder_name & $file ;MsgBox(4096, "Photo Choose",$pic) EndFunc Func ImporterStuff() ;MsgBox(4096, "Importer Stuff", "Function Start") $importer_name_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Your Name:", 8, 176, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_name = GUICtrlCreateInput($name, 72, 176, 201, 21) $importer_date_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Date:", 8, 208, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_date = GUICtrlCreateInput(@MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR, 72, 208, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $importer_time_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Time:", 280, 176, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_time = GUICtrlCreateInput(@HOUR & ":" & @MIN, 344, 176, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $importer_comp_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer:", 280, 208, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_comp = GUICtrlCreateInput(@ComputerName, 344, 208, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $picture = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic, 8, 240, 264, 198, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP)) $choose_loc_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name the folder you want to save the pictures to", 280, 256, 265, 117, $SS_CENTER) $choose_loc = GUICtrlCreateInput($fold, 280, 280, 265, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ;$file2 = $choose_loc $choose_pic_name = GUICtrlCreateInput($choose_pic_name, 384, 320, 161, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $choose_pic_name_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name of the Picture:", 280, 320, 101, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $choose_pic_import_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("<---------- Do you want to import this picture?", 288, 360, 203, 17) $btn_yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes", 288, 392, 57, 25, 0) $btn_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("No", 352, 392, 57, 25, 0) $btn_yes_to_all = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes to All", 416, 392, 81, 25, 0) $progress_bar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(288,425,250,25) $lbl_percentage = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0 out of - are copied! ",288,450,200,30) ;MsgBox(4096, "Importer Stuff", "Function End") EndFunc Func OnMnuFormatCard() $var = DriveGetDrive("all") $folder_name = " " $myflag = False If Not @error Then For $i=1 To $var[0] If FileExists($var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") Then ;MsgBox(4096,"Folder Found",$var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") $folder_name = $var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\" $myflag = True EndIf Next If $myflag=False Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Pleast check the Card!") Else $folder_name = StringUpper($folder_name) If MsgBox(4164,"Warning","All the files of " & $folder_name & " will be deleted!" & @LF & "Are you sure?") = 6 Then FileDelete($folder_name &"*.jpg") MsgBox(4096,"Message","Memory card formatted successfully!") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func Rename() $tmp1 = 0 $tmp2 = 0 While $tmp1 = 0 $tmp = MsgBox(4, "Duplicate Photo", "A photo with the name " & $choose_pic_name & " already exists in the destination folder. Do you want to rename " & $choose_pic_name & "?") Switch $tmp Case 6 $choose_pic_name = InputBox("Photo Rename", "Enter New Photo Name: ", $choose_pic_name) If IfExist($tmp2) = 1 Then Rename() EndIf $tmp1 = 1 Case 7 $result = "unsuccessfully." ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func All() $file_count = 0 $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.*") $count = 0 ; Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop ;MsgBox(4096, "File:", $file) $file_count= $file_count + 1 WEnd ; Close the search handle FileClose($search) FileClose($file) $file= " " $search = " " GUICtrlSetData($lbl_percentage, $count & " out of " & $file_count & " are copied! ") ;MsgBox(4096,"Total Files",$file_count) ;msgbox(4096,"folder name",$folder_name) $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.jpg") $file = FileFindNextFile($search) While 1 $photo = GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($choose_loc) & "\" FileCopy(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import) & $file, $photo , 8) $count = $count+1 GUICtrlSetData($lbl_percentage, $count & " out of " & $file_count & " are copied! ") $percentage_completed = Int((100 * $count)/$file_count) ;MsgBox(4096,"Percentage",$percentage_completed) GUICtrlSetData($progress_bar,$percentage_completed) $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") ClearData() ;Delete_Group($all) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func IfExist($value) If FileExists($photo & $choose_pic_name) Then $value = 1 Else $value = 0 EndIf Return $value EndFunc Func ClearData() GUICtrlSetData($txt_job_number,"Click browse and select job") GUICtrlSetData($txt_folder_to_import,$folder_name) GUICtrlDelete($importer_name) GUICtrlDelete($importer_name_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_date_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_date) GUICtrlDelete($importer_time_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_time) GUICtrlDelete($importer_comp_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_comp) GUICtrlDelete($picture) GUICtrlDelete($choose_loc_label) GUICtrlDelete($choose_loc) GUICtrlDelete($choose_pic_name_label) GUICtrlDelete($choose_pic_name) GUICtrlDelete($choose_pic_import_label) GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes) GUICtrlDelete($btn_no) GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes_to_all) GUICtrlDelete($progress_bar) GUICtrlDelete($lbl_percentage) EndFunc #endregion CreateGUI() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $btn_folder_browse OnBtnFolderBrowse_Clicked() Case $mnu_about_about_photo_import OnMnuAbout_Photo_Import_Clicked() Case $mnu_administration_format_card OnMnuFormatCard() Case $btn_job_browse OnBtnJobBrowse_Clicked() Case $btn_import If GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) = "Click Browse and select job" Or GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) = "" Then MsgBox(4096,"Error","Please select Job Number First") Else OnBtnImport_Clicked() EndIf Case $btn_yes If IfExist($val) = 1 Then Rename() $photo = GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($choose_loc) & "\" FileCopy(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import) & $file, $photo & $choose_pic_name, 8) $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") ClearData() EndIf PhotoChoose() ImporterStuff() Else $photo = GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($choose_loc) & "\" FileCopy(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import) & $file, $photo & GUICtrlRead($choose_pic_name), 8) $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then If MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") = 1 Then ClearData() EndIf Else PhotoChoose() GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes) GUICtrlDelete($btn_no) ImporterStuff() EndIf EndIf Case $btn_no $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") ClearData() Else PhotoChoose() GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes) GUICtrlDelete($btn_no) ImporterStuff() EndIf Case $btn_yes_to_all All() ClearData() Case $btn_format_card OnMnuFormatCard() Case $btn_cancel ClearData() Case $mnu_import_exit ExitLoop EndSwitch If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop EndIf Wend FileClose($search)
Manjish Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 There is no function called RunAsSet() and you have two calls for this function, due to which you are getting compilation errors. I don't know what you want to do with this function, but as I see it you have two options: 1) Define the function. 2) Use some standard function like RunAsWait() in it's place. [font="Garamond"]Manjish Naik[/font]Engineer, Global Services - QPSHoneywell Automation India LimitedE-mail - Manjish.Naik@honeywell.com
flavortext03 Posted November 3, 2009 Author Posted November 3, 2009 I get these when I compile it.C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(119,108) : WARNING: $SS_NOTIFY: possibly used before declaration. $si_logo = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif",10,10,150,100,BitOR($SS_NOTIFY, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(119,118) : WARNING: $WS_GROUP: possibly used before declaration. $si_logo = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif",10,10,150,100,BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(122,86) : WARNING: $ES_READONLY: possibly used before declaration. $txt_folder_to_import = GUICtrlCreateInput( $folder_name ,320,25,275,18,$ES_READONLY) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(237,83) : WARNING: $SS_RIGHT: possibly used before declaration. $importer_name_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Your Name:", 8, 176, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(249,123) : WARNING: $SS_CENTER: possibly used before declaration. $choose_loc_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name the folder you want to save the pictures to", 280, 256, 265, 117, $SS_CENTER) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(119,108) : ERROR: $SS_NOTIFY: undeclared global variable. $si_logo = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif",10,10,150,100,BitOR($SS_NOTIFY, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3(100,37) : ERROR: RunAsSet(): undefined function. RunAsSet($user, $domain, $password) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^C:\Scripts\Photo Copy new 09.au3 - 2 error(s), 5 warning(s)If I continue past that and try to run the EXE I get:Line -1:Error: Variable used without being declared.
flavortext03 Posted November 3, 2009 Author Posted November 3, 2009 There is no function called RunAsSet() and you have two calls for this function, due to which you are getting compilation errors. I don't know what you want to do with this function, but as I see it you have two options:1) Define the function.2) Use some standard function like RunAsWait() in it's place.Ok, thanks. Did there use to be a RunAsSet()? We have the script working in the shop since mid 2007 exactly like the code I posted and it works fine.
Bowmore Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 (edited) There have been quite a few changes to AutoIt in the last 2 years The include files have been split into smaller more focused groupings RunAsSet() no longer exists have a look in the helpfile at RunAs I've made a couple of minor changes to your script and it should at least compile now with the latest version of AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include <EditConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #region "Variable Declaration" $name = @UserName $file2 = "Photos" $file = " " $pic = " " $fold = " " $choose_pic_name = " " $search = " " $progress_bar = " " $percentage_completed = " " $btn_format_card = " " $lbl_percentage = "" Global $btn_yes = 3, $btn_no = 3, $btn_yes_to_all = 3 $importer_name = "" $importer_name_label = "" $importer_date_label = "" $importer_date = "" $importer_time_label = "" $importer_time = "" $importer_comp_label = "" $importer_comp = "" $pic = "" $picture = "" $choose_loc_label = "" $choose_loc = "photos" $choose_pic_name_label = "" $choose_pic_name = "test" $choose_pic_import_label = "" $val = "" ; Variable passed to IfExist Function $txt_folder_to_import = " " ;Folder To Import $txt_job_number = " " ;Job Number $lbl_folder = "" $lbl_job = "" $btn_folder_browse = " " $btn_job_browse = " " $btn_import = " " $btn_cancel = " " $mnu_import = " " $mnu_import_new = " " $mnu_import_view_imported = " " $mnu_import_exit = " " $mnu_administration = " " $mnu_administration_format_card = " " $mnu_administration_import_log = " " $mnu_administration_preferences = " " $mnu_administration_change_runas = " " $mnu_about = " " $mnu_about_about_photo_import = " " $folder_name = "Click Browse and select folder to import" ; Variable for Initial folder location #comments-start code inserted by Abhay #comments-end $var = DriveGetDrive("all") $myflag = False If Not @error Then For $i=1 To $var[0] If FileExists($var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") Then ;MsgBox(4096,"Folder Found",$var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") $folder_name = $var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\" $myflag = True EndIf Next If $myflag=False Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Pleast check the Card!") EndIf EndIf #cs code inserted by Abhay End #ce $job_name = "Click Browse and select job" ;Job Number $photo = " " ;Full path of the photo which is to be uploaded $i = 0 ;Variable for loops $j = 0 ;Variable for loops $flg = False ;Variable for flag $si_logo = "" ;Shermco logo picture $si_label = "" ;Shermco label text #endregion #region "OnAutoItStart Function" Func OnAutoItStart() ; Add User name $user = "ASDcamera" ; Add Domain name $domain = "shermco.ind" ; Add Password $password = "@SDcam3ra$" ; ; Check incomong parameters If Not $CMDLINE[0] Then ; No parameters then restart as admin ;~ RunAsSet($user, $domain, $password) RunAs ( $user, $domain, $password, 0, '"' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /admin') ;~ Run('"' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /admin') ;~ RunAsSet() Exit ElseIf $CMDLINE[1] <> '/admin' Then ; Exit script with error code 1 Exit 1 EndIf EndFunc #endregion #region "GUI Func" Func CreateGUI() GUICreate("Photo Import - Shermco Ind",800,600,115,50) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) CreateMenu() $si_logo = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif",10,10,150,100,BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP)) $folder_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select folder to import : ",200,27,150,18) $folder_name = StringUpper($folder_name) $txt_folder_to_import = GUICtrlCreateInput( $folder_name ,320,25,275,18,$ES_READONLY) $btn_folder_browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse",600,23,60,22) $lbl_job = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Job Number : ",245,60,150,18) $txt_job_number = GUICtrlCreateInput( $job_name ,320,60,275,18,$ES_READONLY) $btn_job_browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse",600,58,60,22) $btn_import = GUICtrlCreateButton("Import",320,95,60,22) $btn_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel",390,95,60,22) $btn_format_card = GUICtrlCreateButton("Format Card",520,95,75,22) EndFunc Func CreateMenu() $mnu_import = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Import") $mnu_import_new = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("New",$mnu_import) $mnu_import__view_imported = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("View Imported",$mnu_import) $mnu_import_exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Exit",$mnu_import) $mnu_administration = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Administration") $mnu_administration_format_card = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Format Card",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_administration_import_log = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Import Log",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_administration_preferences = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Preferences",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_administration_change_runas = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Change RunAs",$mnu_administration ) $mnu_about = GUICtrlCreateMenu("About") $mnu_about_about_photo_import = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About Photo Import", $mnu_about ) EndFunc Func OnMnuAbout_Photo_Import_Clicked() #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Forms\Importer UI about.kxf $Form1 = GUICreate("About Photo Import - Shermco Ind", 324, 237, 303, 219) GUISetIcon("D:\006.ico") GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) $GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 8, 305, 185) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Image1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("\\shermco\dfs\public\Graphics\SiLogo-blue.gif", 16, 24, 105, 97, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP)) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Photo Importer", 152, 24, 78, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("V 1.1.0 Beta", 152, 48, 63, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Created For ASD by Brian Harris", 16, 160, 155, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Copyright: Shermco Industries 2006", 16, 136, 171, 17, $WS_GROUP) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 112, 208, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() ExitLoop Case $Button1 GUIDelete() ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func OnBtnFolderBrowse_Clicked() $var123 = DriveGetDrive("all") $myflag = False If Not @error Then For $i123=1 To $var123[0] If FileExists($var123[$i123] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") Then MsgBox(4096,"Folder Found",$var123[$i123] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") $folder_name = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to import", "C;\", 6, $var123[$i123] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP") $myflag = True EndIf Next If $myflag = False Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Please check the Card!") EndIf EndIf StringUpper($folder_name) GuiCtrlSetData($txt_folder_to_import, $folder_name) EndFunc Func OnBtnJobBrowse_Clicked() $job_name = FileSelectFolder("Choose a job to save to", "\\shermco\dfs\reports\MSDReports_Data", 6, "\\shermco\dfs\reports\MSDReports_Data") ;MsgBox(4096,"Job Number",$job_name) GuiCtrlSetData($txt_job_number, $job_name) EndFunc Func OnBtnImport_Clicked() ;If $btn_import = 1 Then FileChangeDir($folder_name) ;FileChangeDir(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import)) $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.jpg") $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No pictures to copy. Plese select a different directory.") ;$result = "unsuccessfully." ;Delete_Group($all) ;Import_New() EndIf FolName() PhotoChoose() ImporterStuff() ;EndIf EndFunc Func FolName() $fold = InputBox("Name oF Folder", "Name the folder to import the pictures into", $file2) EndFunc Func PhotoChoose() ;MsgBox(4096,"Function", "Photo Choose") ;MsgBox(4096,"$file",$file) $choose_pic_name = $file $pic = $folder_name & $file ;MsgBox(4096, "Photo Choose",$pic) EndFunc Func ImporterStuff() ;MsgBox(4096, "Importer Stuff", "Function Start") $importer_name_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Your Name:", 8, 176, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_name = GUICtrlCreateInput($name, 72, 176, 201, 21) $importer_date_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Date:", 8, 208, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_date = GUICtrlCreateInput(@MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR, 72, 208, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $importer_time_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Time:", 280, 176, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_time = GUICtrlCreateInput(@HOUR & ":" & @MIN, 344, 176, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $importer_comp_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer:", 280, 208, 60, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $importer_comp = GUICtrlCreateInput(@ComputerName, 344, 208, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $picture = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic, 8, 240, 264, 198, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP)) $choose_loc_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name the folder you want to save the pictures to", 280, 256, 265, 117, $SS_CENTER) $choose_loc = GUICtrlCreateInput($fold, 280, 280, 265, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ;$file2 = $choose_loc $choose_pic_name = GUICtrlCreateInput($choose_pic_name, 384, 320, 161, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $choose_pic_name_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name of the Picture:", 280, 320, 101, 17, $SS_RIGHT) $choose_pic_import_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("<---------- Do you want to import this picture?", 288, 360, 203, 17) $btn_yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes", 288, 392, 57, 25, 0) $btn_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("No", 352, 392, 57, 25, 0) $btn_yes_to_all = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes to All", 416, 392, 81, 25, 0) $progress_bar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(288,425,250,25) $lbl_percentage = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0 out of - are copied! ",288,450,200,30) ;MsgBox(4096, "Importer Stuff", "Function End") EndFunc Func OnMnuFormatCard() $var = DriveGetDrive("all") $folder_name = " " $myflag = False If Not @error Then For $i=1 To $var[0] If FileExists($var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") Then ;MsgBox(4096,"Folder Found",$var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\") $folder_name = $var[$i] & "\DCIM\100OLYMP\" $myflag = True EndIf Next If $myflag=False Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Pleast check the Card!") Else $folder_name = StringUpper($folder_name) If MsgBox(4164,"Warning","All the files of " & $folder_name & " will be deleted!" & @LF & "Are you sure?") = 6 Then FileDelete($folder_name &"*.jpg") MsgBox(4096,"Message","Memory card formatted successfully!") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func Rename() $tmp1 = 0 $tmp2 = 0 While $tmp1 = 0 $tmp = MsgBox(4, "Duplicate Photo", "A photo with the name " & $choose_pic_name & " already exists in the destination folder. Do you want to rename " & $choose_pic_name & "?") Switch $tmp Case 6 $choose_pic_name = InputBox("Photo Rename", "Enter New Photo Name: ", $choose_pic_name) If IfExist($tmp2) = 1 Then Rename() EndIf $tmp1 = 1 Case 7 $result = "unsuccessfully." ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func All() $file_count = 0 $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.*") $count = 0 ; Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop ;MsgBox(4096, "File:", $file) $file_count= $file_count + 1 WEnd ; Close the search handle FileClose($search) FileClose($file) $file= " " $search = " " GUICtrlSetData($lbl_percentage, $count & " out of " & $file_count & " are copied! ") ;MsgBox(4096,"Total Files",$file_count) ;msgbox(4096,"folder name",$folder_name) $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.jpg") $file = FileFindNextFile($search) While 1 $photo = GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($choose_loc) & "\" FileCopy(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import) & $file, $photo , 8) $count = $count+1 GUICtrlSetData($lbl_percentage, $count & " out of " & $file_count & " are copied! ") $percentage_completed = Int((100 * $count)/$file_count) ;MsgBox(4096,"Percentage",$percentage_completed) GUICtrlSetData($progress_bar,$percentage_completed) $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") ClearData() ;Delete_Group($all) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func IfExist($value) If FileExists($photo & $choose_pic_name) Then $value = 1 Else $value = 0 EndIf Return $value EndFunc Func ClearData() GUICtrlSetData($txt_job_number,"Click browse and select job") GUICtrlSetData($txt_folder_to_import,$folder_name) GUICtrlDelete($importer_name) GUICtrlDelete($importer_name_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_date_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_date) GUICtrlDelete($importer_time_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_time) GUICtrlDelete($importer_comp_label) GUICtrlDelete($importer_comp) GUICtrlDelete($picture) GUICtrlDelete($choose_loc_label) GUICtrlDelete($choose_loc) GUICtrlDelete($choose_pic_name_label) GUICtrlDelete($choose_pic_name) GUICtrlDelete($choose_pic_import_label) GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes) GUICtrlDelete($btn_no) GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes_to_all) GUICtrlDelete($progress_bar) GUICtrlDelete($lbl_percentage) EndFunc #endregion CreateGUI() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $btn_folder_browse OnBtnFolderBrowse_Clicked() Case $mnu_about_about_photo_import OnMnuAbout_Photo_Import_Clicked() Case $mnu_administration_format_card OnMnuFormatCard() Case $btn_job_browse OnBtnJobBrowse_Clicked() Case $btn_import If GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) = "Click Browse and select job" Or GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) = "" Then MsgBox(4096,"Error","Please select Job Number First") Else OnBtnImport_Clicked() EndIf Case $btn_yes If IfExist($val) = 1 Then Rename() $photo = GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($choose_loc) & "\" FileCopy(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import) & $file, $photo & $choose_pic_name, 8) $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") ClearData() EndIf PhotoChoose() ImporterStuff() Else $photo = GUICtrlRead($txt_job_number) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($choose_loc) & "\" FileCopy(GUICtrlRead($txt_folder_to_import) & $file, $photo & GUICtrlRead($choose_pic_name), 8) $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then If MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") = 1 Then ClearData() EndIf Else PhotoChoose() GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes) GUICtrlDelete($btn_no) ImporterStuff() EndIf EndIf Case $btn_no $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "All Done", "Import Complete") ClearData() Else PhotoChoose() GUICtrlDelete($btn_yes) GUICtrlDelete($btn_no) ImporterStuff() EndIf Case $btn_yes_to_all All() ClearData() Case $btn_format_card OnMnuFormatCard() Case $btn_cancel ClearData() Case $mnu_import_exit ExitLoop EndSwitch If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop EndIf Wend FileClose($search) Edited November 3, 2009 by Bowmore "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook
jvanegmond Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Things change in AutoIt: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/history.htm ... Sometimes, these changes are breaking. Meaning they break any existing scripts. Your script has undergone a few script breaking changes, and that's why it currently does not compile. There's quite an extended list available here: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/script_breaking_changes.htm take particular note of the changes on 16th May, 2008 - v3.2.12.0 github.com/jvanegmond
flavortext03 Posted November 3, 2009 Author Posted November 3, 2009 Thanks everyone. I will go through the changes and revisions to see what else needs to be changed.
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