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Hi all, can anyone experienced man help me with this script string? I dunno why I cannot get the logfile on my desktop. Cmd line dissapears and no file appears!!! If you can do it with @ComSpec, please provide with it. Waiting for answer, - thanks!!

Run (@WindowsDir & "\system32\tasklist.exe " & @DesktopDir & ">tasklist.log")


Run(@ComSpec & ' /c tasklist > "' & @ScriptDir & '\test.txt"')

You must enclose the path in double quotes because otherwise if the path contains spaces you'll delimit the file path by the first space.

tasklist > C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\File.txt

is evaluated as tasklist > C:\Documents, so it'll create this file and output it there as long as there is not folder with that name/path.

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