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As part of an auto installer for Spybot I would like to be able to read the immunization progressbar and use it to time when scanning current immunizations is done, and when applying new immunizations is done. I hate using their silent or update switches, it seems harder to time Spybot by which processes are running and have quit than to just apply a 45-second timer to scanning and applying immunizations and just forcing quiting as I do currently. I'd be happy to share my current (fully functional) code for Spybot if requested.

For now though, I have been trying to use ControlCommand to get the status of the progressbar, the only options I can get to give me a good result are IsVisible and IsEnabled, so this is most likely not the right command, and help would be great. Current (almost worthless) code I have for this is:

$test=ControlCommand ( "Spybot - Search & Destroy", "", "[id:2360984]", "IsVisible" ,"")

Once I got it to give a result on the status of immunization that looked worth a darn I was going to switch to a TrayTip so I could see the progress go, as proof it was working properly, then from there I can better time my auto installer.

Thanks for any help!


My projects:

  • IP Scanner - Multi-threaded ping tool to scan your available networks for used and available IP addresses, shows ping times, resolves IPs in to host names, and allows individual IPs to be pinged.
  • INFSniff - Great technicians tool - a tool which scans DriverPacks archives for INF files and parses out the HWIDs to a database file, and rapidly scans the local machine's HWIDs, searches the database for matches, and installs them.
  • PPK3 (Persistent Process Killer V3) - Another for the techs - suppress running processes that you need to keep away, helpful when fighting spyware/viruses.
  • Sync Tool - Folder sync tool with lots of real time information and several checking methods.
  • USMT Front End - Front End for Microsoft's User State Migration Tool, including all files needed for USMT 3.01 and 4.01, 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
  • Audit Tool - Computer audit tool to gather vital hardware, Windows, and Office information for IT managers and field techs. Capabilities include creating a customized site agent.
  • CSV Viewer - Displays CSV files with automatic column sizing and font selection. Lines can also be copied to the clipboard for data extraction.
  • MyDirStat - Lists number and size of files on a drive or specified path, allows for deletion within the app.
  • 2048 Game - My version of 2048, fun tile game.
  • Juice Lab - Ecigarette liquid making calculator.
  • Data Protector - Secure notes to save sensitive information.
  • VHD Footer - Add a footer to a forensic hard drive image to allow it to be mounted or used as a virtual machine hard drive.
  • Find in File - Searches files containing a specified phrase.
  • Moderators


From what I can find out there is no function or UDF that can read the value from an external app's progress bar. However, I do have the following suggestions which you might find useful (the first is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I have seen sillier things! B) ):

1. Use ControlGetPos on the progress bar and then use PixelGetColor to work out where the colour change is. :)

2. If any of the controls in the app change as the progress bar reaches the end (Start/Stop button, Status bar, even the progress bar itself since you mention that IsEnabled gives you a return) you could at least use a marquee style progress bar until that happens to show that something is going on.

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <ProgressConstants.au3>
#include <SendMessage.au3>

$hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 500)
GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 400, 20, $PBS_MARQUEE)
_SendMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), $PBM_SETMARQUEE, True, 50) ; final parameter is update time in ms

While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Sorry I cannot be of more help. ;)


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area




From what I can find out there is no function or UDF that can read the value from an external app's progress bar. However, I do have the following suggestions which you might find useful (the first is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I have seen sillier things! B) ):

1. Use ControlGetPos on the progress bar and then use PixelGetColor to work out where the colour change is. :)

2. If any of the controls in the app change as the progress bar reaches the end (Start/Stop button, Status bar, even the progress bar itself since you mention that IsEnabled gives you a return) you could at least use a marquee style progress bar until that happens to show that something is going on.

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <ProgressConstants.au3>
#include <SendMessage.au3>

$hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 500)
GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 400, 20, $PBS_MARQUEE)
_SendMessage(GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), $PBM_SETMARQUEE, True, 50) ; final parameter is update time in ms

While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Sorry I cannot be of more help. ;)


No, as always you were helpful, thanks. I was kinda thinking about suggestion 1, but just assumed something more "elegant" could be done.....

Thanks again


My projects:

  • IP Scanner - Multi-threaded ping tool to scan your available networks for used and available IP addresses, shows ping times, resolves IPs in to host names, and allows individual IPs to be pinged.
  • INFSniff - Great technicians tool - a tool which scans DriverPacks archives for INF files and parses out the HWIDs to a database file, and rapidly scans the local machine's HWIDs, searches the database for matches, and installs them.
  • PPK3 (Persistent Process Killer V3) - Another for the techs - suppress running processes that you need to keep away, helpful when fighting spyware/viruses.
  • Sync Tool - Folder sync tool with lots of real time information and several checking methods.
  • USMT Front End - Front End for Microsoft's User State Migration Tool, including all files needed for USMT 3.01 and 4.01, 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
  • Audit Tool - Computer audit tool to gather vital hardware, Windows, and Office information for IT managers and field techs. Capabilities include creating a customized site agent.
  • CSV Viewer - Displays CSV files with automatic column sizing and font selection. Lines can also be copied to the clipboard for data extraction.
  • MyDirStat - Lists number and size of files on a drive or specified path, allows for deletion within the app.
  • 2048 Game - My version of 2048, fun tile game.
  • Juice Lab - Ecigarette liquid making calculator.
  • Data Protector - Secure notes to save sensitive information.
  • VHD Footer - Add a footer to a forensic hard drive image to allow it to be mounted or used as a virtual machine hard drive.
  • Find in File - Searches files containing a specified phrase.

Hi Ian

I've been working on a spybot "handler" for a while now.

I'm at the stage I've got it handling all popups that occur during install, initial run, update (one popup to go I think).

I'm aiming for a script that will handle everything without human intervention (download, install, update, run, uninstall).

Anyway the solution I found to check for end of imunisation or UNDO was to close the spybot window. Spybot doesn't allow it to be closed untill the process is complete.

;Close window when imunization is complete
    WinClose("Spybot - Search & Destroy", "")
    While WinExists("Spybot - Search & Destroy", "")

Not elegent but works.

I wouldn't mind seeing your code to see if it covers everything I need. It may save me a lot of time.


John Morrison




Both the installer and main exe have command line support. You won't need to track the install.

Here is the list:

Here is a list of command line parameters that the Spybot-S&D installer supports:


Will skip the first page of the installation wizard (Do you wish to continue? ...)


Will display the progress during installation, but not the wizard.


Even the progress will not be shown. Errors etc. would still be shown.


Will use standard actions for message boxes (no overwriting of files, cancelling where the alternative would be retrying...)

/log (or /log="filename")

Creates a log file in the temp folder that contains detailed information about actions taking place during the installation.


Disables the Cancel and Close button. Useful with /silent.


Suppress reboots even if they were necessary at the end of the installation.


If a restart is needed, the setup would return the specified exit code.

/loadinf="filename" (and /saveinf="filename")

Can be used to use a saved setup configuration (or save one).


Overrides the language dialog with a predefined language. Use ISO 2 letter language describers here.


Installs into that directory instead of the default one.

/group="folder name"

Installs into a program group of that name instead of the default one.


Avoids creation of any icons for the installed software.


Starts installation with a give type. Supported types are


blind and


/components="comma separated list of component names"

Installs the given components instead of the default ones. Supported components are


blind (icons for blind users),

language (all language files),


updatedl (for downloading updates as part of the installation),

updatew95 (to download prerequisites on Windows 95),

SDWinSec (to install the Security Center integration on Vista),

SDShredder (to install the stand-alone shredder), and

SDDelFile (to install the file removal helper).

/tasks="comma separated list of tasks"

Specifies a list of tasks that should be executed. Tasks currently supported are:





/mergetasks="comma separated list of tasks"

Same as /tasks, just with the exception that standard tasks are not disabled by default.



Only speaking for myself here, but as I said in the first post I hate using their commandline switches with my installer because it handles more than Spybot, and figuring out when it is finished based on which processes have started/are running/have quit was more trouble than it was worth..... On it's own I'm sure it is helpful to some, but not me :)


Long time no see/hear/type/whatever ;) I haven't touched that other project of ours in a while, I had to make some changes to the main app and haven't gone back to fix everything up yet.....

Anyway, what I do currently for SB is:

            Run(@tempdir&"\TechFaves\Spyware Removal\spybotsd162.exe")
            winwait("Select Setup Language","Cancel")
            WinActivate("Select Setup Language","Cancel")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Welcome to the Spybot - Search & Destroy Setup")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Welcome to the Spybot - Search & Destroy Setup")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Please read the following important information")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Please read the following important information")
            DirRemove(@ProgramFilesDir&"\Spybot - Search & Destroy")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","To continue, click Next. If you would like to select")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","To continue, click Next. If you would like to select")
            if WinExists("Folder Exists") then send("{ENTER}")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Select the components you want to install")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Select the components you want to install")
            send("{DOWN 5}")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","To continue, click Next. If you would like to select")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","To continue, click Next. If you would like to select")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Select the additional tasks you would like Setup")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Select the additional tasks you would like Setup")
            send("{DOWN 2}")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Click Install to continue with the installation, or click")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Click Install to continue with the installation, or click")
            winwait("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Setup has finished installing Spybot - Search")
            WinActivate("Setup - Spybot - Search & Destroy","Setup has finished installing Spybot - Search")
            send("{ENTER}") ;regular install done
            run(@ProgramFilesDir&"\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SDUpdate.exe")
            winwait("Spybot-S&D Updater","Display beta updates")
            WinActivate("Spybot-S&D Updater","Display beta updates")
            winwait("Legal stuff")
            WinActivate("Legal stuff")
            winclose("Spybot-S&D Updater")
            winwait("Spybot-S&D Wizard")
            WinActivate("Spybot-S&D Wizard")
            winclose("Spybot-S&D Wizard");end update
            if winexists("Confirm","Ignore") then
                send("{TAB 2}")
            winactivate("Spybot - Search & Destroy")
            $sbmessage="Allowing 45 seconds for Spybot to detect current immunizations."&@cr&"45 seconds remaining"
            SplashTextOn("Please Wait",$sbmessage,500,75)
            for $sb=44 to 1 step -1
                ControlSetText("Please Wait","","Static1",$sbmessage)
                $sbmessage="Allowing 45 seconds for Spybot to detect current immunizations."&@cr&$sb&" seconds remaining"
            winactivate("Spybot - Search & Destroy")
            $sbmessage="Allowing 45 seconds for Spybot to apply new immunizations."&@cr&"45 seconds remaining"
            for $sb=44 to 1 step -1
                ControlSetText("Please Wait","","Static1",$sbmessage)
                $sbmessage="Allowing 45 seconds for Spybot to apply new immunizations."&@cr&$sb&" seconds remaining"

Hopefully that helps.


My projects:

  • IP Scanner - Multi-threaded ping tool to scan your available networks for used and available IP addresses, shows ping times, resolves IPs in to host names, and allows individual IPs to be pinged.
  • INFSniff - Great technicians tool - a tool which scans DriverPacks archives for INF files and parses out the HWIDs to a database file, and rapidly scans the local machine's HWIDs, searches the database for matches, and installs them.
  • PPK3 (Persistent Process Killer V3) - Another for the techs - suppress running processes that you need to keep away, helpful when fighting spyware/viruses.
  • Sync Tool - Folder sync tool with lots of real time information and several checking methods.
  • USMT Front End - Front End for Microsoft's User State Migration Tool, including all files needed for USMT 3.01 and 4.01, 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
  • Audit Tool - Computer audit tool to gather vital hardware, Windows, and Office information for IT managers and field techs. Capabilities include creating a customized site agent.
  • CSV Viewer - Displays CSV files with automatic column sizing and font selection. Lines can also be copied to the clipboard for data extraction.
  • MyDirStat - Lists number and size of files on a drive or specified path, allows for deletion within the app.
  • 2048 Game - My version of 2048, fun tile game.
  • Juice Lab - Ecigarette liquid making calculator.
  • Data Protector - Secure notes to save sensitive information.
  • VHD Footer - Add a footer to a forensic hard drive image to allow it to be mounted or used as a virtual machine hard drive.
  • Find in File - Searches files containing a specified phrase.

Just as an FYI for those interested, the following works to detect the presence of the progressbar and the dimensions:

$bar=ControlCommand ( "Spybot - Search & Destroy", "", "[class:TProgressBar]", "IsEnabled" ,"")
if $bar=1 Then
    $test=ControlGetPos("Spybot - Search & Destroy", "", "[class:TProgressBar]")
    msgbox(0,"h",$test[0]&"  "&$test[1]&"  "&$test[2]&"  "&$test[3]&"  ")

So once again thanks M23! :) The rest should be cake.


My projects:

  • IP Scanner - Multi-threaded ping tool to scan your available networks for used and available IP addresses, shows ping times, resolves IPs in to host names, and allows individual IPs to be pinged.
  • INFSniff - Great technicians tool - a tool which scans DriverPacks archives for INF files and parses out the HWIDs to a database file, and rapidly scans the local machine's HWIDs, searches the database for matches, and installs them.
  • PPK3 (Persistent Process Killer V3) - Another for the techs - suppress running processes that you need to keep away, helpful when fighting spyware/viruses.
  • Sync Tool - Folder sync tool with lots of real time information and several checking methods.
  • USMT Front End - Front End for Microsoft's User State Migration Tool, including all files needed for USMT 3.01 and 4.01, 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
  • Audit Tool - Computer audit tool to gather vital hardware, Windows, and Office information for IT managers and field techs. Capabilities include creating a customized site agent.
  • CSV Viewer - Displays CSV files with automatic column sizing and font selection. Lines can also be copied to the clipboard for data extraction.
  • MyDirStat - Lists number and size of files on a drive or specified path, allows for deletion within the app.
  • 2048 Game - My version of 2048, fun tile game.
  • Juice Lab - Ecigarette liquid making calculator.
  • Data Protector - Secure notes to save sensitive information.
  • VHD Footer - Add a footer to a forensic hard drive image to allow it to be mounted or used as a virtual machine hard drive.
  • Find in File - Searches files containing a specified phrase.

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