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Hi all,

It could be possible that this question has been asked before. Though I couldn't find it :) ...

In a web page I have different lines of text (if needed I can make them a hyperlink!) referring to different files om my internal HD. I want to hover over the text and retrieve its content once I press a mouse button (no matter what, left or right!!). Once this is done I can access the right file.

Any suggestion from you guys? I will really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance

Posted (edited)

This should illustrate a concept you can use if you make them hyperlinks:

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("www.google.com")
While 1
    $var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")
    If @error Then Exit
    ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)
    Sleep (100)

Now just pair that up with _IsPressed and you should be able to get what you want.

Edited by exodius
  • 1 year later...

This should illustrate a concept you can use if you make them hyperlinks:

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("www.google.com")
While 1
    $var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")
    If @error Then Exit
    ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)
    Sleep (100)

Now just pair that up with _IsPressed and you should be able to get what you want.

I came across this post and it does exactly what I want but I also need to get the hyperlink info while hovering over links in html documents. The above example works great for a web page on the internet. Just hover over a hyperlink and a tooltip pops up showing the link info. Is there any way to do the same thing for an html document?

I came across this post and it does exactly what I want but I also need to get the hyperlink info while hovering over links in html documents. The above example works great for a web page on the internet. Just hover over a hyperlink and a tooltip pops up showing the link info. Is there any way to do the same thing for an html document?

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("file:///C:/sample.htm")
While 1
    $var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")
    If @error Then Exit
    ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)
    Sleep (100)

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("file:///C:/sample.htm")
While 1
    $var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")
    If @error Then Exit
    ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)
    Sleep (100)

Thanks for the reply. I have that working now but I need to be able to do the same thing with IE embedded. Here is my example script modified from the help file. Can you make the statustext show in a tooltip in this example?

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <IE.au3>

_IEErrorHandlerRegister ()

$oIE = _IECreateEmbedded ()

GUICreate("Embedded Web control Test", 640, 580, _

(@DesktopWidth - 640) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 580) / 2, _


$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 10, 40, 600, 360)

$GUI_Button_Back = GUICtrlCreateButton("Back", 10, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Forward = GUICtrlCreateButton("Forward", 120, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Home = GUICtrlCreateButton("Home", 230, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Stop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 340, 420, 100, 30)

GUISetState() ;Show GUI

_IENavigate ($oIE, "www.google.com")

; Waiting for user to close the window

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()

$var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")

If @error Then Exit

ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)

Sleep (100)


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Home

_IENavigate ($oIE, "http://www.autoitscript.com")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Back

_IEAction ($oIE, "back")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Forward

_IEAction ($oIE, "forward")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Stop

_IEAction ($oIE, "stop")






Here is that script properly edited I hope (not sure how to get it to show in the forum like it does in Scite).

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <IE.au3>

_IEErrorHandlerRegister ()

$oIE = _IECreateEmbedded ()

GUICreate("Embedded Web control Test", 640, 580, _

(@DesktopWidth - 640) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 580) / 2, _


$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 10, 40, 600, 360)

$GUI_Button_Back = GUICtrlCreateButton("Back", 10, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Forward = GUICtrlCreateButton("Forward", 120, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Home = GUICtrlCreateButton("Home", 230, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Stop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 340, 420, 100, 30)

GUISetState() ;Show GUI

_IENavigate ($oIE, "www.google.com")

; Waiting for user to close the window

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()

$var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")

If @error Then Exit

ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)

Sleep (100)


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Home

_IENavigate ($oIE, "http://www.autoitscript.com")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Back

_IEAction ($oIE, "back")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Forward

_IEAction ($oIE, "forward")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Stop

_IEAction ($oIE, "stop")






Here is that script properly edited I hope (not sure how to get it to show in the forum like it does in Scite).

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <IE.au3>

_IEErrorHandlerRegister ()

$oIE = _IECreateEmbedded ()

GUICreate("Embedded Web control Test", 640, 580, _

(@DesktopWidth - 640) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 580) / 2, _


$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 10, 40, 600, 360)

$GUI_Button_Back = GUICtrlCreateButton("Back", 10, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Forward = GUICtrlCreateButton("Forward", 120, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Home = GUICtrlCreateButton("Home", 230, 420, 100, 30)

$GUI_Button_Stop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 340, 420, 100, 30)

GUISetState() ;Show GUI

_IENavigate ($oIE, "www.google.com")

; Waiting for user to close the window

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()

$var = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statustext")

If @error Then Exit

ToolTip ($var, 0, 0)

Sleep (100)


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Home

_IENavigate ($oIE, "http://www.autoitscript.com")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Back

_IEAction ($oIE, "back")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Forward

_IEAction ($oIE, "forward")

Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Stop

_IEAction ($oIE, "stop")





I found another solution. As I read the help file on the embedding commands I was using it said that IE embedded loses some properties, one of the being status text. I thought I researched this thoroughly before posting. Sorry. I am now embedding the whole program in a window using the winapi setparent command and it works perfectly. I also found a script online to get rid of the title bar so it looks like part of the parent window. THanks to all of you out there who have great scripting ideas for those who want to look for them!

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