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Posted (edited)


+ Clear expression list button (delete all expressions in one click)

+ F4 - key is now assigned to pause button

+ DBUG Console optimized

+ Small help added and assigned on F1 key

- fixed small bug with expressions list population



Dbug 17.08.15.zip

Edited by valdemar1977
Sorry unstable release. Please use previous version 17.08.15

Great work, @valdemar1977

Just to make more clear we can put some extra variables to be showed on DBUG ... I did a little modification just to test and seems good ... take a look:

#include <DBUG.au3>

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Close")


Func Main()
    ProgressOn("DBUG Test", "Testing the AutoIt DBUG", "Counting")
        For $i = 0 To 10
            $prog = $i * 10
            $last = 10 - $i
            ProgressSet($prog, $last & " to 10")
    #Region STOP DBUG
        ProgressSet(100, "DONE", "Test Finished")
    #Region START DBUG

Func Close()
    Exit 0
EndFunc   ;==>Close

Just 2 new vars to be checked on Debugger :)

And I'm glad you have used my code :)


Would it be a good idea to include the current version number as a comment (ie., ;ver 17.08.15) near the top of Dbug.au3 so we can quickly see what version we have installed?

Phil Seakins

Posted (edited)


+ Clear expression list button (delete all expressions in one click)

+ F4 - key is now assigned to pause button

+ DBUG Console optimized (long path also supported now)

+ Small help added and assigned on F1 key

- fixed small bug with expressions list population

- automatic state loading fixed and improved 

Great work, @valdemar1977

Just to make more clear we can put some extra variables to be showed on DBUG ... I did a little modification just to test and seems good ... take a look:

#include <DBUG.au3>

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Close")


Func Main()
    ProgressOn("DBUG Test", "Testing the AutoIt DBUG", "Counting")
        For $i = 0 To 10
            $prog = $i * 10
            $last = 10 - $i
            ProgressSet($prog, $last & " to 10")
    #Region STOP DBUG
        ProgressSet(100, "DONE", "Test Finished")
    #Region START DBUG

Func Close()
    Exit 0
EndFunc   ;==>Close

Just 2 new vars to be checked on Debugger :)

And I'm glad you have used my code :)

Added to archive as example, thank you.


Would it be a good idea to include the current version number as a comment (ie., ;ver 17.08.15) near the top of Dbug.au3 so we can quickly see what version we have installed?

Done. Added header to script, also you can see DBUG version in the DBUG window title (ver. xx.xx.xx).



Dbug 18.08.15.zip

Edited by valdemar1977
Changed archive
Posted (edited)


+ Tabbed interface

+ Accelerators optimization (F1 - disabled (use help is separate tab), Ctrl-I, Ctrl-Q - now only work when DBUG window is in focus for fixing interfere with SciTE, Ctrl-X now changed on Del)

+ Small optimizations

- Expressions list edit bug fix


Dbug 26.08.15.zip

Edited by valdemar1977

Update (please replace all files in IMAGES dir also)

  • Array table viewer in separate window (changed edit button to Array Viewer, for edit name of the expression use mouse click), it is possible to setup range before visualization (using syntax of _ArrayDisplay)
  •  Changed accelerators (check in the README or help)
  • During the edit of expression name in ListView Esc key will cancel all modification (as usual in windows)
  • Button Run|Resume now changing icon and button tips during execution of DBUG
  • Changed fontsize help
  • Small modifications in DBUG_Example.au3 file
  • Small optimiztions

Dbug 28.08.15.zip



  • Optimizing speed when debugging huge arrays. Now DBUG show array values in SciTE window tips very quickly.
  • Array viewer now opening on the top of windows (you need to replace standard Array.au3 UDF with my custom in AutoIt Include dir. All my changes marked with ;valdemar1977 comment on the end. Shortly _ArrayDisplay func now have a flag for start GUI on top of windows ($WS_EX_TOPMOST). Of course you can still using a default Array.au3, but ArrayDisplay will start in the back of the windows.
  • Console optimized for display all messages (remove sleep(10) from loop). Now Console utilized more CPU, but without skip some messages from StdOut.
  • Some small optimizations

 Dbug 01.09.15.zip 


May I suggest that the readme be named Dbug_Readme.txt instead of README.TXT. With the suggested name the script, example and readme would be all side-by-side when viewed in explorer, removing any doubt as to their purpose and relationship.

Keep up the good work!

Phil Seakins

Posted (edited)

Dbug 01.09.15.zip contains a modified version of Array.au3 which causes my code to fail with;

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Array.au3"(751,188) : warning: $WS_EX_TOPMOST: possibly used before declaration.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Array.au3"(751,188) : error: $WS_EX_TOPMOST: undeclared global variable.

PS. Since posting the above I have found the modified Array.au3 needs this additional line;

#include "WindowsConstants.au3"



Edited by pseakins
Extra information, solution.

Phil Seakins

Posted (edited)

Dbug 01.09.15.zip contains a modified version of Array.au3 which causes my code to fail with;

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Array.au3"(751,188) : warning: $WS_EX_TOPMOST: possibly used before declaration.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Array.au3"(751,188) : error: $WS_EX_TOPMOST: undeclared global variable.

PS. Since posting the above I have found the modified Array.au3 needs this additional line;

#include "WindowsConstants.au3"



i know about this bug, thanx.

new version of dbug do not need a modified version of Array.au3, share it today or tommorow.

all functionality included inside of the main script. Sorry for inconvenience.


Edited by valdemar1977
Posted (edited)


  • Do not need to replace standard Array.au3 anymore. You can rollback to original version of udf now. All functionality now included in dbug script.
  • Dbug and console windows doesn't create an icon on the task bar.
  • Some optimizations

Dbug 06.09.15.zip

Edited by valdemar1977
Posted (edited)

>GuiToolTip.au3 is present in the latest AutoIt update

Edited: What I should have said is, this is a similar issue to post #71 above. As draconem says, Dbug.au3 needs GuiToolTip included.

Edited by pseakins
Original post not relevant

Phil Seakins

  • 4 weeks later...

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