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Posted (edited)

Arrays were not displaying for me. The following line under ";dynamic variable display"

Return StringFormat('Execute(Dbug(%s, -7, Execute("%s"), IsDeclared("%s")))', $lnr, $var, StringTrimLeft($var,1))

Was evaluating to: Execute(Dbug(48, -7, Execute("$arr1[2][4]"), IsDeclared("arr1[2][4]")))

"Execute("$arr1[2][4]")" would then be detected as a String within _Value()

I have addressed this by checking and removing the square brackets.

If StringLeft($var, 1) = "$" Then ;display variable
    $bracket = StringInStr($var, "[")
    if $bracket > 0 Then
        $var = StringLeft($var, $bracket -1)
    Return StringFormat('Execute(Dbug(%s, -7, Execute("%s"), IsDeclared("%s")))', $lnr, $var, StringTrimLeft($var,1))

Maybe there is a better way to fix this. Anyone else have this problem?

Btw, for anyone interested I've attached some code that will let you place breakpoints within the margin (of scite) by clicking. Line numbers must be on. It's not perfect and open to improvements. Lastly, Heron I just wanna say thanks for making this, good job.

EDIT: I've made some small changes to Dbug so that it behaves more like a background process. Dbug will now begin minimized, with no task bar icon unless GUI is activated (by clicking tray icon). Hotkeys now work outside of the Dbug window. F5 resume, F7 step in, F8 step over. I noticed step over would resume when stepping out of a function, I changed this to step to the next line instead. Disabled 1st line automatic breakpoint. Added sleep(50) to _CreateAndRun as to fix strange issue of target script not exiting correctly (could still see icon in tray). Have also made small fix to SciteBreakpoint.



Edited by laffo16
  • 2 weeks later...

Arrays were not displaying for me. The following line under ";dynamic variable display"

Return StringFormat('Execute(Dbug(%s, -7, Execute("%s"), IsDeclared("%s")))', $lnr, $var, StringTrimLeft($var,1))

Was evaluating to: Execute(Dbug(48, -7, Execute("$arr1[2][4]"), IsDeclared("arr1[2][4]")))

"Execute("$arr1[2][4]")" would then be detected as a String within _Value()

I have addressed this by checking and removing the square brackets.

If StringLeft($var, 1) = "$" Then ;display variable
    $bracket = StringInStr($var, "[")
    if $bracket > 0 Then
        $var = StringLeft($var, $bracket -1)
    Return StringFormat('Execute(Dbug(%s, -7, Execute("%s"), IsDeclared("%s")))', $lnr, $var, StringTrimLeft($var,1))

Maybe there is a better way to fix this. Anyone else have this problem?

Btw, for anyone interested I've attached some code that will let you place breakpoints within the margin (of scite) by clicking. Line numbers must be on. It's not perfect and open to improvements. Lastly, Heron I just wanna say thanks for making this, good job.

EDIT: I've made some small changes to Dbug so that it behaves more like a background process. Dbug will now begin minimized, with no task bar icon unless GUI is activated (by clicking tray icon). Hotkeys now work outside of the Dbug window. F5 resume, F7 step in, F8 step over. I noticed step over would resume when stepping out of a function, I changed this to step to the next line instead. Disabled 1st line automatic breakpoint. Added sleep(50) to _CreateAndRun as to fix strange issue of target script not exiting correctly (could still see icon in tray). Have also made small fix to SciteBreakpoint.




try this code


#include <Dbug.au3>
Global $aArray[10][10], $i, $j
For $i = 0 To 9
    For $j = 0 To 9
        $aArray[$i][$j] = $i & ";" & $j

And set breakpoint on Sleep(3000)

In my case I see array with no probs.



Posted (edited)

Hi Valdemar,

Sorry I should have been more specific, my issue was with the hover over tooltips not displaying arrays.


I believe it's because _SCIGetCurWord() returns in this case $aArray[10][10] instead of $aArray.

Edited by laffo16
Posted (edited)

Maybe there is a better way to fix this. Anyone else have this problem?

In my case I'm fix a  _SCIGetCurWord() function with deleting brackets  from stringregexp.

Func _SCIGetCurWord() ;get current word under cursor from Scite
    Local $pos[2], $line, $sta, $end, $text
    Local $tpoint ;= DllStructCreate("int X;int Y")

    $tpoint = _WinAPI_GetMousePos()
    If _WinAPI_WindowFromPoint($tpoint) <> $DBGhSci Then Return ""

    $tpoint = _WinAPI_GetMousePos(True, $DBGhSci)
    $pos[0] = DllStructGetData($tpoint, "X")
    $pos[1] = DllStructGetData($tpoint, "Y")

    $pos = _SCISendMessage($DBGhSci, 2022, $pos[0], $pos[1])
    $line = _SCISendMessage($DBGhSci, 2166, $pos)
    $sta = _SCISendMessage($DBGhSci, 2167, $line)
    $end = _SCISendMessage($DBGhSci, 2136, $line)

    $text = ""
    For $c = $pos To $sta step -1
        $char = chr(_SCISendMessage($DBGhSci, 2007, $c, 0))
        If not StringRegExp($char, "[-@$_a-zA-Z0-9]") Then ExitLoop
        $text = $char & $text
    For $c = $pos+1 To $end
        $char = chr(_SCISendMessage($DBGhSci, 2007, $c, 0))
        If not StringRegExp($char, "[-@$_a-zA-Z0-9]") Then ExitLoop
        $text &= $char

    Return $text
EndFunc ;_SCSIGetCurWord


Now it is work.

Edited by valdemar1977
Posted (edited)

New version with array visualization fix, described by laffo16.

Also add laffo16 fix of normal exiting from script, thank you laffo16.

Add a toggle button for switch on\off breaking script on first line with saving state in dbug.ini .

At the first start of dbug always stop on first line by default, uncheck button (new button at the right  of insert breakpoint button) for disable this option.




Edited by valdemar1977

New version

+ Button for copy variable from list to conditional breakpoint expression(hotkey Ctrl+A)

+ Conditional expression state now saving in ini file

+ Hotkey for StepInto (F7) StepOver (F8) and RunToCursor (F9) working now also if DBUG is not in focus as described by laffo16

+ Automatically restore saved state with variables, conditional breakpoint expression and command on start

+ Changed variables list editing (now it is work as must to be work)


  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't make it work. I put the Dbug.au3 on my Include folder, and the images in 2 different paths ... at the same level then Include folder and inside include folder. I made a test script and put on top the required #include <dbug.au3> and when I run I got the shadow file, but none GUI. When I run the DbugScript.au3 it runs until be removed.

Anyone had this problem or know how I can fix.

I'm using Autoit and last release of Dbug (10.08.15)

Posted (edited)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't make it work. I put the Dbug.au3 on my Include folder, and the images in 2 different paths ... at the same level then Include folder and inside include folder. I made a test script and put on top the required #include <dbug.au3> and when I run I got the shadow file, but none GUI. When I run the DbugScript.au3 it runs until be removed.

Anyone had this problem or know how I can fix.

I'm using Autoit and last release of Dbug (10.08.15)

Can I see your script?

What is your OS version?

Do you use 64-bit version of wrapper?

I'm tested Dbug in Win 7-64 and Win8.1-64 in 32 and 64 bit modes of wrapper with a lot of example (and my own) scripts without any problems.

Edited by valdemar1977
Posted (edited)


+ Add check for wrapper mode (32 or 64 bit). If you use #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y  in your script Dbug will start in 64-bit mode. The same if you using Run(x64) in Yashied customized version of SciTE4AutoIT Link.

- Some bugs in GUI fixed

 Dbug 12.08.15.zip

Edited by valdemar1977
Posted (edited)

Morning, @valdemar1977

This is my code:

#include <dbug.au3>

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Close")


Func Main()
    ProgressOn("DBUG Test", "Testing the AutoIt DBUG", "Counting")
    For $i = 0 To 10
        ProgressSet($i * 10, 10 - $i & " to 10")
    ProgressSet(100, "DONE", "Test Finished")

Func Close()
    Exit 0

when i run I get this

>"I:\LiberKey\MyApps\autoit-v3\SciTe\..\AutoIt3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "I:\LiberKey\MyApps\autoit-v3\Projects\teste.au3"    
>DBUG started with 0 arguments [PID:0].
--> Press F6 for activate DBUG window, Ctrl+Q for exit.
>Exit code: 0    Time: 1.173

I don't use wrapper anymore, and when I compile I use pragma directive. I downloaded your last version before write this topic, and still don't work. Sorry, probably I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what.

Thanks for the support :)

My System Specification:

AutoIt Version: V3.3.14.1 [X32]
Windows Version: WIN_XP [Portuguese]
Language: 0416


Edited by DarkwarlorD
Correcting mispelled words
Posted (edited)

Morning, @valdemar1977

This is my code:

#include <dbug.au3>

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Close")


Func Main()
    ProgressOn("DBUG Test", "Testing the AutoIt DBUG", "Counting")
    For $i = 0 To 10
        ProgressSet($i * 10, 10 - $i & " to 10")
    ProgressSet(100, "DONE", "Test Finished")

Func Close()
    Exit 0

when i run I get this

>"I:\LiberKey\MyApps\autoit-v3\SciTe\..\AutoIt3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "I:\LiberKey\MyApps\autoit-v3\Projects\teste.au3"    
>DBUG started with 0 arguments [PID:0].
--> Press F6 for activate DBUG window, Ctrl+Q for exit.
>Exit code: 0    Time: 1.173

I don't use wrapper anymore, and when I compile I use pragma directive. I downloaded your last version before write this topic, and still don't work. Sorry, probably I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what.

Thanks for the support :)

My System Specification:

AutoIt Version: V3.3.14.1 [X32]
Windows Version: WIN_XP [Portuguese]
Language: 0416


Try in Win7 and Win8.1 x64 - no problems


Will investigate


>DBUG started with 0 arguments [PID:0].

It is not good. Looks like that Dbug dont see you AutoIt installation.

Do you use portable version?

Edited by valdemar1977

Do you use portable version?

Ok, I see you use a portable version.

Problem is that Dbug use a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt for identify installation of Autoit.

In portable version no any registry information.

I will change check algorithm 


Thanks for the assistance, this will help me A LOT

You  are welcome. 

If found any bugs let me know.

At the moment I'm working under new update with StdOut and StdErr console.

Posted (edited)


+ DBUG Console with StdOut and StdError streams.


How to use:

1. Put IMAGES dir in the same dir as Autoit3.exe, Dbug.au3 to include folder

2. IMAGES now containing two console executables (32-bit and 64-bit) and icons.

3. In the listing of your script add line ;CONSOLE DBUG  (case sensitive, one space between keywords) if you want to see console during debug

For you convenience I'm put an example of script (provided by @DarkwarlorD). In example you can see how to use DBUG.

Region STOP DBUG till EndRegion START DBUG exclude region of code from debugging.

#include <Dbug.au3> ;CONSOLE DBUG

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Close")

Func Main()
    ProgressOn("DBUG Test", "Testing the AutoIt DBUG", "Counting")
    For $i = 0 To 10
        ProgressSet($i * 10, 10 - $i & " to 10")
    ProgressSet(100, "DONE", "Test Finished")

Func Close()
    Exit 0


#include <Dbug.au3>




Edited by valdemar1977
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