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Popup Menu UDF


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Again, nice updates. I think I might handle the new OnShow option a little differently, so that it supports both global and menu specific OnShow functions.

change the __PopUpMenuStart() function:

Func __PopupMenuStart()
    Local $x = __PopUpMenuGetIndexFromHotkey(@HotKeyPressed)
    If $x = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $temp, $sTemp
    ; global OnShow function
    If $POPUP_MENU_ONSHOW[0] <> "" Then
            $temp = StringSplit($POPUP_MENU_ONSHOW[0], $POPUP_MENU_DATASEPERATOR)
            $sTemp = $temp[1]
            $temp = __ArrayDelete($temp, 1)
            $temp[0] = "CallArgArray"
            Call($sTemp, $temp)
    ; menu specific OnShow function
    If $POPUP_MENU_ONSHOW[$x] <> "" Then
            $temp = StringSplit($POPUP_MENU_ONSHOW[$x], $POPUP_MENU_DATASEPERATOR)
            $sTemp = $temp[1]
            $temp = __ArrayDelete($temp, 1)
            $temp[0] = "CallArgArray"
            Call($sTemp, $temp)
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetForegroundWindow", "hwnd", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[0][1])
    DllCall("user32.dll", "ptr", "SendMessage", _
            "hwnd", ControlGetHandle($POPUP_MENU_INFO[0][1], _
            "", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[$x][1]), _
            "int", 0x007B, _
            "int", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[$x][1], _
            "int", 0)
EndFunc   ;==>__PopupMenuStart

Gives the user more flexibility.

Edited by wraithdu
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If You run example 2 and click Alt-4, what happens? It should bring up a context menu at the mouse position. If you click something it will bring up a msgbox. If the menu is not appearing then I don't have a clue how to solve it, as its probably a problem with the message i'm sending to trigger the menu... But thats got to be right... doesn't it?


edit: AH!! I was going to run both global and menu onshows, but it seems the keyboard is twisting my input and putting an ElseIf in there! :D It shall be done! Thanks Wraithdu!

Edited by Mat
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:D I was thinking that before I put on the second update, but decided against it for some obscure reason (probably too much work to edit one line every time I do an update :D )

I have almost finished the second example, which is actually a very useful script for setting windows on top status through a small menu. It uses the OnShow option to update the menu, and is a good example of using OnEvent mode with a parameter.


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Grrr... Try running this script, it might show where the problem is...

#include "PopUpMenu.au3"

_PopUpMenuSetOption ("OnEventMode", 1)

$hMenu2 = _PopUpMenuCreate ("!5")
$hExit2 = _PopUpMenuCreateMenuItem ("Exit", $hMenu2)
_PopUpMenuItemSetOnEvent (-1, "MyFunc", "You Sent|Exit. Goodbye!")

_Custom_Starter_Test ()

While 1
   Sleep (5000)

Func MyFunc ($sArg, $sParam)
   MsgBox (0, $sArg, $sParam)
   If $sParam = "Exit. Goodbye!" Then Exit
EndFunc ; ==> MyFunc

Func _Custom_starter_Test ()
    Local $x = 1
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetForegroundWindow", "hwnd", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[0][1])
    DllCall("user32.dll", "ptr", "SendMessage", _
            "hwnd", ControlGetHandle($POPUP_MENU_INFO[0][1], _
            "", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[$x][1]), _
            "int", 0x007B, _
            "int", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[$x][1], _
            "int", 0)
EndFunc ; ==> _Custom_Starter_Test

You should not need to do anything, the menu SHOULD popup straight away... All You'll see is a context menu saying "Exit".


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Few more sugesstions/remarks:

1) When you keep holding the hotkeys to call the menu, firstly it's not dissapeared on click in other place (only after selecting an item), and the menu is keep showing that much times as user holded the hotkey. The fix is simple:

Add this to __PopupMenuStart() (after «If $x = -1 Then» line):


and this to the end of that function:

HotKeySet(@HotKeyPressed, "__PopupMenuStart")

2) Can you please pack all the files together in one archive (including the example)? this will make it easy for other users to download and use this UDF.



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Grrr... Try running this script, it might show where the problem is...

#include "PopUpMenu.au3"

_PopUpMenuSetOption ("OnEventMode", 1)

$hMenu2 = _PopUpMenuCreate ("!5")
$hExit2 = _PopUpMenuCreateMenuItem ("Exit", $hMenu2)
_PopUpMenuItemSetOnEvent (-1, "MyFunc", "You Sent|Exit. Goodbye!")

_Custom_Starter_Test ()

While 1
   Sleep (5000)

Func MyFunc ($sArg, $sParam)
   MsgBox (0, $sArg, $sParam)
   If $sParam = "Exit. Goodbye!" Then Exit
EndFunc ; ==> MyFunc

Func _Custom_starter_Test ()
    Local $x = 1
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetForegroundWindow", "hwnd", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[0][1])
    DllCall("user32.dll", "ptr", "SendMessage", _
            "hwnd", ControlGetHandle($POPUP_MENU_INFO[0][1], _
            "", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[$x][1]), _
            "int", 0x007B, _
            "int", $POPUP_MENU_INFO[$x][1], _
            "int", 0)
EndFunc ; ==> _Custom_Starter_Test

You should not need to do anything, the menu SHOULD popup straight away... All You'll see is a context menu saying "Exit".


Okay, it works :D And then ?

Cheers, FireFox.

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Well... That proves that it works!! Now you are confusing me as I can see absolutely nothing that can possibly be wrong!! Can you please retry the examples? Make sure you press the right hotkey etc... Beyond that, I have absolutely no idea whats wrong.

MrCreator, I had not noticed that, and I hadn't tried! But I'll add that in to the next update! I will have a look at packing them up and how best to do that, unfortunately my current file hosting service is experiancing technical difficulties, and I am running out of memory space on the forums!!


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unfortunately my current file hosting service is experiancing technical difficulties, and I am running out of memory space on the forums!!

There is free service for autoit community: http://trashbin.nfshost.com

Or use the downloads.


About the space on the forum - don't post big files here, and always pack them.



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The problem is... Most of that space is actually images, screenshots etc. not really big files, but quite a few of them!

Google code is a good piece of kit, and I kinda like it. I have never heard of that "trashbin" hosting, but that looks pretty cool!

When I'm not making 3 updates in a day I will put it in the downloads section.


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Most of that space is actually images

I put the images to ipicture.ru (it's russian service), but you can use http://www.tinypic.com/, or http://funkyimg.com/, or http://www.imageshack.us/ :D



Using OS: Win 7 Professional, Using AutoIt Ver(s): /

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ScreenSaver Demo - Matrix included | Gui Drag Without pause the script | _WinAttach()! | Turn Off/On Monitor | ComboBox Handler Example | Mod. for "Thinking Box" | Cool "About" Box | TasksBar Imitation Demo

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